
National Security , Newsline

Biden Must Condemn ANTIFA

Posted on Monday, January 25, 2021
by AMAC, Robert B. Charles

Antifa Political violence is the enemy of a free, orderly, constitutional republic. Left or right, political motivation matters not a twit. Respecting rule of law is key, the only way a self-governing republic survives.  As ANTIFA steps up destruction across the West, in Seattle, Portland, Denver and beyond, President Biden must step up – and unambiguously condemn ANTIFA by name.  See, e.g.;;

ANTIFA’s self-described credo, mantra and mission involve anarchic disruption, motivated by claims of equity, socialism, communism, anti-fascism, anti-Republicanism, and – operationally – Marxist-Leninist-Maoist anti-establishment violence.  That is their dominant method of operation, means for advancing their ideology – through violence not dialogue. They make no bones about it.  In short, they are fundamentally anti-American, bent on destruction not construction, rampaging not reform. See, e.g.,;;

Honest national leadership – in both political parties – is on the spot.  Moral leadership requires an honest assessment of the “state of our union,” which is not good.  Pretending the nation is not roiled by ANTIFA violence, that it was not roiled in 2020, is simply untrue.  It is also disingenuous, to the point of becoming a fatal omission.  Silence, alas, can be deadly.

Yes, half the nation is profoundly disappointed in the election, the other half somehow content to ignore rising ANTIFA violence.  Biden is President – for better or worse – and now the show is his.  He must act like a president. That means calling a spade a spade and calling out ANTIFA.

ANTFA is the uninvited extension, as the “weather underground” was during late 1960s, of groups that raised legitimate questions about lingering societal divisions, national policy, and equal protection – but they are neither peaceful protesters nor legitimate anything.  They are animated by, and unrepentant defenders of, raw violence.

In the 1960s, BLM stood not for Black Lives Matter (itself now implicated in political violence) but for Black Liberation Movement, an arm of which was Black Liberation Army, another of which was Black Panthers, neither peaceful, both apologists for political violence.  That is not opinion, interpretation, discrimination, or disinformation, just facts.  Crosscheck these facts with on any objective historical tract, treatise, or website.

Then, take a deep breath, look out the window, and just think.  Look what we got in the 1960s, at both the state and federal levels. By moving too slowly against political violence on the left, we got mass destruction of property, death of innocent citizens, federal buildings attacked – eventually blown up – tragic high-level shootings, assassinations of a president, attorney general, and civil rights leader. We got chaos, division, escalating violence, and deep national hurt.

Here was a decade too when foreign adversaries took advantage. They perceived us as weak, provoked us, dragged us into an extended hot war, redoubled their investment in Cold War aggression, leverage and duplicity, missile production, nuclear ambitions, espionage activities.

They strived to widen perceived divisions within American society, bore holes in the planking of our republic, tried to sink us. They aimed to unsettle, wound, upend the American people – our cohesion, belief in ourselves, in our extraordinary, people-centric, trust-based government.

They almost succeeded. But Americans hobbled along, somehow aware, reminded by moral leaders that we are a unique people, more blessed than burdened by our history, endowed by our Creator with inalienable rights.  We realized it was up to us, and we turned things around.  We realized it is up to each new generation of “us” – to protect the institutions, laws, ideals.

We are here again, alas. In this turbulent moment, the obligation of the American People is to stay firm and peaceful, not depart core principles, faith in institutions, nor in our history, each other, rule of law, our Constitution, or our collective resilience.

But there is more. The President – now Biden – and leaders on both sides of the political divide must step up.  If far right violence is anti-constitutional and it is, rising leftist violence, which is fundamentally destructive, outside our political process, unacceptable in America – must be roundly, directly, unambiguously, and swiftly condemned.

Law enforcement, state and federal laws, federal agencies and buildings, citizens and property must be completely, affirmatively, unapologetically protected, defended, and respected.  That starts at the top, with national leaders in both parties – especially with the President of the United States. Silence from him, would be unforgivable – and empower those aiming at destruction.

History is a wonderful teacher.  It involves far less conjecture and fiction, far more contemplation of facts and recorded depiction.  What does it teach?  Appeasement never works. Political violence not forcefully, specifically, immediately condemned begets more, often leading to a cascade of destabilizing political chaos from early offenders and those reacting.

To stop this cycle, to affirm belief in laws, in those commissioned to enforce laws, in civil discourse, in love of America – the world’s most exceptional, self-governing, constitutionally anchored, and resilient republic – leaders must speak.  The new president must stop signing executive orders, hemming and hawing, dodging a true call.  He must be equal to the moment, and unequivocally condemn ANTIFA and every incidence of leftist violence, just as he has condemned violence from extremists on the right.  Honest leadership is urgently needed. If we lose this moment, if President Biden does not speak out, we may lose more than the moment.  Enough said.

