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Biden Delivers Migrant Children Into the Hands of Evil Men

Posted on Tuesday, May 30, 2023
by Shane Harris

AMAC Exclusive – By Shane Harris

One of the most tragic – and underreported – consequences of the ongoing crisis at the U.S.-Mexico border is the dramatic spike in the abuse and trafficking of children. Yet as part of their effort to downplay and ignore the horrific consequences of their immigration policies, the Biden administration has all but abandoned these children to the cartels and criminals.

While border crossing numbers for all demographic groups have increased sharply under President Biden, one of the most significant increases has been among unaccompanied alien minors. According to Customs and Border Patrol data, 152,057 unaccompanied children crossed the southern border in fiscal year 2022, up slightly from 146,925 in 2021. Through April of this fiscal year, 81,474 unaccompanied minors have crossed the border.

Those figures represent a drastic increase from the final years of the Trump administration. In fiscal year 2020, just 33,239 unaccompanied alien minors crossed the border.

In total, CBP has reported 366,090 unaccompanied minors crossing the border illegally since Biden took office. The true figure is likely far higher given that cartels and child trafficking rings smuggle many children into the country undetected.

The Latin American branch of the Coalition Against Trafficking International estimates that, of those children, a shocking 60 percent have been caught by the cartels and have been exploited for child pornography or used for drug trafficking.

Horrific anecdotes further underscore the sheer scale and brutality of child trafficking operations. In an op-ed published last August, Republican Congresswoman Kat Cammack shared that she had “seen children as young as two months old being smuggled by coyotes across the Rio Grande.”

“On my first trip to McAllen, Texas in 2021,” she continued, “I met a little girl who couldn’t speak because her vocal cords had been severely damaged by gang members who sexually abused her.”

In July 2022, border officials apprehended a teenage girl with a bag of “Plan B” pills tucked away in her shirt pocket. “I knew I’d be raped multiple times” on the journey north, she explained. The bag was already missing several pills.

A graphic video shared by Texas Republican Senator Ted Cruz last July showed evidence of what he called a “narco slave trade,” along with images of migrant children killed along the border. “Joe Biden and Kamala Harris are responsible for the worst plague of slavery in America since the Civil War,” Cruz says in the 68-second clip.

While Cruz’s claim might sound shocking at first, Biden’s policies since taking office make it difficult to arrive at a different conclusion.

In February 2021, Biden instructed officials not to turn away children who came across the border alone – creating a massive incentive for families to pay smugglers to send their children north. The very next month, arrivals of unaccompanied children more than doubled, from 9,402 in February to 18,870 in March. The number of unaccompanied minors arriving at the border has remained above 10,000 in all but one month since.

That has meant big business for traffickers. Human smuggling has exploded from an estimated $500 million industry in 2018 to a $13 billion industry today.

With U.S. immigration policies giving preferential treatment to families over single adults, smugglers often pair up minor children with strangers and send them across the border together. “You don’t have a kid? I’ll provide a kid,” is how one border patrol agent described the mentality of smuggling rings.

Yet despite this obvious tactic that puts children in even more danger, Just the News reported this month that the Biden administration is planning to end familial DNA testing at the U.S.-Mexico border on May 31.

DNA testing was another Trump-era policy designed both to discourage illegal immigration and root out child trafficking operations. A government accountability office report cited by Just the News found that, in 2022, roughly 1 in 10 children tested under the program turned out to be not related to the illegal alien adults whom they were crossing with.

All of these issues are likely to be exacerbated further by the end of Title 42 earlier this month. Border officials have warned that the end of the pandemic-era policy will unleash an even greater flood of migration northward that could overwhelm already strained law enforcement resources.

In a telling omission, the Biden Justice Department made no mention of migrant children in its National Missing Children’s Day proclamation last week. Throughout the crisis, Biden and his top border lieutenants have continued to call their immigration policy “fair, orderly and humane.”

It seems likely that the migrants themselves, and in particular migrant children, would hardly feel the same.

Shane Harris is a writer and political consultant from Southwest Ohio.

