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Freeing Robert Kennedy’s Killer – What Are They Thinking?

Posted on Thursday, September 2, 2021
by AMAC, Robert B. Charles
Robert Kennedy

What are they thinking? Fifty-three years ago, a Palestinian terrorist named Sirhan Bishara Sirhan showed up in Los Angeles – the height of the 1968 presidential campaign – and murdered Robert F. Kennedy, a likely-to-win Democratic candidate, US Attorney General, brother of assassinated President John F. Kennedy. A California parole board now aims to free him.  

Wrong does not come more wrong. Here is why. On August 27, the California parole board “granted release” of Sirhan, Kennedy’s confessed assassin. A 90-day review now kicks in, and then – whoever is Governor of California, current Governor Newsom, or replacement – decides. 

Ironically, Sirhan should not even be alive. On that fateful day in 1968, Sirhan shot young Robert Kennedy four times, once in the head, twice in the back, and fourth time. 

He shot five other people, who recovered. He did so avowedly out of hatred for Kennedy’s support for Israel. Five people wrestled Sirhan to the ground.  

Sirhan not only confessed to the killing and pled guilty, but he also requested to be executed. A federal judge declined to accept his confession, declined his guilty plea, and declined his execution request. The trial established Sirhan has planned, practiced shooting, told others his intention. Nor did he disavow his motivation – deep anti-Semitism, hatred of Israel, and political terror.

Sirhan was eventually sentenced to death. The prosecutor was none other than World War II hero “Buck” Compton, made famous by Tom Hank’s “Band of Brothers” series. Buck was revered at the law, eventually appointed to California’s Supreme Court by Ronald Reagan. 

What Compton would say about Sirhan’s release is not known – but can be imagined. Compton was a former police officer, exceedingly thorough. He sought Sirhan’s death. In a 2007 oral history, Compton noted, “Sirhan’s whole motive in killing Bobby Kennedy was because he hated the Jews and Zionists …there was a certain terrorist element involved … Jews … were the enemy.” So, to Compton, there is no question Sirhan was guilty of murder, anti-Semitic, a terrorist. See, e.g.,California Appellate Court Legacy Project.

As it turned out, soon after Sirhan’s death sentence, California rejected the death penalty – replacing it with life. In intervening years, 15 attempts to get free on parole have been systematically rejected – until now. 

What has changed? Nothing, except that two of Robert Kennedy’s children, feeling guilty that Sirhan remains in prison, believe their father – dead by Sirhan’s hand – might wish him released, so advocated for his release. 

 In the modern moment, such a result approaches insanity. At a time when anti-Semitism and anti-Semitism terror are on the rise, when Muslim members of the US Congress openly evince anti-Semitism, when anti-Israeli terrorists chase Americans from Afghanistan when more Islamic terror has hit US shores in two decades than prior two centuries when lawlessness and record homicides are afoot – the message sent by releasing a convicted terrorist, one who killed a presidential candidate, seems the worst possible.

Releasing Sirhan would say to the world – even as we flee Afghanistan and leave Americans behind – we will not even abide by the rule of law at home, not keep murdering terrorists accountable. Here is a man who killed not only a politician but a leading Democratic presidential candidate, did so for avowed anti-Semitic and ideological reasons, shot five other people, escaped a death sentence to live – when the man he killed was robbed of life. 

And Robert Kennedy’s brother, a serving president, was also killed by an ideological terrorist, albeit a communist sympathizer. 

So, at a time of enormous domestic and global division, fears of violence and rising homicide, ideological dissension within and between political parties, and approaching the 20th anniversary of the most egregious Islamic terror event in US history, we should release one of the most notorious Islamic terrorists in our history? 

No, the reality is that consequences – lifetime, irrevocable, and necessarily clear – must follow such a heinous act—the more heinous the act, the more immutable the consequences. California has long been losing touch with reality. Perhaps that is why a recall is afoot. Freeing the killer of Robert F. Kennedy in any era would be wrong. It is especially ill-advised right now.

