I have not been impressed with Dr Fauci. Everything he says is wrong. My impression he is on the side of WHO and the Liberal Democrats that want America to be taken over by Socialist/Communist Dimwit Democrats
Sandra Gawinski
4 years ago
Our country is experiencing something so horrific with this pandemic that it has brought us to our knees. Still the president is doing everything right by keeping us well informed and working hard to re-open business. He limited and stopped border activity to ensure our safety while the Dems have turned a blind eye to all his efforts. He remains committed to us and strong in his efforts to bring everything back to normal. I cannot imagine any other candidate for the next 4 years. May God bless him and our nation while we all continue to heal.
4 years ago
To: E Fletcher Thank you Maxine Waters and Nancy are perfect examples of the wackos who want to destroy
us. They, and many others, are determined to get Federal bailouts for the mismanaged budgets of liberal
states who have promised riches for retired state employees. Bailing out California will cost this nation three
annual GDPs. We will go broke bailing out California and NY and Illinois. At the same time those who can
leave these loser states and move to, for example, the Carolinas with millions from the sale of their
overpriced homes. When they arrive, they want to tell us how to run our states. They decide they are
smart enough to tell successfull states that they should operate like the loser states they leave. We don’t need
to worry just about illegals crossing the southern border. We need to worry about US socialists moving from
socialist states into states that require adult achievement.
Beverly Necessary
4 years ago
When I read pelosi’s plans I think WHAT IS SHE SACRIFICING..NOTHING!!! She still has a salary. she is busy taking care of HER PEEPS. The rest of America can just wait. Please America listen to what they are saying and DOING.
Gregory Natale
4 years ago
I don’t think the Economy should have been shut down in the first place. This has just given the blue State Governor’s what they have been looking for. They are using the virus as a political weapon to hurt Trumps Re-Election, it is not going to work but, in the mean time, is going to destroy the lives of the people in their States. I live in New Jersey and can’t wait to move out of here.
David Thirion
4 years ago
Thank you for the clip of Nancy Pelosi announcing her $3T “Hero’s” bill. While I know that we have to carefully review the devastating effect this 1900 page partisan monstrosity would have on our culture, future economy, and political system if it was approved; I have to admit that I was so engrossed by watching Nancy’s two sets of “eyebrows”, that I hardly heard any thing she said. Is this a new technique to shift our attention from what she, and the demoncrats are doing? Maybe next time she’ll let her horns show through her hair. Just saying……
Patric Lee
4 years ago
There are too many too self serving so called experts and too little querying of concerned citizens with common sense and an understanding of their own needs and responsibilities. GOOD PRESIDENTIAL LEADERSHIP AND CONCERN BUT POOR AND LIMITED ADVICE. All the experts seem to want to be famous and powerful forever.
M Meyer
4 years ago
Sadly we have Ms Lube Rack of 1959 a demented, out of touch, power hungry beast as Speaker of the House and the only way to solve this problem is to elect more Republicans to the house and Senate NOW so let’s start supporting our fellow conservatives with $$$$$ for their campaigns!
Marilyn Marotta
4 years ago
Come on, AMAC. You are going to keep us informed?! YOU aren’t informed. For example, in several states, over half of the Covid deaths occurred in nursing homes per the CDC. Example: Massachusetts: 61% of the deaths due to SARS-2 COVID-19 occurred in nursing homes as of 5/ 11/2020. Why don’t you google on Fauci Birx WHO Gates vaccines and see what you come up with? Might keep you reading for awhile. You might want to delve a bit into the credentials of Fauci and his work history and then ask the question: Who the heck recommended him and why was he allowed, along with his sidekick Birx, to take down this country? They weren’t elected and were most definitely NOT the best out there. They are in fact globalist/socialists and in tight with Bill Gates who is in tight with Red China and WHO. Everything Senator Rand Paul said was right on the mark. He was, of course, spiked by ALL media, faux or otherwise, because he exposed inconvenient lies and highlighted the inconvenient truths. There are many, many, many medical and epidemiological experts out there who can refute the statistics used and touted by Fauci and Birx, not to mention expose the medical fallacies they espoused. Ferguson of the Imperial College – obviously a globalist/socialist – published ridiculous data. He has resigned for obvious reasons: He was going to be sued for that and still may be, although perhaps he hopes to escape it by resigning. But Fauci and Birx initially used his data for scare tactics. And not to forget the absolutely unconstitutional and illegal “edicts” of just about all Governors and Mayors. The Wisconsin Supreme Court apparently didn’t sleep through law school. South Dakota, BTW, never had a lockdown. AG Barr, BTW, could change all that with one legal instrument, as the lawyers like to call it. Why doesn’t he do it? (Hint: Lack of Due Process per the 5th and 14th Amendments when voiding the rights of people in the US – 1st Amendment – by Governors, Mayors, Whoever, which applies even in a state of emergency, nevermind they can’t make ANY laws or edicts or enforce them by themselves alone; totally illegal.)
