The Better for America Podcast

Trump Term II Will Restore Power Back to Parents | Tiffany Justice

Posted on Wednesday, December 4, 2024
by Rebecca Weber
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BFA Podcast EP 330 | Tiffany Justice, Moms for Liberty

In this episode of Better for America, Rebecca Weber is joined by Tiffany Justice, co-founder of Moms for Liberty, to discuss President Trump’s bold education agenda and the critical need to return power to parents and local communities. Justice emphasizes the importance of dismantling the Department of Education, calling it a bloated bureaucracy that has failed America’s students. “We don’t have a funding problem in American education; we have a priorities problem,” she asserts. Justice celebrates the recent success of Moms for Liberty in mobilizing parents during the election and ensuring their voices are heard at every level of government. She also discusses her new children’s book, Libby Justice Goes to Williamsburg, which aims to inspire courage and patriotism in the next generation. Tune in for a dynamic discussion about empowering parents and securing a brighter future for America’s children.

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Rebecca Weber: Hello everyone. I’m Rebecca Weber. Welcome back to Better For America. On November 5th, Americans made their voices clear and voted against left wing social experiments, including radical gender ideology. Woke DEI initiatives and gave Trump a mandate to restore power back to the people, which means restoring that power back to parents and families whose lives have been really threatened by harmful initiatives that are not rooted in reality.

For many AMAC members, protecting our children, including dismantling the Department of Education, is at the top of our list. And that’s why I am thrilled to introduce an extraordinary guest, one who has dedicated her life to empowering parents and transforming the future of education. Tiffany Justice is the co founder of Moms4Liberty, a leading voice in the fight for parental rights in education.

As a former School board member Tiffany, she saw firsthand the challenges facing our education system and she decided to take action. With Moms for Liberty, she has helped create a grassroots movement that equips parents with the tools that they need to advocate for their children and push back against policies that don’t align with their values.

Tiffany, I’m thrilled to have you with me today. Thank you for being with us.

Tiffany Justice: I’m excited to talk about the great changes that are about to happen across the United States.

Rebecca Weber: And speaking of great changes, we heard President elect Donald Trump pledge to make big changes, even dismantle the U. S. Department of Education.

Tiffany, what do you think a Trump presidency might mean for the state of education in America?

Tiffany Justice: I think it means putting parents back in the driver’s seat when it comes to their Children’s education. And I have no doubt that Linda McMahon, the new secretary of education that President Trump appointed, is going to do just that.

She is a mother. She’s a grandmother. She’s a tough businesswoman who has been very successful in life. And there are a lot of times when you get involved in the education system that people want to give you a million excuses as to why you can’t stop doing something or something is important or, and the questions I think Linda will ask and that I will help know, to ask if given the opportunity, honestly, is, if the outcomes are so horrible, then why do we continue to do things in the way that we do them?

And what we’ve seen is that as the bureaucracy in Washington, D. C. has grown and grown, so has the administrative system. State in these school districts in order to respond to the needs of the bureaucracy and the system has just become so bloated, so I have no doubt again that we’re going to work to dismantle the Department of Education, put as much back power back down to the states as we can so that parents and local officials have the power to make change happen.

Rebecca, the most important place where change should happen is local when it comes to education. That’s where the power should be.

Rebecca Weber: And speaking of local, there are a lot of people who are saying that the shuttering of the Department of Education would be felt in each community and every state, and many are saying, creating a little bit of fear, saying the reduction of, in funding levels, for example, could impact low income families mostly, since so many of those resources from the Department of Education go to students, from low income communities.

how do we ensure that Every child has access to good education, but still provide the financial support needed for high needs students.

Tiffany Justice: you’re right that a lot of the money that the federal department of education sends down to states is meant for children who are coming from low income families, but it’s not really getting to them.

What we find is that normally a lot of the cost is being felt in the administrative area. And so teachers are not getting the support they need. Students are not getting the support that they need. I’ll give you an example. Title I funds come down into school districts, and then school districts have the ability to decide what the threshold of the number of impoverished students in their schools will need to be in order to get Title I funds.

That means that you could have two schools next to each other, one with 75 percent of students, coming from low income families, and maybe they’ll get those Title I funds. Those are supplemental funds that are given in order to try to meet the needs of students. students who may have additional needs because they’re coming from a low income home.

