The Better for America Podcast


Posted on Thursday, July 18, 2024
by Rebecca Weber
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Join Rebecca Weber and Matt Kane in “Uniting Generations” as they tackle pressing issues impacting America today. From election integrity and economic challenges to the growing unity across generations, this broadcast highlights key topics with engaging discussions and insightful perspectives.

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Rebecca Weber: Hello everyone, I’m Rebecca Weber. You’re watching Better for America, and I’m thrilled to be joined by my co host today, Matt Kane. Matt, it’s great to have you here with me. 

Matt Kane: Thank you for having me.

Rebecca Weber: Matt, you’re doing a lot with AMAC and, when we met, two and a half years ago, I guess it was, it was so refreshing to meet you and understand that your passion aligns so much with AMAC’s mission. So I want to talk a little bit about that. but for those who are maybe seeing you for the first time, Matt Kane is in AMAC.

AMAC correspondent, and hosts the AMAC News Minute. These are one minute videos and you’re doing a terrific job. for those of you who may not be aware, AMAC is publishing regular content on our site, original content I should say, and Matt Kane is contributing towards that content. we’ve got incredible AMAC Newsline, articles on our site, original content.

I want to talk about one of your articles in just a minute, but before I do, I want I wanna talk about our recent conference that we attended. This was an incredible conference, the Peoples Conference. It was in Michigan. and that was, in conjunction with Turning Point Action. It was their conference.

And AMAC was a proud sponsor and thrilled to be there. And what really shocked me was I, when I, was heading there, I thought, we’re gonna meet a lot of really young people. because Charlie Kirk’s group, which is incredible, really is, has attracted so many young people. and what I found to be really refreshing was to see so many people of different generations.

We had the boomers there, we had Gen Xers, we had Gen Zers like yourself, and I thought, wow, the country is really uniting. 

Matt Kane: I agree. I think it’s uniting for a lot of reasons. Joe Biden said he would unite the country and he has unintentionally, I guess it’s definitely not the way he intended to, but I think so many issues right now are so undeniable that everybody is united on the issues.

Now, if you’re someone who consumes mainstream media, mainstream news, I should say frequently, you would not think that you would definitely buy into the idea that it’s a 50 50 country. But that’s not actually how most people think. And that’s something when you get out of that box where it’s one choice, the other, you start to realize nobody really likes what’s going on right now.

So if you ask people about issues specifically, I don’t know anybody who’s a big fan of what’s gone on under Joe Biden. Nobody’s a fan of his economic policy. The inflation is running rampant right now. Foreign affairs are a mess. People really feel that things are not going the way they want to, and they’re not necessarily thinking about.

Trump or Biden when you talk about the issues, and then in terms of President Trump’s policies, people right now, maybe people who didn’t a couple years ago believe that they like Trump or that he was doing a good job, now you’re seeing two apples to apples comparisons, and they’re saying, you know what, everything Trump did really kept the country going in the right direction, and everything Biden’s doing right now is the opposite, so I think when you focus on the issues, there is a great unity.

I don’t see Biden rallies, I don’t see Biden gear, I don’t see Biden yard signs. So I just think that there’s an enthusiasm right now for issues based discussion. And when you focus on the issues, people are quite united, in my opinion. 

Rebecca Weber: Yeah, and it seems that people, rightly are concerned about the issues that impact them personally.

for example, when you’re paying a lot more money to buy a loaf of bread, or a dozen eggs, and you have a president who’s saying, inflation isn’t that bad, but you feel it at the pump. You feel it when you get your energy bill. You feel it when you’re trying to buy a home. there’s something that I think people, both seniors who are on fixed incomes are struggling, under social security and are having to go back to work, and young people who are trying to buy a home are struggling with, high interest rates.

it’s very difficult for young people. To achieve the American dream. So it seems that one thing that Joe Biden has done and our members agree on this is made it very hard for people to advance. And it’s the middle class that I think that’s really getting squeezed. He likes to blame big corporations and multibillionaires, but there are so many, those aren’t the people who are suffering today under Biden.

