Thank you. Praying like our lives depend on it; (because our lives do depend on it.) Studying the ‘Word of God’; is a blueprint for success and direction. Never in the history of mankind; were we ever confronted to this degree. There is a pronounced ‘Spiritual War’. You can actually feel the electricity that is emanating from this. God Bless This Country.
Voco Veritas
3 years ago
Charles, yes we must pray without ceasing, though I have to ask why God would hear our prayers after we have allowed 62+ million babies to be murdered in their mother’s wombs. We must accept the fact that our enemies, physical AND spiritual, are at war with us so we can respond to those threats. IF we refuse to accept this fact and do everything in our power to stop them, our enemies have already won.
3 years ago
Good job. Please keep up keeping America informed.
Miranda DeGroot
3 years ago
With Biden in the WH. We all have home land insecurity.
Todd Wagner
3 years ago
The great UNIFIER, Anyone supporting this is un-AMERICAN
Barry Courtnay
3 years ago
Call it what you want. I still think this is a planned takeover by the elite. They are using both the Democrat’s and the Republicans to cause mayhem among the American people. Using critical race theory, White supremacy, the border to divide Blacks, Whites, Hispanic causing chaos, In hopes of some sort of a civil war. Which then they can enact martial law. We the people are smarter than that. Watching people on the New’s I believe we can come together and beat this power grab that a few are so intent committing. Biden is just a puppet and Harris is proving to be incompetent. So now they have to invoke another plan to accomplish their goal. Only believe the ones you trust, corruption is everywhere.
3 years ago
Totally accurate reporting.
Voco Veritas
3 years ago
Sadly, the biggest threat to Liberty in America is the US government, congress, unconstitutional agencies like the FBI, NSA, and CIA, big tech, media, and marxism in general. Under Beijing Biden, the government has returned to its formed condition under Ovomit as part of the global organized crime syndicate of governments & NGO’s.
3 years ago
Biden is the biggest threat to our country.Russia or Iran will destroy the United States within two2 years. You better get your life right with GOD.
Lynne Pace
3 years ago
We are now the butt of every other countries jokes.
and it is not funny……..
Marilyn W. Patton
3 years ago
The comments that I have seen and heard about “white supremacy” are made mostly by white people, many of them male. Do they realize that they are telling people of color to attack them. Have they all decided that the will reidentify themselves a black people. It is truly astonishing.
3 years ago
So what have we learned from history to counterract this snitching? Do we go underground and record the results of their actions, then use the legal system to fight for justice? I mean we still have the Constution and Bill of Rights.
Phil Hammersley
3 years ago
“snitching n your friends and neighbors?” Does that sound something like 1930’s Germany? We already have seen the antifa and BLM “Brown Shirts” terrorizing people in the streets!
3 years ago
Biden far worse than Carter and far more embarrassing than Donald Trump could ever have been! We’re not just talking personalities here, folks. Whether or not you “liked” Prez Trump, in spite of his personality or New York-ease, HE GOT THINGS DONE and the world knew they couldn’t get anything over on him. God help us.
3 years ago
And trump was embarrassing?! Do we have ANY standing left in the World? Biden pisses all over Israel, looks like the doddering old fool in Europe, and sics the DOJ on white conservatives! Plus I don’t pay enough in taxes so he can continue to destroy America!
3 years ago
We’ve got to get rid of those obama crazy leftist Israel hating squat members they go against everything positive our country represents everything Conservatives stand for they literally despise they lie cheat and steal to get their way enough if they hate America that much leave get the hell out we dont want them here anyways we never asked or voted to have our country turned into a bankrupt lawless garbage dump free for all marxist run corrupt government regime they can go and take lame racist worthless biden 1% harris pelosi schumer and every Marxist traitors with them! Weve got so many serious America hating immigrants in our country right now working against us planning indoctrinating our young people it’s scary so pay close attention to what’s happening around you we’re being overthrown from within our schools and universities are using our unsuspecting tax dollars to fund it all with too!
Bill on the Hill
3 years ago
In some quarters it has been said that this needed to be allowed to happen so as the American people can truly see what our Federal government has turned itself into… Okay, I get that & I also realize we are at that 250 year mark for our Republic along with the grand experiment of Democracy, warts and all that goes all the way back to our Founding Fathers that were nothing short of genius’s in the way they wrote our legal documents 245 years ago, that which we reference to this very day with the US Constitution perhaps being the golden jewel of all US documents ever written.