This country has become a hell to live in.
4 years ago
A H..O..R..R..I..B..L..E week for the dems . But they are used to them by now. The clearing of General Flynn and the facts about Obama’s obscene bombardment of Flynn’s contacts have proven the deceit behind the dems effort to
eliminate our president who has withstood, amazingly, the greatest media attack in the history of the country.
We need to be building jails to hold the crooks that tried to change the results of a legitimate election. Someone has to say this. Obama’s presidency was a discredit to the black community. The black community deserves and should hope for someone they can be proud of. There are many honorable black citizens. Obama was not one.
Karen Mitchell
4 years ago
I don’t know where you want to put this email but I have to vent! As I look all around me I wonder what country I am in? It looks like a third world country ran by dictators. It is hard to wear this mask another minute. It is hard to breath thru and it represent a tyrannical local government. I am seventy five years old and I am more afraid of democrats than coed 19.
Jay Harvey
4 years ago
A solution to almost every problem in this country can be better served by putting a hold on the pay to all members of Congress until a real unbiased non-political solution is passed by both houses and signed by the President.
A perfect example is immigration. Democrat or Republican controlled House they have failed to come up with reformation of immigration law. So we end up with the chaos during the first year of Trump. And he gets blammed for the “cages” Obama built. That’s their game plan. The Republicans had the House where was immigration reform?
Democrats were too busy trying to impeach a president they don’t like. And how they hate DJT uncovering so much waste, and corruption which the Democrats thrive on. Pelosi and Biden and their family got rich off of corruption with China and Ukraine. Why is that no longer an issue? Who is investigating? Conservatives let these things go far too long. They are so easily placated by a few words and no follow through from “Do Nothing” Lindsey Graham. He is Chair of the Senate Committee on the Judiciary. Where are the investigations Lindsey? Where are the subpoenas? The Republics talk about outrage while the DemonRats construct unconscionable ways to attach this country.
We are in a real dilemma and Pelosi, time after time, is pushing her Solcialist agenda that has NOTHING to do with the Heros or Care for those American Citizens who are most hurt by this shutdown. She and her co-horts are truly despicable and evil. The DemonRats have shown America Politics at its worst. WAKE UP AMERICA!
And then you have her nephew who is giving $1000 to every illegal in his state of California and just signed a $1 Billion contract with China for masks he can buy for less right here with American Companies who would be happy to sell him at the inflated prices he agreed to. They cost less right here in America. And yes they are available now to match hi9s deal with China. How much is he getting deposited in a secret offshore account?
They are out to destroy America while stealing to enrich themselves – why should they care! ! ! They will liove very well no matter what happens to the rest of us. And yet the illiterate in California voted for Gavin Newsom self-proclaimed Socialist policies.
WE The People MUST activate a grass-roots effort to remove these scoundrels from office AND encourage the lawful prosecution of the criminal behaviors from Clinton, Comey, McCabe, Strzok, Ohr, Rosenstein, FBI attorney who changed/forged an e-mail to continue an unlawful surveilance, Robert Mueller, Andrew Weissman, and so many others it is shameful.
It must stop or this country will be destroyed. Look how much damage they have done and they didn’t have to win the election. The 8 years of Obama was extremely corrosive and we are learning just how underhanded and criminal his 8 years really was.
Conservatives can no longer turn the other cheek. It is Time to wake up and take this country back by restoring the rule of law for Everyone. No More Hall Pass Mr. Barr.
4 years ago
Fauci should get a warm seat in the electric chair. He’s another Jim Jones and why so many people believe what this sawed off little notsee says I’ll never know!
4 years ago
We must get behind our Senators to stop this bill and fix it to remove the parts that are not germane to helping the first responders, veterans, medical providers, small businesses and individuals. We must also reach the house members to get them to change their opinions and votes when the bill comes back to the house because this will be a bone of contention that cannot be concluded and will reflect on the House and Senate members badly since the news media will certainly make the most of it.
