The Better for America Podcast

DNC Disconnect vs. RNC Momentum with Political Strategist Kenny Cody

Posted on Wednesday, August 28, 2024
by Matt Kane
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BFA Podcast EP 304 | Kenny Cody

“The DNC’s antics are so out of touch with the average American.” Political strategist Kenny Cody joins host Matt Kane to break down the 2024 election landscape, calling the DNC a “celebration of tyranny and weirdness” and highlighting its out-of-touch antics such as vasectomies on site. He contrasts this with the RNC’s “patriotic spirit,” praising its effective organization. Cody believes Trump’s relatable personality and RFK Jr. endorsement could make him unstoppable, warning that “The Democrats are in real trouble if they think enthusiasm from their base alone will carry them through.”

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Full Episode Transcript:

Kenny Cody: The RNC was a celebration of patriotism. And fortunately enough for the Democrats, they’re the ones that are coming off as weird. These are very weird people. These are very tyrannical people. I think that we’re not going to see as much of a pulling bump as democratic conventions of years past. I think these weird, you know, and these protests, especially for the, for the Gaza and you know, the, the Palestinian Israel protesters outside the DNC is garnering a lot of attention.


Trump is an aura. He is an aura. He is a cult of personality. And. It’s understandable why he is so relatable to the common voter.


Matt Kane: Joining me today is writer, commentator, and political strategist, Kenny Cody. Kenny, welcome.


Kenny Cody: Matt, thanks for meeting, brother. Big fan.


Matt Kane: The DNC made headlines even prior to it officially commencing when it was announced that Planned Parenthood was on site offering free vasectomies and abortions. Now two days in, those who have tuned in have endured leftist lies from AOC, Hillary, Joe, Jill.


It’s And the Obama is just last night. So despite them previously and rather obviously attempted to brand Trump and JD Vance as weird, they’re really proving themselves to be a bizarre group of people. What do you make of the DNC so far? Just give us your genuine thoughts or any key takeaways you have up to this point.


Kenny Cody: I mean, a few key takeaways. I mean, they’ve tried to paint JD Vance Trump as weird people, but I mean, the RNC was a celebration of patriotism. It was a celebration of the common working man. I mean, it was. It was. The show of, you know, trying to bring out, you know, free vasectomies, free abortions on site and on demand abortions as the DNC and as Democrat leftists have done just outside the DNC.


And you, you know, you see this unorganization. I mean, you even see journalists come out and say that how much better the RNC was organized. You know, the DNC has been so disorganized in terms of allowing people to come in and to cover the event. I mean, you, you’re having these people and these journalists come out and say, you know, the RNC was so much more welcoming.


The RNC was so much more celebratory. It was so much more positive and the DNC is very closed doors, but for a party that literally kicked their president out of the race for running for president, the incumbent president Booting him out of his own office and saying we’re nominating somebody else by force.


I mean, this is, this is comes as no surprise. These are very weird people. These are very tyrannical people. And unfortunately it just seems like that, well, fortunately for the Republicans, but unfortunately now for the Democrats, they are the ones that are coming off as weird and as just intrusive on people’s households and not really the same immediate accessible Democrats of years past.


Matt Kane: And given how on brand the DNC has been based on their behavior over the last couple of years, there’s really no reason to believe that the next two days, the last two days of the DNC will differ in any meaningful way from the first two. And just prior to the convention, it was already becoming clear that the Kamala honeymoon, if you believe in that, the polling honeymoon was coming to an end.


And from here, I’m curious to hear what you are expecting. Do you believe this Out of touch display at the DNC will lead to further gains for President Trump, or do you expect Kamala to receive some form of the traditional post convention bump in spite of their behavior? What are you expecting after this?


Kenny Cody: I mean, I wouldn’t be surprised by like a short, very, very short term polling bump after her acceptance speech. I don’t think Tim Walz is going to impress anybody, but you’re already seeing the betting market shift in Trump’s favor. And that partly becomes from, you know, these rumors of Robert F. Kennedy Jr dropping out of the presidential race, of course, those betting markets shifting his direction.


