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In the Dark Valleys, God is With Us

Posted on Sunday, August 15, 2021
by AMAC Newsline

AMAC Exclusive By Chris Skates

god there persecuted-christians-advent Christianity lift HarvardAs a nation, we are going through our most difficult period in decades. Many of you reading this have traveled very personal and daunting valleys. Though the specifics may be different, we are all experiencing troubles. I write to tell you, don’t lose hope. God has not abandoned you or our beloved nation. I want to share a story of how God was with me in a deep, dark valley.

A few years ago, my wife and I sold our home and left our church, community, and family, feeling we had been called to government service.

In October 2019, it seemed we were in the center of God’s will. We believed we were on a trajectory to help return the government to its founding principles and respect for life. Then, unexpectedly, the governor we were serving lost his reelection bid. Suddenly, we were unemployed. At the same time, our beloved Golden Retriever developed liver cancer and died.

I didn’t know it, but our entire family had reached a turning point. In January, I accepted an upper-level job at a federal agency and immediately left for Washington, DC to begin that chapter.

I started my new job while my wife, still back in our home state, packed for a 900-mile move. One day, I passed out on the way up the subway steps. A trip to a doctor indicated something might be serious. My wife abandoned packing and rushed to DC. A second opinion revealed the diagnosis, Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia. And not just any leukemia, a rare and aggressive form. The doctors were shocked that I was alive based on my skewed blood chemistry. They began an aggressive Chemo regimen. I had to go on disability. Then COVID hit the nation.

My immune system and bone marrow had to be annihilated to kill the cancer. An exposure to COVID would likely have been fatal. That summer, I underwent a 66-day bone marrow transplant at John’s Hopkins, perhaps the only place in the world that could cure me.

COVID killed the real-estate market for a time, and we finally sold our house back in our home state under its value. Our out-of-pocket medical expenses soared. You get the gist.

Here I must take a step back in time. On the morning my wife and I were waiting for the oncologist to give me a diagnosis, I checked social media and saw a “memory” post (Facebook’s way of resurfacing your past social media activity to evoke nostalgia) that hadn’t been there a few moments before. I’d first posted it 10 years ago to the day:

Eye hath not seen nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love him. I Corinthians 2:9. I had gone on to write in my own words: “But does this necessarily mean the things we think of as good, things such as material wealth and prosperity? Could it instead mean a strengthening and a hardening through trials and difficulties that we might become closer to Him?”

I read that message in a bottle, apparently sent to myself across space and time, with my mouth agape. A second later the oncologist walked in with the diagnosis.

Likewise, the first morning I was to receive Chemo, I got another message, this one from the 1800’s, but equally relevant. On that day’s entry from my Charles Spurgeon Devotional book, I read:

God often takes away our comforts and our privileges in order to make us better Christians. He trains his soldiers, not in tents of ease and luxury, but by turning them out and using them in forced marches and hard service. He makes them ford through streams, and swim through rivers, and climb mountains, and walk many a long mile with heavy knapsacks of sorrow on their backs.

As I write this, it is one year later. I am in remission, through the excellent care of my medical team and the angelic nursing my wife provided. I never got COVID. I have left DC to have the support system of my extended family. Career wise, I am starting over in my late 50’s. I face many more challenges, medically and financially. Yet, I am confident that the self-same God who delivered me safe thus far surely won’t abandon me and my family now, nor will He ever abandon our nation.

Chris Skates is a freelance writer, novelist, and until recently, a speechwriter. Prior to that he spent 30 years in the energy industry.

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3 years ago

Thank you Chris for the reminder that we have an awesome creator who will always be with us no matter what situation we encounter

Mario Capparuccini
Mario Capparuccini
3 years ago

May the Lord continue to strengthen and encourage you in the midst of difficulties. What a great reminder that God is sovereign over all things.

K. Martin
K. Martin
3 years ago

I so appreciate your testimony, as I, too, am going through many trials. Thank you for this encouragement and reminder of His love (and discipline).

3 years ago

Bless your strength and purpose! That is God-given. Carry on, good man. Carry on..

Melanie Letsom
Melanie Letsom
3 years ago

Bless the Lord, oh my soul, worship His Holy name!

3 years ago

This is willful blindness. G-D was not with him….He was with G-D and that’s why he survived. So too with our nation. We must be with G-D, not the other way around.

BreDan Williams
BreDan Williams
3 years ago

Thank you for reassurance in our living God❣️❣️ and for sharing the pains and uncertainties you have faced… God will certainly use you in a mighty way❣️❣️

3 years ago

Chris, thank you so much for your testimony in this article. I have some friends going through a heartbreaking trial involving family members who have rejected them suddenly and are now taking them to court to keep them away from them and their grandchildren. I plan to share your wonderful article with them to help bolster their faith that only God knows why they must endure this trial. They are believers and are trusting God to make a way towards reconciliation.

