The Better for America Podcast

Delivering Power Back to Parents | Jill Simonian

Posted on Friday, December 20, 2024
by Rebecca Weber
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BFA Podcast EP 334 | Jill Simonian

In this Better for America episode, Rebecca Weber welcomes Jill Simonian of PragerU Kids to discuss the alarming rise of gender ideology in schools. Jill exposes how DEI initiatives have become a “vehicle for Marxist ideals,” replacing truth and meritocracy with divisive narratives. She emphasizes the importance of teaching America’s Judeo-Christian roots and providing children with values-based education. Through PragerU Kids, parents and grandparents have access to free resources that teach civics, history, and moral principles. Jill encourages families to reclaim education and highlights success stories, like parental rights victories in Chino Valley, that give hope for restoring truth in schools.

Please leave any questions or suggestions for future BFA episodes in the comments below!


Rebecca Weber: Hello everyone, I’m Rebecca Weber, you’re watching Better For America. Joining me now to talk about what is driving gender ideology in schools is Prager U Kids Jill Simonian. Jill, welcome to Better for America. I’m thrilled to have you back with me today. I’m so excited to see you again. Hi. Really good to have you here.


Jill, I want to start with the obvious. Ever since Joe Biden has been in office, we’ve seen a massive uptake, uptick rather in forceful, the forceful teaching of gender ideology in our schools. kids are taught that they may have been born in the wrong body. And children are being encouraged to really denounce traditional Christian values that there are only two genders.


Now I speak with a lot of parents and grandparents and they are largely against this kind of radical ideology. What, in your opinion, is driving this gender ideology in our schools? How did we get to where we are today?


Jill Simonian: that’s the age that’s the question of the ages right now, right? The past few years, I think many of us, myself included, our minds have just been blown wondering how this nonsense has Edged its way into our schools and is literally teaching children and families and their unsuspecting parents by the way, lies under this false veil of what everyone calls diversity and inclusion.


a few years ago, the D E I diversity, equity and inclusion initiatives started making their ways into schools. All you know, many parents, including myself, were blindly thinking, Oh, great diversity. Yay. Inclusion. Yes. Be kind to one another. The golden rule, thinking that’s what this meant when in reality, no, it’s not what it means.


It is a vehicle for, we’ve, talked about it before. It’s a vehicle for Marxist ideals to get to our young people so that meritocracy, is abandoned. Truth is abandoned. It’s designed to break the minds of young people from our school systems. And this is something that I’ve talked about so much through a lot of my, parent alert conversations that we have on our website for, PragerU kids to, discuss things with parents.


And this has been happening for decades, a very slow drip. We saw it accelerated the last four years and, point blank, the gender ideology stuff is pretty much, a money grab. And I had one. Conversation with a mom based here in Orange County, California. She started, she was a regular mom, not an activist, nothing.


But she saw this infiltration into, her children’s schools in Southern California, and she started, going down the rabbit hole and getting all sorts of, information through, the, FOIA requests and found that, it’s a money grab between the government. The local hospitals and her school district and the conversation is on my PragerU.


com slash parent alert page and it is titled exactly that what’s driving gender ideology into schools and she explains it all and it’s mind boggling but I’m hopeful that people are now waking up to the truth because that’s our why here at PragerU kids to wake families up to teach your children truth and we have the resources to help parents and grandparents do that.


Rebecca Weber: Yeah. And for so many good people out there, they think, how, is it possible that children could be targeted in such a way? And, for other people to benefit monetarily from such a thing, it is, hard to really, for, good people with good hearts, they say, Oh my goodness, this is, as soon as you begin to peel away the layers, you recognize that there are a lot of players involved.


and I say that this is, thank God for that silver lining. with Covid and the pandemic because it really opened up moms and dads eyes and they understood the kind of material that was being put in front of their Children. I would say that today, especially parents are feeling so overwhelmed.


They are relieved. We speak to a Mac members on a regular basis. Grandparents are relieved that we’ve got a new administration and who’s committed to eliminating D. E. I. But, for many parents, They feel powerless when it comes to their children’s education. how can parents take back control to ensure that their kids learn good values?


And, how can PragerU be, right alongside them every step of the way? Tell us a little bit about the great resources that you’re offering.


