The Better for America Podcast

Better for America Podcast: Unified by an Enemy with Jason Beardsley

Posted on Monday, May 2, 2022
by Rebecca Weber

Tune into this week’s BFA as we welcome Jason Beardsley, a former member of the U.S. military, and current executive director of The Association of the Navy. In this episode, Beardsley discusses the revelations of our military, the vitality of patriotism, and the difference in incentives between our current generation of soldiers and the matured veterans!

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Richard C..
Richard C..
2 years ago

Your guest was spot on. I have a nephew the came home from basic training recently and was telling me that at anytime during training if they thought the drill instructor or the training itself was too hard or they didn’t like what they were doing, all they had to do way hold up a timeout card. They were then allowed up to fifteen minutes to compose themselves before starting training again. I ask him if recruits used this timeout card, he told me all the time…and if you can believe this, he said the card was pink in color. He also said that they spent several hours a day on how to be inclusive and what not to say or do to hurt another recruits feelings.

I don’t know about the rest of you, but that’s a fine way to mold a bunch of young men into warriors. I’m sure China provides those kind of classes to their troops.

Roger Wiley
Roger Wiley
2 years ago

Thank you, Jason! Your perspective is a “breath of fresh air” amid the deluge of “propaganda, and narrative”.

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