The Republic of the United States has reached a zenith point IMHO…Democracy as what we ever thought is a democracy would appear to be coming to an end as we have ever known it…
This is getting a bit heavy now, so in short, the sheriff will not be riding up to the WH steps, knocking on the door & arresting anyone anytime soon, on that most can agree, therefore my conclusion is that this will be a military operation all the way through, all the way to the point of assigning civilian authority with a Commander in Chief put in place…For something like this to take place in America, home of the FREE & home of the BRAVE, is nothing short of a monumental task at hand, almost biblical in what needs to be done. I believe this can be done & will be done. I firmly believe we have a US Constitutionally bound US military that is awaiting orders on a most complex endeavor to ever happen on US soil…Everything that has occurred in the last ( 18 ) months but with it’s origins that go way further back in time will be addressed in the not to distant future. Like anything else in life, things don’t happen over night, faith & due diligence are absolutes that makes all of us Americans.
I say keep the faith, maintain due diligence, something biblical like in nature is coming, the day of reckoning is coming, we will get our nation back, soon, very soon…We will rejoice like never before.
Bill on the Hill… :~)
Charles Lamb
3 years ago
What is a real oxymoron is that all of the politicians or at least 95% who talk and spout about how all whites are supremacist are actually white themselves are just using this verbiage to stir up racial conflict. The Biden administration has single-handedly created more racial divide than any president since the Civil War. The entire democratic party has set the example that to be in a leadership position, you do not have to be intelligent or wise or support the people who were dumb enough to vote for them.
3 years ago
More censorship from AMAC. Too truthful for you?
3 years ago
Words cannot describe my angst with what has happened to our country. The communists have infiltrated every segment of our government. The Democrats (aka communists) are currently the biggest threat to the country, and they have been for some time now. They have already nearly ruined our nation. It is time to stand up and say what is on your mind when some dumb shit, no nothing Democrat, starts spewing anti American bull shit. Let them have a strong piece of your mind, no matter the setting; at work, at church, at school, in public, etc…
David B.
3 years ago
It’s fairly simple- “O’Biden” and his minions hate YOU and me! We have been taken over by a Marxist regime that will change America into a communist-style dictatorship. And their corrupt FBI is watching everyone, waiting for any reason to bash down your door in the name of stopping ” domestic terrorism”! Distract the masses, while they surrender the Country.
Jack Selph
3 years ago
If Trump had cleaned up, the other side would be furious. The stuff going on now, should speak for itself. The question to the 81,000,000 victors from their fearless leader, “How Do You Like Me Now?”
Lover Of America
3 years ago
Russia may still be a problem for America, but MY OPINION is China and Iran are our worst enemies! They too have the ability to hack our systems, including power grids, and are the backers to the CRT and Woke problems in our beloved country.
Stan d. Upnow
3 years ago
One of Trump’s major failings was not purging the Left’s operatives in the govt., as far as his authority would allow. Yeah, the press would have roasted him for that. Gee, what a non-surprise.
3 years ago
So, who’s surprised?????
William Santo
3 years ago
Shame on joe and all who support him!!
Judgement day will arrive for all of us!!
Daily thoughts and prayers, we must give this country and world back to God, Amen!!
3 years ago
Cannot believe that came out of his mouth…report your friend, family, or co-workers! Sounds communist to me
Lover of America!
3 years ago
my opinion is ” Joe Biden is the biggest White Supremacist this America has ever seen! Just think about it!!!
3 years ago
I can not make the comments that are on my mind. I would definitely need to be censored. Snitch,G7 Fail, and more and more of Joey. You know our man impersonating the President. Pathetic,Embarrassing,and Disgusting. You know the guy that needs talking points on Q cards. The person who Putin gave him 3 hours instead of the scheduled 5 hour meeting. This charade will end and hopefully quickly. He and the wingnuts in both segments of the Social Democrats are running the country into a ditch.
3 years ago
This certainly isn’t MAGA under President Trump! This is Obamaism at its worst. Impeach! Invoke the 25th amendment!
