The Better for America Podcast

“If our rights come from God, they cannot be taken by Government” Dr. Ben Carson | EP 201 

Posted on Wednesday, March 29, 2023
by Rebecca Weber

“If our rights come from God, they cannot be taken by Government” Dr. Ben Carson, world-renowned neurosurgeon, influential political leader, and founder of the American Cornerstone Institute joins the Better for America podcast to remind Americans that we need to be engaged in the fight to take back America’s moral compass. Carson jokes the only thing the left fears more than Satan is a black conservative, but is he right?

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David Millikan
David Millikan
1 year ago


1 year ago

Amen #2. Thank you Dr Carson. You are a rare person in many great ways

Rex Walker
Rex Walker
1 year ago

How lucky this old man has been. I loomed AMAC only 3-4 years ago, and only got the app for true news. Dr Ben Carson is truly an American hero. I thought years ago when he retired from his medical practice “what a loss” but since then the things he has done, and his strong convictions which he is not bashful espousing we need more Ben Carson’s. Thank God for AMAC making this interview available.

paul edward vanleeuwen
paul edward vanleeuwen
1 year ago

been saying that for years

1 year ago

Absolutely Dr. Ben Carson is a real role model blessing and I don’t want to miss anything he has to say. God continue to bless you and your family Dr. Carson!

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
1 year ago


Gary Bestwick
Gary Bestwick
1 year ago

Carson is wrong. The Left does not fear Satan because they work for him. He is right that the left hates Black Conservatives because they do not fit their narrative.

Patriot Will
Patriot Will
1 year ago

Dr. Ben Carson is a wonderful patriot who had been one of the top surgeons in his line of expertise. He has the courage to speak logically and truthfully, no matter how brutally the far left Marxists assassinate his character and call him all sorts of slanderous names. Dr. Carson is a true statesman and a true quality human being. It’s amazing how we still have Americans of Dr. Carson’s caliber. Dr. Carson’s deep faith in God helps give him the courage to stand up to all sorts of bullying from the likes of the Obama and Biden administrations. Dr. Carson states that there are a growing number of blacks who are actually seeking the truth and thinking for themselves. This is very good to hear, and hopefully, more and more blacks will start openly voicing their dissatisfactions with the lies of Biden and other far left Marxists.

1 year ago

Yes, he is so right.

1 year ago

Thank you Dr. Ben Carson ! You are absolutely right . And i think that this shows the genious of the Founders . It is a concept completely unique in the world and is the very reason that America is exceptional .

1 year ago

I agree. Thank you Dr. Carson for speaking the truth in love and clarity. May God continue to bless you.
The ship is leaning to hard to the left. With God’s help we will right the ship!

Ann S
Ann S
1 year ago

Dr Carson thank you for your words. America was founded on religious principles. E Pluribus Unum. Out of many One. Let us hope this will soon return without bloodshed.

Sean Rickman
Sean Rickman
1 year ago

With the liberal democrats in charge the morals of AMERICA have disappeared.It now seems like anything goes.

Phil Chapman
Phil Chapman
1 year ago

The Founders left a reason for rebellion. Patrick Henry, Governor of Virginia told those wanting a strong Federal government that Virginia would NEVER ratify the Constitution without a “Bill of Rights” [the first 10 Amendments to the Constitution] The Bill of Rights actually come from a ‘Christian Judeo natural rights stance’ positing the “Bill of Rights” are sacrosanct and “God Given”.No government, EVEN THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT, has the right to abrogate them. For example, although the Second Amendment exists for the purposer personal protection and ensuring the common defense against foreign powers, the Founders also realized the right to bear arms would also ensure the people’s right to dissolve a tyranical Federal, state, or local government. The Founders realized home grown or foreign oppressors might try take citizens’ guns to further a totalitarian state.If the ‘right to bear arms’ was only granted bya human government then the government could legally take the right to bear arms away. However,the Founders posits the use of lethal force to protect one’s person and personal rights guaranteed by the “Bill of Rights” comes from God then the people would always have the power to protect themselves from whoever tries to violate their rights. Including ideologues of fascist or socialist regimes that might rise in the US. [See the dystopian novel 1984 by George Orwell.] Given recent out of control actions by the Federal Bureaucracy is our right to bear arms more relevant than ever?

