Take our 10-question finance/money trivia quiz to test your knowledge! Good luck!
1. In which country is the euro not the official currency?
A. Austria
B. Germany
C. Hungary
D. Spain
2. Which U.S. President’s face graces the nickel and $2 note?
A. George Washington
B. Thomas Jefferson
C. Andrew Jackson
D. Benjamin Franklin
3. Which is not a common U.S. slang word for money?
A. Banana
B. Bucks
C. Bread
D. Dough
4. Which term refers to the amount of money you owe, including bills, loan repayments and income tax?
A. Debt
B. Deficit
C. Asset
D. Valuation
5. Which term refers to the total value of what an individual or business owns minus the amount owed in debt?
A. Budget
B. Net worth
C. Liability
D. Socialist exchange
6. In what market do people exchange stocks and bonds?
A. Sock exchange
B. Social exchange
C. Stock exchange
D. Socialist exchange
7. Which is not among the 5 c’s of finance, the framework used by lenders to evaluate potential small-business borrowers?
A. Capital
B. Capacity
C. Collateral
D. College
8. What is an asset?
A. A debt owed to a small business.
B. An item with economic value, such as stock or real estate.
C. Solely the amount of operating cash a business possesses.
D. The risk associated with a business loan.
9. Which U.S. President is likely the wealthiest to live in the White House?
A. John F. Kennedy
B. George H.W. Bush
C. Barack Obama
D. Donald J. Trump
10. Which is not recommended when it comes to achieving financial security?
A. Carrying high-interest credit card debt
B. Investing wisely
C. Saving money
D. Setting goals
Answer Key:
1. C
2. B
3. A
4. A
5. D
6. C
7. D
8. B
9. D
10. A
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# 5 should be net worth.
I thought I had nailed this quiz!
Not so…