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AMAC/TRAFALGAR POLL: Majority Believe Biden Cares “Much Less” About Middle Class Than Prior Presidents

Posted on Thursday, October 6, 2022
by Shane Harris

AMAC Exclusive – By Shane Harris


In a stark indication of just how dramatically the American public has soured on the administration of President Joe Biden, a new scientific opinion poll conducted by the Trafalgar Group for AMAC, sampling 1,078 likely voters nationwide, finds that a majority of Americans say the Biden administration cares “much less” about the middle class than previous administrations.

While in recent months the media has pushed the narrative of a Democratic “resurgence” and a budding recovery for President Biden, the AMAC poll’s findings suggest that on the contrary, the relationship between the Biden administration and the American electorate may be irreparably broken.

The inaugural AMAC Newsline opinion poll was conducted from September 21-26 and has a margin of error of 2.9 percent. The Trafalgar Group was one of the few polling organizations that correctly predicted the outcome of the 2016 presidential contest and was also among the most accurate pollsters in 2020.

“We wanted a survey that sampled beyond our membership and found out what Americans of every demographic group were thinking,” said AMAC Chief Executive Officer Rebecca Weber. “Coming right at the moment when the public was beginning to focus on the election and seemed to be deepening its disfavor toward Biden, the poll casts important light on the issues and groups that made it happen.” Further results from the AMAC Newsline poll will be released in the coming days.

When asked “Do you feel the Biden Administration cares more or less about the middle class than the previous administrations?” 51.5 percent of respondents answered “much less,” compared to 3 percent who said “somewhat less,” 11.4 percent who said “somewhat more,” and 31.7 percent who said “much more.”

The intensity of the public’s alienation would be alarming for any president. But for a leader who based his entire campaign on appeals to his own supposed “empathy” just two years ago, the fact that a majority now believe Biden and his lieutenants care drastically less than their predecessors about ordinary Americans represents a stunning rejection of President Biden’s political identity. In 2020, numerous media outlets declared that Biden’s “empathy” was what defined him. Democrats even made this point the theme of their convention, with one speaker after another touting the career politician’s ostensible ability to feel Americans’ pain.

Today, however, it is clear the public isn’t buying it—perhaps because they have watched Democrats put the priorities of the radical left over those of the American people on issue after issue, from energy and the economy to the border and crime. This sense of growing contempt is likely one of the hidden factors driving Democrats down in the polls and jeopardizing their congressional majorities this fall.

A breakdown of the AMAC survey paints an even grimmer picture for the administration, particularly compared to the historic makeup of the Democrat coalition. Roughly equal percentages of men and women (51.6 percent and 51.4 percent, respectively) said they believe Biden cares “much less” about the middle class. Women – particularly middle class, suburban women – were key to Biden’s performance two years ago, and also helped deliver down-ballot races for Democrats. But it now appears that the “empathy gap” has erased the “gender gap”.

When broken down by age, the only group among which a majority said Biden cares “much more” about the middle class were respondents aged 18-24 – traditionally the group most likely to vote Democratic, and also the only cohort too young to remember many prior administrations. Among the age group statistically most likely to be a part of the middle class (45-64) 56.4 percent said Biden cares “much less” – the highest of any age bracket.

Unsurprisingly, Biden earned poor marks from Republicans, with 79.7 percent saying he cares “much less.” But even 21.7 percent of Democrats and, crucially, 54.7 percent of Independents said the Biden administration cares “much less” about the middle class than prior administrations.

More alarming for Democrat strategists, the AMAC poll confirmed the trend detected by mainstream media outlets in recent weeks, showing a significant deterioration in support for Biden among African Americans. While 65 percent of Blacks said the administration cares “much more” about the middle class than previous ones, fully 20 percent said the Biden administration cares “much less”—a significant fracturing of a key Democrat voting bloc.

Perhaps most catastrophically for Biden, a whopping 61 percent of Hispanics and 66.8 percent of Asians said Biden cares “much less” about the middle class, adding more support for the theory of a growing exodus from the Democratic Party among Hispanic and Asian voters. Just 21.9 percent of Hispanics and zero Asian respondents said the administration cares “much more.”

“There’s no question that senior citizens, and especially AMAC members, want a nation that’s built on freedom, and a nation that’s safe,” said Weber. “The full results of this nationwide poll show that the concerns that motivate our members are also widely shared by a broad cross-section of American voters—young and old, male and female, Hispanic, Black, Asian, and White.”

