Thank you for all the news reports, which are well done. But, thank you, especially for the AMAC action, and report on the DOJ investigation on the Covid-19, patients
who were mandated to return to their nursing homes in four states.
4 years ago
How about “black lives are superior” ?
4 years ago
BLM has ruined any conversation about ” equality ” for blacks. I will never again take equality for blacks seriously.
In the past I have tried until they came up with the $ 100 quadra-billion payout (payment #1) for “reparations”. Never will I take
this group or any “we blacks have been oppressed” group seriously again. This realization has come just in time for
this election. Once again, the dums have overplayed their hand. More ultra-frantic manuvers will come over the next 60 days
because they have NOTHING.
Deborah McDermott
4 years ago
2 Words. Insurrection act!
4 years ago
Corporations are not terrified as much as they are joining the new world order.
Alene Ruth Math
4 years ago
EVERY sane person in America should completely boycott these stores that “bend a knee” to these anarchist groups. To hell with Target and every other retail outlet that gives even half hearted support for these treasonous and violent groups. Now the left is threatening to “take to the streets” should President Trump win re-election……..that is actual on camera sedition by the left in the personage of the Democrat Party. President Trump should not only win but he should win by a huge margin……..folks, our way of life is at stake. Honestly, do you really want your daughters to have to use the same public restroom with some weirdo leftist that self represents himself as a woman? That is what the Democrats have openly and loudly supported….as for girls in school sports, do you really want them to be forced to compete against biological men? That too is a Democrat ideation. PLEASE do some research and lets remove this plague of a party that the Democrats have become!
4 years ago
Memo to police officers in Indianapolis: if the Target store calls you and asks for help, don’t answer! Prayer for our nation is the best hope for all of this.
4 years ago
The only way to let Starbucks as well as Target know of the public’s negative response to their employees’ behavior is to hit them in the pocketbook. Find another Latte source…shop for other needs elsewhere. They obviously feel that the behavior is acceptable by the general public. Wouldn’t give either the benefit of my $$$$$
Bill Brown
4 years ago
Karl Marx wrote the “Communist Manifesto”. Every Marxist is a Communist!! Become a Counter- Revolutionary!!! Stand-up for America!!!! Remove Every Democrat (Communist – includes RINO’s)!!!!!
Bill Brown
4 years ago
Marxist theory is that the Capitalist World will through “natural” development become Socialist which, in turn through “natural” development becomes Communist. Once we reach Communism, there will be no need for government, as the “new man” will have no need for government. Two flaws: 1) There is no such “natural” development. Socialism/Communism must be implemented by brainwashing and killing those who refused to be brainwashed. 2) Thomas Hobbs has been proven correct every time: “Any time there is no strong central government, mankind is in a state of perpetual war.” Become a Counter- Revolutionary!! Stand-up for America!! Remove Every Democrat!!!!!
Bill Brown
4 years ago
In spite of Media Brainwashing, the only goal of Marxism is Communism and the natural goal of both Socialism and Liberalism is Communism! We are in the middle of a Communist Revolution lead by the Democrats!!! Become a Counter- Revolutionary!! Stand-up for America!! Remove Every Democrat!!!!!
Brian Richard Allen
4 years ago
Even worse than that this criminally-arrogant neo-KKK / terrorist wing of the RICO-racketeering, organized-criminal fascist-Marxist “democratic” party runs rampant in every “democrat” governed city and/or state, is that every Fascist-Media “newsman:-” including around 85% of those Fascist Media nowadays employed by the castrated and feminized post-Roger-Ailes Fox-News Network;- all treat BLM/Antifa as if it’s independent of the dhimis and Goebbels-Grade Big Lie that its terrorist activities and murderous attacks are “mostly-peaceful protests.”
aluminum head
4 years ago
On Nov. 4th, Pres. Trump will bring all hell upon these communists, soros / his family, and those former FBI clowns. Hopefully obamay about what he knew in FISA, etc.
aluminum head
4 years ago
Cuomo needs to be handed over to the Taliban or placed in some kind of death camp.
aluminum head
4 years ago
God bless the poor whites who still choose to live in those scum infested cities.
“THEY” drew a ‘line in the sand’ several years ago actually.
Alicia Turned Republican
4 years ago
‘Democratic/Communist Party’ backs up ‘BLM’. ‘BLM’ is extolled by ‘MSNBC’ and ‘CNN’. ‘Fox News’ is one of the few television channels where one can get accurate up to date news. The reason, I left the ‘Democratic Party’ was how
the media treated; the ‘BLM’ removal in Portland, Oregon of: President George Washington’s Statue. There she was with George, a ‘little’ blond protester sitting on the ground being interviewed by a reporter from ‘NBC’. Disgusting!! Then, to my amazement, the Democrats supported in every way these incidents!!…Nancy Pelosi, is always out for ‘righteous causes’; like removal of ‘politically incorrect’ statues and portraits; (when she isn’t going into hair salons, without a mask illegally!) So, now I’m happily Republican!!…And, the ‘righteous holier than thou’ Democrats/Communists get the credit!
