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Breaking: Senate Rebukes Biden Vaccine Mandate on Private Employers

Posted on Thursday, December 9, 2021
by AMAC, Bob Carlstrom

Washington, DC – Yesterday, with a vote of 52-48, the Senate officially voted to nix President Biden’s employer vaccine mandate.

AMAC Action President Bob Carlstrom said: “Yesterday’s vote is a victory for small businesses and their workers across the country. The Senate deserves credit for forcing action on this issue and achieving a bipartisan vote in favor of striking down the mandate. Though the courts are likely to have the last word, this action shows voters that policy makers are prioritizing small businesses as the country seeks to recover economically from the pandemic.”

Two Democrats – Senators Manchin (D-WV) and Tester (D-MT) – joined all 50 Republicans in a rebuke of the OSHA policy. “It is not the place of the federal government to tell private business owners how to protect their employees from COVID-19 and operate their businesses” Senator Manchin told the press after his vote in favor of overturning the mandate. The bill overturning the mandate now heads to the House, where it faces an uphill push, and President Biden has promised to veto the bill should it reach his desk. The mandate is currently stayed in court and ultimately unlikely to become law.

Senator Dan Sullivan, upon sponsoring the bill, said: “This rule is unconstitutional overreach by the President of the United States, pure and simple. Individual freedoms and the rule of law are too often an afterthought with this administration, while broken promises continue piling up. We all want to put this pandemic behind us, but the decision to vaccinate is an individual choice, and should not be mandated by the federal government. The federal government does not have the constitutional or statutory authority to take this action, and to make this clear we will be exercising our Congressional authority to overturn this rule with a Congressional Review Act Resolution.”

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Mark E Falco
Mark E Falco
2 years ago

It, like many things the inept Congress are not doing is really being overlooked as IMO, they were not elected to do this, they were elected to represent and manage federal level government, mainly spending and keeping military strong, other than that, no one should give a rats arse what any congressman thinks about issues other than overspending and military. hold them accountable when voting…

Rich C
Rich C
2 years ago

I am surprised that the senate had the guts to overturn this. But what about all the votes FOR the bill? We have way too many communists in our ranks that want to do away with America and side with tyranny. I just hope the parents of the children that will be “required” to take the stab stand up and say: not to my kid. All the weak minded socialist governors that sponsor this garbage need to take a double jab of the miracle elixir. But, show me the science and maybe I might change my mind, unless Dr. Falsey says his science is correct and then I won’t have to change my mind.

2 years ago

I still find it amazing how the left keep it’s charges in-line forcing their socialist agenda. It is amazing and disheartening both that 2 out of 50 see that there is a price for freedom and it’s worth protecting.

Tim Toroian
Tim Toroian
2 years ago

It should be noted that they are not rejecting but the autocratic method of use.
Where in Hell are all the people who called Trump a dictator? Hypocrites! Including some of my relatives.

2 years ago

The sponsor, Dan Sullivan “(R)”, voted with the Democrats to pass the last “infrastructure” bill. Let us NOT forget.

Jim H
Jim H
2 years ago

Mandates are what dictators use to rule. We are a nation of laws… not of mandates!

Larry W.
Larry W.
2 years ago

Only 2 Democrats voted to allow us to keep the rights that no one should have even the first place. This shows the dictatorship minds of the rest of the democrats who have no trouble trampling on our God given, constitutional rights

2 years ago

Where is amac option to edit?

2 years ago

Excellent outcome! Now mix some more of his idiotic mandates and exec orders. He is incompetent. If he doesn’t have a clue on the border issue then what is he doing as a supposed president. What a farce that so called ad!administration is.

anna hubert
anna hubert
2 years ago

All the politicians are so insistent on protecting from the virus not one of them will protect me from criminals and the masses that are pouring in bringing God only knows what with them

Philip Hammersley
Philip Hammersley
2 years ago

Biden will veto the bill. He will do WHATEVER HE WANTS because the DIMMs allow him to. And the “media” (joke) follow along like sheep. Whatever happened to “speak truth to power?”

David Spade
David Spade
2 years ago

O’Biden needs to go back to his basement in Delaware and just stay there. When he is out and about making a fool of himself, he just ignites another crisis. His mandates on the vaccinations are unconstitutional. He can not figure out how to handle the continuing boarder crisis. He lies daily about inflation rates, and his mental acuity is failing miserably right in front of our eyes. Most Americans will welcome the results of next year’s elections if the left wing thefts of the votes don’t happen again.

2 years ago

Looks great on the surface! Nice rhetoric. Nice thought. Nice action. Don’t mean a thing. It now goes to the House. Will Nazi Pelosi even bring it up for a vote? If she does and this bill eventually lands on Buck Fiden’s desk, he just might veto it don’t you think? Probably not enough votes to override the veto either. Good try!

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
2 years ago

ITs not the role of employers to scan vac passports from anyone even employees
Nor at your house party too

Michael l Javick Ret US Army
Michael l Javick Ret US Army
2 years ago

BUT, they can do “nothing” to stop it !

Mr. Foster
Mr. Foster
2 years ago

Lets finish off what’s left of the small businesses in America. The life blood of the economy. We incentivized every one to stay home for over a year. Small business owners lost a major portion of their workforce and some more of them never came back. Some people in their late 50s and early 60s decided to hang it up, they’re all done dealing with the lunacy. But that’s exactly what this administration wants. let the illegals come in one by one at the tune of over 1 million, but don’t ask them what their Covid status is. That would be mean and racist. This administration needs to be taken out back and blindfolded. Absolute criminals. And the complicit Congress and the Senators need to go with them. What’s going on in America today is an absolute travesty. God help us.

2 years ago

Vaccine mandate on small businesses, the lifeblood of the American economy. We can’t get any help, because of all the taxpayer money they give away free. A lot of people in their late 50s and early 60s decided to hang it up. they are done dealing with this nonsense. But we let every Tom Dick and Harry across the border and don’t even ask them about their Covid status. I think mr biden should be brought up on charges.

John Jackson
John Jackson
2 years ago

To everyone that has said it and they hit it right on the head. The demo rats are finding out that they will lose the midterm elections in the elections of 2024. Booyah

2 years ago

It is about time, the representatives and senators that side with Joe, Nancy and Chuck are looking at the wrath of the American people and better start doing what is right, or say goodbye in Nov. If they continue to vote to destroy this country. FJB

2 years ago

Now, we need to make this happen in NYC.

Sherry Stephens
Sherry Stephens
2 years ago

Thank you! Finally, someone understand our country stands for FREEDOM!

Jim Jolly
Jim Jolly
2 years ago

Biden, will you please sit down and shut-up. Everything you are doing is a total f**k up. Do your party a favor and drop the mandate and while you are doing that, CLOSE THE BORDER

Obie Kinney
Obie Kinney
2 years ago

Progressives favored the abortion of 60 million babies to protect women’s privacy.
Now, after that huge massacre, they turn around and insist that millions have doses of a speculative medicine injected into the same bodies they claimed to be protecting since the Roe decision.

Annette G.
Annette G.
2 years ago

Finally Congress is listening to We the People for a change.

2 years ago

It’s more than a little suspicious that in the last few days Democrats have actually started doing their jobs. Just waiting for the big reveal as to the real reason behind it.

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