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BLM Buys $6 Million Mansions While Blacks Suffer

Posted on Monday, April 18, 2022
by Outside Contributor

Black Lives Matter benefits from a vicious cycle that allows the organization to carry on changing America beyond recognition. Large media companies like The New York Times, The Washington Post, and TV networks have imposed a news blackout that ensures that BLM supporters ignore its intent and practices.

This continues to be the case despite several breaking bombshells this year alone regarding financial improprieties by the Black Lives Matter Global Network Foundation, BLM’s mothership.

So unless you are that rare BLM backer who assiduously watches Fox News or reads the New York Post or the Washington Examiner—three organizations that take their journalistic responsibilities seriously regarding BLM, and which have recently been joined by New York Magazine—there are a number of important things you have missed.

Here’s a handy rundown of just the major items, so you can email it to your liberal cousin:

Secret purchase of mansion in Southern California and attempts to lie about it: New York Magazine, a liberal media company that has decided to break omerta on BLM, broke the news last Monday that the Black Lives Matter Global Network Foundation had purchased a $6 million California mansion and went through great duplicitous lengths to keep it hidden.

Reporter Sean Campbell, who said on social media that breaking the story had been very hard on him, wrote that after he contacted the Black Lives Matter Global Network Foundation, its “leaders circulated an internal strategy memo with possible responses, ranging from ‘Can we kill the story?’ to ‘Our angle—needs to be to deflate ownership of the property.’”

In one last desperate attempt at obfuscation, Shalomyah Bowers, a Black Lives Matter Global Network Foundation board member, said in an email that the organization had bought the California mansion “to serve as housing as studio for recipients of the Black Joy Creators Fellowship … which provides recording resources and dedicated space for Black creatives.”

Never mind that the fellowship wasn’t announced until the following morning.

Even the purchase itself was made by a third party named Dyane Pascall, a financial manager for an LLC owned by Black Lives Matter Global Network Foundation co-founder Patrisse Cullors. Within a week Pascall transferred the property to another LLC set up by the Perkins Coie law firm. “That maneuver ensured that the ultimate identity of the property’s new owner was not disclosed to the public,” wrote Campbell.

Purchase of former headquarters of Communist Party of Canada: The Washington Examiner’s Andrew Kerr has broken several stories on the Black Lives Matter Global Network Foundation that have not been matched by the Bigs. One of them revealed earlier this year that the Black Lives Matter Global Network Foundation had also spent $8 million on a Toronto mansion that had been the headquarters of the Communist Party of Canada. The revelation has angered Canadian supporters.

“For BLM Canada to take money from BLM Global Network [Foundation] for a building without consulting the community was unethical,” Canadian BLM activists Sarah Jama and Sahra Soudi said in a statement quoted by Kerr in January. Which brings us to another ignored item:

The families of black Americans slain by police in whose name BLM says it acts have often complained about not seeing help.

In a story he filed in February, Campbell wrote that Michael Brown Sr., Lisa Simpson, and Samaria Rice—the father of Michael Brown and the mothers of Tamara Rice and Richard Risher—have complained that they haven’s seen a penny from BLM.

Brown released a video in 2020 asking for money while the two mothers called for the Black Lives Matter Global Network Foundation and others to stop capitalizing on their tragedy.

“We don’t want or need y’all parading in the streets accumulating donations, platforms, movie deals, etc. off the death of our loved ones, while the families and communities are left clueless and broken,” they wrote in a statement. “Don’t say our loved ones’ names period! That’s our truth!”

Not even the IRS knows where the money that hasn’t gone into real estate has gone. As Fox Business’ Danielle Wallace reported in February, the attorneys general of deep blue California and Washington state have ordered the Black Lives Matter Global Network Foundation to submit delinquent financial reports for 2020, and the organization had to cease fundraising.

Big Tech has been complicit in the news blackout. Facebook has made sure that a New York Post story of a year ago on how Cullors, the Black Lives Matter Global Network Foundation co-founder and former leader, had bought three homes worth millions disappeared into the memory hole.

Facebook has not been alone. When one of us published “BLM: The Making of a New Marxist Revolution” last September, Amazon banned ads for the book under the pretext that it dealt with “highly debated social topics.” When I poured scorn on the idea, Amazon retreated.

Twitter, too, has gladly played the censorship game. When black sports journalist Jason Whitlock criticized Cullors’ purchase, Twitter locked his account for violating its policy against “posting private information.” But Twitter allowed the private information—names, emails, ZIP codes, and internet protocol addresses—of hundreds of donors to the Canadian trucker convoy to proliferate unimpeded across its site in February.

BLM, however, deserves scrutiny. Since its inception years ago, it has been at the forefront of a profound social change that has exploded into our classrooms, offices, military bases, churches, and corporations. Which brings us to the final and most important item that Big Media and Big Tech have suppressed.

The Black Lives Matter Global Network Foundation’s founders were trained by Marxist theoreticians on how to overthrow the American system.

BLM’s leaders trained for years at centers set up by Maoists, Soviet apologists, and experts on Antonio Gramsci’s strategy of effecting revolution by preceding it with ideological indoctrination. It is this untold Marxism that ties all the previous items together.