Dr. D Cissero
4 years ago
You cannot stop violent barbarians with water cannons and being “nice” to them. The only way to stop them is with a violent confrontation in which they are crushed. They are mindless heartless thugs. These depraved creatures are no different than the SA (brown shirts) in Nazi Germany. Black Lives matters was “created” after Michel Brown attempted to kill a policeman in Ferguson Missouri and was himself killed and was hailed by the leftist Marxist media as a black victim. It is a Black supremacist racist organization. The burning, looting and killing must be stopped unfortunately we do not have men with back bones.
4 years ago
BLM is a domestic terrorist group. ANTIFA is a domestic terrorist group. White supremacists are a domestic terrorist group. That is how all should be regarded and appropriate legal action should be taken. If current penal institutions can’handle the influx, I’m sure Guantanamo Bay can.
4 years ago
Elephants never forget. As a Republican Conservative, I will remember Target, Starbucks and others. I will not patronize any of those. Many Veterans have not forgotten “Hanoi“ Jane Fonda for her shameful behavior during the Vietnam Nam conflict. Capitulating to BLM or Antifa is the spineless, coward’s way out.
4 years ago
We should start referring to them as Some Black Lives Matter.
John A. Fallon
4 years ago
Cowards attack from behind and only attack the elderly and helpless so these animals should all be in cages, the socialist/dems are following hitlers strategy, use the criminals(brown shirts) to intimidate and destroy, are we going to allow this history to repeat? These actions are federal offenses and these racist thugs should all be rounded up and punished to the full extent of the law including the death penalty! MAGA,KAG,MAHA!! VOTE TRUMP, VOTE REPUBLICAN AND SAVE AMERICA!!! REMOVE EVERY DEMONRAT!!!!
John A Bird
4 years ago
It’s time to rid ourselves of the blm and antifa terrorists! Just like any virus, the virus must be completely removed or killed in order that it does not rear it’s ugly head in the near future. Enough with the burning, looting, and destroying American cities, these people are nuts and need to be removed from a lawful society if we are to continue as a free nation.
4 years ago
I am in shock that after all these demos have been done, more cops do more things to get themselves into trouble. They need to gete suspended immediately when this goies viral. The world is watching. I watched as the cheif of police from Wisconsin talked on the air a few years ago. Racist isn’t the complete word for him, no wonder the cops keeping doing things. cops need updated training.
having someone say they can’t breathe doesn’t mean they are not in a health condition that can lead to death. NY has criminals running around. they get picked up, booked, released. all colors, all nationalities. This is just as bad.
4 years ago
I would not trust any Starbucks to make a drink for me. Stop buying from Starbucks. They seem to dislike Law enforcement and military.
4 years ago
I am sick and tired of apologizing for something I had nothing to do with. I have also noticed that these terrorist groups come to life when the American people elect a government that’s not democrat communist government. I hope the American people are not be intimidated when they go to cast their vote.
Art A
4 years ago
I am getting very tired of all the hot air being expelled talking about Black Olives Matter (word play). It is time for DOJ to track their revenue stream and cut it off. In the meantime as I have said before, it is time to forcibly remove this pile of human graffiti. You pick the means to affect the neutralization. Stop all of the white guilt apology garbage.
4 years ago
President Trump should send the arm forces to stop these anti-American and Anti-God ,Anti-Law and order, Anti-Government they don’t want justice all they want is free everything And they think that All Spanish people Support All This Garbage I as a Spanish person lots of us Love Our Country and we want Law and Order, God And Country.
But don’t worry God will send is Warth on these Anti-God People full of Hate. These people need to be Hose Down with wate like in the 60’s to cool them down . More Funds For Our Law Enforcement we need to Pray more with All Our Hearts.
Manny ??????????
Three Point Paper
4 years ago
Point-1. Where this American Born Patriot resides, local members of *Black Lives Matter* group; had been the recipients of startling push back to their chant of “White Lives Don’t Matter”!
Point-2. The local members of the BLM group, were the recipients of the stark reminder, that they are here in Our United States Of America; So their chanting of Death To America had the push back which the BLM righteously deserved!.
Point-3. The violent types of and within the BLM; And their condemning President Trump for their short falls, is as Appalling as it gets. Now if the BLM does not halt their Lawlessness, they shall find themselves well outside of Our United States Of America; In a country where they may try to continue their BLM horse dung! The BLM group get away with their BS, because they are here in Our United States. There are several country(s) around the globe, where the BLM horse dung would have been severely dealt, Swiftly and Decisively!.