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3 years ago

Most family members won’t condemn their family.
3 years ago

It’s like Paris 1871

Lawrence Greenberg
Lawrence Greenberg
3 years ago

“Biden Must Condemn ANTIFA”

I sure hope no one is holding their breath waiting…

3 years ago

This criminal activity from Biden administration in 5 days is dusgraceful!!we the people must speak up & stop this insane behavior

Richard Hennessy
Richard Hennessy
3 years ago

How could you expect Biden to condemn ANTIFA? If he was actually elected (not probable), ANTIFA got him elected. Too many people reacted emotionally to the riots and didn’t even identify the cause.

J. Farley
J. Farley
3 years ago

Everyday law abiding citizens of this country at risk of attack SLIME-BALL Biden will do nothing to stop anybody on the left, George Soro’s is in the pocket of every DEMONRAT in Government, your life, liberty, and property are at risk. That’s what we get when we let children vote, that’s anyone on the left, if you own a gun you need to carry it and if you don’t buy one. America is in deep trouble, the only thing Biden was right about is we are in a dark winter.

3 years ago

Biden is too feeble minded and weak to do anything about Antifa. They are the enforcers of the democrats. Joe’s puppet masters won’t allow him to speak out against their violence.

Anthony Dell'Isola
Anthony Dell'Isola
3 years ago

Biden will not condemn Antifa, he is being told what to do, say and what executive orders to re-write

3 years ago

Biden w/ not condemn Antifa!! Hes determined to destroy our country!!in first few days, he’s already signed off on everything that’s bad for this country!!the epitome of a traitor!!needs to be impeached

Thomas H. Seigo
Thomas H. Seigo
3 years ago

As your ending stated, “Enough Said”!! However, never “Enough Done”!! The American citizen that deeply believes in and loves this nation must be at all times, ready to step up to the plate and take positive collective action to stop the corruption that has invaded our Sovereignty! As one who has thus far lived to a “ripe old age” of 84, my only regret is that I did not in my youth pay heed to the “winds of war” more closely. We have allowed ourselves to be drawn into the “police force” for the world while our own nation boils over with hatred! My one lasting prayer is that the God under which this nation was founded will give us His graceful forgiveness and come quickly to rid this wordl and thus our nation of the evils that surround us one and all!

3 years ago

Jo and ho will never disavow antifa and BLM. They are the communist gestspo.

3 years ago


If Biden does nothing to STOP ANTIFA AND BLM then he along with his administration is the PROBLEM and NOT the SOLUTION!!

The writing is on the wall unless you are either too ignorant to see it or turn a blind eye….ANTIFA and BLM will most definitely head to those governments in power and attempt and possibly succeed to removing those individuals in power.

I pray this is NOT the case and that Biden does the RIGHT THING FOR ONCE. After all this effects his loved ones also, NOT JUST THE AMERICAN PEOPLE.

It’s time for Biden to STAND UP and BE A MAN!

Dave from San Antonio
Dave from San Antonio
3 years ago

He ‘might’ condemn it some day speaking out of the right side of his mouth, but praise it out of the left side of his mouth at the same time. Antifa(pantifa, to me) and BLM are the new ‘political activism’ factions of the Left. At least, for now. The problem will be when the Left ‘forgets’ the under the table promises that were made when all this started. There have already been a few rumblings on that, already. The mention of the ‘Black Liberation Movement’ was nice. I thought everyone had forgotten about that, but I remember it, and very well, too.

3 years ago

It’s pretty hard to get Biden to condemn something he pretends isn’t real! That entire crowd is so two faced.

3 years ago

No one in the Democrat party will ever condemn the riots that are and have been occurring. This is all part of Obama’s plan for fundamentally changing America. The riots; the attacks on Conservative politicians and President Trump supporters; voter fraud; and divisiveness have all been orchestrated by Obama’s Organization for Action, the Obama Foundation, the Clinton Foundation, and Soros’s Get a copy of “Overthrow! Barack Obama’s Treacherous War on President Trump”. It is a small booket published by David Horowitz’s Freedom Center. It is an eyeopener as to who is responsible for the chaos and how they are achieving it.

3 years ago

Come on man. There aren’t riots, except when Trump supporters led by planted leftist to capitalize on the anger that was created by MSM and corrupt lying democrat politicians to express their frustration in a way that was wrong. We’ve been had, again, We need someone, or an organization who has the talents and charisma, other than Trump (he has enough to take care of personally) to lead the fight for our freedoms that are being stripped away at a “warp Speed”. Pray for someone, or organization to lead.

3 years ago

I am dismayed by the continuing violence in Portland and other areas of the country where riots and disorder continue despite police tactics to try to keep protestors in check. If Biden will not denounce these protestors as insurrectionists or worst and put an end to their destructive behavior, it will become a public outcry. Hopefully, it will bring politicians to try to remedy this situation, if they want to be re-elected again.