But, you know, after not one or two of the RNC, you already saw that polling bump for Trump even go up over Harris and over Biden. And you’re not seeing that same polling bump with him in the first night of the RNC. So I think that we’re not going to see as much of a polling bump as Democratic conventions of years past.


I think these weird, you know, and these protests, especially for the, for the Gaza and, you know, the, the Palestinian Israel protesters outside the DNC is garnering a lot of attention and especially with this whole stolen valor thing from walls with him giving the convention speech. Uh, I think it’s either, either, either tonight or tomorrow, I mean, you’re having these people kind of come out and say, Hey.


These military leaders are saying, Hey, you know, walls didn’t serve in, you know, overseas military combat. He’s lied about his service. That is grabbing the attention lines of somebody who was giving a headline speech, kind of like JD advanced at RNC, but of positive headlines for Vance and negative headlines for walls.


So I’m not seeing anything happen. I mean, I could be absolutely wrong. I mean, I didn’t see the Harris honeymoon having the same impact as it, as it initially had. But you’re seeing things kind of stabilize and I think you’re not going to see the same pulling back. As was. to be expected because of the selection of walls and because of Harris’s obvious media kind of bunker that she’s put herself in over the last few weeks.


I mean, the media is not going to all out come and praise her as it did the first couple weeks because of the lack of media availability that the Harris walls ticket has, uh, has a question so far.


Matt Kane: So you mentioned RFK jr. Do you expect, well, first of all, how big do you think his base of support actually is.


And if he does endorse president Trump as is expected, do you expect his voters to go along or do you expect them to sort of sit out? What, what do you make of his impact on the role if he does endorse president Trump?


Kenny Cody: Well, for, for a percentage standpoint, I don’t think it has that much, much of a, of a, of a impact, but if you look at the 45, 000 vote margin and swing States that Biden won over Trump back in 2020, I think it has a sizable and large impact on the presidential election.


I mean, I’ve. I think a lot of Kennedy’s voters will go to Donald Trump. I think that they are looking as, you know, an anti establishment base. They’re an anti establishment voter base that are voting for Robert F. Kennedy. And, you know, at bare minimum, I don’t think a lot of these people are going to be voting for Kamala Harris.


I mean, even if they go to Cornel West or go to somebody like Jill Stein or even another thing, You’re going to have a lot of them go to Donald Trump. You’re going to have the other ones go to a more third party candidates that are on the ballot in these swing states. And I think that even if you get, let’s just say 0.


5, 0. 7, or maybe a point of those voters, you know, percentage of those voters that will go to Trump instead of, uh, Harris or Kennedy, then I think that that kind of sequesters an amount of voters to potentially, you know, get him over the mountaintop and in states like North Carolina, states like Arizona, Nevada, where R.


  1. K. Was poning pretty heavily. And even in the state like, like New Hampshire, where, you know, Kenny was pulling up to double digits in some New Hampshire polling. Um, and I think if you’re able to sequester even like, let’s just say 5 to 4 percent of those that can even have a sizable impact because of the thin rate raised within margins that Trump had in New Hampshire.


Both in 2016 and two and 2020, so. I think it may not have necessary, it’s like four to 5 percent of the American electorate that was going to go for Robert F. Kennedy. I think early on people thought it would be double digits, but even if we can get two to three to even 1 percent of those that were going to vote for Robert F.


Kennedy in swing states, it could have a very, very, very sizable impact on the electoral college and electoral landslide for Trump. Hopefully.


Matt Kane: One thing that I have observed, and I don’t think enough people are really talking about is that. The Democrats actions prove, or they would suggest, that they’re not actually interested in winning over voters.


Their intense focus on issues like DEI, transgender issues, abortion, as opposed to what’s most important to voters this year, such as the economy, immigration, foreign affairs. Obviously helps President Trump’s standing, which is the most suspicious part of their actions in my opinion. They’re clearly, they’re clearly desperate to prevent him from ever returning, yet they’re doing things that are obviously unpopular while he runs on common sense and four years of the success that he had as president.


