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Leftist Propagandists Have Gone Over the Edge—Including Members of the Once-Revered American Medical Association

Posted on Tuesday, August 17, 2021
by AMAC, John Grimaldi

WASHINGTON, DC, Aug 17 — Next to the words, “I do,” when a man and woman get married, the words, “It’s a girl” or “It’s a boy,” are arguably the most precious declarations a husband and wife can make.

But the AMA is now saying that we’ve got it wrong. They say that it’s not up to the parents to declare their child’s gender; that it is up to the kid to decide whether he’s a, she or she’s a he. Or, for that matter, it’s up to the children to identify themselves as something else entirely.

Here’s the American Medical Association’s conclusion in a new, controversial, and decidedly wrong-headed report, as some are describing it: “Existing AMA policy recognizes that every individual has the right to determine their gender identity and sex designation on government documents … To protect individual privacy and to prevent discrimination, U.S. jurisdictions should remove sex designation on the birth certificate.” The AMA was kind enough in its declaration that its decision would only apply to birth certificates; and that parents would still be able to report the baby’s sex to the government “for scientific and statistical reasons.”

The folks at took issue with the AMA’s take on the subject, pointing out that the issue of birth certificates is not a medical concern. In fact, in her article on the association’s report, author Kylee Zempel suggests that keeping one’s sex a secret can have deadly unintended medical consequences. She cites a case in which a 32-year-old man was hospitalized due to complaints of “intermittent abdominal pain.” He was somewhat obese, according to an attending nurse. It turned out that he was not obese he was a transgender woman, and she was pregnant. Those intermittent pains were labor pains. This was not discovered in time, and the patient died.

Ms. Zempel goes on to point out that the AMA declaration unwittingly and/or unknowingly revealed its misrepresentations regarding the gender-sex issue by “flip-flopping” between sex and gender in its report.

She cited this paragraph in particular: “Sex designation, as collected through the standard form and included on the birth certificate, refers to the biological difference between males and females. Today, the majority of states (48) and the District of Columbia allow people to amend their sex designation on their birth certificate to reflect their individual gender identities, but only 10 states allow for a gender-neutral designation, typically ‘X,’ on the birth certificate. Existing AMA policy recognizes that every individual has the right to determine their gender identity and sex designation on government documents.”

Political commentator Ben Shapiro wrote an opinion article on the AMA’s report. As he put it, “The implication that parents are doing violence against their own children if they connect sex and gender is utterly anti-evidentiary. Sex and gender are interconnected. For nearly every human being born, biological sex will correspond with genital development in the womb. And gender, contrary to the idiotic, pseudoscientific paganism of the gender theory set, is not some free-floating set of biases we bring to the table.”

Shapiro, who is noted for his ability to cut to the crux of an issue, went on to say that “Males and females have different qualities in a variety of functions, attitudes, desires and capabilities. In every human culture — indeed, in every mammalian species — meaningful distinctions between male and female remain. To reduce children to genderless unicorns simply awaiting hormonal guidance from within piles absurdity upon absurdity.”

Many other high-profile individuals expressed their scorn, as did ordinary folk. Nikki Haley, the former Ambassador to the United Nations, in her tweet, said it was “the most ridiculous thing I’ve ever heard. Stop the madness.”

Author and scholar Christina Sommers stated that “Another once-trusted institution has lost its mind.”

Men and women from all walks of life lashed out at the AMA as well. One tweeter was concerned that it could have an impact on how doctors might or might not “properly treat” a patient if they don’t know his or her sex. [Remember the guy who was really a gal and died because the hospital staff didn’t know that he/she was pregnant?]

Finally, one individual turned to social media to warn that the AMA report “is literally a propaganda takeover of truth. If there were more than 2 genders at human birth, nature would also have multiple genders in all animals. That’s literally never happened. All of nature is male or female gender. Truth: It’s a (rare) human psychology issue.”

FOOTNOTE: In June, the Wall Street Journal published an editorial board Opinion article entitled Doctors for Progressive Conformity. It evoked a lot of responses from physicians throughout America.

The AMA, as expected, took umbrage at the newspaper’s observations in a letters to the editor column.

Two physicians revealed the organization’s dirty little secret– that it has become a progressive socialist organization and, as a result, its membership has been decimated. One of them had this to say: “the AMA has morphed into a leftist advocacy group. I therefore have decided to join the majority of U.S. physicians. I will not be renewing my membership.” To put his message into context, he went on to point out that in its glory days, during the 1950s, 75% of American physicians were members of the AMA compared to just 25% today.

John Grimaldi served on the first non-partisan communications department in the New York State Assembly and is a founding member of the Board of Directors of Priva Technologies, Inc. He has served for more than thirty years as a Trustee of Daytop Village Foundation, which oversees a worldwide drug rehabilitation network.

