The Better for America Podcast

Why Suburban Mothers Support Trump

Posted on Thursday, September 10, 2020
by Rebecca Weber

trumpMothers know a simple truth – one Winston Churchill, by chance, put into words: “Kites fly highest against the wind, not with it.”  In other words, teaching values is harder than letting go; working to preserve America, keeping values high, requires persistence.

As a mother, let me explain why Trump’s reelection is essential – for those who care about America’s past and future, Bill of Rights, and giving our kids the chance to strive, fail, start again, and succeed.  We know life is not a straight line but stops and starts. We needed the freedom to explore, live, learn, and finally succeed.  Our children deserve that same freedom.  Trump makes that possible; Biden could care less – as his client is the government.

Generally, mothers want their sons and daughters – grandsons and granddaughters – to have a shot at their individual destiny, whatever that may be.  We are not interested in having them bundled into identity groups, their views shaped by others, taken for granted, disrespected, discarded, twisted, or impugned.  That is not America, land of free speech, religion, and assembly.

We are not interested in a government that marginalizes the individual, distorts personal differences, uses the wonderful sweep of individuality to promote class warfare, socialism, communism, fascism, racism, or any other “ism” that contributes to social unrest, societal tension, or ending America’s long run.

We want honest education for our kids, not activism, leftwing politics, or the agenda of powerful teachers’ unions.  We want respect for the family, the role and right of parents to raise their kids.  Mothers and fathers have the right to teach faith, fidelity, freedom, hard work, self-reliance, and a range of moral values – and not to see those values methodically undone by the state.  Moral relativity should never countermand moral compass.

Honoring America’s history, President Trump is plainly proud of who we are – and who we have always been.  We are “One Nation under God, indivisible” – imperfect, yet always aspiring to “liberty and justice for all.”  We are beneficiaries of hard-won victories, keepers of freedom’s flame, protectors of our exceptional past – to support a future without ceiling.

We want our kids to live in an America safe from senseless riots, strong at home and abroad, secure in their jobs and in the nation’s goodness, striving but thankful, not reckless, restless, or led by wrongheaded, graceless, and ungrateful agitators. We have had enough of them.

We are not interested in seeing cities, suburbs and towns marred by more riots, fear, violence, and mobs undermining basic rule of law.  We are not interested in political leaders who see anarchist disorder, socialist disdain for the individual, disruption of human connections from commerce to community and family to faith as some political tool.  That is not real America.

We want to preserve this place, where our daughters grow up to become anything they wish, educators, doctors, business leaders, engineers, scientists, astronauts – and can also be respected as wives and mothers, dedicated to any future they can envision, not one dictated by the state.

For our sons, we want a place where they are not demeaned, coerced, limited, persecuted, socially molded, or made to be less than the men they were born to be, where strength of character, heart, mind and body are celebrated, where historic men like George Washington and Thomas Jefferson, Theodore Roosevelt and Ulysses S. Grant, those on Rushmore to Apollo’s moonwalkers are revered as real heroes and role models – not torn down, figuratively or literally.

We want an America alive and thriving, awake and working, not cowed by political correctness, paralyzed by media-fanned fears, or worried about whether pride is justified.  It is.  We want an America resilient, resurgent with hope, concerned about our fellow citizens – not quick to blame.

We want a place true to our ideals, pulling together in one direction, eyes on the far horizon, hopeful, faithful and full-hearted, not pointing fingers for a foreign virus and pause in economic gains, not stirring racial unrest – certainly not spinning made-up stories to impeach a president.

When we say we love this “land of the free and home of the brave,” these are not empty words. They are words of love and gratitude, a bond not only among living mothers, but past American mothers – who gave sons and daughters so we might become mothers. Trump knows respect for mothers and fathers – as for soldiers – is not time-bound but timeless.

We are a blessed lot, We Americans – especially American Moms. President Trump sees the future through the eyes of an American who has fought to fulfill his own destiny.  Part of that destiny is to see every American child – yours and mine –fulfill theirs.  Is there a higher calling?