Phil Hammersley
4 years ago
The virus “models,” like the “global warming” models are NOT scientific–they are guesses based on what someone THINKS will happen! The British “scientist” was off by a factor of TWENTY!!
The OLD Warhorse
4 years ago
When comes to elections, I’m old fashioned. Election Day is the First Tuesday after the First Monday in November! IF, knowing that, you cannot adjust your schedule to allow you to vote at your local polling station, gee, I’m sorry, YOU DON’T GET TO VOTE! No early voting, no late voting, no mail in voting, no absentee voting. Only exception would be for American Citizens serving their country away from home, be it Military or Civil Service such as the State Department or Peace Corps.
Sorry, working for Apple in China does NOT count.
Yea, I know it might cause some of US “elderly” not to be able to vote, but I’m willing to give up that privilege to ensure some “activist” doesn’t come into the Nursing Facility to gather up everybody’s vote but only deliver those who voted the way the activist wanted them to vote.
Oh Yea, it happens.
It would also stop those of YOU who vote absentee in New York or New Jersey and vote in person in Florida. That crap has to stop too.
Photo ID, and vote in person, one time ONLY.
Purge voter rolls EVERY YEAR.
W. Watson
4 years ago
The world should have never been shut down period. More harm has been done to peoples lives and the economy because of the shutdown. Yes, the sick only should have been quarantined. If you are well go to work. If you are sick stay home. Use common sense America. Wake up America. Do you really want Socialism??
Stan d. Upnow
4 years ago
Wow, Nancy’s face looks like a mask. She must have Botox delivered to her house by tanker truck.
These Progressive-Socialists are trying every dirty trick their subversive minds can conceive of to steal this upcoming election.
How do you generate a detailed, 1000+ page bill in a matter of days?? How long would it take an author to write a 300-page novel or textbook? Years!
John Carlen
4 years ago
Please move any China made meds, and other critical materials back to the states where We can easily have that product made at less cost in Mexico with whom we have a new, improved trade agreement. Easily controlled quality and quantity, very low freight costs compared to shipping From China and good for relations with a next door neighbor.
4 years ago
Liberty and freedom is what we need no more stimulus, especially this new move to give trillions of dollars to poorly run cities and states. NO MORE MONEY PERIOD. Illegals can go back to their home country for a handout no money to illegals who actually are breaking our laws. Time to move against sanctuary cities and states no more federal dollars for the lawbreakers who should be charged with treason.
Dr. Cissero
4 years ago
Pelosi is an obtuse, insensitive, crude, and stupid female, other than that she nothing going for her!
Kathy Humble
4 years ago
We as Americans would be much better off if we could remove Pelosi and Schumer from the government altogether. They are the ones that cause all the headaches.
aluminum head
4 years ago
The clips that you see / hear with Pelousy make you believe she is an escapee from an institution for the mentally challenged.
aluminum head
4 years ago
About the little FRAUD “Mr.” Fahucci – he is an obama holdover, took federal grant money to develop an alleged cure for AIDS then held back on this medicine till he got it patented using our tax dollars. And all he does is speak in speculative terms about things even God would not dare guess. I hate this little man who has a Napoleon complex as much as I hate the former president. You the one who is a muslim marxist ?
Steven W. Anderson
4 years ago
We started with shutting down the country for a couple of weeks and then maybe open by Easter, then end of April, now some states sort of open, and snails pace opening by Blue states and May is half over. We don’t need more spending bills we need to seriously open our economy.
Fred J Noel
4 years ago
Dr. Fauci has been in Washington D.C. for 36 years. I call him Dr. Deep State Fauci. You can’t live in the swamp for 36 years and no get that damp musty smell on you.
4 years ago
I have been hearing some things about medicaid and social security funding being reduced and it seems this was proposed by Trump…what is the truth about this?
E. Fletcher
4 years ago
The virus hurts some people. The shutdown hurts ALL people. It will take years to repair the damage done by this shutdown. And Pelosi, why can’t we get rid of her? Where does she think this money is going to come from. You can see what she is doing. She is attempting to bail out the Democratic run states and cities that have been operating in the red for years. She’s not trying to compensate for the virus, she’s salvaging her democratic politicians who have mismanaged their states and run them into bankruptcy. That old woman needs to go home and be great grandma and quit corrupting politics. Why, why, why can’t we do something about corrupt politicians. Start with the Clintons, the entire Obama administration, the list goes on. We can get ticketed, fined or jailed for leaving our homes and these above mentioned people can commit treason and get away with it. Just get to go home and wallow in their riches while the working class struggles from paycheck to paycheck, when we had one. They should have their citizenship taken away and excommunicated from this country. They don’t seem to like it here anyway.