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3 years ago

Hawaii hospitals have been given immunity from litigation if they deny care to those over 65. Where is AMAC on this??

Judy Fuchs
Judy Fuchs
3 years ago

This is sickening. Being in a medical organization, this should disqualify them from handling any decisions re sexual orientation, etc.
Next will they reinterpret the Bible, their authority should be strictly monitored.

3 years ago

Manipulating science to serve the agenda/political correctness. Hope all the chest feeders and birthing people are happy.

David McKinley Paine
David McKinley Paine
3 years ago

This whole thing sickens me and it’s even more sickening the AMA supports it.

3 years ago

The AMA has been caving to the transgender agenda for some time, ignoring scientifically established child development principles in favor of justifying childhood transgender medical intervention. The AMA used to let the science guide policies, now it’s simply the politics. The cost is the children who’s parents allow this (if they’re informed at all).

3 years ago

Seriously, like most other politically leftist DemoCRAP, issues, “ the many have to change for the few!” Just as with other recent matters, they have influenced a change in our history, taking down statues and changing names to be politically “correct.” Suggest reparation to families whose ancestors? 200 years ago were enslaved while many of my ancestors died on the battle fields to free them. And now, those who are confused as to which gender to identify with are influencing the many who are quite clear and accept their natural gender.
Really, these people should develop constructive ideas that relate to the general good of ALL people. We are more than a ‘check mark in a box’.

3 years ago

My understanding is that there is another besides AMA, which has more members than AMA.

Are we going to have to inquire as to what our doctors believe in as to fact/science or if they are liberal wokies? Maybe they should be required to post their affiliations with AMA or others.

3 years ago

What are we leaving our children and grandchildren? I’m afraid if things continue as they are, and we fail to come together as an intelligent, vocal, proactive group of concerned parents, grandparents and American citizens, the inevitable answer will be nothing. There will be nothing of America left to leave. Fight back in any way you can. Don’t be bullied. It’s time to make noise, a lot of it!

3 years ago

One can only hope that the AMA will eventually implode and fade from existence along with all the other leftist propaganda. My wish would be to shove their sorry asses into the airlock and jettisoned them in to the vacuum of space. Good riddance.

3 years ago

So a woman imagined herself as a male, but had to have sex with a MAN to get pregnant (because, of course, two women can’t make a baby), which means she thought she was a gay man??? My brain is spinning. It’s the most ridiculous, twisted thinking possible.
As for the AMA and medicine in general, how many are aware that MDs no longer have to take the original Hippocratic Oath? Nope. Some medical schools even allow each graduating class to make up their own oath. To learn more medical school whistleblower stories, read nearly anything by Dr. Robert Mendelsohn or Dr. Lewis Madrona’s Coyote Medicine.

3 years ago

Unless people accept God as the creator of the world. the Bible as our handbook to teach us how to live as sane, caring and loving individuals, there is no hope for our country or our world.

3 years ago

The AMA doesn’t know the difference between a BOY and a GIRL. GOD help us, please.

3 years ago

The AMA has become ridiculous. Seems like all public organizations have started to lionize liberal Commie DemocRat baloney ideas. Looks like the DemocRat Party is mobilizing the Commie Revolution as being the best way to RULE (not govern) the people. Also seems like this is another occasion where the DemocRats have reached ine toilet to pull out a non-controversial issue and make it controversial to snag a few nut cases, including some ninny news outlets.

Joe from Las Vegas Nevada
Joe from Las Vegas Nevada
3 years ago

Add the AMA to the list of organizations that both China and Russia are laughing about. How did the United States of America go from the most respected country to the least in 10 months??!!

Rita Friend
Rita Friend
3 years ago

This is the most ridiculous thing I have ever heard. You are born male or female. That is determined at birth and should be put in the birth certificate. If one wants to change their sex, that is their business but they should not be allowed to change their birth certificate. The AMA has gone a little too far on this one!

John Stitzel
John Stitzel
3 years ago

The very idea that gender is something to be determined later is patently ridiculous. You are what you are at birth. There are two genders – male and female 0 and ONLY two, and this “identifying as…” madness must stop.

Stephen Lykins
Stephen Lykins
3 years ago

The way things are going we are ALL going to H E double hockey sticks simply because we have allowed this STUPIDITY to continue!

3 years ago

I got out of med school in ’82. Am absolutely proud I never joined the AMA. They sent me “bills” for something like $800.00/yr. for years (starting in 1987) for a “yearly” membership. Fortunately, I threw them in the shredder. Interestingly, even though I never paid, they still sent me their medical journal of the AMA that did have some interesting articles in it.

I thought back then they were stodgy idiots and fools. Now in this day and age they prove that again. Must be a bunch of liberalistic “bastids” took over. We’re either male or female period.

