Blog , Travel

The Unspoken Dangers of Not Having Inclusive Roadside Assistance

Posted on Friday, November 5, 2021
by Outside Contributor

roadside carSponsored by Mobility Roadside Assistance

As the Fall and Winter seasons are upon us, it is now more important than ever to protect yourself and those you love from the unexpected dangers that exist around experiencing a roadside event.  Thinking it may not apply to You?  A recent study states 107.3 million Americans will be transporting themselves to their loved ones’ houses sometime between December 23rd, 2021, through January 1st, 2022.  Vehicles will comprise the vast majority of this traffic; the same study estimates that 97.4 million people will be driving during this period, which is a 3% increase from last year’s record road travel totals.

Whether over the age of 55, being mobility challenged, having a disability, or just traveling with more than one person, the scenario of being left on the side of the road while your vehicle is being towed away is a very real one.  In fact, this scenario plays out 1000’s times a month all across the US.  Imagine you are with your spouse and enjoying a day in the snow with your grandkids or even your friends… On your way home, you experience a roadside event and have the need for a tow truck or service vehicle.  How are You and your loved ones going to get home safely?  The tow truck can only carry one additional passenger other than the driver, and that is only if you are able and willing to climb up into a tow truck.  The stress and anxiety can be overwhelming for most of us; for our friends and family, this could be even more so.  For those with any disabilities and those who are non-ambulatory in a chair or scooter, this can be a situation filled with fear even.  Let’s face it…Covid has only added to these already serious concerns.

In a country so far ahead of most of the world technologically, it is almost unbelievable that we have yet to address this basic and essential travel need for a large portion of our population. When the unexpected happens on the roadway, the roadside assistance services that many pay for currently are completely unequipped to serve those traveling with more than one passenger and those who are unable or unwilling to climb up into a tow truck.

For those interested in a unique and innovative solution, AMAC has partnered with Mobility Roadside Assistance, the largest Inclusive Roadside Assistance provider in the United States. Mobility Roadside Assistance brings an inclusive and accessible transport vehicle alongside a tow truck to make sure You and any passengers (no matter their needs) will be picked up in an emergency roadside event. The 100% Solution!

Planning for the unexpected is one of the most important things you and your family can do for your safety, health, and wellness.  Not to mention your peace of mind!

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Clark Kent
Clark Kent
3 years ago

SURE I have roadside assistance! I just look into the rear view mirror and there I am!

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