The Better for America Podcast

China’s Growing Threat and the Mysteries Unfolding in Russia | Dr. Sebastian Gorka | EP 226

Posted on Friday, July 14, 2023
by Rebecca Weber
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AMAC CEO Rebecca Weber sits down with Dr. Sebastian Gorka to discuss the pressing issues surrounding China’s aggression, the need for strong leadership, and the importance of protecting American interests. Dr. Gorka highlights the alarming rise of China as a global threat, emphasizing the urgency for U.S. leaders to take action. They delve into topics such as China’s military expansion, intellectual property theft, and the implications for American companies. The conversation also touches on the enigmatic situation in Russia and the Hunter Biden investigation. Dr. Gorka’s personal journey as the child of immigrants escaping communist dictatorship adds a profound perspective to the discussion, emphasizing the value of freedom and the importance of standing up against tyranny. Join the conversation to gain valuable insights and explore the fight for freedom and democracy in today’s challenging times.

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Stan d. Upnow
Stan d. Upnow
1 year ago

I don’t need to say anything. Gorka said it all for me.

1 year ago

The Communist Chinese have taken over the government. Is there ever going to be another fair election with the Tech companies changing votes? 6 million Americans went to DC on Jan 6 2021 to express their concern and 2/3 of the Republican Congress ignored them. Where is the people’s representation in government? All the Republicans do now complain; when they are the ones who set all this in motion.

1 year ago

Dr. Gorka, my respect for you is immense. I was born and brought up in Communist Poland, I live and experience the evil Communist System and I agree with you that the hearts of men can be evil and under such regimes as communism it becomes very noticeable and apparent. I have been praying for year the US citizens to wake up because the commies in this country have slowly seeped in into the American life with intent to destroy us. Like a frog in a boiling pot the heat had been turned up very slowly while Americans were busy making a living and not paying attention as the dollar lost value and the income of middle class was destroyed. Commies are good at creating misery and poverty. I also confirm mine boyhood feeling by revisiting Vietnam in 2008 and seeing how the commies destroyed the peoples’ will and moral by destroying that country into poverty. They have done nothing for the people after the Vietnam war yet the communist live and enjoy life to the fullest by milking their population to destitute.

leland patterson
leland patterson
1 year ago

our government and the businesspeople are totally ignorance. this government needs to stop any type of trade with China and any other communist country NOW!

Casey C Matt
Casey C Matt
1 year ago

Gorka is nothing more than yet another war tolerated for too long. He wants war with the “evil China” with the expense of huge numbers of lost lives on both sides rather than try to simply beat China on the competitive level.
Remember the term “rust belt” is a pretty recent term and descriptive of what the US allowed it’s entire industrial base to fall into being just that,a belt of rusted, unusable centers that for a short time was the marvel of the globe. I still recall members of both sides of the aisle lauding the fact that the United States was proudly becoming a service economy. The idea was to let the vast knuckle dragging unwashed from overseas locales do the work pampered bubble dwellers would never do nor allow their children to do.
The result? America hasn’t won a war since the laughable Spanish American War from William McKinleys time. Sure we entered WW1 and WW2 but like it or not, when we entered both the conflict was all but over. Even in WW2, a war the US is always maintaining as being one where the US defeated the enemy in both theaters virtually single handed. We always forget that by early 1942 that the Russians were on the brink of destroying German invaders on the eastern front with total losses in excess of 35 MILLION Russian soldiers and God knows how many civilians. In BOTH theaters of the war the United States lost less than 425,000 lives in both conflicts with no civilian deaths here safely at home. At wars end we had already began our march toward becoming a country built on debt with a currency having another 27 years of tangible value until it became backed by nothing but the usual broken promises.
So, Mr. Gorka, Senator Graham, Senator McConnel, EVERY Democrat in Congress, what we have been doing has failed. Our vaunted aircraft carriers are obsolete and now merely targets of opportunity to any non camel riding military on earth. We have two types of military vessels, we have submarines and we have targets at least until we go back to ginning up conflicts with third world countries again where even then we will ultimately lose. Lets try competing, lets try beating our competitors by……competing rather than trying to overcome our competitors at the end of a gun barrel.Our country can and in the now distant past built something other than high tech armamement. Remember quality cars we made some 50 years ago? If allowed we could do that again but not with the pickings left over after paying off the military contractors who actually rule this country with spokesmen such as Gorka.

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