Except in the extremely rare instances when a baby is born with vague genitalia. It happens but thank God very rarely. In that case the plastic surgery docs take a look at the situation and see if they can remedy the situation. In some cases an XY boy has such deformed genitalia there is no choice but to make them phenotypically a girl. In that situation they are raised as female and given female hormones. Again, this is a situation that occurs at birth and is not the fault of the person who has the malady and again is very rare.

It’s a rare exception to the rule of birth gender. Yeah, that’s the ticket. Call it “birth gender”. (Sic)

Lawrence Greenberg
Lawrence Greenberg
3 years ago

Sick, sick, sick.

3 years ago

gender at birth male.. blue birth record.. female .. pink nuff said jimbo

JJ Johnson-Smith
JJ Johnson-Smith
3 years ago

Here is the Bottom Line: There are TWO genders, ONLY two! We are born male or female, period. If a baby is born with penis and testicles, it is a BOY, and if born with a vagina, it is a GIRL. Simple, irrefutable, and EVERYONE KNOWS IT, no matter WHAT they claim to the contrary. NEVER, EVER, bow to the insanity. Tell it like it is and openly reject the Lunacy. If we continue to ignore it or play into it, it will never end.

3 years ago

The Bible says that God created male and female and Je declared it very good. If two genders are good enough for Hod, it’s good enough for me. A person is born either male or female. No matter what they want to be, they can’t change the DNA. The AMA are a bunch of people who lack wisdom.

3 years ago

Why am I getting a message saying I have already voted on a comment when I have not voted?

3 years ago

“almost medical association”?

3 years ago

Let’s fire the AMA as soon as possible! I want to find out if my doctor is part of the AMA, so I can change doctors.

3 years ago

‘?Leaders? from the AMA are people who were bad physicians and want to be politicians. We do not even pay attention to them. They control nothing.

Christopher LaMarche
Christopher LaMarche
3 years ago

My father was a well-respected orthopedic surgeon in western Massachusetts who resigned from the AMA back in the late 1980s as it was becoming too political an organization back then. It has only worsened and become a tool of leftist dogma disguised as medical advice or information,

Tim Toroian
Tim Toroian
3 years ago

What’s that sound when blowing through your lips and flipping your finger up and down between them? That’s what fits here.

3 years ago

AMAC, please stop with the stupid puzzles in order for our comments to post…it’s really annoying. Thanks.

3 years ago

Hopefully the AMA’s declining membership will bring them back to reality, better yet, sanity. The heightened level of Sociopathic behavior in so many people is not only horrific it’s mind boggling! I thank God He has given me a sound mind and the faith to hold to the truth!

3 years ago

More insanity, eh? I had hoped this nonsense was all happening in a small bubble somewhere (transgender, gender re-assignment, a third bathroom, Olympic diaspora, etc. ) But, I look into my nieces and nephews eyes and listen to their political leanings (ages 49-57) and I fear they are brain dead . . .just like their kids. Highly educated, (masters’ degrees everywhere), and can’t find their own asses with both hands trying. All this stuff is just fine because they feel that judging is a sin (smh).

3 years ago

How do I check to see if my doctor is a member? I will be changing physicians if that’s the case

Rhonda M Holub
Rhonda M Holub
3 years ago

WHO, NIH, CDC and AMA disbanding long over due, add pharmaceutical and insurance companies, with healthcare like the U.S., who needs enemies!

tom B
tom B
3 years ago

we are witnessing group psychosis here. a great paper was done by a Canadian group. it can be heard on a great podcast called Garage Logic. play the August 13th podcast. plus, the show is great too.

Cantankerous Codger
Cantankerous Codger
3 years ago

The “organized” medical profession (i.e. AMA, CDC, TV commentators etc.) had already revealed itself as a collection of prostitutes with the COVID pandemic. All this BS about staying home and cutting all trips out of the house yet we have no guidelines for in-house air purification machines or whole-house HVAC air filter elements. Hyperbolic, conflicting advice on masking vs unmasking and these geniuses have yet to come up with an effective specification for the mask in the first place. All the BS about hand-washing yet those virtue-signalers who claim to be in charge have yet to mandate as simple a sanitation aid as mandatory paper towels in all bathrooms, as opposed to the notorious germ-spreading hot air dryers. When I developed my own case of COVID a year into the pandemic, I was told to “go home, lie in bed, drink plenty of fluids and if your health deteriorates far enough (to be unrecoverable), go to the Emergency Room. REALLY?? That’s the same medical advice they handed out during the Spanish Flu pandemic 100 years ago.
I’d been taking my Zinc & Tonic prophylactically and my Ivermectin to knock out the infection once it manifested, and was symptom-free in a week. Not bad for a 70-year-old diabetic male with a history of A-fib, obesity and a previous stroke. According to the docs, I should have been worm food.

