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Americans Stuck in Sudan are Left Abandoned by Biden

Posted on Monday, May 1, 2023
by Tammy Bruce

Joe Biden and the Democrats continue to pursue their America Last agenda, this time by ignoring the sacrosanct principle of the United States to never abandon American citizens in a country collapsing due to war or civil strife. Like so many other standards and values, the Biden administration has thrown rescue of Americans in war torn countries into the “too hard” category.

The latest catastrophe facing our nation is unfolding in Sudan, where a brutal fight for power between two government factions erupted mid-April with the potential of slipping into a full-fledged civil war. At this writing, over 500 people have been killed, including two Americans, with thousands injured. A week after the fighting erupted the US State Department announced that the American Embassy in Khartoum was closing and that dozens of American diplomatic personnel were successfully evacuated. But lo and behold, the 16,000 Americans in Sudan were told they were on their own.

In what struck most observers as a ghoulish and shocking replay of the catastrophic withdrawal from Afghanistan, the Biden administration was fleeing a nation with no plan to rescue or evacuate Americans in harm’s way. Embassy personnel were quickly and safety evacuated by elite SEAL commandoes using Chinook helicopters, but those not lucky enough to be employed by the government were told it was too dangerous to evacuate them, that the airport was damaged and unusable, and they should “shelter in place.”

CNN reported on the disbelief and anger felt by abandoned Americans: “Those who spoke to CNN said they and their family members have had to make ‘life or death decisions’ about when and how to leave the country with very little guidance. ‘We expected the [State] Department to provide some kind of guidance, but the guidance was the template, just shelter in place, no critical information being provided…It seems like American citizens in this situation just have to fend for themselves and hope for the best. Apparently, we are just ‘passport holders,’ whose lives and well-being is not a priority for the US government.’”

While an embarrassing level of experience, one would think the Biden administration would act on their familiarity with what needs to be done when fleeing a country. But no. Now, with the closure of our embassy in Khartoum, Biden has lost four embassies in his brief tenure as president. He and his dazed and confused cabinet and staff have learned nothing after abandoning our embassies in Afghanistan, Belarus, Ukraine, and now Sudan. While we eventually reopened our Ukraine embassy after first running away like scared rabbits, the message sent around the world over and over was that the United States of America not only has lost control of its presence in multiple countries but had no plan or was unable to execute plans to maintain our presence and to assist our own people facing existential threats.

The State Department was very specific about why we couldn’t manage to fly Americans out by insisting that “due to the uncertain security situation in Khartoum and closure of the airport, it is not currently safe to undertake a U.S. government-coordinated evacuation of private U.S. citizens.”

Strangely, multiple other countries were rapidly flying their own citizens, and many others, out of the war zone. Fox News reported, “While the U.S. says it’s too dangerous to get its citizens out, other countries are proceeding with evacuations of their nationals including France, Germany, Italy, the United Kingdom, Spain, Holland, Turkey, Japan, South Korea, Jordan, South Africa, Egypt and Saudi Arabia.”

Moreover, “Germany’s defense ministry said Tuesday that it conducted evacuation flights resulting in getting more than 700 people out of Sudan including 200 Germans and hundreds more from more than 20 other countries. France evacuated more than 500 people from 41 different countries… The United Kingdom is using its military to evacuate civilians from an airport outside Khartoum. Saudi Arabia evacuated about 2,150 people by ship from Sudan, including 114 Saudi citizens and more than 2,000 evacuees from 62 other nations, according to a state-run news service,” reported Fox News.

It’s remarkable that countries ranging from South Africa to Holland to South Korea found a way to directly evacuate their citizens in an efficient and rapid way, but the US under the perpetual feckless and dangerously incompetent Biden has limited Americans to phone and virtual online help. Why is it the Biden administration is unable (or refuses?) to govern as though they care about the fate of the American people?

After weeks of telling 16,000 Americans in Sudan to hide in their homes caused significant backlash, NPR now reports that a “group of mostly Americans — along with some Germans, Norwegians and local staff — were driven on seven buses contracted by the U.S. and monitored by armed drones on the journey… The U.S. government contracted 16 buses total.”

