The Better for America Podcast

BREAKING NEWS: Hunter Biden Government Cover Up

Posted on Wednesday, April 19, 2023
by Rebecca Weber

Breaking News: John Solomon, investigative reporter, joins the Better for America podcast with the exclusive scoop on a Senior IRS agent whistleblower who claims the government is covering for the Biden crime family.

Just the News: Senior IRS agent blows whistle, alleging Biden DOJ thwarting criminal prosecution of Hunter Biden

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1 year ago

Biden family is clearly criminal, but the law continues to avoid their transgressions.

1 year ago

But tell me something I don’t know!!!

1 year ago

The marxist democrats,joebama are all dirty and corrupt.
They are seeking to destroy OUR Country and STEAL from taxpayers!
Throw them out!

Ann S
Ann S
1 year ago

The dems are busy now how to stonewall this and blame Trump.

1 year ago

This garbage goes way back to the first Bush and hasn’t stopped. It has been the Uni party for decades, dog and pony shows, meetings, investigations, fake wars with no end result other than to fleece the tax payer and enrich them selves.
Apathy got us here because we were comfortable, lazy, and didn’t get involved. Well now is not the time to set back and be apathetic. Call, email, write your elected representative and demand don’t ask demand this GARBAGE STOPS.

Patti Vlasak
Patti Vlasak
1 year ago

I can’t move the counter. It doesn’t seem to register. I totally agree with all of this and I assume many more do too. But I am unable to upvote or downvote.

1 year ago

There will be no consequences for Hunter, his liar of a father (that includes Joe as well as Satan), or any other Godless, evil demo/socialist. They are covered with lies and misinformation from head to toe. Truth will be washed down the drain, threats will probably be made and, as usual, nothing happens. The GOP will yell and gripe about the injustices but, also as usual, they will eventually do nothing. The globalist one-world movement will just keep chugging along until the anti- Christ comes into power. However, in the end they lose. Jesus will soon handle our problems.

1 year ago

And repubs seem to be doing nothing. Where are the good men and woman politicians that were elected for all their promises to create a more transparent, truthful government for the good of our country and citizens? In hiding or complicit, I guess. IMO

1 year ago

Hunter has been protected so long that his immunity has been grandfathered.

1 year ago

Nothing will happen because Biden is part of the deep state, which is part of the one world order. He will be protected. I’m not sure there’s anything we can do but pray for Spiritual awakening in America.

1 year ago

Surprise surprise. I am afraid Revolution is the only thing that will change things.

Gabe Hanzeli
Gabe Hanzeli
1 year ago

simple: Garland is corrupt. the DOJ is corrupt. the FBI is corrupt. the entire governemtn needs a 50% budget cut and a new law making it illegal for any government employee to lie to an american citizen. take away qualified immunity from all government employees, start real performance reviews where their jobs are at stake, start hiring based on race, and force all government employees to do continuing educaiton at their own expense and on non-work hours.

The democrats corruption from the years of clinton, obama, and now biden has penetrated deeply into the government. The only solution is massive budget cuts and laws that impact government employees only.

The final answer is to end all affirmative action laws and make diversity offices illegal. both are racism.

A Voter
A Voter
1 year ago

Tell me something I don’t already know.

1 year ago

What matters is what Hunter collected for Joe. What Hunter collected for himself is meaningless until we prove that Hunter made promises that Joe carried out.

1 year ago

The level of criminality of the government today is off the charts. It starts with the banking system itself. Follow the money.

1 year ago

The BIDEN CRIME FAMILY best describes that less than worthless bunch of crooks! They will go down in American History as the most infamous of crooked peons to have served in the White House! But “served” is inappropriate “stolen” is more appropriate!

1 year ago

What is devastating is that they constantly get away with it. It’s so ongoing that you’ve lost all faith in the system. I am also very angered by the conservatives that continue to break ranks and vote Democratic even when they know they are voting for some thing that is wrong. I hear all this optimism, but I never see any results.

1 year ago

Answer: criminalized corrupt two tiered justice system.

Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
1 year ago

The government is corrupt, federal LE is corrupt, and the MSM ignore the fact. If only the criminals were all named “Trump”…

Stan d. Upnow
Stan d. Upnow
1 year ago

“Why hasn’t Hunter Biden been charged?”
The question itself smacks of unfathomable naivete, or stupidity; you choose.

Hint: Why has every single Progressive-Socialist since Ted Kennedy gotten away clean from their misdeeds? Take a wild guess.

Randall L. Beatty
Randall L. Beatty
1 year ago

There is to much corruption in the White House lies from the Biden people to cover up the Biden family the White House main job is to go after President Trump make sure he never runs for president again will never vote for Biden if that is the best the Dems can do they are in sad shape.