3 years ago
Can we turn in President Hayden and also camel they are our greatest threat
In my opinion
3 years ago
To what level can a party sink? The disgusting reversals of a once viable party from a worthy opponent in the progression of the Republic to a Socio/Marxist/Communist agenda fueled by a deep state, censer ship/ social media and a complicit main stream press that has lost the meaning of fair and balanced truth. How did it happen so quickly? We were enjoying our four years of progress with a president who loved America and believed in our hearts it would go on for several more terms. Little did we realize that there were no levels to which the opposition would go to end our new prosperity and progression to peace in the world. Now, we hope, there is an awakening across the land and recounts are spreading like flowers in spring. This travesty of an election will be shown for what it was ! Cheating on a mass scale. The outcome? Who can predict. However the proof of the crime must be recorded and the danger repeated over and over, reminding the citizens of this great country that freedom is not free, it must be guarded and cherished.
John D. Beach
3 years ago
The immoral and unethical values of the democrat party which use race and diversity of human beings as excuses to discriminate, historically, are the greatest threat to the future of the country. Without moral and ethical values, no system of justice maintains an establishment of justice, provides for the common defense or promotes the general welfare or secures the blessings of life and liberty for the American people. Democrats have failed, since the inception of their party, to recognize the fundamental equality of humanity and have pitted one group against another. They are a pretense without substance.
Tim O'Neill
3 years ago
Take back House and Senate, and impeach/remove both Biden and Harris, or Article 5 Amendment that States can impeach under Article 5 process.
3 years ago
As most of us surmised what the outcome of the summit would end up, it has happened. Russia and China are up against a paper tiger and can do as they please on the world scene without USA retaliation except being the recipients of verbal silence.
Charles Anderson
3 years ago
At what point do we say we’ve had enough?
Biden and the clown show need to be booted out NOW. Hell, it’s illegitimate from the start and we are putting up with altogether too much of their nonsense.
Do we have anybody who can hear our concerns, who wields enough gumption and power to help us fix this mess?
I can’t thin about anyone but God himself; so let’s all get on our knees and PRAY, PRAY, PRAY for the help we need to get done with this.
Larry Dunster Sr
3 years ago
First of all this is beyond bad. I wouldn’t ever do that and this is all because the democrats hate Conservatives and they are afraid to open do this. I’m an American and it’s my duty to defy the democrats
Larry Dunster Sr
3 years ago
First of all this is beyond bad. I wouldn’t ever do that and this is all because the democrats hate Conservatives and they are afraid to open do this. I’m an American and it’s my duty to defy the democrats
Thank you. Praying like our lives depend on it; (because our lives do depend on it.) Studying the ‘Word of God’; is a blueprint for success and direction. Never in the history of mankind; were we ever confronted to this degree. There is a pronounced ‘Spiritual War’. You can actually feel the electricity that is emanating from this. God Bless This Country.
Charles, yes we must pray without ceasing, though I have to ask why God would hear our prayers after we have allowed 62+ million babies to be murdered in their mother’s wombs. We must accept the fact that our enemies, physical AND spiritual, are at war with us so we can respond to those threats. IF we refuse to accept this fact and do everything in our power to stop them, our enemies have already won.
Good job. Please keep up keeping America informed.
With Biden in the WH. We all have home land insecurity.
The great UNIFIER, Anyone supporting this is un-AMERICAN
Call it what you want. I still think this is a planned takeover by the elite. They are using both the Democrat’s and the Republicans to cause mayhem among the American people. Using critical race theory, White supremacy, the border to divide Blacks, Whites, Hispanic causing chaos, In hopes of some sort of a civil war. Which then they can enact martial law. We the people are smarter than that. Watching people on the New’s I believe we can come together and beat this power grab that a few are so intent committing. Biden is just a puppet and Harris is proving to be incompetent. So now they have to invoke another plan to accomplish their goal. Only believe the ones you trust, corruption is everywhere.
Totally accurate reporting.
Sadly, the biggest threat to Liberty in America is the US government, congress, unconstitutional agencies like the FBI, NSA, and CIA, big tech, media, and marxism in general. Under Beijing Biden, the government has returned to its formed condition under Ovomit as part of the global organized crime syndicate of governments & NGO’s.