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Charles Nolan
Charles Nolan
3 years ago

I remember a bumper sticker from the time of Jimmy Carter, which said, “Where is Lee Harvey Oswald when we need him?” Sirhan is still around. LOL.
When I listen to news clips of Biden, I wonder, what is holding his ears apart.

3 years ago

I fear this ill advised decision will embolden others to act similarly against our elected employees. Nothing in Cali surprises me any longer

3 years ago

Boston marathon bomber should be executed long time ago, instead he got his Covid relief check. Taliban terrorists arrived to US, more 9/11 is coming.Welcome to new America.

Harry L. Mallory
Harry L. Mallory
3 years ago

That clown should have been executed long ago.

Stephen Lykins
Stephen Lykins
3 years ago

Nothing that happens in the land of fruits and nuts surprises me, nor should it surprise anyone!

3 years ago

Why am I stunned(?) Apparently I’m having trouble understanding that STUPID (enter expletives) has no bounds. I could not possibly give a da_n what Robert Kennedy’s children think re advocating the release of this terrorist. Our laws are being eroded and the erosion of same has accelerated via, inter alia, enforcement refusal, passing laws that clearly assault LIBERTY.. I wonder, how long will WE THE PEOPLE let the leftists systematically destroy our great nation? Destroying election integrity should be a great big RED FLAG; we will lose our country and our Liberty unless the majority fail to get off our arses and commit to saving our country, liberty, ourselves and families.

3 years ago

Kalipornia, aka Granolaland; the Land of Fruits, Nuts, and Flakes

Bob Davis
Bob Davis
3 years ago

The sob should have executed . Period !

Gregory Rawe
Gregory Rawe
3 years ago

Put this empty, dry boned thing to death.

Rush Glick
Rush Glick
3 years ago

“California.” ‘Nuff said.

3 years ago

This is absolutely absurd!! Yet, it seems everything this administration does is absurd! To them evil is good and good is evil!

3 years ago

Wonder why there was no hue and cry for the death (or any other meaningful) penalty for TED KENNEDY for his manslaughter and related conduct in the Mary Jo Copeckne (? sp) death … seems like the Kennedy family is cloaked in controversies in years gone-by.

3 years ago

I am a believer in very carefully justifying the application of the death penalty, but in the case of Sirhan I think the death penalty should have been applied when he was convicted. At this junction in time I believe it is too late to change the penalty as a result of his trial. Bit I do despise Sirhan as a creature not worthy of breathing air of life on the order of a mad dog.

Richard Swimm
Richard Swimm
3 years ago

My father was a WWII veteran: part of the GREATEST generation. Shortly after the 9/11 terrorist attacks, I asked how the atmosphere in the US compared to the Japanese attacks on Pearl Harbor. During the conversation, he talked about the American response. He stated that the American people’s resolve will wane, that we would not have the stomach to do what it takes to see it through. Chilling, yet true. Freeing Sirhan is one example. Allowing politicians and the courts to hamstring the US military in Afghanistan and Iraq is another. This level of idiocy will impact America’s national security and cost American lives at home and abroad.

Enuf Said
Enuf Said
3 years ago

Well, what do you REALLY expect from Cal-E-Forn-E-Cate?

3 years ago

This only proves to me that California is really the land of the fruits and nuts!!

Diane M. Watson, M. Ed.
Diane M. Watson, M. Ed.
3 years ago

I am horrified that anyone would add to the terror of family and friends who survived Robert Kennedy. Robert was a gentle man with the steal and force of some of our greatest leaders. I expected the original solitary confinement inflicted upon Sirhan to continue with not a thought of parole. In fact there was a false bit of news around 2012 that Sirhan had died of natural causes in prison. Now we have fallen for a bit of good “acting” typical of some of our most hardened killers.