4 years ago
I’m glad to hear Mr. Fauci says he’s humble. I sure didn’t get that impression listening to him and his predictions. His models were all proven wrong! A humble man would admit to the flaws of these models. Rather than admitting to these flaws, he simply moves on to another model! Always the same doom and gloom! Also, I don’t understand why he’s brushing off the results of hydroxycloroquine. I question his motives? I question the motives of the pharmaceutical industry as well?
Lew Rigaud
4 years ago
Pelosi needs to be flogged in the town square along with Dr. Fake Ouches!!
Larry Peterson
4 years ago
SOCIALISM pure and simple along with bankrupting America. Right out of Cloward–Piven playbook!
4 years ago
Pelosi is unworthy of leadership. What she proposes is ridiculous.
The mail-in ballots seem to me to be nothing more than to secure the demoncrats to steal the election.
4 years ago
I sincerely hope that President Trump veto’s this bill, if it gets by the Senate. We don’t need bailouts. We need FREEDOM!
Robert Sackrider
4 years ago
The shutdown doesn’t cure or stop the virus. It just delays it. The virus will run its coarse, now or later. Those most vulnerable must take precautions like any other danger. END the SHUTDOWN NOW. It is doing unnecessary irreparable harm to people. Hospitals are half empty and in financial trouble. Nurses and doctors are idle and people are not getting the healthcare they need. EVERY dime the govt gives out it must take from you. $3 trillion is about $10,000 per person (not per taxpayer). Every elected official should not earn a dime until the shutdown ends and no backpay like millions of people. That would end the draconian shutdown in a hurry.
Three Point Paper
4 years ago
Hello One and All,
1. As is the status quo with Nancy Pelosi, and her co-hoard of ultra liberal, socialist minded individuals, who simply push forward on what the (Liberals) think is best for the American people, when in fact, the ultra liberal, socialist minded individuals who are now in office, and have been for the longest of times, are saddled up with Nancy Pelosi, and dear ole Nancy’s hair brained stunts; Which do “Not” now, Nor have they ever had the best interests of “ALL” of America’s population at heart, or in mind. If what Nancy Pelosi has gone publically with, is any sign of the days and events to come, then Pelosi and her Liberals, shall simply continue with their combines ways of destroying our country even further, than the Pelosi and her Liberals have done to date!. Nancy Pelosi, and her co-hoard of the Pelosi Liberals must go, and go now!.
2. Senator Paul did strike a nerve with Dr. Fauci, and rightfully so. Dr. Fauci is a renowned physician, there is “No” denying this. Through Dr. Fauci’s own admission, he is not an expert in the financial field of endeavor for our country. That being said; Let us as Americans, step forward with reopening our country’s economy on the Small Town level, the Small and Larger City level(s), as with the State’s level(s); With of course, the guidance from the individual State(s) Governor’s at the forefront of any and all reopening measures. Should any of the State Governor(s) need, or require the Federal Governments assistance in the reopening of their respective State(s); Then it is “Incumbent” upon the Federal Government, to meet or exceed the measures which any State, and or Commonwealth State may need, and or require. There is of course a true course heading which must be taken, so that “All” States are able to reopen their respective economies; With a genuine knowledge based approach to, for and with the reopening of any and all States, and Commonwealth States. The 100% idea of reopening any State’s economy, does “Not” fit each and every State equally. Reopening any State’s economy, need be done cautiously, with a fully measured stride..
3. As for the “Mail In Ballots”, 10 days after the election results are presented to the American Voter Population, come this November 2020. This yet again, one of Nancy Pelosi’s hair brained stunts, at “Undermining” the time and again tested “Voting Protocols” within our country!. There is no doubt that Pelosi’s hair brained thought process here, is Pelosi and her Liberals manner in subjugating our country’s “Voting” process, in order for Pelosi and her Liberal co-hoards, to fully hedge their bet, for the upcoming election process come November 2020!. If Nancy Pelosi’s plan is allowed to actually take form, and be executed fully, then there shall “Not” ever be a future election process, liking to elections of past years within our United States!. Pelosi and her Liberal co-hoards must be “Stopped”, so that our country may continue to move forward, and fully regain Lady Liberty’s stance. “As The Shining Beacon Of Hope For The World At Large”. To allow for anything else to happen to Lady Liberty, to Our Country, would be the monumental disregard for America as a whole!.
