Over the last few weeks, the term Critical Race Theory has surfaced, and this is the last straw for Americans. Critical Race Theory, in essence, was designed to divide and conquer our Nation targeting our youth. In this episode, Rebecca outlines the 7 HARD LIES of critical race theory. (Pathetic lies in Reb’s opinion) Also, Ben Weingarten from AMAC’s Weingarten Report joins BFA to give you the who, what, when, where, and why of the left’s syntactical power play.
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If America is such an evil nation, why is it the most blessed and desirable nation on earth by far? And, if markist nations such as Russia are so great, why is it the nation where no one cares to go?
CRT simply is the END of THE AMERICAN DREAM. They will have to kill ‘dreamers’ mentality and argument, as the equity=equality of everyone EXCEPT WHITES, they have to PAY, are treated with EQUITY so exceptionalism will no longer be rewarded (or perhaps surrepticiously assimilated into the elites) to be used as a pawn to falsely show their ‘fairness’. CRT is dirty. It’s parading as virtue, when it is actually conscious destruction of the nation by defeating workers and productive people to elevate the lazy, un-self-reliant, parasites that already abuse the system. Where has the true soul of America gone? How are the overtly lying, evil, fools ‘selling” this garbage? The leadership of the left and their allies, have evidenced over and over that they lie and cheat. Must non-liars use their tactics to overturn their nonsense. Where is common sense?
I will post this video on my Facebook page. This is an important discussion.
Yep, people all over this country are finally seeing the damage to our democracy, being brought on by the democrats. Ruthless use of power will destroy the nation from within. BRING IT ON
Everybody needs to continue to communicate this information and be loud about it! We need to stop this sick perversive leftist agenda!