The people who are really suffering is the middle class. So I wish that we had a president who would focus more in the middle class and find ways to really empower young people like yourself instead of promising a student loan forgiveness when you yourself have paid your way through college. 

Matt Kane: Yeah. And I, think that all ties back into the unity right now because there’s, this theory called the movable middle, so you always have people refer to it, these numbers are loose, but there’s a third of the electorate that’s always going to vote left, a third of the electorate that’s always going to vote right, and then there’s that middle that sort of decides each year, each election, and that middle right now, when things are good or even just average, they don’t have that strong of an opinion, but right now, Joe Biden has forced everybody who doesn’t even consider themselves to be politically minded or politically engaged to have an opinion, because like you said, he’s Everyone’s got to pay gas.

Everyone has to pay for groceries. Everyone has to afford the abil afford things in their lives. And when that sort of becomes less manageable, everyone starts to form an opinion. Whether they view it as political or not, everyone has an idea of what’s going on. So that’s the driving force, in my opinion.

Rebecca Weber: And it seems that, Donald Trump, he’s certainly gaining popularity. he’s winning his, the numbers, when you look at how many independents, how many black voters are saying, no, we want to, we think Trump is better for us, better for the economy, looking out for us. Those numbers are certainly shifting.

But I also think that, under Joe Biden, first of all, I want to talk about the debate. Okay, before we get into some more of the statistics, because, younger people Seem to prefer Joe Biden over Trump in 2020. And I don’t know if you felt that way, if you saw that on college campuses, or if you, we live in New York, so we’re used to,

Matt Kane: We’re in the heart of young blue America.

Rebecca Weber: That’s exactly right. but I do think that after the debate, I think that all age demographics that watch that, because we have eyes that see and ears that hear said, there’s something wrong here. he’s definitely slowed up, but he’s not the same man, Joe Biden, that he was in 2020 and Trump came out strong.

What were your thoughts on the debate? 

Matt Kane: I think the debate, a lot of people are saying it was a surprise or at least the media is saying it was such a shock to see Joe Biden that way. I don’t even believe they’re telling the truth when they see that. I think if you’re in media, for example, your job is pretty much to cover the president’s every move.

And they’ve been doing that for, years now. And it isn’t as if conservatives have had this, selected lens where we only see clips of Joe Biden struggling. day in and day out. Everybody sees that. And you know this because left wing media spins it and covers it as no big deal. So now when they come out there and say that we’re so surprised to see Biden behave that way, that doesn’t exactly line up when you look at their coverage from just a couple weeks ago where they were saying it wasn’t really something worth talking about.

So in addition to that, The debate, we watched Trump and Biden on a daily basis for the last four years. And there’s, they’re in their own separate camps. And it’s an amazing thing when they’re actually on the stage. These are two men who are now in the same room. You have Joe Biden, who’s trying to arrest, lock up and remove Donald Trump in the equation.

And that hasn’t worked up to this point. So now he had no choice really, but to stand on a debate stage with him. That was a historic moment. In my mind, that was something that sort of got lost because you obviously have to talk about policy and how each person, conducted themselves. But that was a very historic moment, in my opinion, seeing them up there and just the whole way the debate went, it was bad.

It was historically bad for Biden. I don’t think anyone, even on the left, you’re seeing the panic, the, I call it the choreographed panic, but it’s undeniable. They’re not even really trying to cover it. Barack Obama came out and said we’ve all had bad debate nights. That’s a lot different from spinning it as a good thing.

Kamala Harris immediately after the debate went on CNN and said he started slow. So you’re seeing everybody on earth who watched that. Basically admit that it was horrible and on the flip side, Trump was great. I don’t want to take away credit from Trump, but I think it was so easy for Trump in this debate, he’s, So skilled at what he does. RFK Jr. Who’s not a Trump fan has called Trump the greatest debater in American presidential history. And he is. And with that, this was batting practice for Trump. Even a couple of times he was sitting there and he said, we shouldn’t even be on the stage. We’re wasting everybody’s time because it was lopsided, uneven. It was clear that Trump was himself. He’s just as sharp as he’s been his entire life in the public eye. And Biden, who was never that sharp, is even worse than he ever was. So that was my main takeaway, regardless of the substance. Most of the conversation has been about the, mental acuity of both of the, of both of the men up there.

