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Nature and the Environment Trivia #3

Posted on Wednesday, September 25, 2024
by AMAC, D.J. Wilson

Quiz #3

Test your knowledge of nature & the environment with our 10-question quiz. For more fun, take our nature and the environment trivia quiz #1, 2, and 4.

1.  Which statement about sharks is false?
A. All sharks move very fast
B. Many sharks eat fish
C. The dwarf lantern shark is the smallest shark
D. Sharks have been around for over 450 million years

2. On what side of the storm are North American hurricanes the strongest?
A. Front
B. Left
C. Middle
D. Right

3. Which statement is untrue of black bears?
A. Full grown males can weigh 200 to 600 lbs.
B. Black bears can outrun a person.
C. Black bears cannot climb trees.
D. Not all black bears are black in color.

4. What region of the earth produces 20% of the planet’s oxygen?
A. The Pacific Ocean
B. The Atlantic Ocean
C. The Amazon Rainforest
D. The Sahara Desert

5. Where is the Sahara Desert located?
A. Eastern Europe
B. North Africa
C. South Africa
D. Panama

6. Which of the following is an environmental issue?
A. Global warming
B. Deforestation
C. Food waste
D. All of the above

7. What is Earth Day?
A. An annual event focused farm crop production
B. A bi-annual event focused farm animal production
C. An annual event supporting environmental protection
D. A bi-annual even supporting environmental protection

8. In what year was Earth Day first celebrated?
A. 1950
B. 1960
C. 1970
D. 1980

9. What is photosynthesis?
A. The cataloging of photos of plants.
B. The overall term for classifications of plant life.
C. The process in which plants use sunlight, water and carbon dioxide to make their own food.
D. The process in which plants reproduce.

10. Which is untrue of plants?
A. They communicate with each other through chemical signals secreted by their roots.
B. The cell walls of plant cells are impermeable.
C. Some plants trick pollinators into visiting flowers that don’t produce nectar.
D. Plants release oxygen through photosynthesis.

Answer Key:
1. A
2. D
3. C
4. C
5. B
6. D
7. C
8. C
9. C
10. B

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Bernard Paul Giroux
Bernard Paul Giroux
4 months ago

I disagree that global warming is an “issue” The Ice Age ended 11,500 years ago. Man does not think in earth time. Earth time is measured in thousands of years and eons or epochs. Man has been around in his current state for about 260 years, max, the industrial age for about 180 years, give or take. The earth is 4.54 billion years old. Man’s impact, as a percentage of earth’s life/age is so tiny, that the fraction is displayed in scientific notation: 5.803571428571429e-8. Only man can think that he has existentially influenced climate change, a function of God’s will, not man’s influence. In man’s haste to “correct” “global warming” he is destroying nature: as an example, sea mounted wind turbines have a direct impact on all marine life, affecting particularly cetaceans [whales] and pinnipeds [dolphins and porpoises], especially during the building process at sea. Oil and gas are strategic commodities; it is not possible to have modern life without either of these naturally occurring resources. They are God’s gift to us. All the solutions proposed by the Climate change artists suggest to me that they want to diminish man’s presence on this earth, because they can live without us, but we, the people, cannot live without that which the earth gives us. In New England, where I am from, the northeast states could have bought electricity for 30 years from Quebec Hydro, which produces all of its electrical power from hydro dams located from James Bay south to the St. Lawrence River. The Montreal metro area pays 578% less for its electricity than the Boston metro area. And yet, without forethought, the NE governors decide, without any votes of their constituents, to opt for sea mounted wind power leasing, as of this writing up to 2.0 million acres of seabed to 12 wind turbine developers of which on 2 are American companies; the remainder are Norwegian. Meanwhile the developers are provided with billions in tax and other incentives to ruin the pristine New England waters with industrial machines, in which China, this country’s existential enemy, has a major financial interest. It is time to put a halt to this kind of wholesale destruction of the environment using machines which have a five year shelf life. The final question: what is it going to cost the consumer per KW for this environmentally friendly “electricity”? 25 years ago, the London School of Economics concluded that wind turbine generated electricity is the most expensive method of producing power on earth, and that wind and solar cannot replace the grid. That is the same conclusion which ISO-NE came to in studies about the Northeast for the past 10 years.

kathy w
kathy w
4 months ago

I do not believe global warming is a real issue backed up by real Science. It is a political issue to the Left.

4 months ago

Global warming could also be described as getting more research snd investment dollars.

anna hubert
anna hubert
4 months ago

Was man responsible for global warming that ended ice age?

4 months ago

Earth Day is an excuse to celebrate Vladimir Lenin’s birthday, which was April 22nd, 1870. One hundred years before the original ‘earth day’ in 1970.

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