Jill Simonian: something that I’ll tell you I discovered as a mom, In my own home, like a few years ago, I really did not have any depth of perception for how much knowledge my kids were not being taught.


And I took it for granted that they were learning about the history of the United States, about how we were founded on Judeo Christian values. I’m Armenian American. I’m a Christian. I’m a practicing Christian. And I myself, Literally, Rebecca, I’m so embarrassed to admit this, but I had no idea and I consider, I look back at my own education.


I thought I went to very good schools. I went to public schools. I was raised in the church in Sunday school. I’m currently a Sunday school teacher in my, my own personal life and I never truly understood that America. Was founded on Judeo Christian values. And I know we have this whole thing about, separation of church and state in the public schools.


Keep talking about that. But historically speaking, America is a Judeo Christian country and that’s where our schools started. With using the Bible, our school. Now we’re not, we’re not saying that everyone has to believe in the theological, the, theology of it, but to understand our nation’s origins is important for historical context, for current events, knowledge, and for the future of our country.


And I just took it for granted that, Oh yeah, my kids know that. And guess what? My kids didn’t know that. So in my home, I started. Really just daily, weekly in little drips, five minute drips here, 20 minute drips here during our, our different American, days of recognition, holidays, whether it be Christmas or Constitution Day on September 17th, I really started talking to my own kids about the founding of our nation, what truth is, what it means to have religious freedom, what it means to have religious liberty, what it means to have freedom, to even to those who, maybe don’t even want to worship at all.


We still need to understand the origins of America. And so I started using our PragerU kids resources and some of the resources. we have resources for, civics education, for financial literacy for the older kids. We have, obviously us and a global history for a middle school, but for some of our younger students.


And obviously for the older students, too, for those who maybe missed it, we have a very concentrated, video and, reading material armada based on faith, based on Judeo Christian values. And it’s all on our website, PragerUKids. com. You can check it out for free. You can subscribe for free.


There’s no cost to watch any of our videos. But it, our videos and many of our resources do teach about his biblical historical figures. Moses, Dan, I’m, going through the catalog in my head, Daniel in the lion’s den, Noah’s Ark. We, we, have, we have parables, we, we playfully titled it, the kind stranger, but it’s the parable of the good Samaritan.


It’s, all of these stories. to teach children how America is morally rooted in these moral codes. And that’s something that everyone should learn.


Rebecca Weber: it’s so important that you remind us that, our constitution, nowhere does it say separation of state. It actually says that the government should make, shall make no law infringing on the on your, right to worship and your religious, rights to, to worship in the way and manner in which you’d like.


and that was so important to our founding fathers. So this whole idea, that we need to remove, the, basic principles that our founding documents were, based on, that is believe in a higher power in, a, God who gives us our individual rights. And I always say, Jill, that the greatest.


threat to Marxism is Christianity, because, faith, Christian faith, if you’re of Jewish faith, if you’re of, Muslim faith, that requires you to take on individual individual responsibility. And we know Marxism doesn’t want us to think about each and every one as a unique individual made in the image of God, but rather that we should be pitted against one another based on either the color of our skin, our geography, our sex, and so on and so forth.


So this question. causes sort of class warfare in a sense, which is exactly what it seems DEI aims to do. It’s not a merit based system. It doesn’t recognize and reward individuals, but it says, no, we need to, erase the history and the truth and replace it with a brand new ideology. So I am so grateful for the work that you are doing with PragerU and PragerU kids in particular, because it is the future generation of our children that will determine what America looks like in 50 years, a hundred years from now.


one thing that I’ve, Yeah, and I’ve heard, so I’ve heard a lot of people say, how do we fix it? And one suggestion was, why doesn’t the new administration appoint a new 1776 commission who would prepare a report on civics education across the nation with recommendations for improving it? I thought, that’s a great idea.


what would you suggest, The new administration due to take on what’s happening in our public schools across all 50 states.


Jill Simonian: it’s interesting. There’s something that I admittedly I’m trying to educate myself more about, right? Because, I’ve worked here at PragerU for four years.


And prior to this, I really am, ashamed to admit that I was, miseducated in so many things regarding how our country works and, how our, how our system of government functions. And I’m, very just thankful to say that I’ve now become, better educated in actually learning the facts of how things work and something that’s been fascinating to me.