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Rob citizenship
Rob citizenship
1 year ago

It makes sense that the more people understand about the crisis at the United States — Mexico border the sooner the crimes that were described in this article will be stopped. Many things are needed to stop the crimes connected with human trafficking, including a high level of intelligence to understand the complexity of the matter, great courage, especially the courage to get to the truth of what is going on and why, and resourcefulness in order to figure out ways to deal with all of situations that are comparable to roadblocks on a road that will lead to a solution to these border related emergencies. More people in positions of influence who have the same outlook, and understanding as Senator Ted Cruz would be a great help . Well Done ! Shane, your writing on this crisis will surely help to provide the understanding needed to stop this evil situation connected with the human trafficking crimes and the United States — Mexico border crisis.
This issue has much to do with the Nation’s character, and it should be known that there are citizens of the United States of America who are working to bring Freedom to those who have been victimized by the human trafficking . Hope, Courage,
With respect for the will of God, respect for Life and Liberty.

5 months ago

Did you all watch “SOUND OF FREEDOM” movie?
could there be a connection with all the children coming here ?

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
1 year ago

Payback for the Cartels alone

1 year ago

When you have no God, support Satan’s plans, and worship abortion as the demo/socialists do, it is impossible to care about the lives of children or any other living thing. Evil lives in the minds of democrats as comfortably as fleas on a dog. I’ll take the fleas over the democrats.

Ann S
Ann S
1 year ago

Humane for whom? I can’t express myself I am so mad and disgusted and am bound to say something that would get me arrested. We got to vote these people out.

1 year ago

Biden IS an evil SOB!

1 year ago

This “anything goes” open border-ism is uncaring but matches the rest of Biden’s choices. He doesn’t care. He has a rationalization that this country can accommodate any number of people coming from anywhere because he doesn’t care. Is this a sociopath? OR?

Rebecca Brigandi
Rebecca Brigandi
1 year ago

When will America wake up. Everyone in the Biden Administration, especially the “Big Guy” should be impeached and thrown in jail. We know that Biden will not step down for any reason because they are afraid that he could be indicted for multiple felonies if he were not president. There should be exceptions to that law in severe cases like Biden’s. Don’t feel sorry for the daughtering old fool. He does not care about the slaughter of innocence, but only cares about his own power and immunity from paying for his crimes. We must pray for the poor innocent children being trafficked into slavery due to the gross negligence and high crimes and misdemeanors of Biden and his cohorts, and we must pray for justice to be done.

Irv C
Irv C
1 year ago

This is horrid but biden never thinks ahead, he plods along like the moron he is. As disgusting as my nest statement is: How many little souls did biden take for himself? I can’t help but wonder since He always is touching kids. Not saying he’s a pedophile and not saying he’s not.

anna hubert
anna hubert
1 year ago

Biden puts children into hands of evil men Our own children are in the hands of evil men and mostly women they are called teachers I do not know who is in charge of the “border crisis” but it certainly is not the US border patrol Where does that saintly org called UN stands on the issue of children majority of which appear to be strong young males How did they make it across not only the continent but the whole world and not only minors Not one of them looks dirty hungry bedraggled in tatters Cell phones working just fine This is orchestrated organized invasion blessed by the government Next phase is not going to be pleasant

1 year ago

The Puppet-In-Chief’s Marxist handlers know what is going on. They regard all that open border related child abuse (not to mention other criminality) as acceptable collateral damage toward harvesting new voters and damaging our economy to obtain what Comrade Obama called his treason of “fundamental change.”

Sharon Ormsby
Sharon Ormsby
1 year ago

Why would Biden care? He is a pedophile himself and he has passed that trait on to his son Hunter. Anyone who is on Truth Social is aware of that. There is a picture on Hunter’s own laptop of him in bed with his own niece! Pedophilia runs in families for those who don’t know it. Biden showered with his own daughter Ashley and she is now in therapy for it. She still lives in terror of showers because of it. If I were her, I’d renounce her entire family.

1 year ago

that’s because biden is a perv and evil – he doesn’t care about this country or the people in it and he only wants illegals here to benefit his votes bc he can’t win on his own. a flunky and a failure

1 year ago

Biden is the biggest embarrassment in the history of our country! Everything he touches, turns to sh__!

IMPEACH him now!

