The Better for America Podcast

“The Two Branches of Government Are Co-equal!” | Roger Stone at The People’s Convention

Posted on Tuesday, June 18, 2024
by Charles
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“Because it shows something they don’t want us to hear.” That’s longtime political consultant Roger Stone’s take on why the Biden Administration is blocking the release of the transcript between Joe Biden and special Counsel Robert Hurr. He joined AMAC on Broadcast Row shortly after coming off the main stage at The people’s Convention to discuss this, and much more.


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3 months ago

“The Two Branches Of Government Are Co-Equal!”???? This sounds idiotic. There are Three, not two, branches of government.

Judith Gregory
Judith Gregory
3 months ago

Oy! There are three branches of government and for a good reason! They are the Judicial, Legislative and Executive and purposely NOT equal!! Someone needs a lesson in government, especially if they are in government!!! God help us!

3 months ago

If you don’t know much about ‘transcripts’, you might THINK they are THE SAME as what any recording would have. But THAT is very WRONG. They are NOT the same. One is ‘factual’. The other is subject to ‘human error’ (in both ‘hearing’ and ‘typing’). Some tape transcribers ‘don’t hear’ things right. Some just don’t/can’t understand what they heard. Many don’t understand/comprehend slang/figures of speech. Others don’t put the words together grammatically the WAY they were said or meant – which CHANGES their meaning completely! And a transcriber’s choice of ‘punctuation’ can also make a HUGE difference in the way words are deciphered and interpreted later than they WERE at the time they were spoken. Often, words are mumbled and it takes a great many times in ‘rehearing them’ before it becomes clear what was spoken – and some transcriptionists don’t take enough time to listen. You see this A LOT when you read ‘captions’ on TV programming – and you say, ‘That’s NOT what was just said!’ and that’s ESPECIALLY TRUE when they are done by AI, and not ‘a real person’!!! (sorry Elon.) Many times what’s written is VERY DIFFERENT than what was said! and totally changes it! And, if a person were BIASED already to NOT SHOW something ‘said’, it would be very easy to just ‘leave it out’ and ‘not show it’. It is NOT JUST that, though. It’s ALSO that a transcriber can easily ‘alter’ what was said, to make it say something entirely different – especially if the transcriber is ‘party’ to one side or the other. Do we allow a Defendant to have his Mother transcribe his phonecalls for the DA??? NO! What mother is NOT biased in favor of her Son? Likewise, in a ‘case’ against the Exec. Branch, it would NOT be appropriate for the Exec. Branch to do the ‘transcribing’ for it! And, Who would be ‘neutral’; who could not be ‘Paid’? The ONLY ‘just’ thing to DO is to produce the actual ‘recording’ being considered, certainly NOT an untrustworthy ‘transcription’. ALSO, there are several different ‘kinds’ of Transcripts, some that want every single guttural sound fully documented, and others that say ‘just type the main words, NOT every sound or pause’. In this case, WE DON’T KNOW what instructions the Transcriptionist had, nor how much ‘latitude’ was given. Thus, it’s VERY POSSIBLE that a huge chunk of the recordings is not IN the Transcript. And even if the Transcriptionist was very good and very impartial, it STILL could HAVE some mistakes that the Transcriptionist didn’t catch in the ‘listening’, that OTHERS CAN HEAR. And so very often, many a transcription IS amended after they’ve been typed. But you can’t KNOW THAT until someone reads them with a fine-tooth comb and a good ear! something in this case, the Executive Branch is DENYING to the Congress who wants to HEAR THE TAPES, and for GOOD REASON! And the ONLY REASON NOT TO would be because the ‘Defendants’ KNOW WHAT’s ON THE TAPES!!! and everyone who has ever listened to a recording, transcribed one, or read a transcript KNOWS that! It’s NOT that ‘every transcription has errors’. It’s that ‘every Side has a certain Bias’ to protect ‘its Side’. What is the HARM in allowing the Congress Branch to have the SAME access to the ‘Tapes’ that the Exec. Branch already HAD??? Fairness calls for BOTH SIDES of an argument to have access to ALL the ‘same info’, according to our court system’s rules of ‘Discovery’. A tape recording is NOT THE SAME as a ‘transcript’ of that recording. Very often in our Justice System, you have to go back to the ‘Original’ – where things started! Let the ‘recordings’ PROVE the ‘transcripts’ are True and Correct, and Trustworthy. There is no other way to KNOW. In fact, this is the very reason Lawyers call upon ‘Witnesses’ to ‘testify’ to the Truth of what’s been written in Court Transcripts! Because even the Court cannot accept the ‘truth’ of them WITHOUT such testimony. YET this Admin. is telling this Congress that it MUST JUST ACCEPT IT by a ‘Privilege’ NOT granted to it in our Constitution, nor by established precedent (Nixon)! And every day we’re seeing new ‘double standards’ being applied to our Justice System, as demanded by this Dem Admin now in control and abusing its power – and, over a Co-Equal Branch of our Govt. it’s exerting both Power and Control unprecedented.

3 months ago

Two branches? I’m done listening to idiots. Never did like Stone.

3 months ago

Thank you for sharing this insight!

Steve Greenwell
Steve Greenwell
3 months ago

Let me put it to you dis way. Do de term ‘context’ ring a bell?! Stone was addressing the Delaware Dotard’s executive branch vs. Congress. His saying that the legislative branch is co-equal to the executive does not deny that the judicial is also co-qual, any more than saying that Jesus is co-equal to the Father denies that the Holy Ghost is also co-equal.

3 months ago

Great question for both Trump/Biden at debates: How many branches of government are there? And see what answers are.

3 months ago

Roger Stone is for himself & cronies & does not represent all Americans. He needs history lesson on THREE branches of government and not two. Without Trump/Bannon this Roger Stone is a Zero personality.

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