
National Security , Newsline

Anti-Christian Violence Rising

Posted on Tuesday, April 4, 2023
by AMAC, Robert B. Charles

What we saw last week – a violent attack on a Christian school, killing three innocent children and three adults – is the product of a society that has lost its way, devaluing faith, encouraging group-based hatreds and anti-Christian violence. Reality is we may see two inflection points, the end of anything-goes-transgender-dysphoria promotion, and rise of anti-Christian domestic violence.

You think not? You think all is well, or all is unchanged? Then follow me. The bit about slowing the open-ended promotion of transgenderism, as an end in itself, objectively devaluing biological girls – 98 percent of whom “identify” as female – is a fresh reality. If we see it, this will have been long in coming.

Pushing hate in the name of a mental illness, which is what gender dysphoria officially is, must have limits. Building and fanning resentments in a frayed society is irresponsible, and bound to produce pushback.

When 95 percent or more of those born biologically female believe they are girls, 99 percent born boys think they are boys, only those who want to sow resentment pump an alternate narrative, disenfranchising the majority who “follow the science,” selling social inversion. They have now seen – we all have – where seeding violent resentment leads: nowhere good.

The other part of this is more significant, especially in a society where religious education is slipping, respect for those of faith – any life-loving faith, but especially Christianity – is disparaged by the media, Democrats, and even the FBI.

What you are seeing is a slide toward anti-Christian hatred, not unlike anti-Muslim, anti-Semitic hatred, not far from the Bolshevik Revolution’s push to ostracize, attack, and marginalize those of faith in the former Soviet Union, replacing faith with fear of the State.

This turn also brings to mind revolutionary France 230 years ago, ushering in anarchy, led by those who relished destroying churches, killing clergy – as did the Soviets, as do the Chinese – leaving a path of fear and destruction, like those recent tornados, only through the society.

No, this is not an everyday event, and has nothing to do with guns – except that all who mean to do harm will choose a means for doing harm. This event and the left’s response to it suggests the start of quiet justification, perhaps normalization, of violent attacks on those of faith.

The Biden Justice Department and FBI targeted “traditional” churches for “domestic terrorism,” failed to take precautions for faith-centered Supreme Court justices after the pro-life Dobbs decision, today prosecute pro-life protestors in record numbers, fail to halt violence against pro-life churches, have a task force (which still exists) to prosecute conservative parents under the Patriot Act – parents who speak up for faith-centered values.

Now, we see the rise of political violence – illegal, unconstitutional, corrosive to rule of law – against Christian schools, churches, non-profits, and peaceful protestors, those seeking only to “exercise” peacefully rights they are granted in the First Amendment.

What is the response? The White House, leading Democrats, and the media – led by CNN and CBS – reported the school shot up by guns, not violence by a transgender dysphoria person against those of differing views, a Christian school. Facts and motive were obscured.

They turned the entire day into an anti-gun story. What is not said is significant. The tide is rising against Christians. While this must be reversed, the current trend is toward using politics and media to delegitimize those of faith, villainizing religious institutions and even Christ’s message.

This is not uncommon around the world, but is a red line here, something “not tolerated.” There should be no room here for anti-religious hatred in a nation founded on Christian values by Christians with respect for all faiths, who number 240 million of 350 million Americans.

Bottom line: We are in the eye of the storm, and this is not going away fast. The left is on a mission to justify society-wide attacks on Christian, Jewish, Muslim, Hindu, and Buddhist values – those of moral fiber – because these values threaten their power.

Faith – premised on prioritizing individuality, conscience, and God above government – threatens those who aim to consolidate power, centralize and expand control, promoting the State over God. This is fundamental, and why the act we just saw was the natural outgrowth of demonizing those of faith. 

People of good heart must forcefully speak up for those of conscience, faith, and who wish to preserve the right to believe – directed by the New and Old Testament, Torah, Koran, peace-loving religious texts, simple loving conscience. Americans cannot want, tolerate, or ignore creeping anti-Christian, anti-faith villainization – or yes, anti-Christian violence.

Robert Charles is a former Assistant Secretary of State under Colin Powell, former Reagan and Bush 41 White House staffer, attorney, and naval intelligence officer (USNR). He wrote “Narcotics and Terrorism” (2003), “Eagles and Evergreens” (2018), and is National Spokesman for AMAC.