3 years ago

Brother Chris, you mentioned Spurgeon’s Devotional and I happen to be reading, “SPURGEON ON THE ATTRIBUTES OF GOD”. Dealing with His mercy, omnipotence and justice, Spurgeon, relates how man is quick with a word or a blow and many times a blow and then a word. Kings have disloyal subjects and they crush them quickly and give them reason afterwords but not so with GOD.
He warns and threatens and gives a long time for repentance and eventually sends a Jonah, when the sin becomes vile and abominable.
You are correct instating God sometimes uses trials to draw us closer to Him, or maybe there are things going on behind the scenes, such as Job, etc. Romans 8, informs us that no one or anything can separate us from His unfathomable love once we have become believers but also, because of His great love He may discipline us as even earthly fathers do and therefore we should worship Him with fear and trembling. Yet, we walk secure and joyful in His gentle grasp, also.

We have the major Bible episode,
The Book of brother, Job.
As Christians we must be confessing,
Every day counting our blessings!
Yes, LORD, Yes!
Is what we must confess.
However our insight and our measure,
The LORD Almighty, does according to His good pleasure!
There once was a man none on earth like him,
Eyes fixed on God, they were never dim.
No turns left or right, only from evil,
Trusting God, no matter the upheaval!
Job’s bad news – all in a single day!
This is what four messengers had to say.
In your fields the Sabeans attacked,
Great herds of oxen and donkey, Job now lacked,
Every servant there, they also slew,
YET, Job’s faith never wavered but only grew!
Next, sheep were destroyed by fire in the sky,
YET, his LORD GOD, Job, would not deny!
Though his servants again, all were killed,
YET, faith in his God, could not be stilled!
3,000 camels the Chaldeans stole,
YET, Job stayed true and served God whole!
Another report, his servants they did slay,
This faithful servant did TRUST AND OBEY!
All of Job’s sons and daughters did die,
YET, Job fell down and worshipped, God on high!
Naked came IIn the womb,
Naked go I in the tomb.
The sovereign God – who maketh,
The sovereign God – may taketh!
In essence against God, Job did not sin or blame,
He simply worshipped, “BLESSED BE HIS NAME”! ! !

”I know that You can do all things,
And that no purpose of yours can be thwarted.”
JOB 42:2

Sharon Harrigan
Sharon Harrigan
3 years ago

It’s such an encouragement to read the comments from other believers. Thank you all, so much.

Sharon Harrigan
Sharon Harrigan
3 years ago

Proverbs 18:10 “The name of the LORD is a strong tower; the righteous runneth into it, and is safe.” Thank you,Chris, for this word of encouragement in the midst of a dark time in our nation. God is still in control. Keep on praying for revival and return to the truth of His Word.

3 years ago

Thank you and God bless you. This was a wonderful and well needed change from all that is going on, not only in our personal lives, but also the world . Thank you for this uplifting and encouraging message.

Ms Marianne Kutz
Ms Marianne Kutz
3 years ago

Thank you for this timely and encouraging word.
God bless you

3 years ago

Thank you, I very much needed this at this moment of my life. God Bless You, as you continue following what God has for you next. I thank God for you and your family. He (God) will never leave us or forsake us, we need to ask ourselves, are we doing the same for Him.

3 years ago

This was so needed! Thanks and God bless Chris and his family!

3 years ago

Praise God. He is our strength. I pray God continues in his healing for you. What a testimony you are going through

Bob L.
Bob L.
3 years ago

May God bless Chris Skates and his faithful, loyal family.

Kevin MacKay
Kevin MacKay
3 years ago

Praise His name. He’s coming back very soon. Are you ready?

Sharon Ormsby
Sharon Ormsby
3 years ago

Beautiful writing. I just hate that it has to be pictured with a focus on the cross which represents death, but Christ rose, which we all will be able to do. Resurrection is the promise to all of us and He gave His life so all of us can do that. This was a beautiful testimony and a beautiful writing, it lifted my morning and shows the love that binds all of us as Christians of many different religions but still Christians. There are Christians all around the world and together we spread hope for all. Thank you for a beautiful article and God bless you.

3 years ago

Chris amazing testimony. We need many more of these life sustaining stories. God Bless you and your family.

3 years ago

Thank you for sharing your story. I, too, learned that God was in control after my son’s diagnosis with Pulmonary Hypertension (high blood pressure in the pulmonary arteries). I watched his dying before my eyes for two years, as I prayed that God would lead my son to the treatment that would help him. After two years, I realized that my son’s survival might not be His will, so I changed my prayers. I started asking that, whatever His will for my son (even if it were death before he had a chance to grow old), that, whether he lived or died, He would help my son find true joy in life — the type of joy that could only come from God.

