The Better for America Podcast

Finally a Check on the White House! Congress puts Biden on Notice! | EP 174 | Larry O’Connor

Posted on Thursday, November 17, 2022
by Rebecca Weber
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Republicans are putting the White House on Notice! After what AMAC is calling a “red trickle,” the Midterm elections resulted in Republicans taking back the House and finally removing the gavel from Speaker Pelosi’s hand, putting a long overdue end to her reign.. Larry O’Connor joins Rebecca Weber to discuss the results of the Midterms and what Republicans should be focusing on in the 118th congress on behalf of the American people. Election Day was a setback for the issue of life, but O’Connor reminds listeners of the progress the pro-life movement has made over the last century and where Republican leaders went wrong with messaging on this issue. Rebecca also turns their attention to the priorities of Washington’s attorney generals, and no it’s not stopping violent crime in America’s 5th most dangerous city. Tune in to find out what headlines these DC politicians are chasing!

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2 years ago

You can’t be serious . These Repubs will do nothing but blow a lot of hot air with no action.
Congressional hearings ( like the dimwitted Jan 6 committee) accomplish nothing other than
giving CNN and Fox a transfusion to release them from their ordinary boring daily agenda. Go about your business and tune in Oct 2024 before the next election to see what’s going on. You
won’t miss anything. Our congress is dead.

2 years ago

I’m also wondering about the RINOS who always vote with the dems. If ALL of the house members we voted for had won, then we could override the few dems that would be left. People are going to have to do spiritual warfare!! What’s that you say? Right. Few people know how – were never taught – how to do real spiritual warfare. But the rest could use prayer and more prayer, in any case.

2 years ago

My concern is we still have far too many RINOs. Until that changes, I’m afraid this country is on a down hill course.

Bill on the Hill
Bill on the Hill
2 years ago

Great storyline here with Larry O’Conner & Rebecca Weber of AMAC… Her question on America’s ” moral compass ” was a legitimate question that needs answers, i.e. protecting the baby within the womb versus ” abortion on demand ” currently the law of the land, despite Roe V Wade currently no more…Individual states are still allowing the carnage of the unborn, the Feds never had any legal rights to enforce draconian laws concerning abortions, the individual states still allow this immoral behavior, particularly young low income black women in primarily Democrat run cities…
All the best,
Bill… :~)

2 years ago

A “check” on the Dims ? Forget that. Even if Walker wins in GA, the Senate is lost again as Rhino Romny, Murkoski, and Collins will vote left on anything controversial and 218 House votes don’t mean anything. There will always be 2-4 (or more) Rhinos in there somewhere. The repub loss last week was horrific. They will lose 100 house seats in 2024. Biden kicked our ass….es.

2 years ago

Eva, please stop your ads

2 years ago

IF McCarthy makes it, he knows he will be called to toe the line, and just not do whatever stupid thing he wants. A whole lot of people do not trust him, especially after he betrayed so many of the MAGA candidates. We should have had at least 5 senate seats. He and McConnell, along with miss perfect Romney – Rona.

Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
2 years ago

Bull. I’ll believe anything will happen when I see Durham recommending indictments… but I’m not holding my breath. The Democrats own the media so disinformation will benefit them anyways.

Philip Hammersley
Philip Hammersley
2 years ago

McConnell is a RAT and McCarthy is too pliable. Telling Lyin’ Lizzie that Trump should resign? Do we need a weakling like that? First mission : get a Speaker with a backbone!!!

2 years ago

Some Democrats say they fired Nancy Pelosi & that is after she said she was stepping down from Speaker position. I would wager this decision was made more from the vicious attack on her husband at their home than the ongoing fight with Democrats. The parties need to start working together for the betterment of America & quit attacking each other over every little thing. I agree that Republicans need to nail Hunter Biden laptop fiasco , but not so sure that is the biggest priority in USA on this date.

2 years ago

There was democrat money behind some gop candidates because they know how they vote

2 years ago

No confidence in this 118th republican controlled congress. They’re all cut from the same mold. It’s like watching a football game with players on opposite teams hating on one another for the amusement of the fans. After the game and showering and cologne, they’re all in bed together laughing at the fans for buying into their bulls**t

2 years ago

Work with DemocRats? F that! They’ve declared war. Now we must not stop until all traitors in our government are in prison.

2 years ago

Fix the economy, secure our borders, hold POTUS accountable, then secure our borders, cancel the additional IRS agents… And wait to see what he comes up with next.

2 years ago

The Republicans need to get a backbone and stand up to the scum that is the Democratic Party! Way too many RINOs!! I will never give to the RNC again I will give to the candidate!

2 years ago

Republicans need to put a watch on rino Republicans. Then we can talk.

2 years ago

For 6 years (or more) the democrats mercilessly attacked Donald Trump. Now that the Republicans control the House of Representatives, the democrats want Republicans to play nice. Hogwash! I urge the House Oversight Committee and the House Judiciary Committee to attack the Biden crime family. I urge them to keep their foot o. the accelerator pedal and keep pushing to expose Joe Biden for who is – a feeble, senile old man who is bent on destroying America and enriching his family and the elites who support him. Let’s stay on the attack !

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