The latest report is that 1000 Americans have been “evacuated” using this process, but exactly where they are now has not been confirmed. Much like Afghanistan, Americans remain in harm’s way, and details we can trust are hard to come by.

Port Sudan is a “place of relative safety” but as NPR notes “American ships are just off Port Sudan, but not in the port itself. The official said there are no State Department or U.S. military personnel at the Port.”

Every step of the way the Biden administration displays the same careless, incompetent, and passive response we saw during the Afghanistan debacle. Nothing has changed as the most basic responsibility of our federal government– keeping Americans safe—is still mission impossible for Biden and his gang of fools. One fiasco can be considered an unfortunate accident, but for the Biden administration leaving Americans behind abroad and destroying our quality of life, economy, and security here at home is no accident—it’s policy.

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1 year ago

16.000 Americanns in Sudan ???????? Something doesn’t add up????

William Darling
William Darling
1 year ago

Biden is as usual UATOAB
(Useless As Tits On A Bull). The question is after to search fiascoes why is he still in office?

M C Mumma III
M C Mumma III
1 year ago

Our State Dept. is absolutely clueless, led by a completely unqualified SecState!

1 year ago

The Biden’s along with their puppet masters and ignorant blind followers, are truly self serving and could care less about the people of the U.S. They have sold this country to China and don’t care what happens. The more chaos, the better for them, as they continue to destroy this country. God Bless this country, we should know better than to vote for someone who hid in his basement with his soppy cup. Next time don’t vote for a career politician!

1 year ago

This administration cares nothing about America or its people.They are in just for personal profit!!????????

1 year ago

Biden and his incompetent staff are traitors of the American people and should have been thrown in prison for life after the Afghanistan blunder , why nothing has been done is beyond me im tired of hearing about all the jacked up crap that is taking place , and this Butthead just keeps on getting away with it . Washington needs to grow some balls and start prosecuting the criminals in washington.

Doug Craig
Doug Craig
1 year ago

I’m no evacuation expert,but not stupid either. As we all know you can’t do something you don’t want to do. I’m a senior and have enough sense to not depend on the current administration for anything, especially nothing if traveling or working outside of the US.

1 year ago

The Whole Admin should be impeached!!! In my humble opinion, the time has come for Americans ???????? to take a stand or lose our great country to the fascists in our government. WE know who they are, and we KNOW who is making sure they have the money to do what they want to do. George Soros is just one of several names that I am aware of at this time. He is a citizen of the United States of America, but before he was admitted to our country, he was essentially kicked out of his own country of birth. I ask anyone who reads this, what does that say about his character?? George Soros is KNOWN to express his hatred of the USA, and a desire to take us down through any way possible. I would love to know why he has been allowed to continue to keep his citizenship in this his ADOPTED country??? He is helping the demonrats do everything they can to make sure the United States of America becomes like China. Soon we will be seeing our money go from paper money ???? to digital money and it will be a way of knowing what each one of us will be doing. Think about that… I am not making this up, there are some banks, and I am talking about BIG banks, that have been testing digital money on their customers. This administration is going to turn us into another China if Americans don’t WAKE UP and take charge!!! NOW

Greg Gille
Greg Gille
1 year ago

Four times Hidin Biden disgraced his nation and Americans abroad with no support in leaving a foreign country.
At least this time, billions weren’t lost and abandoned weapons won’t be used against us.
A solution?
Impeach and REMOVE him now, get all his cronies ousted by voting Republican on 11/5/24.

1 year ago

Biden and his handlers don’t give a hoot about American citizens. They all are a shame and disgrace and should be tried for treason.

1 year ago

Surprised? That’s what Democrats do all the time.

1 year ago

If you are coming across our border illegally, our feckless government welcomes you with open arms. If you are an American in Sudan, you are on your own. If you are a CCP investor in SVB, you get bailed out. If you are an Afghanistan interpreter or fighter who aided the US military, you can pound salt. Here in the US, if you defend yourself from a physical attack, you get prosecuted as an aggressor by a Soros funded DA. If you are a US tax payer, guess what, the administration is arming IRS agents, to do what? The next time the IRS visits Matt Taibbi’s home, they will be armed. Take that you pesky reporter who dares expose collusion between our government and social media! The press cheers the fact that Biden is running for re-election. The press!!! No, call it the promotion department of the DNC. It isn’t just Americans living abroad that are being abandoned by our government, it is us.

