Everybody is aware of the transgender movement wreaking havoc on women’s sports. But not all have personally encountered the true lengths the radical left is willing to go. Former UPenn women’s swimmer Paula Scanlan was forced to swim along Lia Thomas and for a time, was swimming in silence. After continuing to see chances taken away from women just like her, Paula has broken her silence against the wishes of the very entities that are supposed to support her. She joined Rebecca on the Better for America podcast to share her first-hand experience with AMAC members with hopes of putting an end to this madness. As Thomas’ teammate, Scanlan experienced the injustice of transgender men being allowed to take away what so many women have worked their entire lives for. “This isn’t a transgender issue, this is a pro-women’s issue.” Must listen!
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Female athletes should stand strong together! When a trans (loser) shows up
at a competition, ALL FEMALES should immediately LEAVE in a quiet and orderly
protest, and let the trans be left alone and be labeled as a creepy loser for trying
to scam the female event. STAND UP for what is right….NO TRANS allowed!!!
everyone should have the same equipment to compete just remove all his male organs and then it will be fair
This transgender movement is anti-Christianity Hollywood and some of the politicians want God out of everything I agree if you go woke you go broke Disney belongs in bankruptcy all bunch of other companies have already been in bankruptcy because of wellness I don’t understand what wellness even is but it must be the devil himself it is evil for our elected officials to allow men to compete with women knowing there is no such thing as an eight or a thing or boy being a girl transitioned there is no such
This 6 ft plus tall, broad shouldered biological male stole something from these deserving female swimmers and the NCAA let him do it? What did he steal, besides their records and medals, and their days of accomplishment? Their God-given womanhood, something he does not have and never will. Thus, his ribbons are falsely taken. The best solution is to move all the swimmer’s performance results from the season to separate his race results and give the women their well-deserved victories. This is an incredible and surreal distortion to help a very, very, small percentage of the population feel good about themselves. Persons like Lia Thomas who’ s behavior is both sociopathic and narcissistic should not be allowed to do this to others. “Do unto others…”
Trans athletes should be in their own competitive lane, not directly matched up with bio-females. I feel sorry for the so-called transexual as people, children of God, who have the confusion of gender and suffer figuring out who and what they’re really are. We were told that we’re made male and female. It s so very easy for people creating a man-centered universe to just state “no we’re not”. Fact remains for 99.9% of you, yes you are m. or f. This whole situation was not so endemic until the gay ‘communities’ extremists started pushing it.
Many successful athletes do commercials for different products Perhaps Lia could be telling us which tampon to use
Amateurs compete with pros in major golf tournaments but compete as a separate bracket so why not “transgenders”. Just put and asterisk (*) by their ranking like MLB did to Rodger Maris record for decades. Amateurs are amateurs, pros are pros but the difference is an amateur can actually turn pro. You are born what you are born. A suntan doesn’t make me “ethnic” anymore than surgerical alteration makes one male or female. Stop calling them “him” if they are a “her” for one. You wouldn’t call someone in blackface “my brother”, would you?
this young lady is very courageous and I hope she can convince those stupid dumbocrats that transgender DO NOT BELONG IN WOMEN sports!!!!!!!
I really think Trans athletes must compete against other Trans athletes. They should be out of women’s sports entirely. They are choosing to become women to “win”. The problem is they cannot win against men, so they choose to compete as a woman against women! That’s not acceptable. It’s not fair to women. Women should compete only against biological women. Trans need their own sports – get out of women’s sports!
I suggest we send All these “transgender” types to Iran to compete in women’s sports there. Gee, I wonder how they’d do?
Transgenders should have a team of their own. They shouldn’t allowed to compete against REAL females. That is so unfair . One of the reasons they compete against females is because they are too much of a wuss to compete against their own gender.
If you were born a male, you will be a male until the day you die,it doesn’t matter how you try to change it, females the same. You can put a Cadillac emblem on a Volkswagen, but that doesn’t make the Volkswagen a Cadillac. If you were born a male you should only be allowed to compete in male sports, the only exception are co-ed teams. All of these people pushing and participating in this transgender B/S are going to have some serious explaining to do to God on judgement day, you can take that to the bank.
We girls, on the Harts Run Pony Club Rally Team, took the challange to participate in the first tetrathelon opened to girls. How terrible for us to know that our efforts meant nothing in the midst of transgender dominance over women. My heart breaks for the women competing in college swimming competitions.
God did not make woman to be dominated by man but to be his companion. How can man’s companion be her best without physical sports run fairly. How can woman have dignity? Please read Proverbs 31 to understand how God the Father views women.
Paula’s brother & friends should have a serious “talk” with that phony imposter. After the “talk,” the scum should not be capable of swimming in competition again. Sends a message to others.