The first step in home organization is to mentally prepare yourself for what’s ahead.
Organizing the home means putting things in order. While an orderly home generally looks aesthetically pleasing, the largest benefit is creating a home that functions well. Organizing includes the removal of non-essential and excess items and giving what remains a specific place to go. Don’t be tricked into thinking it’s unachievable. It’s important to visualize a well-organized home. This all-important first step in home organization provides momentum and sets sights on all that can be achieved.
Dream of what you can accomplish. Use this tactic to gain motivation.
Close your eyes and picture what it’s like to have order in your home. Imagine the Zen vibe you’ll get when your kitchen countertops are free of clutter. Picture yourself opening the pantry where spices and canned goods are easily accessible and neatly displayed. Imagine entering your closet and seeing your clothes arranged by color and neatly spaced apart so the fabrics can breathe. Use this powerful imagery as motivation to get started.
Understand the benefits of being organized. Note the positive changes that will take place.
Say goodbye to:
- Lost or misplaced items.
- Wastefulness of buying doubles
- Difficulty cleaning around clutter.
- Having no place to put things.
- Jam packed closets of useless items.
- Embarrassment and difficulty entertaining.
- Inability to maintain and control what you have.
- Inability to focus.
- Poor sleep and drained energy.
- Not being able to use spaces or rooms.
- Unsafe homes that may become a health hazard.
Find inspiration through apps, decorating and organizing books, and various forms of social media
Use your energy to focus on positive results to include enjoyment of your newly organized space. Make use of apps and books that share knowledge and expertise. Many people use the visual site as a tool for inspiration. Pinterest, an image sharing service and social media app, helps people discover products, brands, and ideas. There, one may discover ideas on organizational products, efficient layouts, creative and sensible room designs, clever storage, and more. People can create “boards” when they can “pin” ideas and inspiration. Check out closet organizing ideas on the app.
Gain the confidence to begin organizing the home
Clutter occurs when people have too many possessions that they do not need, want, or use. This untidy collection of things interferes with living well and using things. In an extreme example as shared by a professional organizer, a client was unable to use her oven because she filled it with kitchen clutter.
Bottom line
Visible clutter is often a sign of unhappiness or unwellness. Disorganization can spill over into one’s spiritual wellbeing. However, there is hope. Clutter can be reduced and eliminated to create the well-functioning and serene home of your dreams. The first step in organizing a home is to mentally prepare oneself for the task using one’s imagination. Not only does this provide an incentive to start, but it is a source of encouragement throughout the home organization process. Understand that the past doesn’t dictate the future. A fresh start may be achieved, and wonderful benefits reaped. For more steps, read Four genius ideas to improve household organization.