You could have a school right next door that only has 70 percent of students. And now that’s a high number, but they may not qualify for title one funds in their school district. And so there’s just a real In the way that these funds are being given the way that they’re being utilized. Again, it’s being supervised from Washington dc We know Washington dc bureaucrats do nothing well.

and so what we’d like to see, as parents would be block grants coming down into the States for things like Title I and then also special education needs IDEA funds. Rebecca, the other thing that parents need to know or community members should know about Title One fund, excuse me, IDEA funds, is that they’re supposed to make up about 40% of any given.

students, extra needs that they have because of the, because of some disability that they may have or some exceptionality. That’s not really happening. It’s never happened. The other thing is that parents can’t hold anyone accountable while they might get a quarterly report about how their child is doing in school.

There is no obligation to show the services that are being delivered. So I know I got in the weeds for a second, but I think it’s important because you’re right. There’s going to be a lot of fear mongering happening when changes are made at the Department of Education and the teachers unions will always say, give us more money.

if more money in education meant better outcomes, then you would see students in, say, New York City public schools where we’re spending almost 40, 000 per year per student. 40, 000 per year. Think about what private school you could send your child to at 40, 000 per year. And yet they have some of the lowest outcomes across the country when it comes to literacy and math scores, with black students nationally reading at a 17 percent level.

But in New York City schools, it’s well below that. we don’t have a funding problem in American education. We have a priorities problem in American public education. And it’s time to get back to the basics.

Rebecca Weber: Yes, and not only is the Department of Education bloated, and these unions have much too much control, what we’re seeing is our children are being subjected to this indoctrination of an ideology that really is pitting child against child, all rooted in critical race theory, which we know has Marxist roots.

what would be your ideal vision, for a good education system? And do we remove entirely and say, Critical race theory is out the door.

Tiffany Justice: Yes, absolutely. We need to get rid of critical race theory, gender ideology. These things have no place in our public schools. Gender ideology is a pseudoscience.

We’re telling children in kindergarten in public schools that they may have been born in the wrong body. What if we were telling kids that two plus two equals five? It’s the same thing. We’re teaching a lie in our public schools and that absolutely needs to stop. So yes, an end to critical race theory.

Our children should not be divided in school. And it is abuse to tell a child that the color of their skin or their religion in some way is going to affect their ability to be successful in a classroom.

Rebecca Weber: Yes. AMAC members have been expressing their concerns, and that’s why I’m so thrilled to have you here with us today.

What we’re seeing, too, is, Tiffany, is these DEI initiatives that are being, impacting really higher education. How do you propose restructuring universities to focus more on, educational merit and less on these political ideologies?

Tiffany Justice: There was just a great 60 Minutes piece about the University of Austin.

I suggest for everyone to go and check that out. And they said instead of, DEI, they were going to focus on MEI. And I think it was merit, excellence, and I’m going to try to think about what the I was. But, maybe individuality. the truth is, how are we bringing students into schools? And again, judging them based on the color of their skin.

We need to unfold the full potential of every child in America’s public school classrooms and give them the opportunity to go on to college. If that’s what they’re supposed to do, the truth is, though, that not every kid should go to college. And that’s not always the pathway to guaranteed success. Right now, we have a lot of students that have been saddled with loans and burdened with a lot of debt, and they’re graduating from college.

They can’t afford to live anywhere. They’re having a hard time finding a job. I think a focus on skills and trades and apprenticeships, and I know Linda has already put out some messaging on the fact she’s going to focus a lot of vocational training and technical education and trying to bolster that in our schools, I would look to someone like Mike Rowe.

I actually wrote him an email and I said, Hey, Mike, we’d love to get you involved in the public education system across America. He’s done amazing work, really elevating and showing how are a wonderful career, c in your life and allow yo family balance. So I would

Rebecca Weber: Yeah, those are all great ideas. I want to turn a little bit to talk about Moms for Liberty.

You folks did incredible work leading up to the, election, right? You did incredible work. You have great resources available to parents. tell us a little bit about your recent work, and kudos to all the moms and dads and families who were involved in really helping to make sure that their voices were heard.

Tiffany Justice: Yeah. So I think that because of COVID, there were a lot of, moms and dads who woke up. And said, Wow, we haven’t been that involved in politics before. We were very busy having babies, living our lives, starting companies, working and, running for office was something somebody else did.

But now we know that it’s something we have to be involved in. And moms and dads have been paying attention to politics since COVID. we know that there were really bad policies that were being made, and we know the way to change those. Is to get involved in politics. And so we did some get out the vote work, this past election cycle.

We wanted to motivate our moms and help them to find other people that were maybe registered to vote and not voting or to try to get them to register. And so we took 3 million from a donor who invested in our get out the vote campaign, and we went to four different states, Georgia, North Carolina, Arizona, and Wisconsin, excuse me, and we did get out the vote work.