John Karkalis
John Karkalis
3 years ago

Of course ANTIFA should be condemned. You don’t negotiate with anarchists any more than you would negotiate with a deadly organism. You stop it. You stamp it out!
To say there is no media bias in coverage of certain extreme anti-American groups is to say that the earth is flat. That up is down. That our great nation is inherently evil at the same time countless numbers are risking everything to come here.
My fellow Vietnam veterans saw a part of the world where evil regimes truly exist.
I don’t know whether Mr Biden is up to the task of addressing this clear and present danger to America.
I know I don’t want to see a repeat of the past where a weak
appeaser stepped of a plane holding a meaningless piece of paper, crowing, “I believe this is peace in our time”.
You don’t negotiate with evil, foreign or domestic.

David B.
David B.
3 years ago

Puppet biden and his criminal cabal are “on a tear”, going full speed to implement their anti-American agenda as fast as they can, before the smoke clears. Dilute & pollute all facets of our normal lives, resetting a “new” normal, make us afraid to speak out, take away our freedoms, make us the slaves they crave. There’s only one thing they’ll understand, and it’s an ugly culmination of their digressions.

3 years ago

Don’t hold your breath. Mr. Biden is a useful idiot and they will use him to the best of their ability. The democrats have become anti AMERICAN!!!

Jane CA
Jane CA
3 years ago

Put these dummies in jail ! Violence begets more violence and that is NOT my USA!

pete kennedy
pete kennedy
3 years ago

Antifa was used to overthrow the throne of Russia and open the door to Communism. Hitler used them temporarily then used his Brown shirts to wipe them out. Biden and the Democrats did the same and the question is will they continue ?

3 years ago

If Jackass Joe DIDN’T CONDEMN ANTIFA RIOTERS back before the Election, why would he now? … It will be interesting, but I predict He won’t bring necessary action to control these Communists. After all, THEY ARE NOW PART OF THE DEMOCRATIC PARTY!!!

3 years ago

Joe Biden, in nearly every way, is the “fascist” leftist groups in the USA claimed to oppose. Joe Biden won’t call them out by name, unless they seem no longer useful. This is the likely reason why the antifa web site now redirects to the White House website for homage. The 2020 leaders of antifa and blm should worry about this outright betrayal of the people they pretended to represent.

David Spade
David Spade
3 years ago

Biden won’t condemn the anarchists because they are part of the Marxist Democrat party. Until the pressure is really on the administration and until the ANTIFA message doesn’t fit the Democrat narrative, Biden and his insiders will just choose to ignore these “concept ideas”. He is so disingenuous. Unity now….unity forever!

3 years ago

Puppets aren’t real. They are controlled by other hands.
Help us Father God to look to you in an attitude of trust. Your omnipotence prevails. Amen

Jay A.
Jay A.
3 years ago

Yikes, calling a spade a spade could be construed as racist by the loony left!

3 years ago

Why do you as well as other news outlets reference what Biden must do or needs to do. He is not doing anything other than what he is being told to say and direct by the globalists and leftest who are running the show.

Rick J.
Rick J.
3 years ago

Why would Biden condemn the democrats shock troops? Sooner or later they are going
to attack the wrong segment of the population and they are going to find out that what
happens when the attacked fight back.

"Doc" Kozlowski
"Doc" Kozlowski
3 years ago

The only thing that sleepy uncle Joe would ever seriously condemn is a shortage of…

Sharon Harrigan
Sharon Harrigan
3 years ago

Psalm 37:1-2 “Feet not thyself because of evildoers, neither be thou envious against the workers of iniquity.
For they shall soon be cut down like the grass, and whither as the green herb.”

3 years ago

Biden is not going to do anything He has all ready violated his oath of office

Rick Marlowe
Rick Marlowe
3 years ago

Unconstitutional changes to election law. Don’t let it go.

3 years ago

Biden and his cronies will now have to acquiesce and kowtow to all the demands of the left-wing, radical groups he has supported & want to be given permission to continue marauding. They’ll now demand justice from the president & his minions because they see themselves as victims.

Rick Maisto
Rick Maisto
3 years ago

Biden and Socialist Dems will not condemn Antifa or BLM terrorists because they created and support them.

Doug Drennan
Doug Drennan
3 years ago

Liberal democrats including hollywood celebrities and tech company leaders have been funding the violence for months. Our now vice president campaigned on raising money to bail out violent perpetrators. The democrats are not going to condemn the violence as long as the bulk of it is directed at conservative law-abiding citizens. Until the American people finally understand that war has already been declared against them and stand up and fight back the violence will continue.

