AMAC in the Media

Speaker Johnson TAKES CHARGE of Academia’s Radicalism Problem! | Larry Roundtable

Posted on Monday, April 29, 2024
The Association of Mature American Citizens

On this full episode of The LARRY Roundtable, AMAC Action Andy Mangione joins the roundtable . They discuss Speaker Mike Johnson’s fiery response to the anti-Israel insanity we’ve seen this week, Trump’s killer retail politics in NYC, Biden’s bad news economy, Karine Jean-Pierre’s shaky career, and MUCH, much more!


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Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
10 months ago

One thing (just one, you say?) the MSM is not discussing is WHO FINANCES THESE GROUPS? We know, don’t we? The same ones who finance the DNC… and that’s why they don’t ask!

anna hubert
anna hubert
10 months ago

I’ve not listen to the article But the academia and radicalism do not go together Academy from Greek means place of learning debate and discussion Radicalism is rash thoughtless often violent and destructive Learn to debate and listen Your opponent is not as daft and will see your point if you have it There are other venues for political activity If those in charge of Academy are without character and those instructing there are radicals themselves than shut her down

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