The Better for America Podcast

Trump Assassination Attempt: Divine Intervention?

Posted on Wednesday, July 17, 2024
by Rebecca Weber
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In this episode of Better for America, Rebecca Weber sits down with AMAC spokesman Bobby Charles to discuss the recent assassination attempt on former President Donald J. Trump. They explore the event’s details, the failures of the Secret Service, and the concept of divine intervention that seemingly saved Trump’s life. Don’t miss this insightful discussion on the current political climate and its implications.

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Rebecca Weber: Hello, everyone. Rebecca Weber, you’re watching Better for America. Joining me now is Robert Charles, better known as Bobby Charles. Bobby is AMAC spokesman. We’re here today to talk to you about Trump history and divine intervention. Don’t go anywhere. We’ll be right back.

Rebecca Weber:

Bobby Charles, it is such a delight to have you here with me. 

I wish we were talking about something different, but there is some good news. We just witnessed over the weekend an attempted assassination against former President Donald J. Trump. I will say to you, Bobby, that when that news came across my television set, my heart stopped beating for just a moment, imagining what could have been. 

I am so grateful to hear that our President, Donald J. Trump, is okay, and our hearts do go out to the others who were injured, specifically to this hero, hero firefighter, Corey. Bobby. who died as a hero, essentially laying his life, uh, physically and quite literally to shield and cover his Children. He took a bullet and is dead. 

So our prayers do go out to this hero firefighter, uh, quarry comparatory. I hope I’m saying his name properly there. Um, Bobby Charles, it is great to have you here with me. I do want to talk about this whirlwind of events that we just saw unfold on Saturday. Uh, tell us, uh, where we’re at, what we know, and what happened. 

Bobby Charles: Well, first, let me, let me add to your, uh, thoughts and prayers, uh, Rebecca, both for the nation and for, uh, uh, this gentleman who was the, the firefighter who died, uh, as a result of the assassins bullet. Um, let me also say, I think we are fortunate beyond any possible, uh, definition. Uh, explanation or turn because the shot was taken so close it at close to the president and, um, it really does seem like divine intervention that he was spared. 

But let me talk for a moment. I’ve worked for two presidents in their White Houses, Reagan and Bush 41 and often in the White House, um, with Colin Powell for a third president. And I have to tell you, Okay. a profound disappointment in the Secret Service here. I mean, I’ll be frank, uh, the woman who runs the Secret Service really probably ought to be relieved of duty. 

Uh, I, I look at this and I say, there is no way with an open rooftop within very short firing range with minutes already knowing that this guy is on the roof and no one taking him out with the, uh, obviously there was a, there was, it must’ve been a failure of communications, uh, Uh, between those that knew he was there, uh, including law enforcement and the snipers that had him or would have had him in their sights, should have had him in their sights. 

That should have been a cleared location long before the event. It should never have even been able to get set up. Uh, and then you had this, what really struck me as almost like a, uh, a Blues Brothers event afterwards where you’ve got these three women, uh, bouncing around who have no idea the comms that you listen to. 

They’re saying, Oh my God, what should we do? Where are we? What are we going to do? What should I do? These are Secret Service Agents, okay? Uh, I don’t know why they’re Secret Service Agents. One of them Clearly looks, um, let’s just say out of shape, probably couldn’t run a mile in 30 minutes and, and, and then can’t get her gun into her, her holster. 

Uh, you know, when you can’t put your sidearm away and you have no idea what you’re doing, you’re, you’re in the wrong spot. You’re not really where, you shouldn’t be the person there. Then you got another one in a ponytail running back and forth beside the vehicle in a panic. And you got the third one really looking out to the, you know, to the moon, not knowing what to do. 

This is not the Secret Service that I knew, uh, under Reagan. Under Bush 41 or under Bush 43, uh, the Secret Service was as and should be considered the elite. It is the elite, uh, federal, uh, law enforcement agency. I’ve worked with ATF, DEA, FBI, and I know these Secret Service guys. They are the best of the best traditionally. 

So, either the training has fallen down, Uh, or there’s no priority on Donald Trump. So they put agents there, they’re in training or something, or there’s no priority. You know, things roll downhill and if the leader of the organization is not inspired and focused and selfless and directed, uh, that flows all the way down to the field level. 

So I will tell you fundamentally that first shot should never have gotten off. Uh, and secondly, the response in my view was, um, subpar.  

Rebecca Weber: I want to talk about that that shot. To begin with, we hear that there were witnesses who did see someone on a roof. A lot of people are saying, How did somebody get up on a roof within such close proximity to the event to the rally event? 

