Why does a company that operates “the most magical place on earth” want kindergarteners to learn about sexual orientation and gender identity? If that sentence caught your attention, that’s a good thing, because it is exactly what is happening in the “Magic Kingdom.”
It all started with a piece of fairly straight forward common sense legislation. HB 1557, the Parental Rights in Education bill amends Florida law governing school districts and prohibits those school districts from making decisions that would normally be made in a child’s home by his or her parents. Strangely, the most controversial part of the bill is section (c)3, which states “Classroom instruction by school personnel or third parties on sexual orientation or gender identity may not occur in kindergarten through grade 3 or in a manner that is not age appropriate or developmentally appropriate for students in accordance with state standards.”
Critics call it the “Dont Say Gay” bill, as liberal media has latched on to the slogan to promote their anti-conservative agenda. The Wall Street Journal reported, “LGBTQ activists have said the bill will cause harm to children struggling with their sexual and gender identity by cutting off support from teachers and encouraging teachers to out gay students to their parents.” That is probably the most nonsensical and outrageous thing you will read today. I don’t know how many 3rd graders are out there “struggling” with the sexual identity, since they haven’t even hit puberty and don’t understand the concept of sex and sexual orientation, but I’m going to guess that it’s not that many.
Enter Walt Disney World, who’s new CEO, Bob Chapek, angered the woke mob when he declined to publicly weigh in on the parent’s rights bill after facing criticism on social media from Disney employees, fans and contractors. Chapek had originally stated days prior that, as the new incoming CEO, he would stay out of politics and focus on growing the company. Then, Chapek changed his tune when he wrote an email to Disney employees. “Speaking to you, reading your messages, and meeting with you have helped me better understand how painful our silence was,” he wrote. “It is clear that this is not just an issue about a bill in Florida, but instead yet another challenge to basic human rights.”
He continued, “You needed me to be a stronger ally in the fight for equal rights and I let you down. I am sorry.”
When did talking about sexual orientation to a 3rd grader become a “basic human right”? How does opposing the rights of parents to consent to their children being taught about sexual orientation and gender in elementary school become a “fight for equal rights?”
HB 1557 passed the Florida House on February 22 and the Florida Senate followed suit on March 8th. Florida Governor Ron DeSantis (R-FL) signed the bill into law on March 28th, stating “Parents have every right to be informed about services offered to their child at school, and should be protected from schools using classroom instruction to sexualize their kids as young as 5 years old.” Florida Lt. Governor Jeanette Nunez stated, “Throughout this legislative session, this bill has been maliciously maligned by those who prefer slogans and sound bites over substance and common sense. Fortunately, Governor DeSantis and I believe that parents should have a say. We will not back down to woke corporations and their same tired tactics that are steeped in hypocrisy. As a mother of three, I am committed to protecting the rights of parents.”
Disney stock has been in trouble for years due to COVID-19 shutdowns and the resulting decline of revenue generated by park attendance. On January 3, 2022, $DIS was trading above $156 a share. By early March, the stock had slid to $131.75 a share, and was sitting around $138 a share when HB 1557 was signed into law. A bad Q2 earnings report in early May saw shares tumble to a 52-week low of $104.79.
Following Mr. Chapek’s public opposition to the bill and the Florida Governor’s agenda, the Florida legislature did something nobody thought was possible: they passed legislation stripping Disney of its exclusive, self-governing status, undoing 55 years of precedent for the state’s largest employer. But it was all avoidable had Chapek stuck to his original commitment to focus on growing the company rather than wage a culture war against parents.
It’s a sad state of affairs when a company that builds products for children, brings families together, and promotes the imagination of our youth to then turn around and try inject woke politics into their messaging.
At AMAC Action we are doing our part to make sure Disney hears from members that reject the woke direction the company appears to be headed. So far, through our advocacy page, nearly 160,000 Americans have told Disney: “Honor Walt and Dump Woke – or We’ll Dump You!” Our very own Andy Magione also recently appeared on Sebastian Gorka’s program to discuss the campaign. Take a look at Andy’s segment here and let us know in the comments if you agree with our campaign to Dump Disney if they don’t dump woke.
Bob Carlstrom is President of AMAC Action
My grandsons are 14 and 16 and we visited Disney for 10 days every year until this decision was made. I was lookin forward to making the same trip with my now 7 year old granddaughter. I am so sad that such trips will no longer be possible due to Disney’s decision to be a gateway to immorality and discord rather than a gateway to fun. My son and daughter-in-law are responsible for teaching their daughter about sex and would not take well to any organization trying to take over this function, especially with the woke values now in vogue.
They are on the WOKE bandwagon to indoctrinate kids at an early age. Shame on them! It’s a disgrace and an abomination.
Stay out of our family’s private rights to teach our children about sex education or Disney will go down!! Walt would be rolling over in his grave if he knew what his children were doing with the company. Keep to the reason Disney was built, bringing happiness to anyone who goes there. It’s none of your GD business to get involved in children learning about sexuality, you disgusting perverts. I’ll never watch another Disney program, movie or take my grandchildren there. YOU have ruined a good thing!
I dumped Disney and won’t go back! They keep offering me good deals, but forget it! I grew up in 60’s and loved them, but it’s all sicko now! So very sad!
No Disney. Period. No movies. No products. No TV shows. No visiting the site(s). No investments. NOTHING.