So is it that they’re so committed to the left wing agenda that they believe they can sell it? Is it possible they’re relying on some of the 20 million, 10 million, 20 million, whatever you refer to it as, illegal immigrants coming in and potentially having an impact on the vote? What do you think is the explanation for them seemingly sabotaging themselves?


Kenny Cody: I think they’re relying on enthusiasm more than they are anything else. I think, you know, with Biden, there was such a just subjective, just, And like, I don’t want, I don’t want to vote for Biden, but I’m going to have to. And now you have, at least with Harris, somebody who is a fill in the blank Democrat, that they’re trying to rely on enthusiasm and turnout in order to put them over the hump.


You know, you need to have people that were not going to vote for Biden, but will vote for anybody besides Biden. You need to, you know, you need to capitalize on that percentage of voters. Like you said, the 10 or 20 million that may be in favor. to vote for anybody besides Biden that you now have at Kamala Harris.


You know, I’ve told a lot of Republicans over the last month, you know, this is not necessarily a battle of like, you know, Kamala Harris is now going to win the presidency and, you know, Donald Trump is screwed. We were going from a pre debate Biden. Going against Trump that was like, okay, you know, you feel pretty good about Trump’s chances against Biden, even pre debate.


He was ahead of polling. He was ahead in the RCP average. And then after the debate, it was Trump’s going to have a landslide electoral college victory. We’re going to have a chance in states like New Mexico, New Jersey, even New York in some polling, and now we’re kind of back with Harris, kind of back to that pre debate Trump versus Biden.


Or, and that pre debate kind of attitude, I still think Trump’s going to win. I just think that Republicans need to adjust to being used to voting against a commonplace fill in the blank Democrat. And that’s the same thing the Democrats are doing. They’re trying to capitalize on the far left. It’s the same campaign that Kamala Harris ran in 2020, when she was actually running for the Democratic nomination, when she got 1.


5 percent of the vote before I. I mean, we’re looking at a party who is trying to capitalize on enthusiasm, on voter turnout, and far left issues to get the people who were not going to vote for Biden before to actually come out and vote and to give them a chance. And I think you’re seeing that kind of, you know, we saw somebody there at AFRI, I forget who it was.


It was one of Kamala’s and a Democratic donor. And a pollster saying, you know, these public polls are not the same optimism that we’re seeing in our private internal polls. And I think that you’re seeing that in the DNC and appealing to these far left, you know, Marxist extremists that they’re trying to appeal to the, you know, the pro Palestine pro two state solution, Democrats that you’re seeing, you’re trying to bring in and turn those voters out in a way that Biden was not going to ever turn them out.


So I think you’re seeing a little bit of panic from the Democrats. To bring those voters out and to get them to vote. And probably not only not for Biden, but for the first time ever for Kamala Harris.


Matt Kane: And it’s clear that people stand with Trump in greater numbers now than at any other point over the past decade and policy is obviously a big reason for that, but as you wrote through Human Events, so is personality.


Now you wrote about Trump’s authenticity and Kamala’s lack of it. What do you think is currently more powerful in influencing voters decisions? Is it the personality of the candidates, the policy proposals, or is it a combination of both? What do you think?


Kenny Cody: I think it’s definitely a combination of both. I mean, this attitude that Trump has, like, what was, uh, were you better off when I was president for four years?


Or have you been better off during the Biden and Harris administration? And Trump is an aura. I mean, I saw Bernie Sanders go on Theo Vaughn the other day, one of the most popular podcasts for young men in America. And he said, Bernie Sanders even said, I understand why people are drawn to Donald Trump. He is an aura.


He is a cult of personality and it’s understandable why he is so relatable to the common voter. So I think you have to have a combination of that. Yeah. And of policy. And I, you know, I think Trump, if you just look to Trump’s policy, just in terms of just bland, it’s like saying, okay, what did Donald Trump do while he was president?