Linda Maria
Linda Maria
3 years ago

This is too shocking! Sorry– but although I am a Christian, I almost think a life sentence was “too good” for this evil assassin! And we all saw it on live TV, that horrible night!

3 years ago

As long as Newscum is governor in CA, all the murderers, rapists, etc will be released. Vote YES on the RECALL.

Gary Swanzy
Gary Swanzy
3 years ago

Only in California.

Robert Goidel
Robert Goidel
3 years ago

This sounds like the Psycho-babble of the Left in California. No wonder why people are leaving this State seeking rational thought in other States, possibly more “Red” as in Republican. I cannot believe what I have read. In Texas, Sirhan-Sirhan would have been executed a long time ago a forgotten assassin for the History Books to study of this tragic event with Robert Kennedy assassination. But not California. How could Joe Kennedy be so unbelievably forgiving? This behavior is not believable to me.

Gail Carpenter
Gail Carpenter
3 years ago


3 years ago

Sounds like another typical way the judicial system does things. No common sense. I think the System needs to change, “ Eye for an Eye “ type of judgment. Then I bet there would be a Lot less crime.

3 years ago

What is wrong with California? That state is getting so scary and nothing makes sense.
I guess you just have to be one of the many super RICH democrats to understand.

Al Estrella
Al Estrella
3 years ago

And Biden The Coward sits Silently…SAD!

3 years ago

well… some have said….WHY AM I NOT SURPRISED…….however the other day when I first read about this….my only gut reaction was….I guess Charles Manson will be out soon also…..why not????? damn !!!

3 years ago

In any other country (and, some states), this guy would’ve been vulture food less than 24 hours after the crime. California judges have been insane for quite some time. And now, it’s the children of Robert Kennedy who want this guy released? Because they ‘feel’ bad for him? I should be surprised. . .but, I’m not. Liberalism is, at best, insanity – critical thinking is completely off their radar. It’s ‘feelings’ that matter now. The Kennedy children are prime examples of a generation or two that’ve had life too soft. Liberalism has rotted their brains.

3 years ago

It has cost taxpayers about $63-million to keep him fed & alive in California prison for 63-years. What is wrong with this picture.

3 years ago

Sirhan & Charles Manson both should have death penalty for their crimes, and to make sure they do not go free to do them again. It is ridiculous that it costs about $1 Million per year to keep people like this separated & protected in prison. We take care of Sirhan types & we have people in poverty in America & where are our priorities.

Leon Ross
Leon Ross
3 years ago

He should have been freed years ago using the typical liberal Kennedy standard. Newsom and his Dem cohorts have been releasing criminals back into the general public first using a court order to reduce over population in our prisons. Next thing we know he is closing prisons down to save money to fund their liberal bs. Low and behold our crime rate has skyrocketed. Homeless criminals and drug users are stealing mail to fund their habit. They are living in tents and shanties so they can spend their welfare payments for drugs. Are government is funding drug use period.

3 years ago

The California parole board is as wacky as this administration. I wasn’t a fan of Kennedy but that Sirhan should have left this world a long time ago.
C’mon California……use your heads!

3 years ago

The whole Country has gone insane. Sirhan should have been executed, preferably by hanging, 50 years ago. He’s a murderer and will murder again. Why should Robert Kennedy’s kids feel guilty? They had to grow up without their dad by their side. Go figure.

3 years ago

Robert Kennedy was my Senator, killed. Now his murderer will be set free. Where is the justice?

Patty Hanson
Patty Hanson
3 years ago

Well….. It’s been a known fact for so long there’s even a ‘saying’ about it.
“Birds of a feather flock together”….
…. and THAT, my friends, is what those who seek to release him are thinking. They are the reprobate enemies of the sane.

3 years ago

You are right that Sirhan should not be released. But you are wrong stating that JFK was killed by a communist sympathizer. He was killed by our own government. Warren Commission be damned.

