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The Primal and Ancient Instinct That Will Defeat the Woke Left

Posted on Thursday, May 20, 2021
by AMAC Newsline

AMAC Exclusive


On Monday, Americans saw firsthand how the Swamp punishes those who speak out against “Woke” culture. Space Force Lt. Col. Matthew Lohmeier was removed from his command for voicing concern about the new “Diversity and Inclusion” initiatives being taught to his fellow service members, which are full of highly contested political assertions. As Lohmeier stated on a recent podcast: “It teaches intensive teaching that I heard at my base — that at the time the country ratified the United States Constitution, it codified White Supremacy as the law of the land.”

If the military is truly indoctrinating America’s warriors with such ideology, as Lohmeier claims, it certainly presents concerning questions about our national defense priorities. After all, every American service member takes an oath to “support and defend the Constitution of the United States of America”—the very document the military is now teaching to be a prime example of systemic racism.

As alarming as Lieutenant Colonel Lohmeier’s being relieved from his command is, his removal highlights a larger dynamic that is taking shape as the left-wing curriculum penetrates more deeply in the military and beyond.

At every institutional level, progressive elites are attempting to impose similar indoctrination programs, mainly based on Critical Race Theory and the New York Times’ widely discredited 1619 Project. Elementary school students and C-suite executives are expected to take courses grounded in the premise that America’s founding was irredeemably racist.

Yet, these fundamentally anti-American ideas are eliciting an increasingly strong—and unusually emotional—reaction from ordinary people all over the country.

Across the nation, even the most apolitical suburban parents have flooded schools with petitions and calls to reject Critical Race Theory from being taught to their children. Many states are also moving to ban its implementation in schools. The reaction that the new woke education is evoking in parents and citizens is beyond that of a normal political disagreement. Indeed, the powerful backlash against this indoctrination can almost be described as primordial. So, what is it about the left’s latest ideological crusade that is engendering such passionate outrage from ordinary Americans such as Lt. Col. Lohmeier?

In attempting to turn American youth against their own homeland, the left has tapped into something truly primal in the soul of the nation. It’s a phenomenon that the founder of Western Philosophy understood fully well more than 2,400 years ago.

Today, we remember the Greek philosopher Socrates as one of the fathers of Western Civilization and one of the wisest men to have ever lived. Socrates famously made a sport out of seeking the wisest men in all of Athens and engaging them in debate, only to prove their wisdom unequal to his. He was a provocateur who consistently challenged Athens’ citizens to question the very foundations of their society and culture. Nowhere did his provocation have a greater effect than on the youth of his city. Young idealists clung to his every word as he criticized Athenian democracy, sowed doubt about the gods of the city, and indeed undermined the very foundations of the state. Though no one could best him intellectually, ultimately, the city decided that such subversion and destabilization simply could not be tolerated.

Even though Socrates was a philosopher, not a political leader, and never professed to know how the city should be governed, the youth of Athens interpreted his ideas as a rallying cry for revolution. Twice in Socrates’ lifetime, anti-democratic youths succeeded in overthrowing Athenian democracy in bloody revolts. The leaders of both of these plots were pupils of Socrates; thus, he found himself in the crosshairs of Athens once democracy was restored. Socrates was tried, found guilty, and sentenced to death for his agitation of the youth and other crimes. But what happened next shocked so many of his contemporaries that it is remembered and studied to this day.

Socrates had many opportunities to escape his sentence. Even his critics recognized his greatness. He had allies who were willing to smuggle him out of the city. He also had the choice to pursue exile over death. Yet, he declined all of these options and faced his glass of hemlock willingly. He knew he owed the city his loyalty and obedience for all of his criticism of Athenian society. He knew that, though questioning assumptions is the foundation of philosophy, Athens ultimately needed and deserved the respect and support of its youth in order to prosper. In the end, he understood that the city could not and should not tolerate someone going around and turning its young people against their own home.

The death of Socrates is often portrayed as what can happen when the tyranny of the majority is left unchecked—in other words when democracy fails. Yet, if anything, in his willingness to accept his fate, Socrates affirmed the deeper truth that citizens have a duty of loyalty to the nation. A movement that successfully turns the youth against the gods of the city—or the founders and the foundations of a nation—will not be tolerated forever. Such a movement is likely to provoke a fierce and indeed primal reaction from the loyal citizens of that country, just as it did among the people of Athens and just as it is doing among Americans today.

Targeting school children with a philosophy that stresses not academic excellence but radical subversion has triggered an aggressive pushback from American parents all across the country. Indoctrinating members of the U.S. military to turn them against the Constitution is a fundamental threat to the security of the nation. That is why we are seeing the formation of a powerful political reaction based on instinct as old as Athenian democracy itself.  

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3 years ago

Anyone want to talk about dinosaurs and how they fit into a Christian description of the world?