3 years ago

Biden doesn’t know how to do anything except sign his name on documents that overturn anything and everything President Trump accomplished or put into motion while he was in office. He’s not going to do anything about ANTIFA because remember…their not a terrorist group, just and idea!
He’s too mentally ill to make any decisions. Can’t even properly salute military !

Art A
Art A
3 years ago

Mr. Charles your perceived optimism is appreciated. However the term “honest leadership” is entertaining. Clueless Joe has too many strings attached by the puppet masters. This is politics. We really expect honesty wrapped in rhetoric and other gas bag mechanisms? The folks in the street are the useful idiots for both sides. It may be time to meet force with force. Let the police and security people do their jobs. Stop this tolerance of anarchy! For the time being, it is geographically specific. Stop it now before it spreads. Let someone other than the PATRIOTS spill some blood if that is what it takes. Thank You because I may be blocked. MAGA!

3 years ago

Excellent article! Good for you, Mr. Charles. You hit the nail on the head for sure. We know Biden is not the most courageous to begin with but he really is supposed to be a leader. He should do the job he was elected? to do or resign.

Ginger Lymbery
Ginger Lymbery
3 years ago

Surely you jest…this man and his minions just took 75-80 million votes and trashed them and illegally, unconstitutionally took the office of president….he is an illegible president and he will not condemn the violence….his party are the ones entangled with Soros who put them on the streets and are paying their salaries. The money needs to be followed, and when it ends up in Soros’ name, then the insurance companies need to file a law suit for ALL the damage and payments they have made to people that have had their businesses burned and looted by these thug terrorists. The people who had no insurance should get together and file a lawsuit against Soros for all they have lost….change the venue and bring the lawsuit to Texas for a just trial.

Ron Howard
Ron Howard
3 years ago

While I completely agree with the goal of the article to condemn violence, the hope that Biden, or the Democrat Party will condemn Antifa is naïve, to say the least. The violent, unlawful actions, including the condemnation of law enforcement, condoned by the Democrats before the 2020 election is evidence of their plan to create division and the disruption of law and order. This kind of upheaval in society works to their benefit. They hope to instill confusion and fear in the people. And, look at Biden’s actions on his 1st day in office, aimed at insuring more votes for the Democrats in the future, by suspending deportation of illegals, offering citizenship to millions of illegals already here, assuming that will mean millions of new Democrat votes in the future. And all that he did that will be harmful to Americans, like the Iranian Nuclear deal, rejoining the Paris Accord on the environment, etc., etc., all of which are financially, and/or otherwise harmful to America and Americans, just to mention a few. And much more to come. Be prepared for it.

3 years ago

I sincerely doubt Biden has a clue about what’s going on in this country. If it’s not coming in through his earpiece he doesn’t know it exists. Sad but true.

3 years ago

Great article.
Thank y9u..

Phil Hammersley
Phil Hammersley
3 years ago

Biden will do what his “handlers” tell him. He couldn’t put a cogent paragraph together by himself. Didn’t you like him repeating the instructions fed into his earpiece the other day? “Salute the Marines.” Even at that, he didn’t do it!

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
3 years ago

His handlers wont OK that or other actions, doing same as Trump IE lockdowns for travel.
More BS from Biden.

3 years ago

The one thing that has stood out to me so far is that none of the people who are in power at this point and are swearing to represent all those in their jurisdictions only represent those who agree with them. What a sad state we have allowed in our most noble country. I am very sad about what is going on and pray for our country. I am glad to see that people such as yourself care so much and write such great articles.

3 years ago

biden won’t tell panti fa or blm to go away – he doesn’t have the guts, he is a wuss! – afraid of his own shadow! nice huh! thanks to the dumo supporters we now have to contend with this illigimate president

SFC Chuck Cox
SFC Chuck Cox
3 years ago

I’m SFC Chuck I served this Nation for 22 years in the Military in Vietnam to protect are country,took the oath from our Constitution of the United States that stated that we protect our country from foreign enemys and enemys within…This Country is going to HELL in a hand basket,mark my word……

3 years ago

Remember, Biden is just a puppet for the left. He can only say what his handlers will allow, or he will be declared unfit for his position sooner rather than later!! I want to add… THANK GOD FOR TRUMP!! I know he’s got this!!

3 years ago

“Be careful what you wish for.” Biden is what the democrats wished for and now their wish has come true. Killing the Keystone Pipeline will put thousands of Americans out of work, and here comes $3.00 a gallon gas. Inviting illegal aliens into our country while many American citizens are jobless is repugnant and a slap in the face to those who badly need a job. Before COVID-19, the economy was surging, unemployment was going down and America was energy independent for the first time in a generation. Of course, Trump was President. But wait; there is more to come from Basement Biden. If you think Biden is bad, just wait until the democrats use the 25th amendment to oust him and install Harris as #47. I really fear for our country.

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