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David Millikan
David Millikan
1 year ago

Just read that ChatGPT will make fun of Jesus but won’t make fun of Muhammad.
Just like democrats make fun of God but put statues of Satan over Court Houses in NY and California with more going up.
This is what happens when you vote democrat with Lucifer Jr. currently sitting in the White House Illegally and Unconstitutionally.

1 year ago

So shooting innocent unarmed children and teachers is funny to you?
The armor of God is to preserve our souls, not stay in this fallen world. Get out your Bible and read and learn what it is about! God will not give up on you!

1 year ago

We are reaping the “sowing” of “We don’t want to push our religion on them. We will let them make up their own minds” nonsense! It is up to PARENTS to “train up a child in the way he should go and when he is old he will not depart from it”.

Gabe Hanzeli
Gabe Hanzeli
1 year ago

Anti christian and conservative violence rising among the transgender. lgbtq+, democrats, and leftists.

The number one domestic terrorist threat in america today is the Leftists who support the democrat party.

Gabe Hanzeli
Gabe Hanzeli
1 year ago

Anti christian and conservative violence rising among the transgender. lgbtq+, democrats, and leftists.
The number one domestic terrorist threat in america today is the Leftists who support the democrat party.

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
1 year ago

Just what Jesus predicted would come in End Times

Dan Russell
Dan Russell
1 year ago

I do believe quite a few individuals need to open
the Bible to Revelations. Need another perspec-
tive? Try Daniel, Isaiah and various others.It’s
fairly simple. Believe or die. Forever!

1 year ago

It’s time for Christians to stand up for themselves and their beliefs.

1 year ago

How ironic. Remember the 99% protests against the 1% who they said had all of the money? Now it’s the 2% protesting against the 98% who are people of faith. But this time the 2% have a socialist government and media behind them! I am a Christian, and proud of it… and while none know the day or the hour of the Lord’s return, I for one look forward to being in paradise one day.

1 year ago

Maybe we should do something about easy access to guns then.

1 year ago

We must remember that while it our duty to love our neighbors as ourselves; it is also our duty to rebuke evil. Rebuking evil, and helping people to get on, and stay on, the right path is a way of expressing this love. At times it is not easy or pleasant and may involve disagreement and even anger; but the end justifies the means.

1 year ago

Unfortunately, the Word of God as stated by the Lord Jesus, that the end times that the world has entered into, will get worse. Christians will see and receive all sorts of persecutions from those who do not know or believe in God and His Son. We are commanded to continue to love our neighbors and continue spreading the Good Word as our reward in Heaven continues to grow.

John Koepke
John Koepke
1 year ago

Thank you!

Brain Tree
Brain Tree
1 year ago

I heard yesterday a horrific thing. We fought the Muslim – mutilation of female genitalia for the cruelty of the process and the cruelty of rendering a woman void of orgasm HUMAN relations. APPARENTLY, news to the public but not to doctors is that the transgender hormone blockers render boys/girls eunuchs – incapable physically of orgasm. This is a horrible fate and is a human rights issue.

Galen Miller
Galen Miller
1 year ago

Very truthfully put. And it is just the tip of the iceberg if our nation continues down this path.
This nation was built on faith in God whom we are now forsaking, and we know what happens then.
God will forsake us.

Joe Kunkle
Joe Kunkle
1 year ago

How do the majority of Christians feel about a person, especially the head of the household, defending his threatened household, his wife and children, from rape, kidnapping and deadly injury? I know that some pacifist believe they should not respond with lethal force in any case. I, for one, believe I should do all in my power to protect my family.

1 year ago

So now I’m told that the diseased monster who was trans in Nashville killed 3 children and 3
fine people because Christians attack trans people. Give me examples ( they didn’t).
I don’t give a s___. My sympathy goes to the parents of these children and the families of
the adult victims who worked with them. As to as the death of the trans murderer creep, society is fortunate that “it” is dead. Am I being clear ? The family of the trans monster are fortunate to be rid of “it”. They are the lucky ones.
So far we have been shown no part of the “manifesto”. Why call it a “manifesto” instead of calling it a crock of s___ ( same word) which is what it is ? Can’t stand being vague

1 year ago

People choose to get cut up and be opposite what’s they were born .Then can’t handle the change and that some folks don’t accept them so they go and kill kids and adults in school. And some people think that’s my problem???.God wants us to love one another not lay down and be victims.Read the Bible and see how many are victims!! If the church does stop trying to hide attacks will get worse and more often.Jesus is coming and we are in end times.

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