That was about the time my son fell in love with a nursing student (who had changed her major from phlebotomist to RN before she ever met my son). During one of her last classes, there was a PH patient who had found a doctor that saved her live. Through this wonderful woman, my son was led to the doctor who would discover that his form of Pulmonary Hypertension was the only type that can potentially be cured by surgery. The previous doctor had run the test but misread it. My son had the surgery (which is a brutal open heart surgery lasting about 10 hours), and while he isn’t cured, the surgery saved his life, and he is in much better health.

I believe God was waiting for me to stop praying for my will to be done and accept His will. While I expected His Will to lead to my son’s eventual death, it led to better results than my wildest dreams could have imagined. God’s will always trumps our own, even if we can’t see it at the time.

3 years ago

After reading all the comments, I was going to edit my first posting but it was past the time to edit so I just want to add that I really love being a member of AMAC especially after reading all the comments which reveal that many within AMAC love God and aren’t afraid to post about it on this site. Bless AMAC and all its members.

Joe M
Joe M
3 years ago

Thank you and GOD bless you !!

3 years ago

This really lifted my spirits. Thanks and God Bless You Chris

Larry Taylor
Larry Taylor
3 years ago

Thank you for your testimony, Chris. My son was diagnosed with the same cancer (ALL) in 1979, just a few days before his 3rd birthday. He will be 45 this November. He also experienced heavy duty chemo and radiation treatments. He received a bone marrow transplant in 1985 from his 4 year old sister. At that time, bone marrow transplants were being done in Houston, Seattle, and New York City. We have always considered his status as a cure, not remission. I hope that some of the leading edge leukemia treatment he received was instrumental in your treatment. As you mentioned, you still have many challenges ahead, much as my son has had. I will pray for you.

3 years ago

A very wonderful and uplifting article Bless you for taking the time to write it.

3 years ago

Chris, Thank you and bless you . I pray that God will again bless this country. I pray he will smite this Administration, SCOTUS and all Satan’s minions that work in politics.

Jenny Maret
Jenny Maret
3 years ago

Thank you for that article. Its what we need at this time.

3 years ago

God bless you and your family, Chris. We must all pray for our country. God is watching and when he is ready he will intervine. PRAY everyone!!!

3 years ago

Even the valley is higher ground! Romans 8:28

3 years ago

If my people pray I will heal their land it’s good , power in prayer.

Janet Thompson
Janet Thompson
3 years ago

God knew our nation would be in the shape that it is in right now. He knows! And with that we walk with him and trust him.

Bob A.
Bob A.
3 years ago

When I see what is transpiring in the U.S. and how our “leaders(?)” seem to laugh about our spiraling downward I think of Psalm 2:1-5. The One who sits in heaven laughs at them and shall hold them in derision. HE is still on the throne. A tree is only strengthened when it is bent by the wind.

3 years ago

The timing of your story is remarkable. Thank you for reminding us, how our Faith Saves!!!God Bless you on your journey.

Ernie Neugebauer
Ernie Neugebauer
3 years ago

No matter how hard our trials, a Loving Heavenly Father is always there.

3 years ago

Thank you for sharing your story. My son is coming up on his 6th year post bone marrow transplant for an aggressive leukemia. It was when I completely surrendered everything to our Holy Spirit that the miracles began. I was willing to lose my son if that was what would be required of me knowing we would all be folded in the arms of our lord no matter what. One miracle happened after another. As with my son, I pray for your continued health and healing.

3 years ago

Such an inspiring story. I too had cancer, stage 4. With the help of excellent oncologists, family and friends support and most importantly our Lord and Savior, here I am in complete remission for over 14 years now. I never take a day for granted and thank the Lord first thing as I awake. May you continue to remain healthy and May God Bless you always.

John Jackson
John Jackson
3 years ago

I know the feeling I can down with COVID-19 in late January or the first of February of this year and they didn’t know if I was going to make it or not. In fact I spent four days on a ventilator and by my savior will I made it and made it through my 68 birthday back in May. I know now that he’s has plans for me and maybe this is part of it. I know now that he is always by my side and always will be.

3 years ago

Thank you for sharing this story.
Yes we need to stay focused on our God and keep trusting him.
He is in control! God Bless you and our Beautiful America ????????

3 years ago

It’s only when in the valley that we look up. On the crest of a mountain we small, but in the valleys everything looks large.

Thank you for sharing your journey with our awesome Lord Jesus Christ!

3 years ago

God is so good. It’s a shame that we don’t always understand until later when we take time and prayer to ponder the direction He’s given us.

3 years ago

Great message. Thank you for sharing.

Bill K
Bill K
3 years ago

Amazing story , thank you for sharing, we need to keep the faith, god bless us all

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