Don't Fall Victim To Identity Theft

ID Resolve

In today’s world, identity theft is one of the fastest growing crimes in America. If you or your spouse fall victim to identity theft what would you do? Where would you turn? With AMAC ID Resolve you’ll have 24-hour identity theft resolution that helps protect your money, your time and your financial reputation. Services include Creditor Notification and Dispute, Credit Bureau Fraud Alert, Emergency Cash Advance, Medical Identity Theft Assistance, and more.
If you haven’t fallen victim to identity theft yet, don’t think you’re safe. Data breaches happen every day, where thieves can steal your name, address, date of birth, credit card information, medical records, and most critically your Social Security number. That’s why AMAC has endorsed ID Resolve.

AMAC Members Save More Than 34-38% Off The Broad Market Rate. As a bonus, receive a 1-year free AMAC Membership extension when you register.

Annual Rates:

Individual Annual ID Resolve Membership: $99
Couple Annual ID Resolve Membership: $119
ID Resolve 360 delivers a higher level of protection by pairing vigilant monitoring services with ID Resolve’s exceptional identity theft resolution services. That means you’re setting up a smart “early warning system” to help head off identity theft before it can begin and backing it up with valuable peace-of-mind protection from one of the nation’s leading identity theft resolution teams – just in case someone sneaks through your defenses.
Services include Identity Monitoring, Detection of Pre-Existing Fraud Activity, Fraud Alert Placement, Resolution Services, and more. Plus you’ll have access to our state-of-the-art Monitoring Portal, where you can check your important accounts in real time.

AMAC members save 60% off the broad market rate. As a bonus, receive a 1-year free AMAC Membership extension when you register.

Annual Rates:

Individual: $209

Couple: $239

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Save up to 25% by purchasing multi-year memberships! All Membership packages include your spouse for FREE!



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