Schools are becoming indoctrination factories, trying to turn children against their country and their own parents’ values. It’s what the teachers unions intend.
Amazingly, that’s just fine with President Joe Biden, who told a gathering of teachers and union bigwigs on April 27 that the kids are “yours when they’re in the classroom.” That wasn’t just a Biden stumble. He repeated it for emphasis: “They are all our children…They are not somebody else’s children.”
Sorry, Joe. But parents have a right to know what their children are being taught, and to set limits. State legislators in at least 12 states have introduced bills requiring teachers to post teaching materials, including books and videos, on a website for parents to inspect before their kids see them.
Good teachers will have no problem with that. But ideologically driven teachers, as well as the unions, are fighting back. That includes Randi Weingarten, head of the American Federation of Teachers. As she launched Teacher Appreciation Week — and most teachers do deserve our appreciation — Weingarten smeared classroom transparency requests as the work of political “extremists.”
Concerned parents are not political extremists, but Biden is joining the attack against transparency, parroting the unions. He and most Democrats in Congress are teachers union flunkies. Democrats delivered hundreds of billions in COVID relief to school districts, including $46 billion to teach critical race theory. By the way, that included $9 billion for CRT in New York schools.
Biden also kowtowed to the unions to prolong school closings and masking, and then allowed the unions to dictate what the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention would require to reopen schools.
As a candidate, Biden vowed to end federal support for charter schools, and his new regulations have that obvious intent — another obsequious gesture to the unions.
Weingarten and National Education Association President Rebecca Pringle probably have more power in the Biden administration than any senator or cabinet member. That would be fine if they were wielding their clout to ensure children acquire strong reading and math skills. But that’s not their agenda.
The American Federation of Teachers website shows the union is more committed to political activism than reading and STEM instruction. The site urges visitors to “take action” on student debt, voting rights and passing the Equality Act. But it never mentions that fewer than half of New York City’s third to eighth graders can read at grade level. Or that, overall, students in the U.S. rank behind many other countries in math. No call to action there.
The AFT website also declares that the U.S. is facing health, economic and racial challenges “all made worse because of Donald Trump.” How can the 74 million people who voted for Trump in 2020 entrust their children’s education to an organization so politically biased?
Joining the unions to fight a parent’s right to know is none other than the Democratic Party. No surprise. The unions give 94% of their money to Democratic candidates and parties, according to data-tracking nonprofit Open Secrets.
Tit for tat. Democrats are demonizing Republicans who support curriculum transparency. Sen. Chris Murphy (D-Connecticut) calls them “mean, hateful and spiteful.” Washington Post columnist E.J. Dionne Jr. says Republicans will be forced “to own the meanness.” Meanness for what? Keeping discussions of sex out of elementary school classrooms?
Murphy lamely predicts Republicans backing curriculum transparency will lose because “it’s just not true that it’s popular to pick on gay kids. That’s a willful distortion.
Truth is, no one advocates bullying gay kids. All children deserve kindness. But that doesn’t mean kindergarteners should be instructed in how boys can transition to become girls, or vice versa. Nearly half of teachers agree these issues don’t belong in the classroom, according to an Education Week poll.
Biden often jokes that he sleeps with a teachers union member — the same one — every night: First Lady Jill Biden. Cute, but he shouldn’t sell out to the rest. Parents care more than anyone else about their own children. They should decide what schools teach, not the far-left ideologues running the teachers unions.
Betsy McCaughey is a former lieutenant governor of New York and author of “The Next Pandemic,” available at Amazon.com. Follow her on Twitter @Betsy_McCaughey.
If I had children I would take my kids out of the public schools immediately and as far as Biden he did not create human life therefore I believe he is a Demon possess guy
This is unbelievable! Classroom transparency requests are the work of political extremists? It looks to me that the extremists are the teachers’ unions as well as the president of the United States (or the regime). Kids belong to their parents, not the State. We’re living in “1984.” This is terrifying! These Unions have been allowed to become much too powerful. Sex, whether it’s gay or straight, should not be discussed with kids in elementary school. Where are their brains? Hopefully, we, the conservative Republicans can regain control of the House and the Senate before our country is totally destroyed.