3 years ago

I would sue the doctor if he did not put a boy or girl on my kid’s birth certificate and I would make it very clear to him what will happen. You have got to take a stand on this or the perverts will be running everything.

Paul W
Paul W
3 years ago


Sallie Goodrow
Sallie Goodrow
3 years ago

This is ridiculous !!! The Dems keep telling us to follow the science – Its not rocket science to see if you are male or female. God only created 2 sexes. You can deny what you are but science is science….WE are destroying our children!!!

George Mason
George Mason
3 years ago

At some point we have to wake up and take back America. The reason the Democrats get away with destroying our culture is because WE let them. Our founding fathers and the people of their time gathered a bunch of farmers and in a long war defeated the most powerful Army in the world. They had guts. We need to find guts our self. We need to tell the AMA that they no longer are the authority over any medical certifications. They are no longer relevant in America. As for Democrats and the left media we need to tell them that they are wrong. We will not just give in. We will get to a point where we finally discover that Democrats are destroying America and therefore should not have the same rights as Christian, hard working, tax paying, American citizens. People who are trying to destroy our country, close our churches, destroy our families, etc are the enemy and therefore are only guaranteed the rights of prisoners of war. When we realize that we are in a fight for our country we will do what we have to do to save it.

3 years ago

I have 6 grandchildren who attend public school (at least they used to). Because of the large amount of time wasted in the classroom discussing “gender identity”, we have felt the need to clarify things. They were told, when you take a shower look down. If you see boy stuff, you’re a boy, if you see girl stuff, you’re a girl. It’s that simple. I can’t imagine in my wildest nightmare, my parents having to clarify that for me. Oh Lord God of the universe help us!!????????

3 years ago

When will enough American Citizens decide that they’ve had enough???
Enough of these utterly RIDICULOUS lies and falsehoods being shoved down their throats by the useless democrats and their vile blind followers.
We need to stop the insanity , lies and attempts to label people in an effort to promote infinitesimal populations pushing personal agendas.
STOP buying into their BULLSH**
Have a spine expose it and call them out!

3 years ago

This is a terribly sad statement to make about America. You sex is determined by God at the moment of conception. Even though gender is the sex you think or feel you are it doesn’t matter. You are born male or female and you shall remain male or female no matter what you “feel” you are. I lost a great deal of respect for the AMA. These are doctors after all. Now they have jumped on the bandwagon of lunacy spreading through America. I’m waiting for some nut to “feel” like a geranium and demand to be watered twice a day. You can bet if there were more than two who felt like that there would have to be a small square to be checked on government forms labeled:
Plant: (house or garden)
Species: (leafy or blooming)

Come Lord Jesus. Help our nations’ lunacy.

3 years ago

Keep it simple, the AMA is stupid and a bunch of weak, spineless, less than educated, politically correct individuals.
God doesn’t make mistakes!
If it has male organs it’s a male,female organs, a female.
How STUPID are these people???

3 years ago

It’s no wonder that the kids today are so messed up. They don’t even know their own birth gender! How confused and insecure is that!?!?!?!? They don’t have a solid foundation to be able to know what’s right or wrong anymore, either. So sad.

3 years ago

Why doesn’t anyone remind the AMA….which is DOCTORS…that there’s A difference between gender and sex?
Gender is what an individual sees and feels he or she is. Sex is assigned in the womb by numbers and types of chromosomes…where did I GRT this important set of truths? FROM THE AMA JUST THIS PAST YEAR!
If this isn’t a glaring example of America being crushed under the thumb of encroaching thereby disguised as “caring governing”… tell me…what is? When will it end? I reckon when enough Americans grow back enough backbone to holler NO MORE! and takecaway their power.

Philip Hammersley
Philip Hammersley
3 years ago

All organizations tend to get more liberal UNLESS there is a concerted effort to hold the line. The AMA fits this exactly!! How stupid can these “professionals” be? [Don’t answer that!]

3 years ago

AMA, CDC, FBI, Fauci Fools, CRT (cathode ray tube, hmmmmmm), a fantasyland nightmare starring a ship of fools. You no longer need reading, writing, or arithmetic to graduate, just fantasyland wokeism, and CRT. Good to go … right? No …. left.

3 years ago

The AMA has been on board with the so-called “Progressive Agenda” for decades. So it is NOT surprising that they back the latest talking points the left is shouting. All this is nothing more than an intentional distraction to draw the public’s attention away from the really serious things the left is doing to re-make this country in a socialist image. Don’t be distracted America.

3 years ago

Good Lord, when will it end?

3 years ago

The AMA has been paid off! Has the world gone nuts?!

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