What could be driving the American public’s sense that the Biden administration does not care about them? As further results from the AMAC Newsline poll will show, the Biden administration has spent the last two years pursuing policies and priorities that are wildly out of touch with mainstream America. Combined with the meltdown these policies have caused in the global economy and security environment—and Biden’s continual refusal to acknowledge responsibility or change course—that’s apparently enough to alienate countless Americans, including millions of traditional Democrat voters.

Shane Harris is a writer and political consultant from Southwest Ohio. You can follow him on Twitter @Shane_Harris_.

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James J
James J
2 years ago

biden does not care about his family let alone anyone else go to hell biden the devil will F with you Fool

2 years ago

Democrats and RINOs are globalists representing the elite. In fact their agenda needs to destroy America’s middle class and small business while plundering our treasury. Trump represents the working person and small business and is removing the last of the Chamber of Commerce GOP. That is why they demonize him. He is draining the swamp.

Paul DAscenz
Paul DAscenz
2 years ago

Brandon only.cares about himself and his Criminal Family.

Pastor Ron
Pastor Ron
2 years ago

How can you care about the middle class when your every whim is taken care of and the only reason he cares about the poor is for the vote.

2 years ago

Dems NEVER run for office because they care for anyone or to help people, it is 0NLY for the grasp of POWER. That is all.

J. Farley
J. Farley
2 years ago

Duh! My My, what a news flash, whatever in the world gave them that idea, could it be record high inflation, open borders, pitting one class against the other, pitting one Race against another, could it be Green Energy, it’s called Green Energy because it will strips all the green you have in your Purse or Wallet, or Bank Account, could it be selective punishment by class or political affiliation. Oh! wait it might be America’s Sovereignty and standing in the world, there are so many indicators it’s hard to pick one that stands out.
We have the biggest idiot in the Oval Office since the founding of our Republic, with no real signs of improvement.
We as a nation are a Ship without a Rudder, and badly torn Sails!

2 years ago

I don’t believe I know, feel free to look at my 401K, my monthly utility bills, the prices I pay at the grocery story, gas station, pharmacy, WalMart…. The proof exists, unless I am an exception to the rule…

John M
John M
2 years ago

These types of polls are encouraging. However, a part of me can not shake the feeling that there will be an “October Surprise”, conjured up by this administration to aid in their plan to steal the 2022 election. If they are successful, the era of America as a great republic will be over.

Nobody’s Business
Nobody’s Business
2 years ago

Doesn’t matter a Democrat will always vote for a Democrat even as they get flushed down the toilet. The Democrats are implementing socialism which means get rid of the middle class. Destroy the small businesses so no one can work or make a living. Then give them barely enough to survive, once you have them hooked you take what little there is completely away. We’ve been warned by a lot of the people coming into this country about socialism and that’s what they were escaping from and the Democrats in all there wisdom want it here even though it has never worked anywhere.

anna hubert
anna hubert
2 years ago

I don’t think he has capacity to care much about anything ,that he is in the world of his own and only moves the way strings move

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
2 years ago

Cares Zero for population

William C Smith
William C Smith
2 years ago

“Caring,” by this administration, is no issue. Treachery is.

Philip Hammersley
Philip Hammersley
2 years ago

Senile Joe cares ONLY about himself. He doesn’t even care about his kids, other than using them as pawns! Pimping one out as his bagman and getting his kicks showering with the other!

2 years ago

Joe Biden never cared about the Middle Class; he only cares for Power. And $$$$$$$$$$$$$

2 years ago

We needn’t be worried about his being re-elected. We need to be watching closely that it won’t be “fixed” in his favor again. It was so obvious that Trump campaigned for weeks holding 3 to 5 campaigns daily with tens of thousands showing up, while “hidden’ Biden” remained in his basement for 2 months “due to the pandemic”. Yeah. Right. The few he did have drew very few people, like 50 to 100 folks.
Let’s secure our voting like we have for over 200 years: One day only, and have picture I.D’s. Mail-ins should be reserved for the military only. Inconvenient? Then you don’t vote. If farmers and ranchers were able to make it to town to vote in the early years, we certainly should be able to today.