You know, I don’t think a lot of people would view it as extremist. I think, I think there are many Americans who would view it as moderate, but because of the way that Trump comes off and his rhetoric, he gets out these populist nationalists. In a way that protects economic security that has a, you know, a anti war foreign policy, but a lot of the common sense solutions are, are, are what any moderate would support.


But I think that because of the impact of his cult of personality on his policy and the combination of the two, I think that’s why people are drawn Donald Trump. He is now more favorable in polling than he ever has been in his entire career for the last nine years in politics that he’s had and nearly 10 years in politics that he’s had.


And I think the reason is that is that combination. Of authenticity and of policy proposal. I mean, his policies worked, people were thriving in a Trump presidency. And the only reason that he probably lost was, you know, mail in ballots, unfortunately, and COVID. I mean, I think his policies were working in the United States.


And I think the combination of that with his aura is why he’s destined and probably favored to win the presidential election in November.


Matt Kane: Let’s talk about blackpilling for a moment. You recently wrote about this. It’s somewhat fascinating to witness, and I can’t determine. Whether it’s due to people buying into the false Kamala honeymoon narrative, or if it’s due to the past four years of non stop demoralization.


But, many President Trump supporters are partaking in this. They’re, even though it seems that the momentum is on his side, they seem very pessimistic and fearful about what is to come between now and the election. What do you think is the reason behind this feeling that a lot of voters have, and do you think it will actually have an impact on voter


Kenny Cody: turnout?


Demoralization is a great word. And I think that’s been a lot of it. You know, I think when you’ve seen somebody who has been convicted, you see somebody who’s been shot, you see somebody who’s been impeached twice, just another thing that’s happened to Donald Trump. I mean, people start to get worn down and I, and I can understand that, especially on social media, how things are.


These can look bleak when you see polls that have Harris up 13 in Michigan. I think it’s just, I mean, it’s, it’s kind of ridiculous, but I think I also think there’s a big youth impact on this, which is a positive and a negative. I think young men, especially are getting more interested in politics than they ever have been, and especially Republican politics.


But unfortunately that comes with people not going through 2016 or 2020. They’re just now kind of jumping on board and becoming interested while Trump’s been a candidate in 2024 without going through what many of us went through in 2016, thinking there was going to be an impending loss in 2016. And then in 2020, with the mail in ballots and COVID impacting, you know, the defeat of Donald Trump, unfortunately enough, you know, I don’t think they’ve been through that.


And I think there’s, there’s kind of this newbie kind of attitude. Or, uh, to a lot of the blackmailing that we’re seeing on the internet. But I do, but I do think a lot of it does come from demoralization. A lot of it does come from all these things that have happened to Donald Trump and his supporters. I mean, when you’re seeing, you know, pro life school board members, you’re seeing pro life families getting thrown in prison by the, by the Biden administration, by Merrick Garland.


by a lot of the federal government, and you’re seeing, you know, people get attacked, like, from January 6th. You’re seeing this demoralization and demonization of Republicans and conservatives across mainstream media. There does come a point where you get kind of worn out, but I think a lot of it turns into anger, and when anger is turned into votes, that’s the most motivating factor.


So I think, I think blackmailing, Is more at what I have seen on media, more what I’ve seen on the internet, unfortunately, and for me being a young conservative commentator, I, I see too far too much of it. And that was just basically a message like keep the course, try to not pay attention to the false plus 23 democratic pollsters that are, that are trying to promote polls.


So to get the narrative back, that this is a, this is a competitive race or that Harris’s favorite in this race, because betting markets and everything else will prove that she is in fact not.


Matt Kane: It’s definitely out there. I see it as well. I think anybody who’s active on social media sees that there is certainly a faction of people that Um, dive into that.


And it’s also interesting the shift you mentioned in 2016, it seemed like there were polls that gave Trump, you know, 4 percent chance to win the night before election day and everybody was pretty enthused. And now a poll comes out that shows Trump’s only up four and people are acting like that’s a bad thing for him.


