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Dystopian Nightmare in Australia

Posted on Friday, December 17, 2021
by AMAC Newsline

AMAC Exclusive – By Shane Harris


Today, new COVID-19 rules will go into effect in Queensland, Australia, that effectively creates two classes of citizens: the vaccinated, and the unvaccinated. While many restrictions will finally be lifted for vaccinated individuals, the unvaccinated will now be subject to a host of new restrictions, which critics say will do little to protect anyone from the virus and amount to an intentional effort by the government to coerce citizens into taking the vaccine. After Australia witnessed some of the most draconian lockdowns anywhere in the world over the last two years, these new mandates underscore the extent to which government power over the daily lives of every individual has increased under the justification of “pandemic precautions,” in ways previously thought impossible in western-style democracies.

Under the new policies, which were announced earlier this month and mirror similar restrictions implemented previously throughout the country, bars and restaurants will now be allowed to return to full capacity, but all patrons must be fully vaccinated. In addition, unvaccinated individuals will be denied entry to nightclubs, concerts, hotels, sporting events, government buildings such as libraries, and a host of other venues – in effect, making Australia the first free country to fully implement the equivalent of a “vaccine passport.”

Queensland health minister Yvette D’Ath warned that there would be strict punishments for anyone who failed to comply. “When you walk up to that door and you see that sign that says, ‘This is a vaccinated business,’” she said, “if you choose to walk past that sign unvaccinated, it is you that are breaching the rules, it is you that is committing an offense, and there are consequences to it.” Those consequences include fines and even jail time for offenders.

Fines have become a favorite tool of the Australian government to punish those who dare to break the country’s overbearing COVID laws. In July, August, and September of this year alone, the government of New South Wales, the most populous state in Australia, issued more than 47,000 fines totaling $43,234,340. Many of these fines were also levied on indigenous and homeless individuals who often did not understand or were unable to comply with the restrictions.

The Australian government has gone to great lengths to enforce COVID laws as well, at times employing profoundly authoritarian measures that critics say were wildly disproportionate to the threat. For instance, the state of Victoria reportedly used cameras mounted on vans to catch people not wearing masks in public parks. One Australian woman, who was pregnant at the time, was arrested for trying to organize an anti-lockdown protest. Police told another pregnant woman that she was not allowed to rest on a park bench during her allocated one hour of daily exercise. In April of 2020, the Australian government launched an app that would track individuals’ locations, which police say they could use to prosecute anyone who violates COVID restrictions.

The Australian government has also set up a so-called “quarantine center” in a remote part of the country to hold citizens returning from abroad, COVID-positive patients, and even COVID-negative people who were in contact with someone who tested positive. While the government has pushed back against characterizations of the facility as an “internment camp” those being held there are not allowed to leave until their designated quarantine period is over. Anyone who does is promptly arrested and returned. 

All of these policies have predictably led to widespread protests throughout the country, some of which turned violent after police began mass arrests of marchers. Thousands of workers affected by a sweeping government mandate who have already lost their jobs sparked many of the demonstrations – something that has also been seen in the United States.

Most Americans have no idea about any of this; it’s no accident that the mainstream media, the Biden administration, and Congressional Democrats have paid precious little attention to what’s unfolding in the Land Down Under. It’s easy to see why – the complete government control over the lives of all Australians, along with the trampling of individual rights in service of “the greater good,” and in the name of “protecting” people from a virus, is precisely what many on the left would like to see implemented in the United States. But instead of lowering case numbers or revamping the economy, Australia’s lockdowns have led to a dystopian nightmare, directly undercutting the liberal narrative about the efficacy of extreme pandemic policies.

Indeed, Australia’s COVID policies have not even been particularly effective at stopping the spread of the virus. While lockdown advocates pointed to Australia’s extremely low case numbers early on in the pandemic, medical experts warned that the virus was likely to spread after restrictions were lifted. Those predictions soon proved to be true, as a single case of the COVID-19 delta variant soon spread throughout several Australian states despite the lockdowns. By pursuing the so-called “Zero COVID” policy employed by some blue-state governors in the United States, Australian authorities created a metric for success against the virus that was unattainable and therefore justified perpetual government control.

While the nightmarish scenario unfolding in Australia may seem like a world away, there are some signs that similar forces are at play in the United States. As President Biden has said directly to unvaccinated Americans: “We’ve been patient, but our patience is wearing thin.”

The story of Australia also highlights the sinister creeping nature of government abuses of freedom. Governments know that an outright abuse of authority could threaten their grip on power. So they push, incrementally, seeing how much they can get away with. When the people speak up, the government backs off, biding their time for the protests to die down. Then the government pushes again, taking a little bit more each time until, one day, hard-won rights have been subsumed by the government. Such has been the case in Australia, and that is why Americans should remain vigilant.

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3 years ago

This article is so full of lies and BS. More than I can even count. If you believe this, you’re dumb as hell. It’s like these pages outright make things up… this is why America is the way that it is. News isn’t even trustworthy anymore. How embarassing.

