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Increasing your Social Security Benefit Amount – Ask Rusty

Posted on Tuesday, March 26, 2019
by Russell Gloor, AMAC Certified Social Security Advisor

social security-rusty-marry-girlfriend social security benefits benefit increase medicareDear Rusty: I turned 67 in September 2018. My benefit estimate is $1478 a month if I claim benefits now.  I work and will continue working as long as I can. My 35-year earnings period includes about ten years of zeros when I was married (twice for about 5 years each). If I claim benefits now will my monthly amount go up if I continue to work? I read that the SSA recalculates each year and uses your high years. I make about $57k a year now and hopefully will continue to do so. Does the SSA replace one of the zero years with the years I work after claiming benefits and raise my monthly benefit accordingly and how much? I truly appreciate your help with this as I would like to decide this month. I have read on SSA that if I don’t claim it will go up 8% but I also have read I could be drawing benefits and working too, and this would be a better financial situation. Signed: Working Senior

Dear Working Senior: Yes, if you have 10 years of zeros in your 35-year earnings history, your more recent earnings each year will replace one of those zero years, if the earnings are what Social Security considers “substantial” (which your $57,000 income would be). Social Security gets your earnings information from the IRS as soon as your W-2 is available each year and makes any benefit adjustment necessary at that time (if you’re self-employed the adjustment is made after you file your income taxes). When Social Security receives your income information each year, they will recompute your “average indexed monthly earnings” (AIME) with your revised 35-year earnings history (including one less zero year), adjust your “primary insurance amount” (or “PIA”), and increase your benefit accordingly. I can’t tell you how much of an increase it would be because I don’t have access to your lifetime earnings records, but you shouldn’t expect it to be a major increase each year. After all, your new earnings will only represent 1/35th of your AIME, so the increase to your benefit won’t be big. But if you continue to work with significant earnings your benefit will continue to increase over time and each increase you get will last for the rest of your life.

You are correct that for each year you delay claiming benefits beyond your full retirement age of 66, you’ll earn delayed retirement credits (DRCs) of 8%, up until you are 70 when your benefit would be 32% higher than at your full retirement age. You’re earning those DRCs now at a rate of 2/3rds of 1% each month after your FRA and will continue to earn them until you claim (but not after age 70). However, if you are trying to compare the increase you will get by claiming benefits and continuing to work, versus the 8% per year increase you will get by delaying claim of your SS, please be aware  that the 8% annual increase will be much more than any increase you’ll get from working and replacing a zero year. And the fact is, if you continue to delay and also continue to work, you’ll still be improving your eventual benefit from your earnings and you’ll still earn those delayed retirement credits until you are 70. In other words, you can do both.

This article is intended for information purposes only and does not represent legal or financial guidance. It presents the opinions and interpretations of the AMAC Foundation’s staff, trained and accredited by the National Social Security Association (NSSA). NSSA and the AMAC Foundation and its staff are not affiliated with or endorsed by the Social Security Administration or any other governmental entity. To submit a question, visit our website ( or email us at [email protected].

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Peter Horvat
Peter Horvat
5 years ago

Dear Rusty. I have written Social Security three months ago, no response so far. They have all the info that is required. Should I wait longer?.Peter Horvat ,(member Amac)

Wm. Martin
Wm. Martin
5 years ago

My wife and I are both in our 80s. We both get the same amount of s s benefits we started at 65. No one told us to wait til she 70. When one of us does is there any way to get a higher benefit?

5 years ago

Good morning. I recently joined AMAC and I was just reviewing benefits. I am 63 years old and began collecting SS retirement benefits at 62. My wife is 52 and disabled. Have been told in the past by SS admin that because we have some assets she is not eligible for SS benefits. Took early retirement due to failed business after 40 years of self employment. We struggle to make ends meets each month. Is there anything we can do to increase mine benefits or help my wife get disability benefits. Thank you,
Paul J. Cox, Sr.

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