So that was my main takeaway, but I want to hear your thoughts too, because everyone has their own takeaway. 

Rebecca Weber: I agree with you certainly, but. I am shocked that so many people were shocked to see Joe Biden behave the way he did, because I’m thinking, haven’t you been paying attention? have you been looking at the man and listening to him?

He’s afraid to take a question. He shouts at people, just, when, you have average everyday folks that are asking him very basic questions, he gets very combative, and he’s, he, is not telling the truth to the American people. I think Donald Trump recently, tweeted, or posted on Truth Social that if, when Trump is, talking to veterans, he says he was in the military.

When Trump is talking to black people, he says that he frequented their churches. When Trump is, in a particular state, he’ll say that he ran for office in that state. And all of this stuff is false. So it’s, for people not be able to pick that up and only see it on the debate stage, what I think.

Is that what you’re saying is right? This is choreographed. They’re saying, Oh boy. Oh, no, the American people are seeing Joe Biden on Joe Biden average night. This is how he behaves. And, we really want to replace him. 

But it seems that Dr. Jill Biden is dead set against her husband being replaced by anyone.

as she, screamed out to the crowd, Joe Biden, you answered all of your questions. That was beyond embarrassing for both of them, really. Yeah, it was embarrassing moment. it was after the debate. And then just the way the two men walked off the stage, Donald Trump walking, unassisted, he knows how to exit stage, and you’ve got Joe Biden who needs to be carried down the staircase, which were two small steps.

those are things that I think left, An indelible mark in our minds and our memories. And it’s a clear choice. But, beyond, because we don’t think it’s age that should dictate whether or not someone is fit to run office age is, 11 area. But you can be young and stupid or young and inept.

In this case, I think that Joe Biden is just dealing with, Issues that unfortunately many people have to deal with as they age and sometimes it’s hard to accept that as truth. we never wish ill on anyone, especially the president of the United States. I want to talk about the real statistics though and the actual numbers.

You, you posted an incredible article that you’ve written. you can find this article on AMAC. us. The title of the article is Biden has united the country against himself. Which is absolutely true. Some statistics here, again, I find, found this quite shocking. When asked, do you think the United States is on the right track.

Now Americans were asked this question. This was a New York Times poll, and it’s revealed that Biden is viewed net negatively across the board question. Do you think that the United States is on the right track, or is it headed in the wrong direction? 64 percent of respondents replied wrong direction.

This is among all demographics. Polled now men and women of all ages, races, all education levels and regions. It’s more than 54 percent said wrong direction, with one demographic reaching as high as 73%. That’s shocking. 

Matt Kane: It is. 

Rebecca Weber: These are bad numbers. 

Matt Kane: It’s shockingly bad, but at the same time, it’s not a shock to see it based on what’s going on right now.

Now, we live in a country that’s so large that. A million people is a lot of people, no matter how you chalk it up, but a million people is not a high percentage in a country as big as ours. So when you, again, we go, back to the mainstream media and having them cover everything as if we’re so divided, you’re always going to have a very vocal minority.

But if you look at these numbers, if you’re going, if you’re asking blacks, Hispanics, whites, if you’re asking Republicans, Democrats, independents, it seems like everybody is shifting towards the right. And you could say it’s because of president Trump, which I believe it is, but it’s also a combination of how bad Joe Biden has been.

President Trump is also, I believe, in many polls. receiving double digit support amongst Democrat voters. So if you just think about that for a second, Republicans typically get 96 percent of the Republican vote, Democrats get 95, 96 percent of their own electorate. For President Trump to be getting double digits from Democrats, he’s getting way more than 50 percent of independents.

That’s a united country. You’re never going to have a country where Any candidate gets 100 percent of the popular vote, but if you’re looking percentage wise about the overall picture, it seems like everybody has a majority leaning towards the right. And again, it’s President Trump, but it’s also Joe Biden.