T Taylor
4 years ago
Pelosi needs to go! It is not the rich Democrats are wanting to saddle this big tax burden with rather the middle class.
T Taylor
4 years ago
Pelosi needs to go! It is not the rich Democrats are wanting to saddle this big tax burden with rather the middle class.
I have not been impressed with Dr Fauci. Everything he says is wrong. My impression he is on the side of WHO and the Liberal Democrats that want America to be taken over by Socialist/Communist Dimwit Democrats
Our country is experiencing something so horrific with this pandemic that it has brought us to our knees. Still the president is doing everything right by keeping us well informed and working hard to re-open business. He limited and stopped border activity to ensure our safety while the Dems have turned a blind eye to all his efforts. He remains committed to us and strong in his efforts to bring everything back to normal. I cannot imagine any other candidate for the next 4 years. May God bless him and our nation while we all continue to heal.
To: E Fletcher Thank you Maxine Waters and Nancy are perfect examples of the wackos who want to destroy
us. They, and many others, are determined to get Federal bailouts for the mismanaged budgets of liberal
states who have promised riches for retired state employees. Bailing out California will cost this nation three
annual GDPs. We will go broke bailing out California and NY and Illinois. At the same time those who can
leave these loser states and move to, for example, the Carolinas with millions from the sale of their
overpriced homes. When they arrive, they want to tell us how to run our states. They decide they are
smart enough to tell successfull states that they should operate like the loser states they leave. We don’t need
to worry just about illegals crossing the southern border. We need to worry about US socialists moving from
socialist states into states that require adult achievement.
When I read pelosi’s plans I think WHAT IS SHE SACRIFICING..NOTHING!!! She still has a salary. she is busy taking care of HER PEEPS. The rest of America can just wait. Please America listen to what they are saying and DOING.
I don’t think the Economy should have been shut down in the first place. This has just given the blue State Governor’s what they have been looking for. They are using the virus as a political weapon to hurt Trumps Re-Election, it is not going to work but, in the mean time, is going to destroy the lives of the people in their States. I live in New Jersey and can’t wait to move out of here.
Thank you for the clip of Nancy Pelosi announcing her $3T “Hero’s” bill. While I know that we have to carefully review the devastating effect this 1900 page partisan monstrosity would have on our culture, future economy, and political system if it was approved; I have to admit that I was so engrossed by watching Nancy’s two sets of “eyebrows”, that I hardly heard any thing she said. Is this a new technique to shift our attention from what she, and the demoncrats are doing? Maybe next time she’ll let her horns show through her hair. Just saying……
There are too many too self serving so called experts and too little querying of concerned citizens with common sense and an understanding of their own needs and responsibilities. GOOD PRESIDENTIAL LEADERSHIP AND CONCERN BUT POOR AND LIMITED ADVICE. All the experts seem to want to be famous and powerful forever.
Sadly we have Ms Lube Rack of 1959 a demented, out of touch, power hungry beast as Speaker of the House and the only way to solve this problem is to elect more Republicans to the house and Senate NOW so let’s start supporting our fellow conservatives with $$$$$ for their campaigns!