The Black Lives Matter Global Network Foundation’s creators are not interested in social justice, or black lives.

This piece originally appeared in The Daily Signal

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2 years ago

BLM has been taken over by the far left……what started out as a beneficial organization is now a terroristic mob and the leaders exploited the funds for their own benefits……I just hope the blacks are able to recognize that they are being used…….

2 years ago

The Progressives, Democrats, Left leaning Libs are all about Mob rule is doesnt get any plainer

Bill on the Hill
Bill on the Hill
2 years ago

What an ending to this Marxist based BLM story & I quote, ” The Black Lives Matter Global Network Foundation’s creators are not interested in social justice, or black lives. ” This absolutely applies to the local BLM strategies as well…
Yet there they are, up close & personal in the Deep State of Washington, DC with a couple blocks worth of HUGE yellow & black letters denoting their turf in DC now…
BLM is simply one very large communistic LIE & it has been proven over & over again, nothing good will ever come of BLM, period…
Bill… :~)

Kyle Buy you some guns,and learn how to shoot
Kyle Buy you some guns,and learn how to shoot
2 years ago

P.S. And quit voteing Democratic. Kyle L.

Kyle Buy you some guns,and learn how to shoot
Kyle Buy you some guns,and learn how to shoot
2 years ago

Why dont yoiu blacks gang up and get rid of that bunch. You can plainly see what they are intrested in. And it aint your benefit. Kyle L.

2 years ago

These facts have been circulating for a while. They just were not pushed hard to the front. The stink was there and now the garbage has been discovered. BLM MEANS BRING LOTS OF MONEY!!!!

Joanne 4 justice.
Joanne 4 justice.
2 years ago

It appears that BLM group is even MORE DISHONEST than the dirty Dems ! -” BIRDS OF A FEATHER FLOCK TOGETHER

2 years ago

what is it now 200, 300, 400, years of blacks selling blacks, blacks stealing from blacks, blacks murdering blacks, sure not ever breaking that cycle anytime soon… are ya ??

THX 1138
THX 1138
2 years ago

Dole out your hard earned money to a bunch of Marxist thugs. What could possibly go wrong?

Philip Hammersley
Philip Hammersley
2 years ago

If we had a Justice Department that was honest, they would launch a RICO investigation into BLM, antifa, and George Soros. If those three were shut down, half the “black problems” would be solved!

Judy K.
Judy K.
2 years ago

I don’t want to see or hear anything about Blacks suffering!! We live in a free country where all men are created equal mentioned in our Constitution! Many Black people are famous and wealthy because they stood on their own two feet to get where they are without grovelling or begging for help. We had a Black, (Muslim), President, for cryin’ out loud!!
The Progressives and the Media are the one’s desparaging and keeping the race card going. People of different races who are falling into the Progressive Left’s, ‘We’re here to help you and keep you dependent on the system’, Crap, have no one to blame but themselves. They’re wondering around with their eyes closed to the evidence of prosperous people of Color as well as people of Ehnicity; and holding their fat hands out for freebies and special treatment, (they actually believe they’re getting, or going to get). It’s sad that so many Blacks appear to lack the intelligence to see the real world. The percentage of those who are racists in this country is very small. Blacks need to grow a spine and start realizing that the few who spew their racist hate are always going to be around until the Coming of the Lord!! Most Whites are not racist, but the Media keeps that lie going.

2 years ago

Anyone who thinks BLM is actually trying to help the black community is an idiot. The numbers of black on black shooting fatalities continue to climb while the BLM founders continue to line their pockets and buy multi-million dollar properties.

2 years ago

The money not going to the alleged victims has been talked about for years…Maybe the gov can shut it down, we all know that won’t happen.
I can’t do anything about it, more than not donate to them, who can more? Unethical conduct is the new norm. It is aggravating to hear complaints only.

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
2 years ago

Why and theyre a Marxist group anyway?
Dont see any American Commies buying mansions from Gus Hall Commie party then

2 years ago

I find it amazing when people are surprised and upset that BLM Marxists act like Marxists.

2 years ago

They will yell discrimination and more discrimination and nothing will happen. No tax on this money and the organizers will walk away with millions. Communist Washington party will think this is great, just may win them some votes.

2 years ago


anna hubert
anna hubert
2 years ago

Why should anyone be shocked at what became a norm?Black community appears to be comfortable in it’s slumber only they can help[ themselves

Jeff Noncent
Jeff Noncent
2 years ago

This black lives matter is a gang that Obama started to hate black people.

G. Hijar
G. Hijar
2 years ago

Great article. The whole truth and nothing but the truth.

Anna Bradshaw
Anna Bradshaw
2 years ago

What a crock needs to be held accountable

David Block
David Block
2 years ago

This story tells it like it is. BLM is for themselves, not the black people.

2 years ago

BLM flat ass sucks

2 years ago

Just another scam on black Americans.

2 years ago

Exactly ????I agree with this writer of this article …. I seen the BLM website in beginning and the donations button you clicked on in the fine print stated all donations went to DNC campaign THATS DEMOCRATS!!!????????Democrats do nothing but LAUNDER themselves $$$$$
They’re evil crooks like the cabal

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