AMAC in the Media

Veterans, Crosshairs, AMAC

Posted on Thursday, November 11, 2021
The Association of Mature American Citizens
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Edward A. Posuniak.Jr
Edward A. Posuniak.Jr
3 years ago

This is not about vaccines, it is about control. This is an unconstitutional Government. God will punish them for what they are doing to our military and to our Nation. There is no science behind this vaccine mandate evil. There is something called “Immune Escape” and forcing vaccines of a specific protein as the antigen in he middle of a pandemic has allowed variants mutate therefore make the vaccines ineffective in neutralizing the mutants. Just go to this link,
It is too bad that the Medical Establishment, the Deep State CDC, NIH, & FDA and Big Pharma don’t share this truth with all of our Citizens. They never will because they are not the harbinger of truth only their Corrupt Agenda. They know the truth but won’t share it because it is not profitable and does not allow them to continue to control us. Once one recovers from the CCP virus infection, Natural Immunity is far superior to any vaccine as Dr. Geert Vanden Bossche has been talking about. He has also talked about “Immune Escape.” Once America wakes up, the Medical Establishment, the Deep State CDC, NIH, & FDA and Big Pharma are powerless. Their lies won’t matter and the Court System needs to prosecute them using the Nuremburg Code as their basis to prosecute. I am glad that I am a retired physician because I do not have to be subject to these lying criminals.

Max J
Max J
3 years ago

The writing on the wall is getting more frightening. The Socialist continue to whittle away at our freedoms, getting rid of any military personnel, up and down the ranks, who refuse to get the worthless COVID vaccine/shot. This nation is going the way that caused the western Roman empire to crumble. Other than the 4-5 legions stationed around Rome itself, legions were raised by local recruiting in the areas that they were deployed in. The makeup would 5-10% of the higher ranks would actually be Romans, while the rest would be locals that took an oath to follow the emperor and the officers above them and would be granted Roman citizenship. With what is happening now, can anyone see the IRONY of what is happening. The empty ranks of the US military might be offered to all eligible illegal immigrants that have entered the floodgates that this administration opened since taking office. In the future, the new US military could be used against the freedom loving people residing here and now and this administration would not bat an eye because the people did not follow the orders of the administration. LOOK OUT, H*LL IS ABOUT TO BREAK OUT.

Stan d. Upnow
Stan d. Upnow
3 years ago

It’s just unbelievable that people don’t realize everything that’s going on, and how it fits like a jigsaw puzzle to complete the picture of the Progressive-Socialist agenda.

Starting with Obama, the Left has been infiltrating & subverting our military from top to bottom. The idea is to destroy the foundations & traditions of our fighting forces so as to make them compliant to the will of those hell-bent on “fundamentally changing” America. Calling in the Nat’l. Guard in the aftermath of Jan. 6 was a trial run to test just how reliable the military would be if the P-S’s tried to use them to neutralize an armed rebellion against their Communist take-over. I have no doubt that if that failed, our weakened military(with Leftists at the head) would be shoved aside and the govt. would invite the Chinese to intervene militarily to “restore order.” We know a great many politicos in DC are owned by the ChiComs. They think they’ll be immune from any repercussions from such traitorous actions, just like they’ve suffered no punishment for their coup attempts against the last president. Except the ChiComs play by their own rules.

Connie P.
Connie P.
3 years ago

I’m thinking Biden (or whoever is pulling his strings) believes this is a good way to weed out the military men and women who will not comply with all orders, no matter what they are. Then, they can replace them with robots who will follow any unconstitutional order that’s given; and they will have a military ready to use against the American people when they are ready to institute their final coup of this country.

Philip Hammersley
Philip Hammersley
3 years ago

My dad served in the Central Pacific (Guam, Tarawa, Philippines) and his brother served in Europe (Battle of the Bulge). My cousin is currently a top USN Captain. Without our vets/personnel we would all be speaking German. Japanese, or Arabic!

Darlynda Urbano
Darlynda Urbano
3 years ago

BIDEN has got to go !

3 years ago

Why has someone not impeached this mad ,crazy,and most evil man this country has ever had as president.This man hats the people and country.I pray ever day that Biden would get saved or that GOD would take him out.Biden is pure evil and GOD hats evil.Pray people we need the evil out of Washington.

3 years ago

The OBiden Administration is an abomination, just how many Impeachable Offenses is Biden going to do before he is removed!

3 years ago

The OBiden Administration is an abomination, just how many Impeachable Offenses is Biden going to do before he is removed!

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