Come on, AMAC. You are going to keep us informed?! YOU aren’t informed. For example, in several states, over half of the Covid deaths occurred in nursing homes per the CDC. Example: Massachusetts: 61% of the deaths due to SARS-2 COVID-19 occurred in nursing homes as of 5/ 11/2020. Why don’t you google on Fauci Birx WHO Gates vaccines and see what you come up with? Might keep you reading for awhile. You might want to delve a bit into the credentials of Fauci and his work history and then ask the question: Who the heck recommended him and why was he allowed, along with his sidekick Birx, to take down this country? They weren’t elected and were most definitely NOT the best out there. They are in fact globalist/socialists and in tight with Bill Gates who is in tight with Red China and WHO. Everything Senator Rand Paul said was right on the mark. He was, of course, spiked by ALL media, faux or otherwise, because he exposed inconvenient lies and highlighted the inconvenient truths. There are many, many, many medical and epidemiological experts out there who can refute the statistics used and touted by Fauci and Birx, not to mention expose the medical fallacies they espoused. Ferguson of the Imperial College – obviously a globalist/socialist – published ridiculous data. He has resigned for obvious reasons: He was going to be sued for that and still may be, although perhaps he hopes to escape it by resigning. But Fauci and Birx initially used his data for scare tactics. And not to forget the absolutely unconstitutional and illegal “edicts” of just about all Governors and Mayors. The Wisconsin Supreme Court apparently didn’t sleep through law school. South Dakota, BTW, never had a lockdown. AG Barr, BTW, could change all that with one legal instrument, as the lawyers like to call it. Why doesn’t he do it? (Hint: Lack of Due Process per the 5th and 14th Amendments when voiding the rights of people in the US – 1st Amendment – by Governors, Mayors, Whoever, which applies even in a state of emergency, nevermind they can’t make ANY laws or edicts or enforce them by themselves alone; totally illegal.)
This country has become a hell to live in.
A H..O..R..R..I..B..L..E week for the dems . But they are used to them by now. The clearing of General Flynn and the facts about Obama’s obscene bombardment of Flynn’s contacts have proven the deceit behind the dems effort to
eliminate our president who has withstood, amazingly, the greatest media attack in the history of the country.
We need to be building jails to hold the crooks that tried to change the results of a legitimate election. Someone has to say this. Obama’s presidency was a discredit to the black community. The black community deserves and should hope for someone they can be proud of. There are many honorable black citizens. Obama was not one.
I don’t know where you want to put this email but I have to vent! As I look all around me I wonder what country I am in? It looks like a third world country ran by dictators. It is hard to wear this mask another minute. It is hard to breath thru and it represent a tyrannical local government. I am seventy five years old and I am more afraid of democrats than coed 19.
A solution to almost every problem in this country can be better served by putting a hold on the pay to all members of Congress until a real unbiased non-political solution is passed by both houses and signed by the President.
A perfect example is immigration. Democrat or Republican controlled House they have failed to come up with reformation of immigration law. So we end up with the chaos during the first year of Trump. And he gets blammed for the “cages” Obama built. That’s their game plan. The Republicans had the House where was immigration reform?
Democrats were too busy trying to impeach a president they don’t like. And how they hate DJT uncovering so much waste, and corruption which the Democrats thrive on. Pelosi and Biden and their family got rich off of corruption with China and Ukraine. Why is that no longer an issue? Who is investigating? Conservatives let these things go far too long. They are so easily placated by a few words and no follow through from “Do Nothing” Lindsey Graham. He is Chair of the Senate Committee on the Judiciary. Where are the investigations Lindsey? Where are the subpoenas? The Republics talk about outrage while the DemonRats construct unconscionable ways to attach this country.
We are in a real dilemma and Pelosi, time after time, is pushing her Solcialist agenda that has NOTHING to do with the Heros or Care for those American Citizens who are most hurt by this shutdown. She and her co-horts are truly despicable and evil. The DemonRats have shown America Politics at its worst. WAKE UP AMERICA!
And then you have her nephew who is giving $1000 to every illegal in his state of California and just signed a $1 Billion contract with China for masks he can buy for less right here with American Companies who would be happy to sell him at the inflated prices he agreed to. They cost less right here in America. And yes they are available now to match hi9s deal with China. How much is he getting deposited in a secret offshore account?
They are out to destroy America while stealing to enrich themselves – why should they care! ! ! They will liove very well no matter what happens to the rest of us. And yet the illiterate in California voted for Gavin Newsom self-proclaimed Socialist policies.
WE The People MUST activate a grass-roots effort to remove these scoundrels from office AND encourage the lawful prosecution of the criminal behaviors from Clinton, Comey, McCabe, Strzok, Ohr, Rosenstein, FBI attorney who changed/forged an e-mail to continue an unlawful surveilance, Robert Mueller, Andrew Weissman, and so many others it is shameful.
It must stop or this country will be destroyed. Look how much damage they have done and they didn’t have to win the election. The 8 years of Obama was extremely corrosive and we are learning just how underhanded and criminal his 8 years really was.
Conservatives can no longer turn the other cheek. It is Time to wake up and take this country back by restoring the rule of law for Everyone. No More Hall Pass Mr. Barr.
Fauci should get a warm seat in the electric chair. He’s another Jim Jones and why so many people believe what this sawed off little notsee says I’ll never know!
