The Better for America Podcast

Rep. Mike Johnson | A Bill to END Funding for Drag Queen Story Hour in our Schools | EP 192

Posted on Thursday, February 2, 2023
by Rebecca Weber

Is your children’s school funding drag queen story hour without your consent? Congressman Mike Johnson has the common sense legislation we NEED! This week he joins the Better for America Podcast to share his bill “Stop the Sexualization of Children Act”  and mission to put an end to the left’s misguided crusade to indoctrinate our children in sexual imagery and radical gender ideology. Both the Congressman and Rebecca share a deep love for God and they talk how disturbing it is that some on the left are using scripture to promote blasphemy and barbarism. Tune in to find out how this Congressman is protecting our children and holding government accountable!

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1 year ago

Please END This!!! THANK YOU!!!

1 year ago

Unbelievable that this was ever allowed to become a problem to begin with! Very clearly shows just how twisted the left has become!End the leftist nonsense!

1 year ago

My first thought when hearing about drag queens being allowed to read to children in grade school was, “What planet is this?” I don’t care what someone does in his private life, and I don’t care, to a degree, what someone chooses to wear on the streets. But, please, tell me how someone looking like the man in the video helps educate our children! What a circus! “Mommy, when I grow up, I want to be a dr…..”

No. Our taxes going toward this crap? Never. Everyone–the school board, principals, teachers—supporting this nonsense should be fired and sued. They have no right to push sexually explicit material on children. I’m fairly liberal on social issues, but this goes too far by miles!

1 year ago

The democrat that used scripture to defend abortion forgot about creation that also says God created “them, male and female……” Nothing else! The same tactic the devil used when he tempted Eve. “Didn’t God say?” You know the rest of the story. Democrats, the squad, and others that have been elected by our own people, were placed in positions of power, are now using that power against us. We need to watch their character, ask questions, and get answers from them before we vote. We are to blame. We also need for every state to demand laws that protect our legal vote. If the family and faith crumbles, so does our country and the rest of the world.

Karen Knowles
Karen Knowles
1 year ago

It is simply preposterous that this was ever allowed in the first place. In my wildest dreams I could never imagine such a thing going on in our schools or libraries.I hope the bill passes!

anna hubert
anna hubert
1 year ago

Can’t read write or count but drag queen show must go on That will make students number one on the world stage

Barbara Dawn
Barbara Dawn
1 year ago

What moron started this obscene idea in public schools? Who is in charge of education? Bozo the clown?

1 year ago

Drag Queen Story Hour? . . . I guess the Progressively Communist wannabe Democrats don’t like that Jack and Jill were just “normal” kids or is it that they were “white”?

John Bass
John Bass
1 year ago

First of all, I can’t believe we need a bill to stop this kind of sh!% to begin with. Leave it up to the dems, or I should say dimwits to come up with this type of nonsense. This proves they’ll do anything to destroy this country and it’s moral fabric.

1 year ago

This explains why our students are seriously lagging behind other countries. While these nut balls are pushing this along with their gender identity crap, there are teachers who disapprove and refuse it only to be threatened by their unions. Why is it so important to sexualize our children? And if parents around this country don’t start speaking up and pushing back, this will only get worse. Every time I read an article on any of this, I need to go take a hot shower. Voters have got to start knowing who they are voting for and what their agendas are. The perverts are trying to take over and it can’t be allowed to keep our humanity intact.

James P.
James P.
1 year ago


1 year ago

My kids are in their 40s. If I had exposed them to this crap while they were young, I would be in prison and they would have been taken from me.

1 year ago

Unreal that parents take their kids to libraries and watch and laugh. What kind of parent does that?

Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
1 year ago

What next: movie hour at adult bookstores?

1 year ago

Great job need to keep our eyes open and act on it
to stop the crap !!!!!!!!!!!!

Stan d. Upnow
Stan d. Upnow
1 year ago

Oh gee, a bill to limit funding to the schools if they continue the disgusting child abuse by these sicko perverts. Instead, Johnson should have written a bill to make that a 1st degree felony!
This is why I can’t stand Republicans.

Stan d. Upnow
Stan d. Upnow
1 year ago

Hurry, Hurry, Hurry! Step right up and buy your tickets now! For just 25-cents, you get to “educate” a drag queen pervo for 2 full minutes! Buy 5 tickets for only $1! You can rent baseball bats, iron rods, or cat-o-nine tails for only 50-cents more! Don’t delay, play today!

1 year ago

If Congress would handle the regent economy problems, We the moral majority would handle the immoral situation in our schools.

Rob citizenship
Rob citizenship
1 year ago

This topic I believe is something that is in the category of leftist nonsense,
however, there are more serious implications involved too. The best way to deal with this trend of distorting the value of education, the purpose of education is for right thinking men and women to do something like have a movement to restore the values of Honor, Honesty, Integrity, Courage in schools. Hopefully there are enough teachers still around who have Conservative values who could help out in fixing what needs to be fixed.
The entire system needs to be restructured so that the spirit of
” …one nation under God, with Liberty and justice for all ” has some real meaning.
Responsible parents should have their views respected regarding the content of the education of their children.
Rep. Mike Johnson is on the right course in this matter, that is an encouraging sign.

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