Biden is the biggest threat to our country.Russia or Iran will destroy the United States within two2 years. You better get your life right with GOD.
We are now the butt of every other countries jokes.
and it is not funny……..
The comments that I have seen and heard about “white supremacy” are made mostly by white people, many of them male. Do they realize that they are telling people of color to attack them. Have they all decided that the will reidentify themselves a black people. It is truly astonishing.
So what have we learned from history to counterract this snitching? Do we go underground and record the results of their actions, then use the legal system to fight for justice? I mean we still have the Constution and Bill of Rights.
“snitching n your friends and neighbors?” Does that sound something like 1930’s Germany? We already have seen the antifa and BLM “Brown Shirts” terrorizing people in the streets!
Biden far worse than Carter and far more embarrassing than Donald Trump could ever have been! We’re not just talking personalities here, folks. Whether or not you “liked” Prez Trump, in spite of his personality or New York-ease, HE GOT THINGS DONE and the world knew they couldn’t get anything over on him. God help us.
And trump was embarrassing?! Do we have ANY standing left in the World? Biden pisses all over Israel, looks like the doddering old fool in Europe, and sics the DOJ on white conservatives! Plus I don’t pay enough in taxes so he can continue to destroy America!
We’ve got to get rid of those obama crazy leftist Israel hating squat members they go against everything positive our country represents everything Conservatives stand for they literally despise they lie cheat and steal to get their way enough if they hate America that much leave get the hell out we dont want them here anyways we never asked or voted to have our country turned into a bankrupt lawless garbage dump free for all marxist run corrupt government regime they can go and take lame racist worthless biden 1% harris pelosi schumer and every Marxist traitors with them! Weve got so many serious America hating immigrants in our country right now working against us planning indoctrinating our young people it’s scary so pay close attention to what’s happening around you we’re being overthrown from within our schools and universities are using our unsuspecting tax dollars to fund it all with too!
In some quarters it has been said that this needed to be allowed to happen so as the American people can truly see what our Federal government has turned itself into… Okay, I get that & I also realize we are at that 250 year mark for our Republic along with the grand experiment of Democracy, warts and all that goes all the way back to our Founding Fathers that were nothing short of genius’s in the way they wrote our legal documents 245 years ago, that which we reference to this very day with the US Constitution perhaps being the golden jewel of all US documents ever written.
The Republic of the United States has reached a zenith point IMHO…Democracy as what we ever thought is a democracy would appear to be coming to an end as we have ever known it…
This is getting a bit heavy now, so in short, the sheriff will not be riding up to the WH steps, knocking on the door & arresting anyone anytime soon, on that most can agree, therefore my conclusion is that this will be a military operation all the way through, all the way to the point of assigning civilian authority with a Commander in Chief put in place…For something like this to take place in America, home of the FREE & home of the BRAVE, is nothing short of a monumental task at hand, almost biblical in what needs to be done. I believe this can be done & will be done. I firmly believe we have a US Constitutionally bound US military that is awaiting orders on a most complex endeavor to ever happen on US soil…Everything that has occurred in the last ( 18 ) months but with it’s origins that go way further back in time will be addressed in the not to distant future. Like anything else in life, things don’t happen over night, faith & due diligence are absolutes that makes all of us Americans.
I say keep the faith, maintain due diligence, something biblical like in nature is coming, the day of reckoning is coming, we will get our nation back, soon, very soon…We will rejoice like never before.
Bill on the Hill… :~)
What is a real oxymoron is that all of the politicians or at least 95% who talk and spout about how all whites are supremacist are actually white themselves are just using this verbiage to stir up racial conflict. The Biden administration has single-handedly created more racial divide than any president since the Civil War. The entire democratic party has set the example that to be in a leadership position, you do not have to be intelligent or wise or support the people who were dumb enough to vote for them.
More censorship from AMAC. Too truthful for you?
