Janice Dean is used to reporting on storms, not being part of one. But NY Governor Andrew Cuomo turned this Fox News meteorologist into an investigative reporter when his decision to move covid-positive patients into nursing homes ultimately led to the death of her beloved in-laws and countless other seniors in facilities across the state. As Cuomo profits from his self congratulatory book touting his performance during the pandemic and holds glitzy fundraisers to support a fourth term run, survivors still grieve. And fight. Tune in to learn of Janice’s relentless pursuit of justice and her tireless work to hold Andrew Cuomo accountable for his unspeakable negligence.
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Send the trator dem libs to Afghanistan with a weapon. So the Taliban can listen to their point of view. Then i would hope this would be a deterant utilized in the future to reduce the anti American retoric.
more people should hear this, and push for his outster. I’m not sure if wants a forth term. I think he hopes to run for POTUS!!
The mass murderers of the DNC need to brought to justice! The forced deaths of over 50,000 people by these operatives (governors) is a shame on America. Rather than follow good science and keep the infected away from the uninfected they chose to warehouse them where the infection could spread and lead to the worst mass murder in the 21st century. Can we expect justice from the Biden maladministration?
God Bless you Janice Dean and your family. Gov. Cuomo has no shame; he is so power hungry. His father was powerful and that is why he and his foolish brother are multi-millionaires. He does NOT care about people; just being re-elected. A self-serving awful man!
That was a wonderful podcast with Rebecca Weber and Janice Dean. We need to set the story straight regarding Cuomo’s ridiculous explanation of Covid deaths on his watch. This Covid story was such a tragedy and can never be forgotten.
I started reading all of the comments. However I had to comment before reading the rest! As a person in health care who has worked overseas in places you would not allow your mother, sister, daughter or anyone in your family to go I need to get you thinking much deeper. I need to preface this also with letting you know that my husband was born in Berlin in 1938. We are both in our 80’s and are so fed up with what we see happening in this country even in health care. I want you to know that what you are thinking is probably correct for the short term but please begin thinking out of the box. These communists (useful idiots per lenin) and marxists want only TOTAL CONTROL of our entire country. I firmly believe that they want all the old people gone who remember what it was like during WW II and life after. I firmly believe after reading extensively and experiencing life in communist run countries and those in the middle east that I can speak clearly and let you know that at this moment we are fighting for the life of our country. I am not afraid to speak out and I wish that all people who love this country would do the same. I am so proud of Janice Dean and pray for her and anyone who had to suffer through this horrible Wuhan virus period. Those people who are speaking up and who are in positions to make changes need to be thanked a thousand times over. God bless you Janice. Do not be afraid. I saw what communism does to people over in the soviet union and I saw what the muslims do do their people and those who oppose them. I always told my husband that the reason I called everyone who was running for the so called non-partisan offices was because I knew we had to start at the bottom. If they refused to tell me what party affiliation they had I always told them I would not vote for them. Now I hope you see where I have been going. I have never thought in the box my entire career. Blessings and thank you, Carol PS: I show my total disdain for the groups by refusing to capitalize!
I think what it comes down to is that Cuomo killed more people than were killed in 9/11 or than any serial killer. He needs to be held accountable, charged and convicted for murder. Janice Dean is correct, if this had been a Republican and not a Democrat, he would be out of office and in prison right now.
I pray this man is held accountable. The only way to hurt him is if they take the $5 million and give it to the family members of those that died due to his order.
Hopefully the blind, tricked people that bought his book will open their eyes and start listening to facts and not let the media trick them any longer!
Thank you for covering such and egregious story but ending with a positive. I appreciate that!
I agree with you, Barb. Look at this headliner from yesterday, 7/9/21, “Biden fires Trump-era Social Security commissioner after he refused to resign.” He’s referring to Andrew Saul who was confirmed by a 77-16 vote in 2019.
I’ve had another thought for some time now AMAC and want to put it out there. My thought is:
All those deaths of seniors receiving Social Security means no more payments to those folks.
It would seem the government is expecting to keep all that money for their own coffers and plans.
Biden is drooling to push many plans through using whose money? We had better stop him and
his cronies. Come on “fight for America” people and look into this.
Thank you AMAC for allowing Janice Dean to speak on AMAC podcast whereby we can be updated on this particular happening with covid and Cuomo. There certainly has to be a reckoning and accountability by hundreds, perhaps thousands of politicians who are getting away with murder.
Thank you Janice Dean for being a brave lady and speaking forth about this incident and our condolences for a tragic death of your parents in law. My husband and I have been married for 57 years and thank God we are both very healthy and avoided covid. Your story and so many others have had very sad stories and its to bad our leaders in our communities aren’t more concerned and helpful. Certainly Cuomo should have used the ships available, you would think, as they were empty and available; but also why weren’t the family members called when each person was being moved or placed somewhere. That alone is against the law. The family members may have other choices of where to place their elderly loved ones if they had known. It was definitely mishandled.
And this New York covid disaster happened while the military hospital ships at the direction of President Trump were sitting at anchor to help with the crisis but turned away by Como. Is it not amazing how a democrat’s utter failure is announced as a hero by the left?