If Joe wants to stop disinformation then he needs to close his mouth.
I spent 25 years in public ed. I have been retired for 22 years. Even back then, I did not join any union or the NEA. They were drifting left years ago. I found an organization that I could join that had insurance in case I was sued but that’s all I wanted. My last few years in public ed. were enough to tell me that I had to get out before I was fired for my Christian beliefs. The look on the NEA president’s face looks like she’s about to wet her undies at the prospect of meeting Joe. She should feel that way since she is in the leftist’s pockets.
Sadly, for decades, too many parents have also felt that their children “belong” to their schools and daycares to raise them.
Biden in 1990 introduced the “Gun-Free School Zones Act of 1990 “. Since then 92% of large mass shootings have happened in America’s unprotected schools . This criminal biden has a LOT of American kid’s blood on his hands !
Unless you personally gave birth to a given child or is the husband to the woman that did in fact give birth to the child – then that child is not, repeat not yours. There is no way in hell I would I allow any teacher to tell me my child that He or She belonged to them that teacher would be assured they are/were making a dire mistake.
Want to change society then start with the children. Democrats and Teachers Union lock step toward Socialism. Every move by this corrupt admin is to diminish, undermine the role of parents in raising their children. A Government overreach and supported by the Teachers Union that donates 98% of its funds in support of Democrats.
When have we heard the words God, Family or Patriotism from this admin.?
God …is the Government
Family…. as they so define it to be. Marginalize the role of a parent / family in raising their children
1/2 of the children today are raised by a single parent!
Patriotism ….where one does not have to stand or recite the pledge and standby as historic monuments are destroyed without consequences.
A teacher’s job is to teach essentials
Do not vote Democrat for the sake of humanity. They are scums of the earth.
The teachers are employed to educate our children in the basic learning skills, such as reading, writing and arithmetic. They are teachers with students and not foster parents or substitutes for the parents! Their assigned job is to teach and not negate the children’s parents, who are the LEGAL caretakers.
The Teachers Union should be abolished for overstepping their bounds!
Parents are responsible for the health and welfare of their children and that includes their education. The most important thing that could happen next would be to eliminate the Federal Department of Education and let the states control education and eliminate the Federal Teachers Unions.
Children are a gift from God. It is the responsibility of the parents to raise them, not the community, not the village, and not the school. Public schools exist to teach basic education, i.e. reading, writing, and arithmetic. Nothing more. Nothing less. Every parent has the right to know what is being taught in their child’s classroom. A public school classroom is not a private enclave reserved for the elite to indoctrinate our children separately from what they are learning at home. The classroom is meant to be a safe place for our children, not a center for social experimentation. NO. JOE BIDEN. YOU ARE WRONG. The children do not belong to the teachers when in the classroom. They still belong to their parents. In the classroom they are simply on loan for the day. And, NO, Hillary, IT DOES NOT TAKE A VILLAGE TO RAISE A CHILD.
THE UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT DOES NOT OWN US OR OUR CHILDREN! Their brains are filled with sewage if they think they own us!
If you wish to learn more about what is truly going on in our nation and the world, go to the following site: elijahstreams.com and look at interview with MEL K: 2030-the Great Reset Agenda that was streamed on 3 May 2022. This is very informative about the One World Order/Global Reset that has been occurring and the Elite who are behind it. Also check out themelkshow.com site for more information about the good, bad, and ugly of each state as to their status of their support of OWO/GR. 2020 voting fraud, check out Mules2000.com.
It is this kind of thinking that all Socialists/Communists use to brain wash our children. They know that free thinking (conservative) adults will rebel; but children are basically at the mercy of the diabolical public school system and the left wing/Socialist teachers and teachers union. We need to clean out at all public schools, rid the country of the left-wing teachers’ unions and start over. Get back to reading, writing, math, truthful history of the United States, Civics, etc. Our children are the ones who will suffer the most. No first grader needs to know anything about sex education, gender reassignment, etc. The current thinking and teaching of such is a travesty!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This is exactly why so many kids are now getting home schooled. Too much indoctrination crap being taught and not enough of ‘reading, writing, arithmetic, geography, history’….etc which is what should be taught in the schools. And unions have no right to say what our kids learn and don’t learn, they are nothing but a bunch of liberal a**es…. Why I do not like unions. I was forced to be in one for 15 years that did nothing but collect our dues and people that actually should have been fired were able to keep their jobs. They should be abolished along with liberal teachings in schools.