Michael Flair
Michael Flair
3 years ago

We continually hear ‘progressive elites’ are behind the curtain here…they are The Wizards. Can we start to name these people in public? Is one the publisher of the NYT? CNN too? The DNC? A Former President? CIA / FBI ex and current operatives? There must be many…I think we need to know the ‘hidden leadership’ behind all of this.

3 years ago

Excellent article. And if you want to know whether or not you are on to something..,read the juvenile responses of your critics below. Hilariously juvenile and downright stupid.

Don Falkner
Don Falkner
3 years ago

I understand your frustration. It’s difficult to think clearly when your male anatomy of two testicles is only the the size of pees.

3 years ago

Hahahahahahaaaaahahaaa you lot are a load of uneducated white trash. You’re like gangrenous flesh to the USA, a lingering disease. Soon the day will come that we manage to amputate you from our coming glorious nation of equality and universal love. We will extinguish white supremacy, nativism and backward religious conservativism. You all know that you’re toast.

3 years ago

You don’t tolerate those who seek to enslave you, you end them. Didn’t used to think this way, I bought into the whole “the Left will eat itself!” canard – that is obviously untrue as modern times illustrate (complete control of multiple levers of government and culture).

They’re so entrenched that unless they are removed from the equation, they will strictly regulate our lives (they’re starkly authoritarian).

3 years ago

It’s flat out totalitarianism. I think a huge majority of the country rejects this CRT stuff, although a chunk of the left probably supports it just reflexively because the strongest critics of it are on the right. The problem I think in confronting this stuff is just how to do it and mobilize all of the critics of it to block it. I hear about it a lot in the news, but personally as someone without kids i’m rarely encountering someone pushing it. I guess I could go and see if the local schools are teaching it, and advocate against it.

Jack Tavy
Jack Tavy
3 years ago

Stop splotching your stuff over what I am trying to read. It’s very distracting.

3 years ago

The left isn’t woke – they are morally broke!

Christine Anderson
Christine Anderson
3 years ago

Sorry, I meant 5/20/2021.

Christine Anderson
Christine Anderson
3 years ago

Every parent should do whatever is necessary and GET YOUR CHILDREN OUT of the public schools! If you cannot teach them at home, enlist grandmas and grandpas, older friends, people from your churches, etc. to help you out. The teacher’s unions and the government are so powerful and this evil philosophy is so insidious, that it is inescapable.
Even if you trust the school board members, things can still go on behind their backs. I just read an article about the small town of Lodi, WI (pop. 3,500) where the superintendent of schools implemented a diversity curriculum in the summer of 2020 and the school board was not made aware of this until 5/10/2020. (See YouTube video, “Superintendent Implements Secret Equity Agenda Without Approval.”)
God Help Us and protect our children!

3 years ago

It’s a communist takeover of this land and unfortunately the majority of this country voted for it, unless the corrupt 2020 elections was the blame.

3 years ago

Woke means being awake. I’m awake and I’m a terrorist conservative.
” Progressives” ( LOL) are a joke because they do not realize that the
“rich” WILL NOT solve their economic problems. Where else can you
sleep and deficate on the streets other than in the US ? I’ll guarantee you the
Chi-coms don’t allow this debauchery. Our “poor” are slovenly because we
allow them to be. Every ignorant , lazy alien wants to come here because
they know the US is dumb enough to take care of them.

3 years ago

Please “unwake me”. Put me to sleep

Steven Huskey
Steven Huskey
3 years ago

Get rid of the Department of Education. Education belongs in the hands of local communities.

3 years ago

Our school system should not be teaching all this mumbo jumbo “woke” crap. Our schools should be teaching basic education. Back to the basics schools. Not commie controlled.

3 years ago

I just went through the diversity and inclusion training at work. So I could get written up or fired for using certain words? What the? So they want us to unlearn our whole life and learn their “woke” way? Not say he/she or him/her, to embrace transgenders, and gays. They say to attend multi-cultural churches. They want me to change my whole belief system and the way I was raised? Or I could lose my job? I am 54 years old. I believe in God. If some choose to live that way … go ahead. But what about me? I choose Christ. So I lose my rights to live and believe how I choose because of transsexuals? Because my Christian beliefs offend them? My freedom is being taken away and they are trying to FORCE me, upon threat, to bring me under their thumb of “woke” control. This is madness. This is satan.

Laura Pettet
Laura Pettet
3 years ago

We can change things with guidance toward children in the form of love of country, respect for differing opinions, and helping them understand our history. Being involved with family and stating truth with accurate knowledge will lead more than fighting will.

George Washington's Admirer
George Washington's Admirer
3 years ago

Which brings to mind the philosopher Cratylus. ‘Wokeism’ has developed its own language to confuse and bifurcate society. Cratylus in this situation, may have resorted to ‘wagging his finger’; to avoid verbal confrontation.

Kevin S
Kevin S
3 years ago

Those who espouse disbanding the NRA only have one letter wrong – it’s the NEA.

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
3 years ago

End Indoc now & we can win USA back

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