4 years ago
Do you have any update on the poor gentleman knocked out in your first story?
4 years ago
Please do a weekly report on who is actually running Black Lives Matter…understand it is really unbelievable who organized and is running this group under the guise of “Black Lives Matter”.
4 years ago
Please do a weekly report on who is actually running Black Lives Matter…understand it is really unbelievable who organized and is running this group under the guise of “Black Lives Matter”.
Thank you for all the news reports, which are well done. But, thank you, especially for the AMAC action, and report on the DOJ investigation on the Covid-19, patients
who were mandated to return to their nursing homes in four states.
How about “black lives are superior” ?
BLM has ruined any conversation about ” equality ” for blacks. I will never again take equality for blacks seriously.
In the past I have tried until they came up with the $ 100 quadra-billion payout (payment #1) for “reparations”. Never will I take
this group or any “we blacks have been oppressed” group seriously again. This realization has come just in time for
this election. Once again, the dums have overplayed their hand. More ultra-frantic manuvers will come over the next 60 days
because they have NOTHING.
2 Words. Insurrection act!
Corporations are not terrified as much as they are joining the new world order.
EVERY sane person in America should completely boycott these stores that “bend a knee” to these anarchist groups. To hell with Target and every other retail outlet that gives even half hearted support for these treasonous and violent groups. Now the left is threatening to “take to the streets” should President Trump win re-election……..that is actual on camera sedition by the left in the personage of the Democrat Party. President Trump should not only win but he should win by a huge margin……..folks, our way of life is at stake. Honestly, do you really want your daughters to have to use the same public restroom with some weirdo leftist that self represents himself as a woman? That is what the Democrats have openly and loudly supported….as for girls in school sports, do you really want them to be forced to compete against biological men? That too is a Democrat ideation. PLEASE do some research and lets remove this plague of a party that the Democrats have become!
Memo to police officers in Indianapolis: if the Target store calls you and asks for help, don’t answer! Prayer for our nation is the best hope for all of this.
The only way to let Starbucks as well as Target know of the public’s negative response to their employees’ behavior is to hit them in the pocketbook. Find another Latte source…shop for other needs elsewhere. They obviously feel that the behavior is acceptable by the general public. Wouldn’t give either the benefit of my $$$$$
Karl Marx wrote the “Communist Manifesto”. Every Marxist is a Communist!! Become a Counter- Revolutionary!!! Stand-up for America!!!! Remove Every Democrat (Communist – includes RINO’s)!!!!!
Marxist theory is that the Capitalist World will through “natural” development become Socialist which, in turn through “natural” development becomes Communist. Once we reach Communism, there will be no need for government, as the “new man” will have no need for government. Two flaws: 1) There is no such “natural” development. Socialism/Communism must be implemented by brainwashing and killing those who refused to be brainwashed. 2) Thomas Hobbs has been proven correct every time: “Any time there is no strong central government, mankind is in a state of perpetual war.” Become a Counter- Revolutionary!! Stand-up for America!! Remove Every Democrat!!!!!
In spite of Media Brainwashing, the only goal of Marxism is Communism and the natural goal of both Socialism and Liberalism is Communism! We are in the middle of a Communist Revolution lead by the Democrats!!! Become a Counter- Revolutionary!! Stand-up for America!! Remove Every Democrat!!!!!
Even worse than that this criminally-arrogant neo-KKK / terrorist wing of the RICO-racketeering, organized-criminal fascist-Marxist “democratic” party runs rampant in every “democrat” governed city and/or state, is that every Fascist-Media “newsman:-” including around 85% of those Fascist Media nowadays employed by the castrated and feminized post-Roger-Ailes Fox-News Network;- all treat BLM/Antifa as if it’s independent of the dhimis and Goebbels-Grade Big Lie that its terrorist activities and murderous attacks are “mostly-peaceful protests.”
On Nov. 4th, Pres. Trump will bring all hell upon these communists, soros / his family, and those former FBI clowns. Hopefully obamay about what he knew in FISA, etc.
Cuomo needs to be handed over to the Taliban or placed in some kind of death camp.
God bless the poor whites who still choose to live in those scum infested cities.
“THEY” drew a ‘line in the sand’ several years ago actually.
‘Democratic/Communist Party’ backs up ‘BLM’. ‘BLM’ is extolled by ‘MSNBC’ and ‘CNN’. ‘Fox News’ is one of the few television channels where one can get accurate up to date news. The reason, I left the ‘Democratic Party’ was how
the media treated; the ‘BLM’ removal in Portland, Oregon of: President George Washington’s Statue. There she was with George, a ‘little’ blond protester sitting on the ground being interviewed by a reporter from ‘NBC’. Disgusting!! Then, to my amazement, the Democrats supported in every way these incidents!!…Nancy Pelosi, is always out for ‘righteous causes’; like removal of ‘politically incorrect’ statues and portraits; (when she isn’t going into hair salons, without a mask illegally!) So, now I’m happily Republican!!…And, the ‘righteous holier than thou’ Democrats/Communists get the credit!