Uh, and and a lot of finger pointing here. The one thing I do want to say is thank God. I believe it is truly divine intervention. I do want to talk about that in just a few moments. But the burden, in my view, Bobby, is on media today. To understand that the kind of rhetoric that we’ve been hearing over the last 18 months, two years, the attacks against not only Donald Trump, but MAGA Republicans, the horrific picture that the New Republic magazine put on the cover of their magazine, depicting Donald J. 

Trump as Hitler. This has got to stop. And there is a certain responsibility, a burden on media and news media and mainstream media. to tamp down the rhetoric. What kind of influence do you think those on the radical left have had in, uh, sort of, are we that surprised that we’re seeing this unfold? Should we be shocked or is this something that we expect when we hear the things, the type of hate and vitriol coming from so many people in positions of leadership and power? 

Bobby Charles: You know, Rebecca, AMAC has been writing about The need to turn the rhetoric down and to stop the talk. That would inspire political violence for two and a half years. We have been very methodical article after article saying this is dangerous. It leads to a bad place. Um, I want you to think with me and I’m going to speak very bluntly more than more blunt than I usually am. 

I want you to think with me about the sequence of events after the Dobbs decision, uh, which overturned row. You had a speaker of the house and a majority leader pushing violence in the streets. We almost had a Supreme court justice. Uh, assassinated. We have heard again and again, uh, the behaviors on the part of this president. 

Just really shocking that the Biden behaviors. He set up a, uh, a press conference in which he glowed himself or bathed himself in in red light. Uh, put a Marine, really misuse of the Marines, put a Marine on both sides of him. Looked like he was some, used the words enemies of the people to describe MAGA Republicans and, and ultimately half of the nation who had voted for Donald Trump. 

He described them as enemies of the people. This is the exact language that was used by the Bolsheviks at the beginning of the last century. It is the exact language that was used in the French revolution, which stirred violence all over that country. Uh, how he could have even begun to think about doing that. 

I can’t even imagine. But the demonization, Rebecca, of Donald Trump has been a methodical, progressive, ongoing event such that just a couple of weeks ago you had, uh, Joseph Biden, uh, saying that there ought to be a, a target on, uh, on, uh, on President Trump’s back. Look, I will, I’ll be very blunt about this as I think, uh, as I think, think J. 

  1. Vance was. This entire Incident lies at the feet of Joe Biden, Nancy Pelosi, Schumer, and all of those Democrats who have been apologists now, uh, who have been apologists and now have decided all of a sudden political violence isn’t something they’re going to continue to advocate. I guess I’ll believe it when I see it. 

I see people like Jared Golden in the state of Maine going out there and saying, oh, we can’t be politically violent and we need to correct ourselves. You know what, you know, Mr. Golden, where the hell were you for the last three years when you got, you went along with all of this violence and the Joe Scarboroughs and the rest of them in the media saying, go after this man. 

He’s evil. He’s a fascist. We can’t have him. It’s a, it’s existential threat to the United States. Rebecca, they are, the Bible is pretty clear about it. What they are doing is they are reaping what they sowed. And the problem is it almost devastated our nation.  

Rebecca Weber: Yes, that is so true. And here we are at the Republican National Convention, uh, where, you know, Trump is going to be announcing his VP pick. 

Uh, I pray that, um, American people understand that that kind of an attack against a former president is, uh, unacceptable. It’s not what we do here in America. And what a terrible comparison to draw. Here we have a former president who was successful, uh, in so many ways on the economy, uh, keeping America secure. 

Uh, dealing very well with our adversaries, uh, and our allies, uh, you know, really building stronger relationships across the globe. We had a president who has a track record of, uh, being very inclusive, uh, his own children are Jewish. He has done so much, uh, to protect religious freedom here in America and abroad. 

And this is a man that they want to closely paint as being some dictator. That has got to stop, uh, because there are too many people out there who are, you know, Not doing their homework, who are lonely, who are mentally disturbed, uh, who will grab onto that kind of information and think that they will be some hero of the day if they stop this evil madman, which we know Trump is everything but the opposite. 

So we need to see more responsibility. We need to see that in all forms of leadership, including a major news media outlets. They have got to tamper it down. Do you think That that is sort of what might unify this country in a sense. Do you think, Bobby, that perhaps people are at a, at a reflection point saying, It’s not worth it. 