1 year ago

Has Dr.Ben been watching Fox the last couple of years ?? Let’s see for starters for a year all branches of the government were violating an Americans rights and still harassing him . Now Slick said he didn’t know about it . How about the pencil necks violating your rights of free speech of millions of Americans. No one had a backbone to say until Musk bought Twitter. How about Zuckerpuss spending hundreds of millions for Democratic candidates only !! Nothing done . Then we have Uncle Joe a very Christian man and it’s ok to end a innocent baby’s life at anytime and with Nutty Nancy too . Where is the Christian leaders condemning these actions ?? This sounds to me like a Commie country Ben , what say you ?

1 year ago

Would have loved to see someone as intelligent and down to earth as Ben Carson, as President. But having read his autobiography and really seeing what kind of special man he is, no doubt the sharks on the left would have torn him limb from limb…but then one never knows what depth of reserves they have.

1 year ago

YES! This must be taught to our children!
The left have been polluting the schools with their left wing concepts for decades. This is where the war has to be fought. Once control of the young is achieved, control will be held for decades. I think the left are very much in control of the children from 5th grade to college students right now. This must be counteracted by getting in early and teaching them the truth.

But a major problem here is that college students are too smart to believe there is a God. Loss in faith has caused many issues that exist nowadays, even the bullying of people who are different!

Donald King
Donald King
1 year ago

Biden’s handlers each actually believe that they are gods. Therefore, they shall speak and we are to obey. Heck, it worked for Hitler in the 1930’s and 1940’s. So, it worked for the National Socialist Party back then – should work now shouldn’t it?

1 year ago

I am in complete agreement with Dr. Carson. God gave us our rights. We are the only ones who can give them up to the government.You can give your rights up, but you can’t give up the rights of others.

Peggy Newman
Peggy Newman
1 year ago

Thank you for speaking out and standing strong seems people have forgotten why America came about. God is still on the throne and those who have turned away will pay the price .

1 year ago

From ‘???? GOD’ and NO One else….

1 year ago

God help this Commy country

1 year ago

I remember reading about ten commandments but not about rights. What rights ?

Bruce P
Bruce P
1 year ago

Please proofread this and write it again; it makes absolutely zero sense.

1 year ago

This government (sic Administration) has become equivalent to what our founding fathers fought against. They provided us the tools to keep it from such antagonism and downright evil manipulation. We must fight against such kackistocracy and enslavement. Time for we the people to grow a set and stand up for our freedoms.

1 year ago

Awsome Person and America’s better because of Dr. Ben Carson
God’s Blessings for you and your family Sir.

1 year ago

Is this an essay by Dr. Carson? I subscribed and find I am already subscribed to BFA. I would like to read his article. I do not want to hear it. Dr. Carson is a wonderful man.

1 year ago

Have been a HUGE fan of Dr. Carson from the beginning. I respect him as a Christian brother, a physician and a VERY INTELLIGENT politician. We need him to lead us, and I still have my Ben Carson had and am ready to stand with him! God bless you, Dr. Carson. In His love, your sister in Christ.

1 year ago

I would vote for him again. Got to meet him early in the primary in MI. Great people to role model and mentor youth

Philip Hammersley
Philip Hammersley
1 year ago

The Left doesn’t fear Satan or God; that’s their problem!

thomas rohde
thomas rohde
1 year ago

Dr. Carson is correct in one sense – if you are an American National or State National then your rights come from God through the constitution and “We The People” are in charge of our government. If you are a U.S. Citizen, then you are a “dead entity” as your mother unknowingly signed you over to the U.S. corporation when she signed your birth certificate. As a result a U.S. citizen is chattel property of the U.S. government corporation and your are only granted “privileges” by the U.S. corporate government. The government is therefore superior to your dead entity and is therefore in control of you – hence NO RIGHTS and why the congress and the corporate government can get away with all that it is!! Wake up!! Time to take control of your life and return to the rights you had after you were born before mom signed you over to the corporation. Then we can regain control of our country as “We The People”. There are now over 22 million of us who have repudiated our citizenship and are again state nationals and it’s growing rapidly daily in what I consider “God numbers” because he’s in control. Don’t just listen to podcasts and read articles wishing it were different – Learn more at state and join us in re-gaining your freedom!

Jane Garman
Jane Garman
1 year ago

Dr Carson is awesome! I wish main stream media would give him fair coverage. God Bless him!

1 year ago

Dr. Carson, this whole curriculum is fantastic. I have followed your books and thoughts long before the political stage. Your presence and this organization gives more hope as our Big Overreaching government continues to exercise blatant censorship and a one party voice. God Bless you and all the unsung hero’s. Praying for #electionintegrity and for our #childrensheart. God Bless!

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