The Better for America Podcast

FLASHBACK: Kash Patel at CPAC in 2023

Posted on Friday, March 7, 2025
by Rebecca Weber
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FLASHBACK: Kash Patel at CPAC in 2023

Back in February of 2023, long before he would be confirmed as the Director of the FBI, Kash Patel joined AMAC on Broadcast Row at CPAC. At the time, President Trump had announced his candidacy for the 2024 election, but had not yet endured the trials, indictments, and even assassination attempts on his life that would play out between then and now. Despite how drastically the landscape would change, many of Patel’s insights regarding government bureaucrats, the border, and how he saw the 2024 race unfolding proved to be accurate. Tune in to this blast from the past with an important America First leader who now heads up one of the most important departments in our federal government!

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Rebecca Weber: Joining me now is Kash Patel. Kash Patel, you served as Chief of Staff for the Defense Department. You worked in various roles under the Trump administration. Thank you for joining me. Thank you for being here today. We love having you.

Kash Patel: Thanks for having me live at CPAC and thanks for having an amazing show and having the courage to put out the truth. It’s not easy to do that.

Rebecca Weber: It certainly isn’t. We appreciate what you’re doing. There’s so many things I want to talk to you about. I want to first start, you knew Trump, you spoke with Trump, and I recently heard that Trump stated that if he were president that He would effectively end the war within 24 hours, he says, between Ukraine and Russia.

Can you speak to that statement just a little bit and tell me what is it that the current administration is doing so wrong that’s keeping us where we are?

Kash Patel: The second question might be a lengthy answer, but we’ll try to keep it short. On the first one, what he, and having worked with President Trump on so many international matters, what he means is President Trump had the ability.

And the belief that you need to have relationships with everyone, be it Kim Jong un, or Xi Jinping, or Vladimir Putin. You don’t have to like them, but you have to make them respect you because you’re the commander in chief and you represent the United States of America. And they took his calls. And that’s what he’s saying.

The stark difference now is, Joe Biden can’t get on the phone with Xi Jinping. Vladimir Putin hasn’t talked to Joe Biden in I don’t know how long. Our Defense Department leadership can’t get on the phone with their counterparts in China. And so when President Trump says he’d have a peace negotiation in 24 hours, I believe that.

Because if he were Commander in Chief, they know they need to listen to him. At least get in the same room together and say, Hey, can we hash this thing out without war? And that’s the ultimate victory. And now all of a sudden the Democrats are the party of, the war machine. Which is, another conversation.

But, I think that’s the statement that Donald Trump knows he can make and deliver on because he did it in the past. And look, Afghanistan is a perfect example. He asked me to lead his Afghan withdrawal. And he said, let’s do it smartly, diplomatically, based on intelligence and evidence. Let’s not give up key pieces of terrain, Bagram.

Let’s not let out the terrorists who blew up American soldiers that Joe Biden let out. We had them under lock and key. These were things we were proud to never have one U. S. soldier casualty in the Afghan withdrawal because we knew it was a long process. They came in and said, it doesn’t matter what you guys did, we’re just going to do the opposite.

And you’ve seen the disastrous, most costly of consequences, 13 American lives.

Rebecca Weber: Absolutely. And, we here at AMAC, our members voted Donald Trump as their man of the year in 2021. Yeah, I saw that. Yeah. They, understood that he was a businessman and he understood that in business, if you fail at your job, or if you’ve got somebody responsible for a certain, area of the company and they don’t do their job, they don’t get promoted, they get kicked out, they get moved away.

And so he approached things in such a way, which I think was very smart. We are desperate for that here in America. Now, so many other things to talk about. your. You’ve got an awesome website. I fight with cash. Yeah. Tell us a little bit about what you’re doing today.

Kash Patel: one of the things President Trump taught me was you have to take your time in and see how you can use it on the outside to help others.

So we established fight with cash, dot com with a K. It’s a 5 0 1 C. It’s a foundation, it’s a charity. What we do is we raise money for active duty service members, law enforcement, tuition assistance, education programs, and whistleblowers and legal defense funds. And last year we gave away over 100, 000 and this year our goal is to give away a million.

And it’s not us. It’s we want to do it together. So fightwithcash. com, all the content is free. If you see merchandise on there, all of that, every dollar goes to the foundation. No board member has a salary. Everything goes out the door. And that’s the biggest thing I’m working on because it’s the most Yes, it’s fun, if I’m being honest.