God bless you Janice. Don’t give up this fight.
This guy looks and acts like a crime boss. He and that lantern-face governor in Michigan sent people to their deaths pushing them into unstaffed, unprepared nursing homes. Desantis didn’t do anything as ignorant like that. And he had ventilators stocked too when the Chinese virus started. Crime boss and Lantern Face need to be held accountable. Oh yeah, they’re Democrats so that won’t happen. Again, Republicans don’t even discuss it. They play defense even when they’ve held the upper hand. It’s tragic.
Average Joe
Why isn’t Cuomo being charged, convicted and confined to prison for the many thousands of deaths he caused?
I’m not sure, but I thinkk a good share of senior care comes from state funds. One way to reduce the state budget is to eliminate some of the costs. As Democrats say. “Never waste a good crisis.”
Feel very sorry for her and any family that went through this farce of a governor . Unfortunately probably nothing will be done to this moron unless more people like Janice Dean take to trying to get the facts out there to at least the populace of New York. This governor does not deserve to be re-elected. The law on terms for governor needs to be changed so that one person can dominate the political scene . Should be a two term limit as should congressmen and senators . Longer terms seem to produce monarchies.
I’m sorry to say that I have believed frrom the start that not much will happen to him. You saw how his approval numbers went up when he declared he was “opening up” New York. Federal investigation? From the same Feds that seized a Lego Capital model?
Cuomo must pay
The Cuomo crime family, like the Bidens and Clintons, are never held to account for their evil deeds. They are not “public servants,” everything they do is to ENRICH themselves at the expense of others!
The words that jumped out at me were “rent controlled apartment”. This was a perfect opportunity to get rid of elderly people to “remake the city”. Well……………they’ve “remade NYC”. It’s dead and will never be the same. Such a tragedy. Anthony Fauci, de Blasio and the Globalists elites must also be held accountable. President Trump was right! Hydroxychloroquine might have saved thousands of people. If NYC had used the hospital ship and Franklin Grahams hospital facility in Central Park people would survived and the spread would have been contained.
Lies always go down much easier than the truth, something that has not escaped Cuomo’s attention.
There is no short supply of those drawn to Cuomo’s lies, as if he were telling the truth because it fits their progressive agenda. It is to their political advantage so the lies will keep coming.
Holding Andrew Cuomo accountable for his unspeakable negligence? Who will hold this gangster “accountable” certainly not his fellow corrupt criminal democrat socialists?
Certainly, not the sponsors in the media, who are the propaganda arm of these criminals.
But most decidedly it will be God.
Why isn’t Cuomo being held responsible for the nursing home deaths?
Narcissistic sociopath.
So, how many people did Cuomo kill with his policies? I’ve heard 9,000 and 15,000. If either of these is true, that means that Cuomo killed 3 – 5 times as many people as the terrorists did on 9/11. By the left’s own definition, that would make him a domestic terrorist. At the very least, he should not still be governor. A Republican would be in jail.
I wonder if Cuomo deliberately caused those deaths to save money caring for nursing home residents who had state paid care. I am thinking he might have wanted to shift that money to his other pet projects. Like a make Cuomo look good media campaign. I would like to know what those deaths did to those parts of the budget.
It is more than negligence, it involved deliberate acts!
Only in America can you kill thousands of innocent people by placing Covid Positive ones in Nursing Homes, Sexually Harassing women, Make a Multimillion Dollar Book Deal and “Come out smelling like a rose”!!!!!!!!! America is still “The Land of Opportunity” for a few select people! God is still in charge and we must keep praying.
Cuomo should be in jail, already. He is a liar,
a molester and a murderer. Only worry is the NY voters seem to have a very short memory
or don’t care!
MalcolmX,“The white liberal is the worst enemy to America, and the worst enemy to the black man. The worst enemy that the Negro have is this white man that runs around here drooling at the mouth professing to love Negros, and calling himself a liberal, and it is following these white liberals that has perpetuated problems that Negros have.
Cumo should be in prison on a murder rap.
Cuomo, knew what he was doing. He was wanting to run up the numbers and this was a way of doing it. The deep state is there to protect him.
If he was a Republican, he’d be arrested and charged. Top democrats are untouchable.
Keep the bastard’s feet to the fire!!! The MSM will not carry this ,which requires other news agencies to carry the truth. Truth hurts. Of course, especially when you are on the receiving end of a justifiable attack.It is one thing to make a mistake and quite another to deny responsibility for your lack of thought, compassion.
My personal opinion is that Governor Cuomo should be charged with negligent homicide (at a minimum). He knew exactly what he was doing when he moved covid patients into the nursery homes.
There is little question that Cuomo is a piece of work. When it comes holding public officials accountable that is whole different issue. Seems to me VERY few public officials are held accountable for many things. Many officials are able to exempt themselves from the rules/laws that they impose on us. In many cases seems like the laws do not apply to public officials.
I am still amazed that That ASS is still in office.
Cuomo is a putz. We all know that. And his decision to return covid patients back to nursing homes became one of the worst decisions of the pandemic (at least to those who believe that we actually had a pandemic).
But what about the covid situation today in rural America. AMAC has been awfully quite on the covid front going forward. What now ?