The Better for America Podcast

Holding Dr. Fauci Accountable | Senator Rand Paul | EP 154

Posted on Tuesday, September 27, 2022
by Rebecca Weber

Senator Rand Paul has many goals for our country, but one of his main priorities is holding Dr. Fauci accountable. Why would Fauci suddenly change his views on immunity, confusing the public? That is what Senator Rand Paul has set out to unveil. This fearless defender of American freedoms joins the Better for America podcast to set the record straight. Rebecca Weber interviews Senator Paul on all we’ve been waiting to hear regarding the Fauci vs Paul COVID battle. In this Senator’s eyes, ignoring immunology is like ignoring the needs of the public. Senator Paul’s COVID committee is also holding Big Tech accountable for colluding with the CDC to suppress theories and statements surrounding COVID-19. He also exposes the NIH which was driven to make a profit from vaccines on the taxpayer’s dime. Tune in to hear how this Kentucky Senator is fighting for freedom, accountability, liberty, and propelling government overreach out of our way!

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Stan d. Upnow
Stan d. Upnow
2 years ago

I do believe he would’ve made a good POTUS. He’s one of the very few so-called Republicans who has the cojones to stand-up and go after these Progressive-Socialist totalitarians, not just talk about it on FOX.

james carlyle
james carlyle
2 years ago

Kudos for Senator Paul.

2 years ago

Changed his mind? FOLLOW THE MONEY!

William Latchford
William Latchford
2 years ago

One politician I really trust. Thank you Senator Rand Paul for your service!

John D. Beach
John D. Beach
2 years ago

The globalist agenda is one of the greatest threats to national sovereignty and security. Every agreement that violates or infringes the independence of free people to make honestly informed choices leaves them at the mercy of the unknown. Such is the case with the “gain of function” research which caused the pandemic which allowed governments to lockdown their populations and compel “choices” which were not choices, at all. Consider what Democrats did in 2020 to ensure their control of the processes and outcome of the election. Nothing proves fraud like the consequences of the policies of the current administration which have produced the lowest approval ratings of any president in history. When economic considerations motivate actions which have no beneficial purpose, other than the personal enrichment of the corrupt, humanity suffers. Faith and trust in those who have a sacred duty to fulfill oaths of profession or office is destroyed and distrust replaces. A clean sweep of the U.S. government will be necessary in order to restore faith and trust in the institutions of government and we will not see such a massive, corrective measure under the auspices of the Democrat Party.

2 years ago

We taxpayers are paying this so called, elite public servant, $500,000 a year! You have to be kidding!

Cathy Kolbe
Cathy Kolbe
2 years ago

I believe Saudi should be investigated. I’d like to know how much his kickbacks were from the drug companies. His income increased several millions in the last year. Talk about insider trading! Or just plain corrupt payoffs!

2 years ago

Rand Paul is getting way too radical in his views. I used to like him, but the last 3-years he is losing any impact on Americans.

Ralph S
Ralph S
2 years ago

Dr, Faux-see should stick to baseball. WAIT… his baseball ability is as wayward as his medical advice.

Lawrence Greenberg
Lawrence Greenberg
2 years ago

Justice will be done when this malignant dwarf is charged with treason and crimes against humanity and goes to his well-deserved appointment with the gallows.

anna hubert
anna hubert
2 years ago

We all know that Fauci is immune to justice same thing will happen to him as to all other criminals he is connected to

THX 1138
THX 1138
2 years ago

In 2007, NFL Atlanta Falcons quarterback Michael Vick was convicted of running an ILLEGAL dogfighting ring. He spent 18 months behind bars before returning to the NFL.

The evil [Witch-doctor] Anthony Fauci ILLEGALLY used tax dollars to fatally experiment on bats, puppies and human beings of multiple international origins on multiple occasions and yet he continues to roam the Earth as he pleases!

Thank you Dr. Paul for being a sort of modern day “Van Helsing” in seeing to bringing the rightful justice to the fiendish monster that Fauci has always been.

2 years ago

The little rodent Fauci made my skin crawl since the first time I laid eyes on him. Just another Godless socialist who does and says just what he is told to do or say. He will not ever see the inside of a prison since he will be protected by the globalists who control him. However, his punishment awaits.

Lawrence Leach
Lawrence Leach
2 years ago

Totally Agree with Senator Rand Paul!!

2 years ago

Faici has always left me feeling that he would call the fire department if someone lit a cigarette! And in the process get fame and fortune by blowing up the concern of the disease. Not that the Carona virus was bogus, But keeping it “hot” in the minds of politicians and the public helped bathe him in personal publicity and fame. IMO there have been other disease outbreaks in modern history that were much more potentially dangerous to the public (e.g. AIDS).

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