A faith-based article
The winter season is loaded with splendor, from colorful holiday lights to angels adorning the tops of Christmas trees. Unlike any other season of the year, in the spirit of religion, love, and giving, families and friends unite. As part of the celebration, gift exchanges occur. The hope is that each present lovingly chosen and beautifully wrapped will be cherished by its recipient. Here are three gifts to give yourself this holiday season:
- Self-love. This term sometimes carries a negative connotation, especially when it is associated with vanity or having a big ego. However, loving oneself is essential to good health, happiness, and success. It enables people to concentrate on their best qualities, choose beneficial habits over those which are detrimental, and live with a positive purpose to help and serve others. Faith-based teachings from the Bible point to how we are uniquely crafted by God. Psalms 139:14 I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful; I know that full well.
- Inner peace – Complications of life may cause people to focus on their struggles and concerns. While it is understandable, it’s important to not let pressure and tension gain stronghold. Inner peace is a state of mind that offers calmness and reduces stress. Thus, inner peace is good for the body, mind, and soul. Those seeking peace and strength can turn to the Scriptures. Isaiah 55:12 You will go out in joy and be led forth in peace; the mountains and hills will burst into song before you, and all the trees of the field will clap their hands.
- Forgiveness – Holding onto anger hardens the heart. The act of forgiveness is important because it removes feelings of anger or resentfulness toward oneself or someone who has done wrong. When people sin or fail, they may repent and ask God for forgiveness. This helps to clear one’s conscience and positively impacts their emotional state. God reinforces the act of forgiveness. Leviticus 19:18 Do not seek revenge or bear a grudge against anyone among your people, but love your neighbor as yourself. I am the Lord.
We give gifts to others to make them feel valued and appreciated. We may also extend that same sense of appreciation by giving ourselves gifts that need not be purchased or wrapped. Self-love, inner peace, and forgiveness serve as examples of three gifts to give yourself this holiday season. Taking good actions such as these encourages positive emotional health and sets one on the path to love and serve God and others as so commanded.