We must get behind our Senators to stop this bill and fix it to remove the parts that are not germane to helping the first responders, veterans, medical providers, small businesses and individuals. We must also reach the house members to get them to change their opinions and votes when the bill comes back to the house because this will be a bone of contention that cannot be concluded and will reflect on the House and Senate members badly since the news media will certainly make the most of it.
The virus “models,” like the “global warming” models are NOT scientific–they are guesses based on what someone THINKS will happen! The British “scientist” was off by a factor of TWENTY!!
When comes to elections, I’m old fashioned. Election Day is the First Tuesday after the First Monday in November! IF, knowing that, you cannot adjust your schedule to allow you to vote at your local polling station, gee, I’m sorry, YOU DON’T GET TO VOTE! No early voting, no late voting, no mail in voting, no absentee voting. Only exception would be for American Citizens serving their country away from home, be it Military or Civil Service such as the State Department or Peace Corps.
Sorry, working for Apple in China does NOT count.
Yea, I know it might cause some of US “elderly” not to be able to vote, but I’m willing to give up that privilege to ensure some “activist” doesn’t come into the Nursing Facility to gather up everybody’s vote but only deliver those who voted the way the activist wanted them to vote.
Oh Yea, it happens.
It would also stop those of YOU who vote absentee in New York or New Jersey and vote in person in Florida. That crap has to stop too.
Photo ID, and vote in person, one time ONLY.
Purge voter rolls EVERY YEAR.
The world should have never been shut down period. More harm has been done to peoples lives and the economy because of the shutdown. Yes, the sick only should have been quarantined. If you are well go to work. If you are sick stay home. Use common sense America. Wake up America. Do you really want Socialism??
Wow, Nancy’s face looks like a mask. She must have Botox delivered to her house by tanker truck.
These Progressive-Socialists are trying every dirty trick their subversive minds can conceive of to steal this upcoming election.
How do you generate a detailed, 1000+ page bill in a matter of days?? How long would it take an author to write a 300-page novel or textbook? Years!
Please move any China made meds, and other critical materials back to the states where We can easily have that product made at less cost in Mexico with whom we have a new, improved trade agreement. Easily controlled quality and quantity, very low freight costs compared to shipping From China and good for relations with a next door neighbor.
Liberty and freedom is what we need no more stimulus, especially this new move to give trillions of dollars to poorly run cities and states. NO MORE MONEY PERIOD. Illegals can go back to their home country for a handout no money to illegals who actually are breaking our laws. Time to move against sanctuary cities and states no more federal dollars for the lawbreakers who should be charged with treason.
Pelosi is an obtuse, insensitive, crude, and stupid female, other than that she nothing going for her!
We as Americans would be much better off if we could remove Pelosi and Schumer from the government altogether. They are the ones that cause all the headaches.
The clips that you see / hear with Pelousy make you believe she is an escapee from an institution for the mentally challenged.
About the little FRAUD “Mr.” Fahucci – he is an obama holdover, took federal grant money to develop an alleged cure for AIDS then held back on this medicine till he got it patented using our tax dollars. And all he does is speak in speculative terms about things even God would not dare guess. I hate this little man who has a Napoleon complex as much as I hate the former president. You the one who is a muslim marxist ?
We started with shutting down the country for a couple of weeks and then maybe open by Easter, then end of April, now some states sort of open, and snails pace opening by Blue states and May is half over. We don’t need more spending bills we need to seriously open our economy.
Dr. Fauci has been in Washington D.C. for 36 years. I call him Dr. Deep State Fauci. You can’t live in the swamp for 36 years and no get that damp musty smell on you.
I have been hearing some things about medicaid and social security funding being reduced and it seems this was proposed by Trump…what is the truth about this?
The virus hurts some people. The shutdown hurts ALL people. It will take years to repair the damage done by this shutdown. And Pelosi, why can’t we get rid of her? Where does she think this money is going to come from. You can see what she is doing. She is attempting to bail out the Democratic run states and cities that have been operating in the red for years. She’s not trying to compensate for the virus, she’s salvaging her democratic politicians who have mismanaged their states and run them into bankruptcy. That old woman needs to go home and be great grandma and quit corrupting politics. Why, why, why can’t we do something about corrupt politicians. Start with the Clintons, the entire Obama administration, the list goes on. We can get ticketed, fined or jailed for leaving our homes and these above mentioned people can commit treason and get away with it. Just get to go home and wallow in their riches while the working class struggles from paycheck to paycheck, when we had one. They should have their citizenship taken away and excommunicated from this country. They don’t seem to like it here anyway.