Pat R
Pat R
1 year ago

Hunter Biden hasn’t been charged because Joe Biden is in the WH and his son’s potential guilty verdict would implicate his daddy to the point of charges would be brought against him as well. Leftists and Dems just can’t have that since they have absolute power over not just Joe but the entire administration under him.

Paul Revere
Paul Revere
1 year ago

Have you ever seen such blatant, in-your-face, corruption in government? It makes Watergate look like child’s play. With all the shenanigans, incompetency & lawlessness in D.C., are we still a Free Republic? If so, we seem to be holding on by our fingernails. But there’s good news for the supposed 81,000,000 senseless Joe Biden voters who visited all the chaos & corruption upon the sane portion of the country. They will have the opportunity to double down in 2024! Isn’t America a great country? I remember when not long ago it was! Who knows, maybe in 2024, with the help of a few million feckless left-leaning RINOs who loathe tweets more than government ineptitude, oppression & criminality, it will be again. Or have we already tumbled into the abyss & just dont know it?

George C.
George C.
1 year ago

Perhaps we should shower them (Democrat politicians) with the phrase they love to use constantly about Trump…
“no one is above the law, not even the president” quoting Hillary Clinton.

1 year ago

Ok, once criminal activity is discovered, who is going to have the guts to prosecute? If no one is going to prosecute, then they get away with it until they have to stand before God. But I would like to see judgment this side of heaven.

1 year ago

Today the Dept. of Treasury revealed 6 more O’Biden family members involved in China money, total of 9 now. Thethtree major networks? Crickets.

1 year ago

… life’s a bowl of cherries. CIA people like the Bidens. So long as the they follow instruction, do as their told? Life’s a great big bowl of cherries, and Bejing Biden is free, to stuff his face, with as much as he desires –

Michael J
Michael J
1 year ago

The answer is simple, criminal politician who happens to be in the white house at this time.

1 year ago

Tired of hearing all the info about Biden. It’s all just political BS unless the Republicans follow through and impeach Joe Biden and while they are doing that they should also prosecute him for treason because he has willfully and with purpose allowed 5 million illegal immigrants into our country with likely hundreds of terrorists among the got aways who eventually will harm and kill our citizens and do damage to our country.

1 year ago

Democrats issue search warrants, subpoenas, indictments and convictions. Republicans issue reports. When will this stop?!

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
1 year ago

Damn the whole Govt covers Up for Bidens day 1
No other President before has had such that I know of

1 year ago

Spoken like a mindless democrat following party politicians who are cheating and lying to you, and knowing you are easy to dupe!
Sad, while they fleece America.

1 year ago

Is there anything about IMPEACHMENT coming up? I doubt it. If it was about Trump definitely

1 year ago

If everyone would not vote for ANY elected representative that dies NOT support term limits, we could end this ourselves!

ronald reagan
ronald reagan
1 year ago

imagine if the modern gop spent as much time on lowering taxes and regulations than going after hunter biden and refusing to accept election results, modern gop sucks

John Riley
John Riley
1 year ago

What happens next may open the flood gates for others to come forth.

1 year ago

I want proof positive! But, just like the Clintons, the Bidens will never wear the orange jumpsuit or see from behind bars!

1 year ago

Repeal the 16th amendment. Repeal the 17th amendment. Repeal the whole Woodrow Wilson administration. That is when the rot set in that is destroying America.

1 year ago

If we had an honest MSM much of this would have been stopped. Also, I not convinced that Biden is putting on an act of being demented so as to deflect blame. We also know that Obama, Soros, Rice, and other evil globalists are calling the shots. Biden carries them out because he is power and money hungry.

anna hubert
anna hubert
1 year ago

An expected outcome Were he to be charged would shake the whole DC to it’s foundation No danger of that It’ on solid ground

1 year ago


ronald reagan
ronald reagan
1 year ago

hunter biden is not charged because he never committed a crime, you have to commit a crime to be charged unless its a false charge

Joey Mize
Joey Mize
1 year ago

If you ever went out to the curb with your weekly garbage in a house coat and flip flops or Biker shorts, they have you. You are either a pervert or a terrorist and THEY can and will put you in jail somewhere. They do exactly the same in CHINA and RUSSIA. Only in China you will lose a kidney as payment for the CRIME ? or a lung . Then you go home and die. But in the US, you just rot in a jail cell like Rikers with the likes of Jeffrey Epstein, and others. Not defending anyone just making an observation of the facts. We are now DOWN to a point where you get to rat on your neighbor for leaving his or her pet alone inside all day or outside in bad weather. So look out here comes PETA.
You will rot in jail if you leave your pet in a hot car. But working for and with the CCP you get a big fat bank account. Wonder if Sleepy Eyed Joe will buy a new Corvette or a HUMM – V when he exits.?

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