Let’s just act like the grown ups that we are and, uh, you know, put down these weapons of defamation and going after people, uh, in such ways that are really damaging to our republic.  

Bobby Charles: You know, I hope so, Rebecca. I really do. You know, sometimes if you’re in a noisy room and someone brings a hand down on the table fast and slaps it on, there’s a there’s a there’s a sudden moment where people think again about what they should be doing and what they’re not doing. 

You know, I’ve traveled around the world and I ran, you know, Programs in 50 countries tied to rule of law and law enforcement for Colin Powell, and I’ll never forget one time I I was in a conversation with Secretary Powell after we left the State Department and I and I said to him, you know, sir It feels like that the past was a safer place than where we are today And he said, you know, Bobby don’t ever nostalgize The 1960s, we lost a president, we lost an attorney general and a presidential candidate, and we lost a major civil rights leader. 

There were school, there were buses encircling the White House so that it would not be overrun. So the nutshell version on this is, I would like to believe this is a very sobering moment. I would like to believe the American people, as you have pointed out, are going to come to their senses and recognize that demonizing another country Uh, political, uh, party or candidate, uh, is just the wrong thing to do. 

We’ve never done that in our history. We have never called out another candidate as evil. Uh, that is a, that is a really, that’s a reckless and irresponsible act by leadership. Leadership should be calming. They should be focused on issues. They should not be trying to demonize, uh, frankly, a very good former president. 

Rebecca Weber: Very well said. And I do think it’s so important that we don’t dismiss history. You know, Bobby, we were talking earlier about divine intervention, and we’ve seen this in our past. If we do reflect, we do see that in other situations of our past. Had situations gone differently, we wouldn’t be the America that we are today. 

So I wanted to reflect a little bit on How the, um, you know, the way that Donald Trump, just the way that he leaned, the way that he tilted his head, the fact that this bullet hit him. Barely grazed the side of his ear. Uh, I understand that he was up and about, even golfing, I’m hearing. Uh, you know, I, I, that’s something that would rattle anyone. 

He is a strong man. He’s got incredible guts and courage. We see that in, in the, in the photos, you know, telling the crowd, Fight, fight, fight. Don’t give up. Don’t, don’t throw your morals and values out the window. Um, he’s such an inspiration. But I can’t help but thinking, you know, I had the chills when I was watching Bobby, the replay here, how close it was and the fact that he is alive and well today. 

That’s got to be Providence.  

Bobby Charles: Uh, you know, it really, I think the hand of divine providence, uh, really, as it has throughout our American history played into that day, there’s no other way to look at it first from the vantage point of the aggressor, the aggressor’s intent, uh, the, his intent, his position, uh, what he had as a firearm. 

The fact that he didn’t kill the president is really stunning in itself. It’s a miracle, but I go back in time and I think about what has happened. The impact this will have on us as a country, the impact it will have on Donald Trump as a man, George Washington, when he was in his twenties, Was in the French and American French and, uh, Indian wars, and he ended up in a in a battle that, uh, was profound. 

He his, uh, his leading officer was was, uh, essentially taken out of commission. He had to lead the troops and he had to rally hundreds of men in that process. He had two horses shot out from under him. He took four bullets through his coat and yet he kept going. In fact, so profound was it that writers afterwards at the event said, this man must be protected by God because there’s no other way he could have kept going. 

Um, we, if he had not survived, he wouldn’t have led the Revolutionary War. Uh, America might not be America. He wouldn’t have been our first president. Uh, who knows what would have happened. Similarly, Theodore Roosevelt, who stand, uh, who stormed San Juan Hill in 1898 in the Spanish American War, 144 men were killed around him. 

He led the charge and he was not killed. And then, lo and behold, in Milwaukee, after that, he’s giving a speech, uh, an assailant shoots at him, shoots right to his chest. He happens to have a glasses case made of metal on his, in his vest pocket with some papers. Saved his life. He kept the gun. Delivering that address despite the assailant, which is very similar to the way Donald Trump reacted to all this and then I’m reminded of Ronald Reagan, who in 1981 was shot and again, put an amazingly good face on it, kept going, said that after that event, his life really belonged to God and to America in the form of serving God and serving America. 

By the way, in that exact same moment in time in 1981, John Paul II, the Pope, was, uh, was shot and nearly killed. Uh, and Margaret Thatcher was actually attacked in a, uh, in Brighton in a terrorist event at a hotel. Had those three individuals not survived and been able to coordinate the response to the Soviet Union, uh, The Soviet Union might still exist. 