It’s the perfect storm in my opinion for why we’re hitting this point right now where everybody’s somewhat getting on the same page. And I think if President Trump returns, those statistics would probably even shift more because people are living through that success and they want more of it.

on the economy, specifically, you write Biden’s net disapproval is a whopping 63 percent on law and order. It sits at 55 percent foreign affairs come in at 61 percent immigration at 64%. This is saying Biden’s failing. This is a number when the vast majority of Americans across all demographics say wrong direction economy is bad.

We see it. We’re the ones who are paying high prices. We’re the ones who can’t afford to remortgage or refinance, buy a home, buy a car. these, numbers are real numbers. So this is a terrific, terrific article here. What do you think the younger, how do you think the younger folks are gonna, turn out at the polls this November?

And do you think that younger people are also, here, right here on Long Island, Matt, do you think that younger people are saying, yeah, it’s time to get rid of Biden? Absolutely. 

Absolutely. I, grew up. I believe when I was a junior in high school, that’s when President Trump made his announcement that he’d be running.

And now, I was always a Trump fan. My dad used to play his DVDs in the car on the way to football practice. The Life and Business DVDs, they were interesting to me. So I was always a fan of Trump’s before he was President Trump. And from there, what he did was, politics, the reason why politics, conservatives in particular, usually older because politics are technically boring prior to Trump.

It was hard. How do you get young people engaged when you’re talking about Social Security and things that in your mind you don’t really have to worry about for a long period of time. But all of a sudden, Trump came into the equation. And there was this rockstar feel to him, there was that appeal, his rallies would fill out stadiums.

And from there he started talking about important issues in an excitable way, in an easily digestible way for people. And he brought the young people into the political equation where, probably if you’re a Democrat, you would have preferred that not happen because liberal Democrats at the high school, End of high school where you become voting age and also at the college level, there’s a lot of liberal mobilization on campuses and Republicans typically don’t have that presence, but Trump woke up that base.

So I credit President Trump and it’s really coming up on 10 years now for that change and I’m absolutely expecting a shift now because on top of what he’s built for the last 10 years, now we’re talking about the economy and people at a young age where this is really where you want to start your life and right now they can’t.

That right there is going to resonate with people where, wait a second, I remember a couple years ago. President Trump had everybody making a lot more money than they are right now. Whether you credit that to the president or not, you can’t tell people that things were worse off four years ago and they’re better now.

So absolutely, even on Long Island, there was a poll that came out recently where I think President Trump is down seven points in New York. Now you hear seven points, but the margin of error is probably three and a half. That’s technically a statistical tie. And on top of that, Republicans typically lose New York by 25 to 30 points, but there’s been a shift.

Lee Zeldin lost the state by 6 points. Chuck Schumer just lost, just won I should say, his re election by less than 60 percent of the total vote for the first time in a year. So there is a shift, and I think right now is the perfect chance for President Trump to make a play in New York. But even if he doesn’t, You can definitely sense that there’s a shift towards the right that will limit a Democrat win or even maybe flip some House seats for Republicans.

So I definitely expect New York to be a lot more in play and other states like New Jersey as well come November for sure. 

Rebecca Weber: Terrific. I so appreciate your perspectives and for anyone who would like to read this great article, check it out. “Biden has united the country against himself.” You can find that on AMAC.

And also, check out Matt Kane. Follow him on Twitter. Can you share with us your Twitter handle?

Matt Kane: That is MattKaneUSA and on Truth Social, it’s just Matt Kane. 

Rebecca Weber: Excellent. And I am also on X, I said Twitter. 

Still can’t get used to it. 

Matt Kane: I’ll probably never.

Rebecca Weber: I’m on X at theRebeccaWeber. I’d be overjoyed to have you follow me, where we will post a lot of these great articles.

And don’t forget to check out Matt Kane’s AMAC News Minute. They should be coming to your inbox. If you’re not receiving them, make sure you sign up for our daily news. Matt Kane, always a pleasure. Thanks for all you do. 

Matt Kane: And thank you, thank you for having me. Appreciate it. 

Rebecca Weber: We’ll see you all back next time. Have a great day, everyone.

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