Most people over the age of 55 knows Walt Disney, Mickey Mouse, the Mickey Mouse Club and what Disney himself stood for.When entering any of the Kingdoms the Greating has Always been: Welcome Lady’s, Gentleman, Boy’s and Girls of All age’s to the most Wonderful Place in Earth Disneyland, Disney world Etc…The First Black President Bill Clinton said in his presidential inauguration said he was of hearing about family values.That’s what started the Woke movement, and every Democratic President since then is and has taken away our American Rights and still doing it today. Especially since we have MTV’s most famous cartoon characters Beavis and Butthead in the White House!
I don’t say GAY– I do say –“QUEER”!
Close it down.
I pray woke goes broke. This is wrong what they are doing to our children. Stay in the business Walt started. Families having fun. The sexual education is not any of their business most especially to little kids not even near the age of puberty.
Dumped Disney about 7 months ago. I grew up in the 60’s and 70’s and loved Mickey Mouse and the Mickey Mouse Club. It greatly saddens me to see how far the Disney brand has fallen. Very disappointing. You know Walt would never have tolerated this. The man had children and wanted young children and their parents to enjoy a day of fantasy in his parks. Things can turn around, but I don’t see that happening very soon. I’ve been to WDW over 60 times, but not again. I no longer purchase any of their brands, either. Fare well, Mickey, Minnie, and all Walt’s beloved characters
Dump ’em! They no longer have the appeal to represent the USA Nation culture. Perhaps out of stupidity, they are promoting societal entertainment that promotes Communistic control mechanisms.
The latter.
If you throw open the doors and demand that God leave the government, schools & even the churches, He will oblige. Our country is now the result of evil controlling the those entities instead decent God believing people.
Back in my day ,Mickey was a sat. afternoon cartoon maby 15 minutes if you were lucky. Kyle L.
Back in the 40’s in school ,we didnt know what a gay child was. DUMP DISNEY. Kyle L.
I dumped Disney at least 30 years ago. I noticed every movie had magic or some spiritual undertone I disagreed with. My kids grew up without Disney, and are well adjusted adults, parents and grandparents now. I will not miss the “Magic” Kingdom.
I have already dumped Disney and do not see a change in the foreseeable future. Sad.
I’ve already dumped Disney and and am doing all I can to keep my grandkids away from it. I won’t support or have anything to do with them.
These people need to be getting charged with “contributing to the delinquency of minors”, “child abbuse” and whatever other crimes against children are on the books. There must be some prosecutors out there who have the personal fortitude to do what must be done to protect innocent children who have no knowledge of their own about these matters to speak up for themselves.
Never committed before, but love your articles. I agree with this campaign- dump woke or we dump Disney. Not related, but I dumped the MLB when they pulled the All Star game out of Atlanta. Threw out my Met hats and have not gone to a game since. Keep up the good work
Chap 7 Disney Inc shut it down
Dump Disney. Once upon a time family friendly today it cost more than a family can afford.
Time they rethink who they are paying their bill to keep parks open. We don’t need your woke idea in a public fun park
I don’t understand why the CEO of Disney in Florida had felt the need to control things outside the business of operation of Disney. I think that he feels that he would have a problem with hiring employees ( who need to follow a strict rules policy in their interactions with the consumers) so like any other elitist, he uses his wealth to create a change that he thinks is a priority. Well, I hope that he understands that actions have reactions.
The article failed to mention ABC, the woke leftist propaganda network owned by the Disney Corp. I have already boycotted Disney and all things controlled by Disney. BTW, ABC is producing tonight’s Jan 6, 2021 block buster, which I will not be watching.
We dumped Disney years ago and have no intention of ever supporting them again if they continue this dangerous Woke agenda.
My family dumped Disney years ago. Disney lost its way ten to 15 years ago. The real issue is people, and many Christians, do not want to inconvenience their families by getting onboard. An all out effort must be implemented to boycott these godless woke companies irregardless of the pain.
Dump woke and get back to the Walt Disney legacy.
We have already dumped Disney over forced indoctrination of children. My wife and I started going to Disneyland together in 1969. After my return from my last tour of duty, in 1971, we started going there more than once a year. Then we started, what became a family tradition of going to Disineyland every year on Christmas Eve. In 2021 our family had grown to 16 and we celebrated our 42nd year at Disneyland. I sent Disney communications regarding our concerns related to any government type indoctrination on children, specifically sexually related materials that directly effect the beliefs of the family. Reading, writing and arithmetic are the essentials not sex and gender phycology.Disney never responded to my correspondence so I sent a second and this time I told them that our family gathering on Chrismas Exe will no longer be at Disneyland. 42 years and they still did not respond to my correspondence.If they don’t understand how harmful this type of indoctrination can be they don’t deserve to be in business and they are not magical, they are demonical.We all, soon to be 18, will no longer visit Disneyland until the existing management group has been fired and they apologize to the American people for trying to indoctrinate our childer. This is not a movie or character depiction. This is real life and without an education, not sexual orientation, our kids fail in life before they start their life.We no longer purchase any Disney products, go to Disney movies and we have made sure any stock products we may hold do not include any Disney holdings. We only represent 10 working adults so, I guess Disney can snub us and not take the time or care about a responce to us. Maybe when that number reaches several million they will start paying attention. Sorry we lost a friend.
I agree with your campaign to “Dump Disney if they don’t dump Woke!”
“Enter Walt Disney World, who’s new CEO” should be ‘whose’.