Let me tell you, the turnout was amazing. Our early vote numbers outpaced the overall voting average in the states. In Georgia, I think upwards of 75 percent of the low propensity voters, people who had only voted maybe once in the last four election cycles, came out to vote, and we just know that issues motivated them.

It’s no longer politics. It’s not Democrat, Republican. It’s issues. People are concerned about the economy. They’re concerned, concerned about immigration. They’re worried that kids aren’t learning in school or you’re right that they’re being pitted against each other. And so by just reaching people on these issues, endorsing in school board races, telling people you need to vote from the bottom of the ballot up on to make sure that all of the candidates stood for parental rights, which Ultimately is our mission.

Our mission statement is to unify, educate and empower parents to defend their parental rights at all levels of government. And that means from the schoolhouse to the White House.

Rebecca Weber: It is just terrific. I’m a huge fan of Moms4Liberty and I encourage everyone, if you haven’t checked out their website, go there.

You’ll get a ton of information and you’ll learn more about how you can apply these resources right in your own community. But all of us, parents and grandparents alike, we’ve got to continue to advocate for our children. I think the work is only just beginning. And thank God for your group, because your group has done incredible work.

A guest that I was speaking with earlier, Tiffany, was saying, sharing how, so many people right up until the last minute said, I’m an independent or I never liked Trump for the last eight years, or I’ve never voted, Republican, but I’m going to because I’m sick and tired of what we’re seeing, these crazy left ideologies that are really harming our children, and government has gotten much too big, much too bloated.

And we’re not, as you said earlier, Prioritizing and that is something that we’re so excited to watch unfold in 2025. And I know you’re going to be at the helm. They’re helping to drive a lot of your ideas and, get them, in place. Our children are depending on it. So we appreciate all the work that you do.

it’s terrific. before we let you run, I want to speak about your children’s book. It is terrific. And I think every AMAC member needs to get their hand on this book, buy it for your child, your grandchild. for your neighbor’s child, buy this book. It’s a terrific book. Share a little bit about Libby Justice Goes to Williamsburg.

Tiffany Justice: Yeah. moms and dads engaged on the book issue. there was this, there was this slur that was being used. Oh, book banning. No one was banning any books, write the book, print the book, publish the book. But when it comes to a public. school library, moms and dads engaged because we felt we had a moral obligation to.

We saw really graphic sexual content that was being put into books in libraries across the country. And we took a stand and read those books to school board members and boy, they couldn’t turn those microphones off. fast enough that gave Tina and I an idea. We felt like we needed to be a part of the solution.

And that’s why Libby Justice goes to Williamsburg is the first of hopefully a series of books. And this is Libby. She has a little brother named Lincoln. his nickname is Link. And with her parents, they travel around the country, and so they visit his And Libby is a daydreamer. She’s an artist, and sometimes in these places she gets to meet historical figures who help her to gain courage to do hard things.

And in this book, Libby learns that it’s important to have courage and to speak up. And, we’ve learned at Moms4Liberty, we don’t win every race we endorse in, but we don’t see that as a failure. We are in the middle of a generational fight for the future of this country, and it’s not going to stop with us.

We know we’re raising the next generation of patriots who are going to need to stand up and continue to fight. President Trump is an amazing man, and we are incredibly lucky to have him as our president again, but he can’t solve everything. It’s up to us to make change happen, and it’s up to us to teach our children that they need to be involved and engaged, too.

And Libby gets a lot of courage. We hope that moms and dads and grandparents will read this book to their children, and that it’ll inspire them to get involved, too.

Rebecca Weber: Tiffany, thank you so much and congratulations to you and the entire team at Moms4Liberty and everyone that stepped up and did something, in November.

It was just terrific, the, number of people that participated, the door knockers and all of that. so much work that you did and we just wish you the very best, but we appreciate you and, your entire team over at Moms.

Tiffany Justice: Thank you very much. It’s really Rebecca the moms on the ground. That’s what I’ll tell you again This change happens on the ground and the moms and dads across the country that are members of Moms for Liberty have been so incredibly Brave, so I’m thankful for them

Rebecca Weber: Excellent and to all of you out there listening if you want to get involved if you want to dedicate your time To help empower parents check out Moms for Liberty They have so many great ways that you can get involved and don’t forget to join or renew your AMAC membership We will continue to advocate for our Children, for their voices and for their education. That’s it for today, folks. Thank you for joining me. Have a blessed day. Everyone.

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3 months ago

How dare parents have the audacity to think that they can raise their own children. How is the government going to indoctrinate them?

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