AMAC in the Media

AMAC Supports Legislation to Increase Access to Prescription Medications for Veterans

Posted on Tuesday, July 21, 2020
The Association of Mature American Citizens

AMACH.R. 6997 gives veterans convenient access to the medications they need to stay safe and healthy during the coronavirus pandemic.

July 20, 2020

The Honorable Chip Roy
21st Congressional District of Texas
1319 Longworth House Office Building
Washington, DC 20515

Dear Congressman Roy,

On behalf of the 2.19 million members of AMAC – Association of Mature American Citizens, including over 9300 residing in TX-21, I write to offer our support for H.R. 6997, the Veterans Prescription Flexibility Act.

The coronavirus pandemic has tested many of America’s capabilities, including access to healthcare and medications. As AMAC’s membership is comprised of many veterans of the armed services, we believe these patriots deserve to have options available to them to facilitate access to the treatments they need to stay safe and healthy during the pandemic.

Currently, the Veterans Administration (VA) will pay for up to a 14-day supply of medication from outside providers. If a veteran needs more than a 14-day supply, the VA will only cover the charges if it is filled at a VA facility, or a VA outpatient pharmacy. Our veterans should not be subjected to the worry about where to go for prescription medications in the midst of a pandemic. They should be able to visit local pharmacies that are convenient for them.

H.R. 6997 waives the 14-day supply limit during national public health emergencies for non-VA facilities. This allows veterans to use local pharmacies and receive up to a 90-day supply of their medications. Congress has already enacted similar legislation for Medicare beneficiaries, and it is only right to do the same for our veterans. Thank you, Congressman Roy, for paying attention to the needs of America’s veterans during this national health crisis. AMAC thanks you for your concern and is pleased to offer our organization’s full support for the H.R. 6997, the Veterans Prescription Flexibility Act.


Bob Carlstrom
AMAC Action

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4 years ago

I totally disagree. I’m a retiree, a veteran and a tax payer.
For UTIs and short term infections a 2 week supply is normal. If you need more meds you probably need to be seen again. The problem is not responding to the med ordered so why would you need a 90 supply of a drug that doesn’t work?
If we’re talking chronic, on-going, for the rest of your life meds. First off, the VA has a system to “mail” your meds to you as does the military. For military it’s Express Script – yal, there is a fee for this service, (I’ve been told there is no fee for the VA mail service.). You have a choice, wait in line a couple of hours or pay the fee. (for retirees) I have yet to see a waver on my medication fees. You can also name a local pharmacy and the military and VA will send the script to them. Yes, there may be a co-pay. If you don’t want to wait in line at the DOD facility pay the co-fee. Compared to the cost of the bag of meds you’re getting this is a bargain for the convenience.
Of course there are exceptions to every situation and if you have a valid reason address it with your primary care physician, your case manager or you patient advocate.
Maybe we should be addressing why at age 71 I pay over $300 a month for Part D.

4 years ago

I totally disagree. I’m a retiree, a veteran and a tax payer.
For UTIs and short term infections a 2 week supply is normal. If you need more meds you probably need to be seen again. The problem is not responding to the med ordered so why would you need a 90 supply of a drug that doesn’t work?
If we’re talking chronic, on-going, for the rest of your life meds. First off, the VA has a system to “mail” your meds to you as does the military. For military it’s Express Script – yal, there is a fee for this service, (I’ve been told there is no fee for the VA mail service.). You have a choice, wait in line a couple of hours or pay the fee. (for retirees) I have yet to see a waver on my medication fees. You can also name a local pharmacy and the military and VA will send the script to them. Yes, there may be a co-pay. If you don’t want to wait in line at the DOD facility pay the co-fee. Compared to the cost of the bag of meds you’re getting this is a bargain for the convenience.
Of course there are exceptions to every situation and if you have a valid reason address it with your primary care physician, your case manager or you patient advocate.
Maybe we should be addressing why at age 71 I pay over $300 a month for Part D.

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