H.R. 1812 would expand the eligibility to receive counselling services from VA medical facilities to members of the National Guard and Reserves, or the Coast Guard and closes the mental health care gap for our nation’s heroes.
August 24, 2020
The Honorable Phil Roe, M.D.
1st Congressional District of Tennessee
102 Cannon House Office Building
Washington, DC 20515
Dear Congressman Roe,
On behalf of the 2.2 million members of AMAC – Association of Mature American Citizens, including over 8,559 residing in TN-01, I write to offer our support for H.R. 1812, The Vet Center Eligibility Expansion Act.
Many AMAC members have selflessly served in America’s armed forces. They relate to us how their service on behalf of our nation represents a significant source of pride for themselves and their families. AMAC is on record as being passionate advocates for the care America’s wounded service members receive when they return home from their duties.
According to the Department of Veterans’ Affairs (VA), approximately 20 combat veterans a day commit suicide – an underreported national epidemic occurring across the nation. Of those, as many as four suicides involve a member of the National Guard or Reserves who has never deployed to a combat zone.
H.R. 1812 would expand the eligibility to receive counseling services from VA medical facilities to members of the National Guard and Reserves, or the Coast Guard who served “during emergency situations in the wake of a national emergency, major disaster, civil disorder, or drug interdiction operation.”
Thank you, Congressman Roe for working diligently to close the mental health care gap for our nation’s heroes. Your legislation is a critical step forward in eliminating suicide among these brave patriots. AMAC is pleased to offer our organization’s full support for H.R. 1812, The Vet Center Eligibility Expansion Act.
Bob Carlstrom
President, AMAC Action