You cannot stop violent barbarians with water cannons and being “nice” to them. The only way to stop them is with a violent confrontation in which they are crushed. They are mindless heartless thugs. These depraved creatures are no different than the SA (brown shirts) in Nazi Germany. Black Lives matters was “created” after Michel Brown attempted to kill a policeman in Ferguson Missouri and was himself killed and was hailed by the leftist Marxist media as a black victim. It is a Black supremacist racist organization. The burning, looting and killing must be stopped unfortunately we do not have men with back bones.
BLM is a domestic terrorist group. ANTIFA is a domestic terrorist group. White supremacists are a domestic terrorist group. That is how all should be regarded and appropriate legal action should be taken. If current penal institutions can’handle the influx, I’m sure Guantanamo Bay can.
Elephants never forget. As a Republican Conservative, I will remember Target, Starbucks and others. I will not patronize any of those. Many Veterans have not forgotten “Hanoi“ Jane Fonda for her shameful behavior during the Vietnam Nam conflict. Capitulating to BLM or Antifa is the spineless, coward’s way out.
We should start referring to them as Some Black Lives Matter.
Cowards attack from behind and only attack the elderly and helpless so these animals should all be in cages, the socialist/dems are following hitlers strategy, use the criminals(brown shirts) to intimidate and destroy, are we going to allow this history to repeat? These actions are federal offenses and these racist thugs should all be rounded up and punished to the full extent of the law including the death penalty! MAGA,KAG,MAHA!! VOTE TRUMP, VOTE REPUBLICAN AND SAVE AMERICA!!! REMOVE EVERY DEMONRAT!!!!
It’s time to rid ourselves of the blm and antifa terrorists! Just like any virus, the virus must be completely removed or killed in order that it does not rear it’s ugly head in the near future. Enough with the burning, looting, and destroying American cities, these people are nuts and need to be removed from a lawful society if we are to continue as a free nation.
I am in shock that after all these demos have been done, more cops do more things to get themselves into trouble. They need to gete suspended immediately when this goies viral. The world is watching. I watched as the cheif of police from Wisconsin talked on the air a few years ago. Racist isn’t the complete word for him, no wonder the cops keeping doing things. cops need updated training.
having someone say they can’t breathe doesn’t mean they are not in a health condition that can lead to death. NY has criminals running around. they get picked up, booked, released. all colors, all nationalities. This is just as bad.
I would not trust any Starbucks to make a drink for me. Stop buying from Starbucks. They seem to dislike Law enforcement and military.
I am sick and tired of apologizing for something I had nothing to do with. I have also noticed that these terrorist groups come to life when the American people elect a government that’s not democrat communist government. I hope the American people are not be intimidated when they go to cast their vote.
I am getting very tired of all the hot air being expelled talking about Black Olives Matter (word play). It is time for DOJ to track their revenue stream and cut it off. In the meantime as I have said before, it is time to forcibly remove this pile of human graffiti. You pick the means to affect the neutralization. Stop all of the white guilt apology garbage.
President Trump should send the arm forces to stop these anti-American and Anti-God ,Anti-Law and order, Anti-Government they don’t want justice all they want is free everything And they think that All Spanish people Support All This Garbage I as a Spanish person lots of us Love Our Country and we want Law and Order, God And Country.
But don’t worry God will send is Warth on these Anti-God People full of Hate. These people need to be Hose Down with wate like in the 60’s to cool them down . More Funds For Our Law Enforcement we need to Pray more with All Our Hearts.
Manny ??????????
Point-1. Where this American Born Patriot resides, local members of *Black Lives Matter* group; had been the recipients of startling push back to their chant of “White Lives Don’t Matter”!
Point-2. The local members of the BLM group, were the recipients of the stark reminder, that they are here in Our United States Of America; So their chanting of Death To America had the push back which the BLM righteously deserved!.
Point-3. The violent types of and within the BLM; And their condemning President Trump for their short falls, is as Appalling as it gets. Now if the BLM does not halt their Lawlessness, they shall find themselves well outside of Our United States Of America; In a country where they may try to continue their BLM horse dung! The BLM group get away with their BS, because they are here in Our United States. There are several country(s) around the globe, where the BLM horse dung would have been severely dealt, Swiftly and Decisively!.
Do you have any update on the poor gentleman knocked out in your first story?
Please do a weekly report on who is actually running Black Lives Matter…understand it is really unbelievable who organized and is running this group under the guise of “Black Lives Matter”.
Please do a weekly report on who is actually running Black Lives Matter…understand it is really unbelievable who organized and is running this group under the guise of “Black Lives Matter”.