So it’s definitely interesting to witness. And, um, but before we let you go, we are 75 days away from the next election and just weeks away from early voting starting in many states. Everybody seems to be bracing for some form of electoral chaos between now and then. How do you see the homestretch playing out in the lead up to this election?


Are you expecting anything major to come down before Now and then, even regarding President Trump’s potential sentencing, what are you expecting between now and then?


Kenny Cody: Well, I mean, I think, I wouldn’t be surprised if the Democrats try to throw him in jail in New York. I mean, I wouldn’t be, I wouldn’t be surprised at all at that.


But the good thing about that is it’s just enthusiastic supporters more. I mean, if you look at the polling of when he was, you know, when he was charged, when he was convicted in the past New York trial. All that did was, it was, it was launch his poll numbers up. So I think we may see that, and it may be a mainstream story of him, you know, getting convicted or, you know, him having to weigh on appeal or the immunity case protecting him.


So I wouldn’t be surprised if that necessarily happened, but that’s not impacted us. It’s arguably helped us to be, to be quite honest with you. So I’m, I wouldn’t necessarily be surprised, but you know, there, there, there is the term October surprise. So I’m, I’m interested to see the, the month before the election, what kind of things they’re going to, they’re going to throw at Donald Trump.


Or what things come out of Kamala Harris. I mean, I know people say all the time that October surprises only happen to Republicans, but if you look at. You know, when, when, when coming chart, you know, looked into the, into the, this, the, uh, the deleted emails of Hillary Clinton in 2016, that was an October surprise that not a lot of us were expecting and probably shifted a lot of the terms of the election in 2016.


So I think just keep on the watch for that. I mean, especially with all this stuff about stolen valor from walls and, you know, we’ve not really heard a lot about Harris’s VP tenure. So some things can come out about what, you know, how she ran the coup or had an impact on kicking Biden out. And that, that may dissuade a lot of democratic voters that previous support of the president.


37 percent that thought he did a good job as president of the United States. It could have an impact on that. So I think keep your eyes peeled for that. Look to see if, if there’s, there’s another attempt to eat to either, you know, demoralize Trump to moralize the supporters, you know, an attempt by the Biden administration to, to do that.


You know, go through a extreme policy that may benefit Americans. You know, total student loan forgiveness, something like that. I wouldn’t be surprised if a policy proposal comes out to try to hand that over to the Democrats as a last ditch effort. Um, but you know, it’s, something’s going to happen. I’m not sure if it’s going to happen to the Harris or Trump camp.


My guess is it happens to the Harris camp. I don’t know why I think that that’s just my inkling is that something’s going to come out about Tim Walz or Kamala Harris as, as, as her VP tenure. Something’s going to happen. Just keep your eyes peeled out for it.


Matt Kane: I think that’s sort of funny to point out that we don’t, no one sits around saying, will something happen?


Everyone’s sort of just, it’s a right, it’s a right of passage in American politics that there will be something that comes out and we sort of just have to wait and see what it is. So it’ll be definitely be interesting this year, perhaps more so than any other in the years past. So, um, Kenny, thank you so much for joining me today and giving us some of your time.


We do greatly appreciate it. And we hope to have you back on soon. I appreciate it, Matt. Thank you so much, brother. And to all of our listeners out there, thank you for joining us today. Be sure to like and subscribe so that you don’t miss any Breaking AMAC content. I’m Matt Cain. Until next time.


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6 months ago

Democrats disconnected? . . . In which Socialist or Communist country are the Common People better off than the American citizenry? . . . NONE! . . . The Democratic Leadership just want TOTAL CONTROL over the Common Citizenry! My mother told me when I turned old enough to vote that we were Democrats because they ” Representated” the Common People but if she were alive today she would NOT BE because her family ESCAPED COMMUNIST RUSSIA to come to America!

6 months ago

Republicans have reason to fear another Big Steal like what happened in 2020. You know that’s what they say about hindsight! They don’t doubt Trump will be the legitimate winner. But will he win by such a large amount that it will truly be “Too big to rig”? That’s the worry since the Democratic Party has proven itself to be so dishonorable, over and over again!

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