Robin Walter Boyd
Robin Walter Boyd
3 years ago

Just as Israel did, Australia is proving that the more they lockdown, mask up and vaccinate, the higher the death rate claimed to be COVID rises. What are we all missing? Australia is essentially an island that should be able to control the borders a heck of a lot better than most other nations. Could it be that something we are all doing, believing it to be helpful, may actually be more harmful?
How about that masking thing? Face masks, even surgical ones, are designed to prevent the transference of bacteria, which is 10 to 20 times larger than viruses. The very best, most effective material for a face mask that would not suffocate a person might be affective against the very largest virus, which the COVID virus is not so large. The argument that viruses are attached to droplets of moisture is the most ridiculous claim made by alleged experts. If that were the case, we would be spraying one another with droplets from our mouths every time we speak within 6 feet of each other. In the meantime, we are trapping bacteria that our bodies are expelling and keeping that bacterium right up against our faces so we can keep the bacteria warm and moist so that bacteria can grow. Could we be reducing our bodies defense system, allowing us to more easily succumb to a virus?
We have been flat out lied to over and over about the vaccines. Turns out that the vaccinated can infect others with the virus. And now that we know getting vaccinated won’t prevent us from becoming COVID positive, just how many more vaccinations are we going to presumably need? Getting vaccinated went from a positive health tool to a money scamming way for corrupt politicians to divert more billions of tax dollars to those who will benefit the politicians making the rules.

3 years ago

As an Australian, I have to tell you guys that this article is BS! Why don’t you Americans wke up to the fact that your Press just continually distorts and sensationalized the facts to sell you more stuff. If you believe this article, you are a fool. Wake up!

H L Howell
H L Howell
3 years ago

Australia gave up their guns a few years ago and this is the results.

Marc Ziegler
Marc Ziegler
3 years ago

1984 is closer than you think, and we don’t realize it. Freedom is not cheap; many people have died for it and now totalitarian thugs want to take it away from us in the name of Virus. Remember the Nazis asking for your papers! The world has completely gone insane and now everyone with no brains has given in and has caught the “insanity flu”…. MZ

3 years ago

Well, it’s Australian citizens’ legal concerns as to how their government chooses to create and enforce laws. If they don’t like the present makeup that is doing it, they have two ways to change it: change the people that are interpreting and enforcing the law OR require their politicos to create new laws that govern it in their preferred way. If I were an Australian citizen, I would be very skeptical of laws and enforcement of measures in this case.

3 years ago

THIS is exactly what happens EVERY SINGLE TIME citizens allow their government to disarm them! Tyrants do what they have ALWAYS done and will continue to do until they’re knocked from their “throne”!

3 years ago

Why are all these countries so afraid? Science says the covid variants are NOT as aggressive as the original virus and each variant gets less powerful just like flu each year! Those that are vaccinated shouldn’t be afraid of those unvaccinated cuz even if the vaccinated get the virus, the vaccines are supposed to keep one safe from getting a bad case of covid. The unvaccinated make their own choice so if they get covid, they chose not to get vaccinated and that’s the risk they take. I did get vaccinated and I’m not afraid of any of this and never was. Either the vaccines work to keep covid form being really bad or they don’t. If the vaccines don’t keep vaccinated safe, then why push for the vaccines? I really believe that the powers that be in these countries know damn well that covid is in the past but don’t want to admit that cuz then everything goes back to normal and they no longer matter! Fauci is no longer a celebrity and the CDC can stick it where the sun doesn’t shine. All these groups have lost the trust of the people because to be honest with the people means a little humbleness and leftist don’t have any humility, just a lust for power at any cost!

Kevin S
Kevin S
3 years ago

When will a critical mass of people force a media wave of the fact that “vaccines”, regardless of efficacy or side effects, has NO bearing on getting OR passing on the virus? Oh, and where’s the Real statistics about natural & acquired immunity?? By natural, I mean getting & overcoming the 2003 SARS-CoV outbreak (as I did), and acquired as getting & overcoming the current strain(s) (as I did too).

Bob Osgood
Bob Osgood
3 years ago

This makes me sad. I always thought of Australia as somewhat like Texas. Proud, independent, don’t-screw-with-us type people. It seems like it resembles San Francisco more than Texas now. Please don’t let this happen here.

3 years ago

Australia surrendered their guns.

Duluth Tom
Duluth Tom
3 years ago

This is a democracy. The citizens need to vote these jerks out of office. The US has to remain vigilant as well to not allow this to happen. Glad we have a Second Amendment!

3 years ago

This hasn’t been incremental in Australia. And there has been no backing down. The government has all the guns. Their cops are worthless POS and I am a ex cop. Anyone enforcing this crap the way they do needs to stand trial just like the Nazis and held accountable. I see a cop here hurting someone because of not wearing a mask… There are not enough of them compared to how many of us there are. The rule of law has been thrown out. If we didn’t have the 2nd amendment that would have happened here already.

Patriot Bill
Patriot Bill
3 years ago

This is why our second amendment was created, government tyranny. What is ironic in Australia is that fake news has taken over the minds of the majority and these politicians will be re-elected. Now tell me the difference between Australia and communist China. Freedom isn’t free, now is the time for America to show the world what freedom is about.

3 years ago

Never thought Australians would be this nutty.

Judith Davis
Judith Davis
3 years ago

The fake vax passport is going to be a booming business!

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
3 years ago

Will this come to the US, seen some on Fox & Newsmax but mostly online news zines
Very scary, rerun WW2 Nazis & Japanese.

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