And rewarding. Of course it’s fun, sure, but it’s good to get other people in because everybody’s always like, how do you do this? How do you help? here’s one way you don’t have to do that one But here’s an idea and if you want to be a part of it go to fightwithcash. com and join up

Rebecca Weber: excellent Thank you for that.

There are so many threats now that we’re seeing here in America One of my greatest concerns is what’s happening at the southern border

Kash Patel: Yeah,

Rebecca Weber: and I’m concerned about the fentanyl that’s coming over the border killing over a hundred thousand people. This is a really a huge Crisis that we’re facing. Can you speak at all to the fentanyl, and Chinese fentanyl specifically, and what our listeners ought to know?

Kash Patel: Yeah, absolutely. So one of my roles in the Trump administration overseeing counter terrorism was also overseeing the counter narcotics operations that President Trump was leading. And he led them both in America and in Mexico, and in China. The fentanyl wasn’t flowing in under the Trump administration because President Trump had tariffed the Chinese.

He had dispelled diplomats when, the CCP overstepped, and Russia, and he had the ability on the world stage to garner that respect, but they said, we can’t flood those streets anymore. Now you have an administration who actually is proud of the fact that they say, and they accept China’s answer that they’re not providing fentanyl into the United States.

What they’re doing is, oh, we just provide the Mexican drug cartels with the ingredients to make the cake. It’s the most absurd deflection. The most tragic deflection, because many of these people killed are our children. And the Chinese and the drug cartels are in it together, fashioning this drug in the shape of candy, so it’s more appealing to 14 year olds.

And they don’t care about the consequences, because this administration doesn’t care about the border. President Trump, rightly so in one of his policy speeches, said, I’m putting the death penalty on the table for Kingpin leaders and the drug cartels. That is a deterrent. That’s a deterrent. They don’t want him back in charge.

But that’s the stark difference on a, excuse me, from a border perspective, on Trump versus Biden.

Rebecca Weber: Yeah, thank you for sharing that. I want to talk a little bit about your book. I believe it’s coming out this March. Is that right?

Kash Patel: we’re working on it. So the book’s done. It’s called Government Gangsters.

And it’s available for pre sale, Amazon, governmentgangsters. com. Excuse me, allergy season. That’s quite alright, yeah. and. What we tried to do is lay out a roadmap of how the deep state operates and where they operate and how we can defeat them and President Trump has called the book a roadmap to winning back the White House and restoring the DOJ, the FBI, the DOD, the CIA to work for the American people.

The problem is we list every government gangster in the book by name and how they failed us and how we can solve that problem. But the manuscript is being held up by this government because I was in government so most people don’t know you have to submit it. Back to the government so it’s being reviewed So, it’s looking more like April or May but we’re gonna get it out And I encourage everyone to check it out government gangsters gotta give everybody a roadmap of If you believe in something, you need to put pen to paper and stand for it and say, and defend it.

And I believe I can in that book.

Rebecca Weber: And this is so important because we know, that China would love to see our institutions just crumble from within. And already people are losing faith in those public institutions. So a roadmap is fabulous. We’re going to keep our eye out for the book. Tell us about your future.

What do we have? What do you have planned?

Kash Patel: The only thing I can see is, a week or two in front of me at a time, and it’s, you take your Q’s and A’s and your lead from, my leader, which is Donald Trump, and my, I’m a national security defense intel law enforcement guy, not literally, really the political genius by any means.

I try to stay involved and educate Americans on that front, on what worked, what’s failing, and literally, the only thing that I try to do more than anything else is just put out the truth. It doesn’t matter what it is, you have to put it out there. And then you gotta barrel through the fake news media, who’s going to say, no, that’s a lie because you, under the Trump administration, were successful in defeating terrorism, you were successful in taking on the cartels, you were successful in bringing home American hostages and taking on Russia and China and Iran.

They don’t want that narrative, not just because it was true, but because it happened under Trump. my mission is just to stay on his accomplishments, on his leadership, and show America this is the difference. In our country in two years and in 18 months or so, you’re going to have another opportunity to either send Donald Trump back to the White House or have four more years of this.

And on policy, there is no better policy than the America First agenda outlined by President Trump.

Rebecca Weber: That’s right. And anyone else who’s running, if they’re running, those are the policies that they’re going to run on to, which Donald Trump has done such a good job outlining. Kash Patel, an honor to have you.

Thank you for your time and good luck. God bless you. You’re doing important work. Thank you for you. Appreciate you having me. Thank you so much.

Kash Patel: Thanks.

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