1 year ago

Another screw-up for the Biden admin. Is there anything they can’t screw-up?

Bob L.
Bob L.
1 year ago

American citizens should not travel to unstable countries like Sudan that has a history of flareup fighting very often, family ties or not. As for aid workers, there are several other, safer countries they could have gone to so the organization that sent them there is liable for their safety and removal from the area. Many times, bleeding hearts wind up doing just that, bleeding all over the ground.

1 year ago

Afghanistan, Sudan. It appears to be this administrations M.O.

1 year ago

What don’t you get, Biden & his people hate America & the more Americans killed he celebrates, that way there’s more room for trans people he loves.
WAKE UP! grab your weapons, stop working and take this country back!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

1 year ago

Similar to Afghanistan, leaving American citizens behind also leaving billions of dollars of Military equipment behind which was Chaos, while returning 13 dead Patriots, and to think Kirby blames Trump, that couldn’t return due to jerks voting for Obama’s useful Idiot,watching the Taliban celebrate with OUR equipment and the Careless Biden paying respects to the dead Patriots, while looking at his watch as if he had somewhere else to go,yeah you Care Biden, you make me sick!

Barrett Smith
Barrett Smith
1 year ago

biden is good at abandoning Americans in need.

Sharon Ormsby
Sharon Ormsby
1 year ago

I’m sorry, but this “war” has been going on for some time. Americans could have gotten out a long time ago. While I’m not a Biden administration fan, they did at least bring a ship in for Americans to get to. Only problem is, Americans have to make their way to the coast. I really don’t have much sympathy for them, however, because they could have gotten out long ago,

Kathleen lewis
Kathleen lewis
1 year ago

Why is he still in office. They keep after Trump but Biden continues to degrade the American citizen and the USA .

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
1 year ago

2 rerun Black Hawk Down , Benghazi

1 year ago

What are the Republians in Congress waiting for ? Impeach him now ! The sooner he’s out , the sooner Harris exposes herself . The DEMOCRATs didn’t wait even 10 minutes to impeach Trump . Is there actually any real thinking on this ? What are Republicans planning , if anything ?

Casey C Matt
Casey C Matt
1 year ago

Sorry……..but what were those Americans doing there to start with? It ain’t exactly a prime vacation location. There has to be some point where people have to accept the consequences of their actions. My guess is at best these were social justice warriors or even NGO workers running on dark money…..and welp………thats what ya get.

Steven Tapper
Steven Tapper
1 year ago

This is just the latest installment of the deliberate attempt by the DNC to weaken America. They have succeeded in shutting down our ability to be energy independent, shipping our manufacturing jobs offshore, weakening our economy and pushing us to the next great recession, weakening our military, opening up our borders not only to illegal immigrants but to the deadly supply of lethal drugs. Now they have ruined our foreign policy and have put Americans living in other countries at risk.

The DNC needs to be unaccreted as a political party and indicted for treason and as traitors to the United States of America. They are Communists and Socialists and are a direct threat to this country.

1 year ago


1 year ago

Biden turns his back on Americans out of the country; he turns his back on the Americans in the country. how can anyone feel and be safe with him at the helm. Americans are not safe at home and they helpless and not safe abroad.

Philip Hammersley
Philip Hammersley
1 year ago

These poor folks join all the HOSTAGES left behind in Afghanistan and prisoners in Russia and Iran. Any American overseas is liable to be a victim and Slow Joe doesn’t give a d***. Even those of us here are at the mercy of drug cartels, violent domestic terrorists, and our own “government” agents.

1 year ago

Guess the crime family didn’t get their donation.

1 year ago

I feel they’ll leave the Americans behind and bring illegals here.

