Quiz #2
Test your knowledge of nature & the environment with our 10-question quiz. For more fun, take our nature and the environment trivia quiz #1, 3, and 4.
1. Which animal does not hibernate?
A. Bats
B. Ground Squirrels
C. Hedgehogs
D. Owls
2. Which U.S. President created the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)?
A. Harry S. Truman
B. John F. Kennedy
C. Richard Nixon
D. Barack Obama
3. Tornadoes are classified by the damage using which scale?
A. Fujita
B. Imperial
C. Richter
D. Saffir-Simpson
4. Which is the most abundant natural resource on earth?
A. Fossil Fuels
B. Minerals
C. Soil
D. Water
5. What are young frogs or toads called?
A. Tadpoles
B. Froglets
C. Toadlets
D. All of the above
6. What is the largest planet in the solar system?
A. Ceres
B. Jupiter
C. Saturn
D. Uranus
7. What is the colloquial term for the area where tornadoes are most frequent?
A. Tornado Alley
B. Tornado Lane
C. Twister Lane
D. Twister Alley
8. What is the world’s highest uninterrupted waterfall?
A. Angel Falls, Venezuela
B. Haloku Falls,
C. Niagara Falls, New York/Canada
D. Reichenback Falls, Switzerland
9. What wind scale rates hurricanes?
A. Fujita
B. Imperial
C. Richter
D. Saffir-Sampson
10. Which is not a main contributor of volcanic eruptions?
A. The buoyancy of the magna
B. Pressure from the exsolved gases in the magma
C. Increase in pressure on the chamber lid
D. Man-made pollution
Answer Key:
1. D
2. C
3. A
4. D
5. D
6. B
7. B
8. A
9. D
10. D

# 7 is A. Tornado Alley
#7 answer should be Tornado Alley
Never heard the terms tablet and froglet? And it’s always been tornado Alley!
It would be nice if the answer key was right. Number 7 is wrong. How many others might be?