My two grandsons attend Webster Groves HS. The one mentioned on Fox today about teachers asking students about parents political views and sexual orientation. TEACH THE KIDS AND STAY OUT OF OUR FAMILY(NONE OFYOUR) BUSINESS.
These leftist get all bent out of shape when anyone comes looking into what they are doing! If what they are doing is so good for the kids and the country, then they shouldn’t be so scared that they have to demonize freedoms like transparency and free speech! They know they are doing something nefarious and don’t want the country to see it!!! So who’s the real demons here?
Biden says? Now serving as our Liar-In-Chief, Quid Pro Quo Joe had lied for his entire political career.
Sounds eerily familiar ? “He alone, who owns the youth, gains the future.” – Adolf Hitler. “Give me just one generation of youth, and I’ll transform the whole world.” – Vladimir Lenin
Big White father in Washington loves all his children
Well joebama and the marxist democrats are WRONG AGAIN!
How dare these scumbags think OUR Children belong to the teachers.
Hell no
I instinctively “KNEW” where this was going when I saw Hillary Clinton say in an interview, “It takes a village to raise a child.” That statement gave me chills, raised red flags and flashing warning lights went off in my mind! And I said out loud, “BULL SH!T! Not my kids!”
Good bye AMAC, your censors have done their job in suppressing free speech and thought.
Please keep fighting for better schools. The teachers union want political power over teaching, math, English, and reading. I am,sending all our grandchildren to private schools. Our children’s lives and futures are at stake here. Keep fighting and run for the Board of Education in your communities to change the focus of an education to what it should be.
What a laughing joke this putz is. So if our kids belong to their teachers why aren’t the teachers paying for the cost to raise the kid? Why aren’t the teachers paying parents to babysit the kid? Give me a break this moron needs more then a rest at the nearest old age home that’s for sure. Oh why did they stop lobotomies? Since they are allowing abortions why not reinstate lobotomies?
Biden and his DemocRat pals are unbelievable in their adherence to Communistic values.
School is for reading writing and arithmetic not for a teacher to explore sex politics and the family of the student it’s none of their business get rid of the department of education
Here we go again ,more lies and marxist propaganda from joebama and the democrat party and NO solutions to address real problems in Our Country!
I really enjoyed the article, well written and VERY informative about what the democrats are up to.
Sadly, the same self serving politics as the last 50 years.
Publicly they spew all the rhetoric about caring, helping and doing good for the people, but in reality serving their master of greed,power and deception!
The frightening part is there are people who believe their LIES????
Are there that many non-thinking,gullible,deceived and easily led people who actually listen????
WAKE UP AMERICA, the marxist democrat party is your ENEMY, they are destroying OUR COUNTRY ,selling out everything that’s great about America.
Attempting to shove everything Free Citizens disapprove of down YOUR throats.
Home school if possible!! The perverted Democrats need to stay away from our children!!
Our parents trusted public schools to keep us safe during school hours while we learned how to read, write, and do math. We were raised by and took our social cues from our families, not from the schools. I don’t recall being subjected to any of this political or social indoctrination. Consequently, many of us, the baby boomers,later became complacent about what was inside those textbooks. We trusted public education to do what it was supposed to do.
But the #1 priority of public education of more recent decades has changed. When I checked my kids’ books 20-30 years ago, I was appalled at some of the content, and complained to the principals and to the board of education. There was an obvious shift in the tone, the manner of delivery, the intent of the information being fed to our children. That shift was toward groupthink, community rather than individuality, and injected gratuitous references to people in jail or in daycare, minority stereotypes, and those employed in menial labor.
This is not education, and it’s no wonder the United States has fallen way behind other nations in scholastic achievement. When more pages are devoted to Islam, Mao, and Malcolm X than to our founding fathers and the Constitution, you know something is wrong. And much of that blame falls on our shoulders, because we parents learned to be complacent.
