The Better for America Podcast

Inside the 2023 Israel-Palestine Conflict: Causes and Consequences | EP 246

Posted on Tuesday, October 24, 2023
by Rebecca Weber
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AMAC CEO Rebecca Weber was joined by Joel Rayburn, a retired U.S. Army officer, former diplomat, and historian, and Robert Nicholson, the President and Executive Director of the Philos Project, who holds a bachelor’s degree in Hebrew Studies as well as a junior doctorate and master’s degree in Middle Eastern history, for a crucial Better For America episode focused on the horrific developments unfolding between Israel and Palestine. This episode gives an insightful in-depth analysis of the evolving conflict, as both guest have extreme knowledge or experience in the area. And, their differing views on much of what has transpired, and how it should be addressed by both the U.S. and foreign countries provides listeners with multiple schools of thought and gives them an opportunity to draw their conclusions after hearing the two respectfully discuss their differing views, a rarity in today’s world. If you want to educate yourself on such an important issue impacting the entire world, you can’t miss this episode.

Please leave any questions or suggestions for future BFA episodes in the comments below!

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Elaine Biggerstaff
Elaine Biggerstaff
1 year ago

Why do so many not understand Biden, the whole Democrat (sic) Party and some Republicans want wars and want the U.S. to collapse? Everything Biden has done since day one has been designed to destroy the U.S. and give China and Iran every advantage. Republicans are mostly RINO’s and wimps or have, like the Democrats (sic), been bought off or blackmailed. We have NO leaders today who have the interests of the common man, the honest and hardworking man, as their priority.

anna hubert
anna hubert
1 year ago

Is there one person who believes “Palestinians” would live in peace and harmony busy with bringing up happy children building the state they so yearn for simply minding their own business ignoring Jews ? Why is this charade aided and abetted when everyone knows they’ve refused the statehood over and over again and again What would be different this time?How many billions of dollars did Arafat put into his accounts Money that was meant for “occupied Palestine” Very profitable business fight for independence wink wink

Joe Kal
Joe Kal
1 year ago

Palestinians never gave up their right to all of Palestine. The English and the UN had no right to give away land that they did not own. The Palestinians have a right to fight for their land. No one likes what Hamas did on October 7th but Israel has been terrorizing the Palestinians for over 30 years virtually no media outlet keeps quiet. Israel has terrorized the Palestinians for many years, of course, Israel only kills terrorist be they thousands of infants and children over the years. So if you are calling Hamas a terrorist organization what is Israel.
So Stop Lying

1 year ago

I wonder what would be OUR reaction if a neighboring state fired rockets at us and came across the state line to murder innocent citizens. Would WE be willing to fight back to stop this from ever happening again? Hmmm. Makes us look at the situation a little differently.

Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
1 year ago

Terrorists do not seek peace; without violence and hate they have no reasonnto exist. No reasonnto exist, no money coming in. Arafat died a multibillionaire.

1 year ago

The cause is our unwillingness to accept the truth just as we did not accept Nazi atrocities against the Jews during WWII. We’ve learned nothing and thus we are next the next victims to be caused soon by the criminals entering our border.

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