And so you have to say, is God’s hand at work in, in this country’s past? And, and perhaps right now, uh, I, I am absolutely convinced he is. And I think we have to just remember that when divine providence, um, occurs, when divine intervention occurs, when we are witness to it, the most important thing we can do is recognize it and not, uh, decline it, deny it, or, or sort of look away from it. 

I don’t know what the future holds, but I know that for some reason, God kept Donald Trump alive. And I think, uh, that’s a, that’s a remarkable, a remarkable turn given the circumstances.  

Rebecca Weber: Yes, and I do agree that God is in command of all things. He knows the plans that he has for us, plans for us to prosper. 

I, I direct everyone to Jeremiah. 29 11 there because that is a very uplifting verse there. We do need to turn to God in all things. And I do pray that all of our listeners out there will continue to pray for America. Pray for former President Donald J. Trump. He could be our next president. We pray for all of our leaders, including Joe Biden. 

We do hope and pray that he comes to the light. We love our country. And we just don’t want to see this kind of thing happen again in the future. Robert, Charles, thank you again so much for being with me. It’s always good to have you, and I know you’ll be back with me very soon in a couple short days as we, uh, look forward, uh, and see what’s, uh, what’s, what’s ahead of us. 

So much happening each and every day.  

Bobby Charles: Thank you so much, Rebecca.  

Rebecca Weber: Thank you. And for all of you listening, be sure to check out Robert Charles on amac. us. He has an incredible article. You’ll find it there amac. us Trump history and divine intervention. Just a beautiful piece. You’ll want to share that along with many others with friends and family. 

Thanks all for tuning in today. Have a blessed day.

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Steve Owen
Steve Owen
7 months ago

I’m tired of all the excuses by the secret service, et. al. So, radio communication is complicated with all the moving pieces between all the agencies. Why didn’t federal agents/law enforcement (at ANY level) fire a warning shot or put up a flare. That would have gotten Trump off the stage & perhaps no shots would have been fired! Also, I’m not surprised at all that God intervened as millions of prayers have been said on behalf of DJT & our nation.

7 months ago

God’s divine intervention for President Trump. Period. End of my discussion.

Edward A Posuniak
Edward A Posuniak
7 months ago

All these evil Communist Dems whom you mentioned will all burn in Hell unless they return to God. All we can do is pray for them.

Stan d. Upnow
Stan d. Upnow
7 months ago

Both Rebecca and Bobby were being too polite regarding this incident. As more details are revealed, I’m beginning to lean toward the unproven conclusion that this was a planned assassination by others beside the shooter. There are just too many coincidental circumstances surrounding the security failures to believe otherwise.
Dan Bongino, a former Secret Service agent himself, said almost as much, being careful to choose his words, as he was on-record. He still has contacts in the agency, so he likely knows more than the media, or even DC politicos(except those who possibly planned the hit).
The fact that the Director of the SS, Cheatle, gave such weak – actually stupid & limp excuses – when questioned by a reporter as to the security failures, smacks of the start of a massive cover-up. If, indeed, this assassination attempt was a Progressive-Socialist planned hit on Trump(only logical), Cheatle was not the only conspirator. So, in that case, who else was??? That may be the quintessential question.

7 months ago

God who made all life is in charge (whether we understand it or believe it).

7 months ago

God’s hand is definitely on President Trump. I believe Trump is our King Jeroboam II of 2 Kings 14. God used Jeroboam to save ancient Israel a little longer and I believe he is using Trump to save America a little longer. The U.S.A is not a gentile nation as most suppose, we are an Israelite nation descended from the tribe of Joseph. Those tribes that went into Assyrian captivity didn’t go extinct, they are still here. They just got so far from God they forgot who they are.

Jeannie Huppert
Jeannie Huppert
7 months ago

I will be sooooooooooooooooooooooo elated, over the moon happy, do cartwheels if I could when God’s Promised Hammer slams down the evil, devil-following thugs that have perpetrated sooooooooooooo much evil, harm, lies, deceit, death, etc. to so many human beings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Talk about crimes against humanity?!

anna hubert
anna hubert
7 months ago

What ever you call it it obviously was meant to happen . Not even democrats who are trying to control everything can control that . A very comforting thought

6 months ago

I think this is the vindictiveness of the low-life Left over the rights expressing the constitutional right to freedom of speech.

Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
7 months ago

God’s hand? Divine intervention? I dunno but darned lucky I can agree. Missed by a turn of the head? Sometimes its all a matter of being in the right place at the right time or in the wrong place, at the wrong time.

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