President Trump says churches, synagogues and mosques are “essential places” and says he’s directed the CDC to issue guidelines for the places of worship to reopen. The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention released their guidance for places of worship on Friday afternoon.
“I said I want the churches to open,” Trump said, “We want to get our churches back.”
The White House and CDC have clashed over providing guidance to religious groups because the Trump administration didn’t want to restrict them, the Washington Post reported on Thursday.
Samuel Church, a family physician in Hiawassee, Georgia, said in an interview prior to Trump’s comments in Michigan that a number of his patients want to go back to church, but can’t as many have remained closed.
“That’s been decided for them,” he said.
As far as I can tell, the states that did not lock down are doing better than the ones that did. I am a 70 year old adult, with underlying health issues. I want the freedom to make my own choices, good or bad they are my choices to make. I want to go to my church on Sunday’s and be with my faith family. God decides when we die, I will not live in fear!! I WANT MY FREEDOM BACK.
I agree We need our Churches and need our faith in God always, and in these very troubled times. if you do not have faith you have NOTHING!!!!!!!
In our state Washington our governor Inslee has kept our state mostly locked down including all churches and other places of worship. I would love to see Trump over-ride Inslee but our attorney general Bob Ferguson would immediately challenge this in court and more than likely get some leftist judge to side with him.
In North Carolina, our governor has decided that unlike liquor stores and vape shops, churches are not essential. I can’t wait for November to get here so we can tell him that he isn’t essential.
Agree that churches, synagogues and mosques are “essential places” and should be open.
Will members follow CDC guidelines and/or stay home if they are in a high risk group ? Probably not, but that’s their personal choice.
Agree that churches, synagogues and mosques are “essential places” and should be open.
Will members follow CDC guidelines and/or stay home if they are in a high risk group ? Probably not, but that’s their personal choice.