And I’m not endorsing this or condemning it or any way, I’m just being honest. Putting it out there because it’s been in the media so frequently lately, this, suggestion to dismantle the Department of Education and, I know that’s something that keeps coming up that possibly maybe this administration is going to look into doing.


Maybe not dismantling, maybe restructuring. It’s very interesting to me because the more I learn about how that department works and, what goes on there and why it was created and versus how it’s actually functioning. We’ve seen such an intense and concentrated explosion of bureaucracy and administrative practices that are just shoving these lies via DEI initiatives, via, what I call state sanctioned racism into our schools.


And, it’s not, this department of education, by all evidence and appearances has failed to properly. Educate Children to Elevate Their Knowledge. We See Test Scores Continually Decreasing. We See Administration Costs Skyrocketing. And It’s Not Adding Up. It’s, No Pun Intended. But, We Wonder Why Our Children, Less Than Half Of Children Across The United States Aren’t Proficient In Math.


It’s not adding up. This Department of Education is not adding up to really improve the academic knowledge of students. that’s one thing. but, and, the other thing is what you just mentioned, civics, education. If we do not teach our young people how our system of government works, that we are, that it’s we, the people who elect the representatives.


to lead and serve with a servant’s heart. If we do not ingrain that in our Children to learn from this point forward, we are in deep trouble. that’s one of the that’s one of the reasons why we’ve, truly partnered now with nine different state education departments across the country, and we’re still counting.


It’s this drive and this goal in this mission to teach civics education. We’ve got all the videos. There’s a episode. There’s a Excuse me, a series we have called Street Smarts for 6th grade and up and it’s a game show and it’s all civics, education because our kids need to learn civics.


Rebecca Weber: It’s so important and we love that you’re getting this content out and that it’s available.


I encourage all of our listeners to check out PragerU and PragerU Kids because there’s so much there that you can get at and it’s not going to cost you a lot and you can be a real influence in your child’s life or your grandchild’s life. Now, Jill, you’ve been, really vocal about growing influence of teachers unions and their agenda in shaping schools policies.


How do you think unions are truly impacting parental rights? And maybe what can parents do to reclaim their voice in education?


Jill Simonian: So I had this fascinating conversation. with someone who was at the forefront of this movement. And I’m sure you know her name, Rebecca Friedrichs. she’s an Orange County teacher, 30 year teacher.


she’s a teacher, she’s a parent and she Decades ago started sounding the alarm about the danger of teachers unions, how teachers unions are political cartels and political machines, not to serve the students, not to protect the students, even not to protect teachers from unfortunate incidences or circumstances that may or may not be happening in schools.


The teachers unions are pure political machines. And we had this conversation on one of my. Parent alert, a parent alert converse, parent alert interviews. And she discussed how the teacher’s unions have now become a vehicle for Marxism and the advice she gave. And she is a teacher. It was not a, it was not a conversation that degraded teachers in any way at PragerU kids that, we know there are good teachers out there.


We know that there are. teachers, even in your audience who have served in classrooms and just, have poured their heart and soul into things and are now looking around saying what in the world has happened to the school system. Rebecca described to me that one for teachers, you do not have to join the union.


She says that. To dismantle the teachers unions and to weaken them is a number one priority for course correcting our education system. And as for parents, do not be afraid to speak up and call out what your local union may or may not be doing in your own school district. We have school boards, many representatives on school boards, unfortunately, have our own.


Thank you. corrupted, by, by, by, by so many of the unions, but go to your school board meetings, bring what the unions are doing in your own community to light, whether that is, requiring the. Teachers to teach about D. E. I. Or gender ideology. These air all union driven things.


It’s up to parents to understand that we may feel like we can’t do anything. But when you start speaking up and you start speaking out, and you befriend a teacher and you find those teachers who are like minded. Things can you can, near miss the iceberg. So to speak, that’s what we like to say that do not.


You can, steer the Titanic away from the iceberg. but, it’s up. It’s up to us. Parents and grandparents, especially I especially say grandparents. Do not give up in educating your grandkids and your own children about what’s going on. There are, sometimes they don’t want to hear it, but there are gentle ways to do it.


And truth will eventually come to light and eyes will be opened. And I think having that faith is important.