Mike S
Mike S
2 years ago

The feeling is mutual. I could care less about him other then wanted him to be out of office immediately.

2 years ago

This “Commander in Thief” could give a crap about all Americans let alone the middle class. These “few” idiots that voted for him fell for his caring grandpa persona while the rest of us that wernt propagandsized saw right through him.. Hes so pathedic i turn him off wen hes about to come on. It’s a sad thing what his crime family did to this country although we all know who’s pulling his strings aside from the fact his whole family got rich off the American people for 50yrs. Who knows who else he compromised himself for during thos 50yrs. God will deal with soon enough and all his corrupt cohorts, it’s just a matter of time before we get our country back so sit back n watch the show. What’s going to happen no man but God will take the credit. Glad imnot a democrap.

2 years ago

It’s an understatement to say he cares much less about the middle class. He is intentionally destroying the middle class. When this guy is finished, there will be only 2 classes of Americans. Those dependent on the government, and the oligarchs who in effect, are the government.

Steven Tapper
Steven Tapper
2 years ago

While every American citizen in this country is suffering under Biden’s failed and flawed radical policies, the Democrats are proving that they are out of touch with the people. Irresponsible energy policies, which have a domino effect as the root cause of inflation, has caused havoc on American families. Yet when Democrats campaign do they want to discuss the major issues confronting this country? They shy away from the high energy prices and the inflation that has made it very painful for the middle class, which is shrinking rapidly. No, they want to talk about Roe vs. Wade! No wonder they are seeing polls that vehemently disagree with their tax and spend policies.

David Millikan
David Millikan
2 years ago

Dear president biden, You are burning down the United States of America destroying all and anything that is American. And you don’t even care while you smile the whole time doing it.

Charlotte A Mahin
Charlotte A Mahin
2 years ago

Anyone who thinks Biden and his comrades in DC are just bad leaders and do not know how to run this country is sadly mistaken. What these evil people in DC are doing is a measured well-planned program to destroy our country, its ecomony, its laws, and its people. They need to destroy any kind of opposotion from we citizens in order to take over. They want to take all the power and all the money from the citizens so they can forever rule by a dictatorship just like China, Russia, Cuba and North Korea. Stop acting naively and wake up to smell the rotteness of our Marxists in DC!!

Barrett Smith
Barrett Smith
2 years ago

Now what would ever give people that notion?

Frank 629
Frank 629
2 years ago

biden is a no good SOB!!!.

2 years ago

The man behind the curtain is Obama, Biden is just his meat puppet! Giving him his third term!

2 years ago

Biden doesn’t care about every day Americans. He has done nothing to help Americans with high gas prices, inflation or rising crime. Of course, Biden isn’t running the country so…

Kyle Buy you some guns,and learn how to shoot
Kyle Buy you some guns,and learn how to shoot
2 years ago

Getting the country ready for the New World Order. Thats the goal. Kyle L.

James carlyle
James carlyle
2 years ago

POTUS can barely negotiate the rigors of everyday life let alone trying to be the “Leader of the Free World”- Gross mismatch

2 years ago

I feel that the point is being missed. Biden ran because he was not a major name like Hillary and to lose would not hurt any future canidates with the loss.Who ever won would take orders and make this commie move. This is their time. Trump pushed up their time frame…I ask you!! What can we do if we lose this election.??? Civil strife??$$?And against who???

2 years ago

Middle class should be as important as anyone else, maybe moreso. We pay the bulk of the taxes you use on your idiotic spending sprees. Oh, but I forgot the goal of our current loving government is to eliminate the middle class, leaving only rich and servants.
Democrats, you are doing a GREAT job!

2 years ago

Biden doesn’t care for anybody but himself and what he can get

2 years ago

Biden’s only concern is for his CCP masters!

Bruce Parker
Bruce Parker
2 years ago

Once again, the millennials have shown that they are clueless sheep that have no idea what is really going on.

2 years ago

The entire image-persona of “Uncle Joe” is as phony as the back-slapping, crony who glad-handed his way through a 50 year career accomplishing less than nothing. Leader of catastrophe after disaster, Biden has proven his lack of ethics, his ineptitude, his lack of sincerity and caring for anyone but himself. The public isn’t stupid. We know a damaged bill of goods when we see it and the “no one f***s with a Biden” guy is tarnished beyond anything that could save him– the worst president in at least the last hundred years. Carter and Obama thank him for that, but the nation is embarrassed and hurting.