1 year ago

So, Joe, is the rescue of those left behind in Afghanistan and Sudan the job that you need to finish??? Well, you have plenty of time to get those poor people rescued before you are at the end of this term!!! You shouldn’t have left them behind in the first place. You failed miserably by not caring about those people you left behind. And, obviously, you don’t know how to perform an evacuation – you failed in two countries!!! I may need saving by the end of this term so can you start the planning process now so you don’t mess this one up, too?? It’s your policies and rules that are basically killing me!!!

1 year ago

Sounds like a repeat of Afghanistan

1 year ago

Someday everyone will wake up and realize Satan is in charge of the world. God, in His infinite wisdom, has allowed Satan to operate in this world within the boundaries God has set for him. John twelve verse thirty one. He has a lot of people working for him, and my prayer is that all who don’t know Christ as Savior will be convicted of sin and realize they need a Savior. Hell, which probably has many levels will still be horrible as it is eternal separation from God.

Charles Kyle Brown
Charles Kyle Brown
1 year ago

So cut and run Joe needs to be greeted as Comrade Biden as he true colors are only RED! Blood on his hands from Afghanistan, his lack of concern for the safety of Americans anywhere, lack of respect for the return of the fallen American soldiers as demonstrated by his constant review of his WATCH (guess he was concern about missing his Ice Cream cone), Top Secret Documents stored in his garage protected by his Corvette, etc. When is Congress going have him arrested for espionage?

Nobody’s Business
Nobody’s Business
1 year ago

Any body that voted Democrat is a complete moron our country not getting us out of Sudan and before in Afghanistan is a complete abomination. The only thing this administration thinks its citizens are for is to take our money while they say F(:&@) you.

Ann S
Ann S
1 year ago

You are not safe from Brandon’s governing. Not in America or abroad. Did you think any different? He has nothing with the people. The most uncaring man. Remember him studying his watch during the Benghazi deaths arriving at Dover?
He couldn’t care less.

Randall L. Beatty
Randall L. Beatty
1 year ago

Dummy did the same in Afghanistan does not care about nothing he is not a president at all and that goes for his great VP she does nothing at all also this is what is running our great country.

1 year ago

This is the man who wants to be re-elected?! There aren’t words sufficiently awful enough to describe him and those around him. Good forbid Joe or any Joe influence survives 2024.

1 year ago

Situations like this in Sudan and Belarus make you wonder why the military can’t get enough volunteers to serve. When I was in the marines and Regan was in office we knew someone had our backs . With commie Joe in office all you can count on is being stabbed in the back by your own country! God bless these helpless Americans and my god have a special place in hell for Joe Biden!

Barbara McFeters
Barbara McFeters
1 year ago

Tis unthinkable & disgusting & wrong & un-aceptable of USA govt. to abandon its citizens in Sudan or any other nation where similar violence or war erupts.

Enuf Said
Enuf Said
1 year ago

Joe Biden does NOT CARE!! Why would any person of intelligence, enter a foreign country while employed by the United States, as long as the IDIOT Biden is POTUS?

Robert Chase
Robert Chase
1 year ago

Meanwhile back home the FED sends hundreds of millions to a group dedicated to ruin the justice system in multiple states, spends a fortune to sneak illegals into all areas of the US, and fast wrecking our economy.

1 year ago

Please say prayers for the missionaries who are trying to get out. Especially the young couple with a young child who had just run out of diapers. I don’t have an update as of May 2nd.

A Voter
A Voter
1 year ago

I don’t understand Biden has a perfect track record and is a shining example. A perfect track record of abysmal failures and a shinning example of what an American President should not be.

Kathleen L Rinck
Kathleen L Rinck
1 year ago

Did Biden not put his hand on the Bible at his swearing in and promise to protect America and its citizens? He is NOT protecting us or America, the first and foremost job of the federal government. That’s impeachable.

1 year ago

Biden/Leftist, wrote the book on “How to Abandon Americans When Left Overseas”

1 year ago

Did anyone expect any different from the author of the book “Looking Out For Number One – 30% For The Big Guy” after Afghanistan?

Jim Carlyle
Jim Carlyle
1 year ago

I particularly like “Gang of Fools”

1 year ago

It’s what Biden does best- abandons Americans globally but invites illegals to steal, kill, and overrun. Where’s Gitmo when you need it?

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