Rebecca Weber: Having that faith is so important, and having the courage to do the right thing, even under pressure. I see more and more people doing that, stepping up in a leadership role, making their voice heard, and being a part of AMAC is one way that, our great members are doing that themselves.


So we are, we are thrilled to have you and PragerU as a partner. I know how many teachers are pressured. I’ve heard it from teachers myself, Jill, that they are pressured, and, they’re politically, they’re forced to adopt this political curricula really out of fear of repercussions. to understand that they don’t need to feel trapped by unions, that they can opt out, they can speak up, and they can really, align themselves with the parents, I think is, a good, thing to do.


But I am praying for major change, certainly, with a new administration, at least, because once we put a bright light. on what’s really happening. That’ll be a good way, I think, to give people encouragement and hope that we can turn things around. Jill, as 2024 is coming to a close, you’ve been so much at the forefront of advocating for parental rights and traditional education.


So looking back, what has been maybe one of your favorite success stories this year, or one that gives you hope for the future of our children and schools? Oh,


Jill Simonian: there’s so many, I know one thing. I know. I know. One thing that I think comes to the front of my mind is what has happened in Chino Valley school district here in Southern California.


The current board president, Sonia Shaw, who I know personally was never in politics, never an activist, nothing. Is a mom who was in her public school district seeing that things were going very upside down, decided, felt a calling, when, you look around and you’re like, I wish God would do something.


And God says, Oh, how about you? That was her situation. She stepped up, she ran for her school board. She had the support of her community. She is now the school board president. And she. Is going and she has such conviction and courage. she’s incredible. Look her up. Sonia Shaw. She is going head to head with the attorney general of California and the state of California because in Sonia’s district they implemented, voted on, by the way, voted on a parental notification policy saying that, and this actually happened last year, saying that, all parents must be informed when If a child at school requests to use a different bathroom associating with a different gender or sex or, so they, voted on and passed a parental notification policy, state of California came after them, pitchforks and torches, the metaphorically and Sonia Shaw’s school board is not laying down about it.


They have, I believe there, I might be mistaken, but there’s a lawsuit happening and they are fighting saying that this is absolutely legal. This parental notification policy and what we have done is not outside of the legalities of the state of California. And so she’s not afraid to fight. And it’s just an inspiring story where, I’ve looked at her face to face and she said, If you would have told me that I was going to do this five years ago, I would have laughed and laughed But here she is. So the hope is that regular people who have not been involved can still do something. If you have conviction, if you form your community support, and if you really are grounded in the sense of. of the, what you are doing is protecting truth and protecting literally the future of the country.


So that’s hopeful. That’s hopeful. And many people are waking up and we have so many new things that are launching in the next year. I see a protection of patriotism reemerging, so to speak. I see, an awareness to protect. Young girls in sports, and I also see an awareness and movement to actually honor our young men and our young boys to and eradicate this nonsense of toxic masculinity that everyone talks about.


And, we have a new We have new initiatives and new series coming up, but this is one of them. It’s called our trailblazers of America series. It’s celebrating the, the pioneers like Daniel Boone and all of those manly men who helped build America, who we still need. and, I’m just very hopeful.


Rebecca Weber: I certainly know that with you there, with PragerU and the great work you’re doing through PragerU Kids, you give us much hope. Jill Simonian, I want all of our great followers, go ahead and follow Jill Simonian. I’ll, Jill, what is your handle on, your social media?


Jill Simonian: Sure. So I’m on Instagram and X and it’s at Jill Simonian, J I L S I M O N I A N.


So you can follow me there. And, I just thank you for what you’re doing too, because, parents and grandparents have the power to course correct all of this. And so I’m really appreciative of AMAC and all of what


Rebecca Weber: you guys are doing. thank you, Jill. Back at you. We’re so happy to work with you and just very much in support of the great work that you’re doing.


So be sure to check out PragerU. PragerU kids, follow Jill Simonian because she’s going to give you some really upbeat, uplifting advice, information. She’s got her eyes on all things protecting our great children in America. That’s all I have for today, folks. Thank you so much for joining me. We’ll see you back again next time.


AD: The Association of Mature American Citizens is the conservative voice for Americans 50 and older. AMAC is fighting for the values that you hold dear. Join today. Together, we can right the course of America.

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