Karen X Fox
Karen X Fox
2 years ago

Before the 2020 election, Trafalgar Group said that Trump would win the election, estimating that he would win Arizona, Florida, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, North Carolina, and Pennsylvania. So, take Trafalgar Group predictions with a grain of salt.

Thomas, Of Texas
Thomas, Of Texas
2 years ago

Biteme has n e v e r cared for the middle class. He has payed n o t h i n g but lip service fo his half century of corrupt criminal service.

2 years ago

If you look into Biden’s record, he has spent most of his life doing nothing but serving himself & his family , He is a complete loser & has taken advantage of the people for years flip – flopping his answers to please the masses , more so than the average politician . There are many such people in government but he stands out. AMERICA has to rise – up this NOV & say no – more , it has to stop.

Anthony Parr
Anthony Parr
2 years ago

Biden and Ass0cs care nothing for decency and honor. Preaching White people are the problem and at the same time wanting them to continue to carry the nation because they stepped up to build it. Others if they aren’t part of the whole theme of the nation or inclusion are nothing but failures to competent society. That seems to be the democrats trying to BUY incompetent voters. No wonder they want the schools to determine what your kids learn and if the kid if female, male or something else. Biden as head of the failures is culpable since he hasn’t spoken out against attacks on decency.

2 years ago

If you look at the history of all totalitarians; ie. lenin, stalin, mao, hitler, castro, chaves, pol pot, etc.

James Schmidt
James Schmidt
2 years ago

All Democrats from top to bottom need to be removed from office for the damage they have done to our economy.

2 years ago

Biden’s ’empathy’ is built on sand, the more we see him, the more we know he is spinning and casting, same for their media and their democratic machine…this is something for ‘we the people’ who live in the real world of inflation, rising crime, no border and streams of illegals and drugs flow to sort out now.

Southern Yankee
Southern Yankee
2 years ago

Biden cares about his own self, little girls, ice cream and money. He cares not one whit for anyone else. As a matter of fact he tells us frequently. I am proud to be a dog faced pony soldier in the fight to oust the cheating, lying, plagiarizing poop in pants brandon.

2 years ago

Biden’s policies:
Tax and spend
Open border
Defund police
Afghanistan retreat
War on gas
Persecute political enemies
Expand IRS

How does this represent America?

David Lilly
David Lilly
2 years ago

In the face of really solid evidence concerning the biden family corruption where are the united republican party politicians calling every day for a federal investigation ?
Forget this silly notion of empathy or who cares about whom, or what, this administration is eyebrow deep in a provable political corruption that is being brushed aside, even by republicans.
They pay the same lip service to the corruption that they paid to removing obamacare.
That should tell you something.

2 years ago

Vote out ALL democrats. They are lawless, morally depraved FASCIST pigs!

2 years ago

Honestly, I can’t think of a single success the Biden admin has accomplished. Some might point to successful passage of the alleged “Inflation Reduction Act”, but everyone knows it’s just another stimulus program titled with a lie. Meanwhile, his failures have been huge:
Foreign policy
Domestic policies, in particular illegal immigration
There have been no wins on any of these issues, other than two bright spots, employment and tax revenue. Fortunately, the Trump Effect is still working.

2 years ago

Democrats have gone over to the Communists and Satanic forces. They are the enemy within.

2 years ago

The trouble with Joe Biden is that he is a puppet. He follows the strings that hold him, and takes all the blame for the actions of his puppeteers. We need to find out who is really pulling the strings and expose them.

2 years ago

Biden cares only about himself and his criminal family. Oh, he does care about the puppeteers pulling his strings.

2 years ago

Anyone voting Democrat this November is brainwashed or braindead. I will not forget what they did during the Covid-19 PLANDEMIC. They kept me from seeing my failing father in a home, they told me I couldn’t go to church, out to eat, be with family during holidays, stay six feet apart, wear a mask and much more. They canceled and destroyed any media that didn’t correspond with their narrative. They have falsely accused and to this day persecuted Donald J Trump and his family.J-6 was a Democrat operation. They continue to create problems ,they destroyed our economy ,supply chain, energy independence and not to mention hundred plus food processing and ware houses destroyed. Look at every Blue city and State they are complete failures.
I could go on and on.

Linda Mcmahon
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