Don Noonan
Don Noonan
3 years ago

I worked the Campaign to get Bobbly Elected. I was there in LA when all this took place. I felt the impact and saw the faces of all who witnessed or were close to this event at the Ambassador. The shock was horrendous and seeing Rosie Greer lift this imbecile up in the air and slam him onto a table and watch as the gun was removed from his hand. He should never be released from prison. He should have been executed. He needs to die in a prison cell. I’m very emotional over this. I’m almost 80 years old but I can still see the images in my head and they will never go away. He’s a murderer who should never see the light of day.

3 years ago

Releasing, Sirhan Bishara Sirhan, the Killer of Robert Kennedy. A man full of head read, of Jews and Americans alike would invite any Islamic Terrorist to kill even more Americans without consequences. That would make any American a target, like in a shooting gallery. Please America wake up and act more like Americans. We are losing our respect and dignity.

3 years ago

We now have a society of everyday abortion, DA’s who do not prosecute killers and children being gunned down in the streets of the big cities, is there any reason to be amazed at this? It’s shameful.. I hate to think that this is part of God’s judgement on our society.

3 years ago

Why not. He spent the majority of his life in prison. A lot more than these catch & release that is going on today………….

Kathryn Eustace
Kathryn Eustace
3 years ago

Since he was not executed shortly after he committed murder, it isn’t a surprise he is being released, evidently with the approval of some members of the Kennedy family. This is yet another example that America is being overtaken by a collective phenomenon called INSANITY.

3 years ago

well, why not? they made a saint out of criminal George Floyd.

Teresa Edwards
Teresa Edwards
3 years ago

This is so
wrong! Sirhan should not be released from prison. He will kill again. It might be you the next time. What are these people thinking…they are not thinking. This is American and Sirhan should remain in prison.

Philip Hammersley
Philip Hammersley
3 years ago

Another killer, sentenced to death, but allowed “3 hots and a cot” like Charlie Manson, Richard Speck, etc. Who will he kill once he gets out? Another politician or a Jew?

3 years ago

There is no ‘sanity’ this administration any longer. Even the child of old officials, senators, etc. and his cohort have lost any sense of logic! Why didn’t they do this years ago if they were ‘feeling sorry for him”? Why now when the world is in such turmoil and Israel has been betrayed by our current president and his administration? This really sickens me. No one seems to have any common sense or “see past their noses” anymore.

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
3 years ago

Guess Dems dont care about killers, etc A-Z, Its on them.

S Coffey
S Coffey
3 years ago

What kind of idiots are we. This guy should never see the light of day again. Along with a lot of others that the bleeding hearts love to set free.

J. Farley
J. Farley
3 years ago

Here’s the Logic of the left, turn dope dealers and murderers loose and dis-arm the American
people and get rid of everything that is from the past so they can re-set America’s history.
To the left the only people that should be in prison, are Old People and Conservatives.

John Bonds
John Bonds
3 years ago

The average cost per inmate in California is over $80,000/year, the highest in the country. There is an economic reason for a big push for parole across the whole country. Prior to the early70’s many if not most state pens operated at a profit or near break even. Inmates were forced to work, they could not sit around and watch tv, they were punished if they refused to work. Most state prisons produced all their own food and excess was sold, they also produced material products and services which generated income. the guard ration was about 50 inmates per guard, building tenders(inmate enforcers) were common. Due to prison reform the ration now is about 2 inmates per guard, inmates cannot be forced to work and are not punished if they chose not to, most states actually pay or reward inmates who choose to work. Older inmates are even more expensive due to health problems so there is even a bigger incentive to release them. Parole boards are sensitive to public opinion, that is the reason Charles Manson was never paroled. The fact many of the Kennedy family agree with this parole virtually guarantees his release. Too bad.

3 years ago


3 years ago

Snowflake kids….had it been my dad, I would have killed him myself a long time ago or hired someone to do it for me.

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