The Better for America Podcast

The Real Extremists | EP 156

Posted on Tuesday, October 4, 2022
by Rebecca Weber

Despite the exact words of a sitting president, the real extremists in our Nation are those who oppose the idea of freedom. In a recent Philadelphia speech, President Biden ostracized half of the nation while fueling the real extremists, his supporters. Rebecca Weber unfolds the aftermath of “the soul of the Nation” in a Newsline special!

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Michael Godwin
Michael Godwin
2 years ago

These Discussions would be great to engage but, I can’t get the AMAC magazine delivered to my resident.

2 years ago

The great divide is now collectivism vs individualism. The most extreme collectivists are the Revolutionary Communist Party and their brown shirt lap dogs, Antifa. The most extreme individualists are voluntarist libertarians. All ethnonationalists, ethnoseparatists, ethnosupremacists, and ethnosegregationists are collectivists. Hitler Stalin, and Mao were collectivist. Progressives are collectivists. Globalists are collectivist.

2 years ago

As most Americans now see, Bidum has a mean, nasty streak and you see it more and more often. This is another sign of dementia or Alzheimer disease, He was promoted as a uniter and moderate. He is the opposite of that. He promoted himself as the friend of Blacks and Latinos but instead was the good friend of Sen. Byrd who was an official in the KKK. Bidum and all his leftists need to be thrown out in November. Bring back freedom, prosperity and greatness.

2 years ago

Unfortunately the Democrats are in control and the majority in Washington, D.C. at this time and that is the basic problem. And the RINOS and the remaining Republicans are going along with a lot of their socialist/communistic agenda.

2 years ago

Biden and McConnell are the best two politicians China has ever had.

2 years ago

Sorry, I cannot even look at this man anymore. What a TOOL!

2 years ago

CAN YOU SAY COMMUNISTS? They are the ones trying to destroy AMERICA and what she stands for. Stay calm vote in person as late as you can that way they don’t know how many votes they need till the end. Stay vigilant and participate any way you can.

J. Farley
J. Farley
2 years ago

The real extremists are those who would deprive Law Abiding Citizens of their right to exercise their rights as laid out in the Constitution, the Rights to free Speech, and Assembly, the right to worship a Christian God, the Right of Self Defense, and the right to keep and Bear Arms, the Constitution is a fragile Document like no other devised by man.
The founding Fathers were wise men who confronted tyranny and in Justice and created a place that became a beacon that shines all over the world, a place where every person could chart their own destiny and perpose in life.
It is out of greed that the Democrats and the rich RINO’s wish to limit freedom, it’s to gain more power, and control.
People on the left feel that there is a limited amout of money in the world and it belongs to them and there is no need for more people to gain wealth and deminish their influence.
If the Democrats remain in control, we will be a failed nation.
One can only wish for a veto proof Congress, but I am afraid that’s a failed wish as big Government has created too many receiving handouts.
God, Please Save US.

anna hubert
anna hubert
2 years ago

He is an embarrassing puppet that you’d like to shut up not the president

2 years ago

A “Real President” would not be;
Trying to punish people for crimes that were never committed or have them illegally held while violating their right to a trial since Jan 6 2020,
Destroying the Country’s economy to secure even more power and spying capabilities for the Federal Bureaucracy,
Forcing “We the People” and Federal Employees – Military included, to get the Covid 19 shots while disregarding and even hiding the high risks…
and that is only for starters…

Stephen Graham
Stephen Graham
2 years ago

Well stated! Thank you!

Paul DAscenz
Paul DAscenz
2 years ago

Every time President Biden opens his mouth,he speaks out of contexts!

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