Words cannot describe my angst with what has happened to our country. The communists have infiltrated every segment of our government. The Democrats (aka communists) are currently the biggest threat to the country, and they have been for some time now. They have already nearly ruined our nation. It is time to stand up and say what is on your mind when some dumb shit, no nothing Democrat, starts spewing anti American bull shit. Let them have a strong piece of your mind, no matter the setting; at work, at church, at school, in public, etc…
It’s fairly simple- “O’Biden” and his minions hate YOU and me! We have been taken over by a Marxist regime that will change America into a communist-style dictatorship. And their corrupt FBI is watching everyone, waiting for any reason to bash down your door in the name of stopping ” domestic terrorism”! Distract the masses, while they surrender the Country.
If Trump had cleaned up, the other side would be furious. The stuff going on now, should speak for itself. The question to the 81,000,000 victors from their fearless leader, “How Do You Like Me Now?”
Russia may still be a problem for America, but MY OPINION is China and Iran are our worst enemies! They too have the ability to hack our systems, including power grids, and are the backers to the CRT and Woke problems in our beloved country.
One of Trump’s major failings was not purging the Left’s operatives in the govt., as far as his authority would allow. Yeah, the press would have roasted him for that. Gee, what a non-surprise.
So, who’s surprised?????
Shame on joe and all who support him!!
Judgement day will arrive for all of us!!
Daily thoughts and prayers, we must give this country and world back to God, Amen!!
Cannot believe that came out of his mouth…report your friend, family, or co-workers! Sounds communist to me
my opinion is ” Joe Biden is the biggest White Supremacist this America has ever seen! Just think about it!!!
I can not make the comments that are on my mind. I would definitely need to be censored. Snitch,G7 Fail, and more and more of Joey. You know our man impersonating the President. Pathetic,Embarrassing,and Disgusting. You know the guy that needs talking points on Q cards. The person who Putin gave him 3 hours instead of the scheduled 5 hour meeting. This charade will end and hopefully quickly. He and the wingnuts in both segments of the Social Democrats are running the country into a ditch.
This certainly isn’t MAGA under President Trump! This is Obamaism at its worst. Impeach! Invoke the 25th amendment!
Can we turn in President Hayden and also camel they are our greatest threat
In my opinion
To what level can a party sink? The disgusting reversals of a once viable party from a worthy opponent in the progression of the Republic to a Socio/Marxist/Communist agenda fueled by a deep state, censer ship/ social media and a complicit main stream press that has lost the meaning of fair and balanced truth. How did it happen so quickly? We were enjoying our four years of progress with a president who loved America and believed in our hearts it would go on for several more terms. Little did we realize that there were no levels to which the opposition would go to end our new prosperity and progression to peace in the world. Now, we hope, there is an awakening across the land and recounts are spreading like flowers in spring. This travesty of an election will be shown for what it was ! Cheating on a mass scale. The outcome? Who can predict. However the proof of the crime must be recorded and the danger repeated over and over, reminding the citizens of this great country that freedom is not free, it must be guarded and cherished.
The immoral and unethical values of the democrat party which use race and diversity of human beings as excuses to discriminate, historically, are the greatest threat to the future of the country. Without moral and ethical values, no system of justice maintains an establishment of justice, provides for the common defense or promotes the general welfare or secures the blessings of life and liberty for the American people. Democrats have failed, since the inception of their party, to recognize the fundamental equality of humanity and have pitted one group against another. They are a pretense without substance.
Take back House and Senate, and impeach/remove both Biden and Harris, or Article 5 Amendment that States can impeach under Article 5 process.
As most of us surmised what the outcome of the summit would end up, it has happened. Russia and China are up against a paper tiger and can do as they please on the world scene without USA retaliation except being the recipients of verbal silence.
At what point do we say we’ve had enough?
Biden and the clown show need to be booted out NOW. Hell, it’s illegitimate from the start and we are putting up with altogether too much of their nonsense.
Do we have anybody who can hear our concerns, who wields enough gumption and power to help us fix this mess?
I can’t thin about anyone but God himself; so let’s all get on our knees and PRAY, PRAY, PRAY for the help we need to get done with this.
First of all this is beyond bad. I wouldn’t ever do that and this is all because the democrats hate Conservatives and they are afraid to open do this. I’m an American and it’s my duty to defy the democrats
First of all this is beyond bad. I wouldn’t ever do that and this is all because the democrats hate Conservatives and they are afraid to open do this. I’m an American and it’s my duty to defy the democrats