Jodi Lewis
Jodi Lewis
1 year ago

Thank you for bringing this to light!

Gabe Hanzeli
Gabe Hanzeli
1 year ago

well that is what pedophiles do. we all know biden is a pedophile.

1 year ago

The only thing that matters to the demon party is the influx of new voters to replace those who now vote as mindless robots. The demon party rulers realize that theres an regular’graduation’ among recent immigrants from welfare recipients to business owners and tax payers. Their goal now is to oversupply their voter rolls. The fentanyl and child traffickers are meaningless to the demons party.

1 year ago

The Democrats liked slavery before the Civil War; they liked it after the Civil War; they’ve always liked slavery, Why should we expect them to change now?

Richard Hollingshead
Richard Hollingshead
1 year ago

they say you can tell if a person is a pedophile if he smells women and little girls hair.

1 year ago

Just out of curiosity what is Biden’s cut for selling these children. I’m sure THE BIG MAN wants his fair share.

1 year ago

One thing that the progressives like Biden don’t think about is the consequences of their policies.They think they are doing good but they just make things worse and are too arrogant to admit it isn’t working.
Just like Obama who ruined millions of folks insurance to help other millions improve theirs.

Patriot Will
Patriot Will
1 year ago

Biden and his goons are themselves evilly depraved mass murderers for encouraging the rampant crimes against children that we are witnessing because of the open, lawless border between Mexico and the United States. Biden is so morally bankrupt that he has lost his ability to feel empathy and compassion for those poor children who are now being abused and killed by hardcore criminals. Biden lies that Republicans are still encouraging slavery and hate, when the ironic truth is that Biden himself is encouraging division, hate, and slavery of all kind. Not even small, innocent children are safe. Tens of thousands of undocumented children can no longer be located. Many of them are working, living. and dying under inhuman, brutal conditions.

Barrett Smith
Barrett Smith
1 year ago

biden has a lot of blood on his hands. You’d think that would make the ice cream taste bad.

1 year ago

And yet, Hillary has the nerve to call Republicans “despicable”. ????????????

Ron St.Martin
Ron St.Martin
1 year ago

Pedo Joe, Billy boy Clinton, Bill Gates, and the rest of the sicko’s, don’t have Epstein anymore gotta gettem somehow!

1 year ago

Ole Joe doesn’t give a thought to children, anywhere.

He doesn’t even acknowledge his own son’s out of wedlock daughter. Pray for this little girl as well as she gets older living within this family.

Charles Williams
Charles Williams
1 year ago

FJB! Is being controlled by evildoers so this comes as no surprise.

terrie h Mcnair
terrie h Mcnair
1 year ago

Sound of Freedom movie coming out July 4. ‘God’s children are NOT for sale!’ Pray that the evil plans of the enemy will be turned back on themselves, and these horrific things will be stopped by the overriding power of our heavenly Father.

Kyle Buy you some guns,and learn how to shoot
Kyle Buy you some guns,and learn how to shoot
1 year ago

Shut down the border completely. Kyle L.

1 year ago


1 year ago

Biden has delivered the whole country into the hands of very EVIL people.

1 year ago

Oh but the left is SO happy with the way things are right now. It’s no longer just a case of them seeing the state of affairs through rose colored glasses, it’s more rose scented hallucinogens. There are a plethora of things wrong with this country no thanks to 44 and 46 but this business with children needs serious attention. It isn’t just this immigrant invasion either. The abuses going on from the clergy are disgusting as well, per Epoch Times only 4 of our 50 states were investigated but it was found that 997 clergymen abused well over 3600 children. As I said, the children are our future, they need our protection and they are not going get it with the disturbing policies of the current regime.

1 year ago

What do you suppose his 10% is from the cartels for this favor???

Fred Noel
Fred Noel
1 year ago

FBI and the Mexican Drug Cartels! He looks the other way and is paid handsomely for doing so. Evil is as Evil does and Joey has done it all.

1 year ago

Like himself and his fellow perverse comrades in the communist/fascist Rat Party?

1 year ago

What else would you expect from a PEDOPHILE??

1 year ago

Why doesn’t the Chief of the Border Patrol live up to the oath he took to “protect the United States from all enemies, both foreign

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