We can help make that happen by standing up for values that protect families – and for the one presidential candidate who respects life, born and unborn, young, and old.  Trump will not submerge the individual into some giant, monolithic, all-powerful, socialist state. Biden would.

That is why mothers who see the best in America – not the worst; who love our history – rather than hate it; who honor those in places like Arlington and Normandy – rather than tearing down statutes and what they fought for; and who want to keep America great – will vote for the presidential candidate who shares their love of America.  Trump understands what we live for. That is why so many mothers support him.

In the end, Trump stands for family, freedom, and the future – tied to individual’s finding their own destiny.  Most Moms get that.  They know you cannot let the kite go and expect good things.  Good things take work – like mothering, protecting freedom, honoring history, and getting kites to fly their highest.  Churchill knew it.  Mothers know it.  All should know it.

Rebecca Weber is CEO of the Association of Mature American Citizens (AMAC), a 2.1 million-strong, non-partisan group for Americans 50+. She is also a suburban New York mother, writer and community leader. 

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Diana Erbio
Diana Erbio
4 years ago

Wonderful column! Yes, the right to pursue happiness with equal opportunity…equal outcomes can never be guaranteed.

4 years ago

Really appreciated the message about what mothers want.

4 years ago

This message made tears come to my eyes more than once, more times than I counted. GOD bless America & give us the courage to stop this nonsense.

4 years ago

Dear Rebecca,
I love the comparison between life’s challenges and the flying of a kite. We need intelligent people fighting for our side. We need to be heard! No more accepting their words as gospel. They need to be taught the facts as they are, not what they think they should be. These intellectually challenged “children” Need a figurative slap in the face. It will help them to grow up and see the damage they have done to themselves and our nation. Thank you!

4 years ago

There is another simple saying that the Left ignores. “Do not let the perfect become the enemy of the good.” By what they say, they are demanding that the USA be perfect. And because it is not they want to start over.
The big problem with that is they want to start over with an intrinsically flawed idea, that does not allow for improvement. We are not and never will be perfect, but at least the founding ideas allow us to try to improve.

Richard Hennessy
Richard Hennessy
4 years ago

Democrats like to point out that suburban women prefer Democrats. That may be true, but I believe it is also true that suburban women with families (those having a husband and one or more children), prefer President Trump and Republicans because they value culture and stability over big government and handouts. Ignoring families as a demographic is politically advantageous for Democrats.

4 years ago

We should all heed these words. May God protect us all from the “ne’er do wells” & their so-called leaders trying to take control of our great nation. And may He bless America & President Trump.

Eleanor Smith
Eleanor Smith
4 years ago

In Jr High School I learned that the election of a class president should be based on leadership qualities, not popularity. This holds true throughout our society. We are so privileged to have the right to select our leaders, we must remember to base our choice on leadership qualities and not on personality. Often good leaders do not have wonderful personalities; in part, that is what makes them great leaders.

4 years ago

At the beginning of Joe Biden’s speech at the Democratic National Convention, he stated that the Trump administration has been one of division, cloaked in darkness. What meaningless words. This mature suburban Mom takes offense at these fallacious sentiments.

It was the Obama/Biden administration that compartmentalized each of us into little boxes, essentially defining who we are by the label on the box. What they failed to appreciate is the individuality of each American, that we cannot be defined by simply being labeled “Black” or “Student” or “Christian” or “Rich” or “City Folk”. This box-checking further divides America; it cannot, ultimately, engender unity.

America has prospered because of our individual differences and capabilities. We were born with the “natural” right to enjoy those freedoms guaranteed by the Constitution, and, therefore, the right to express ourselves within our families and communities, in commerce, and in religion. The Republican platform looks at all the possibilities and chooses those ideals that benefit the greatest number of citizens. It formulates legislation based on providing equal opportunities for each of us, not by picking winners, losers, and outcomes. Democrats prefer to corral us into lots, but that old song comes to mind: “Don’t Fence Me In.”

4 years ago

Wonderful article and I completely agree. I just wish it could be out there for all to read and think on.

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