Biden is wrong; our children are our children 24/7. Beware all these before and after school programs. They’re just more opportunities to “educate” our children to the ways of herd mentality.
You know there are some things people do and say that deserve punishment greater then what we allow. this statement by Biden is one of them. For a government to put as much restriction on parents as american has to every claim they are not your kids even for some small portion of the day is unacceptable.
If it were remotely honest that the parents of the school shooter kids would never get in trouble for having the guns available because the kids were at school therefore they were the teachers kids right! So the teachers shoudl go to prison. teachers shoudl have to pay for all pe, sports, band, and science class costs because they are the teachers kids right? obviously the teachers should have to pay for the kids lunch after all the are at school and that means they are the teachers kids! any injuries at school get paid by the teachers because they are the teachers kids! Gee that changed the story doesn’t it.
It is unfair to america that we have to endure such stupid ridiculous statement for our insane leftist president and his cult party.
I suggest it is time to bring back a punishment long used to strike fear into the minds of criminals and perverts. I suggest blowing away by cannon. a quick trial, a guilty verdict and tied to the front of a cannon with family, friends and supports on hand to watch.
NO THEY DON’T! PERIOD! It is long past time to rid the collective CITIZENS of this nation of the fools, charlatans and political parasites who desperately seek, acquie and zealously cling to “power,” particularly draft-dodgers like Judas Goat Joe, D.J. Trump, and that feckless foreign-adventurer Mitt Romney. John McCain had his faults, but he never shirked his duty.
Time to home school and dismantle the teacher’s union.
I never had children myself, but I have seen throughout the years, the indoctrination that has been going on, and how children think an act. When they took prayer out of our public schools, is when it all started. That was over 50 plus years ago, an it has only gotten worse! God have Mercy on this Nation.
We are Grandparents we believe that parents should approve what is taught in school!
Coming from a pedophile, not surprised. Children belong to their PARENTS—–NOT TEACHERS.
Parents do have a right to know what their children are being taught, and to set limits on the curriculum. If teachers spent more time teaching reading, writing and arithmetic, we would not be having such conflict. Where do you start making changes? Your local school board. I for one plan to start attending the meetings. I heard at our last County Republican Committee meeting that we are facing many of these same issues. Who do I blame for this radical infiltration? Myself! I am a grandfather of 9 children. Five are home schooled and 4 go to public school. There is a difference in the content and the teaching. My 14 year old grandson who attends public school knows the difference and hates it! Will we be homeschooling him? That is a good possibility! However, meanwhile this grandfather will start paying closer attention and holding our elected officials on our local school board more accountable!
Stop the tinkering and start the law suites calling for the principles running the teachers unions and federal groups to pay for private tutoring for every student in America, without a learning disorder, that is not at grade level in Math, Reading, English and Science to get these students to grade level at their own expence. No government funding!
Biden will definitely lose that battle. Parents won’t let that happen and have a right to know what their children are learning in school so they can pull them out and send them to private or another alternative school.
Sounds just like Natzi Germany.
Don’t mess with our children. You bring out the “Mama Bears,” of protectiveness out, when it comes to our children!!! There not your kids, they are “ our kids!”
Biden is a pandering old fool with no moral compass. He is a suck up to what ever group, organization or ideology he is “speaking” in front of. His overwhelming and irrational desire to be loved has turned him into a worldwide joke. Has he EVER said what he means, or only what his captive audience expects to hear?. What a let down for anyone P2burner hopes for integrity in their leaders.
Wow unbelievable how the he thinks he’s gonna change the way children get taught in school, they are not his kids or the schools , and that goes against the constitution also . Biden is a traitor of the American people and should be in prison for treason.
Children belong only to their parents or legal guardians. Teachers are to teach reading, writing, the proven sciences, the arts, and documented history. US schools are failing miserably teaching those subjects. Any attempt to teach other things must require written parental consent at an appropriate age. I am thankful that my children are grown
We all got to get it together. like they did in the fifties and early sixties and vote these socialists out of here if the unions have to go so be it their time has run out to.
Trench coat Biden is sick and out of his mind crazy