I’m glad to hear Mr. Fauci says he’s humble. I sure didn’t get that impression listening to him and his predictions. His models were all proven wrong! A humble man would admit to the flaws of these models. Rather than admitting to these flaws, he simply moves on to another model! Always the same doom and gloom! Also, I don’t understand why he’s brushing off the results of hydroxycloroquine. I question his motives? I question the motives of the pharmaceutical industry as well?
Pelosi needs to be flogged in the town square along with Dr. Fake Ouches!!
SOCIALISM pure and simple along with bankrupting America. Right out of Cloward–Piven playbook!
Pelosi is unworthy of leadership. What she proposes is ridiculous.
The mail-in ballots seem to me to be nothing more than to secure the demoncrats to steal the election.
I sincerely hope that President Trump veto’s this bill, if it gets by the Senate. We don’t need bailouts. We need FREEDOM!
The shutdown doesn’t cure or stop the virus. It just delays it. The virus will run its coarse, now or later. Those most vulnerable must take precautions like any other danger. END the SHUTDOWN NOW. It is doing unnecessary irreparable harm to people. Hospitals are half empty and in financial trouble. Nurses and doctors are idle and people are not getting the healthcare they need. EVERY dime the govt gives out it must take from you. $3 trillion is about $10,000 per person (not per taxpayer). Every elected official should not earn a dime until the shutdown ends and no backpay like millions of people. That would end the draconian shutdown in a hurry.
Hello One and All,
1. As is the status quo with Nancy Pelosi, and her co-hoard of ultra liberal, socialist minded individuals, who simply push forward on what the (Liberals) think is best for the American people, when in fact, the ultra liberal, socialist minded individuals who are now in office, and have been for the longest of times, are saddled up with Nancy Pelosi, and dear ole Nancy’s hair brained stunts; Which do “Not” now, Nor have they ever had the best interests of “ALL” of America’s population at heart, or in mind. If what Nancy Pelosi has gone publically with, is any sign of the days and events to come, then Pelosi and her Liberals, shall simply continue with their combines ways of destroying our country even further, than the Pelosi and her Liberals have done to date!. Nancy Pelosi, and her co-hoard of the Pelosi Liberals must go, and go now!.
2. Senator Paul did strike a nerve with Dr. Fauci, and rightfully so. Dr. Fauci is a renowned physician, there is “No” denying this. Through Dr. Fauci’s own admission, he is not an expert in the financial field of endeavor for our country. That being said; Let us as Americans, step forward with reopening our country’s economy on the Small Town level, the Small and Larger City level(s), as with the State’s level(s); With of course, the guidance from the individual State(s) Governor’s at the forefront of any and all reopening measures. Should any of the State Governor(s) need, or require the Federal Governments assistance in the reopening of their respective State(s); Then it is “Incumbent” upon the Federal Government, to meet or exceed the measures which any State, and or Commonwealth State may need, and or require. There is of course a true course heading which must be taken, so that “All” States are able to reopen their respective economies; With a genuine knowledge based approach to, for and with the reopening of any and all States, and Commonwealth States. The 100% idea of reopening any State’s economy, does “Not” fit each and every State equally. Reopening any State’s economy, need be done cautiously, with a fully measured stride..
3. As for the “Mail In Ballots”, 10 days after the election results are presented to the American Voter Population, come this November 2020. This yet again, one of Nancy Pelosi’s hair brained stunts, at “Undermining” the time and again tested “Voting Protocols” within our country!. There is no doubt that Pelosi’s hair brained thought process here, is Pelosi and her Liberals manner in subjugating our country’s “Voting” process, in order for Pelosi and her Liberal co-hoards, to fully hedge their bet, for the upcoming election process come November 2020!. If Nancy Pelosi’s plan is allowed to actually take form, and be executed fully, then there shall “Not” ever be a future election process, liking to elections of past years within our United States!. Pelosi and her Liberal co-hoards must be “Stopped”, so that our country may continue to move forward, and fully regain Lady Liberty’s stance. “As The Shining Beacon Of Hope For The World At Large”. To allow for anything else to happen to Lady Liberty, to Our Country, would be the monumental disregard for America as a whole!.
Pelosi needs to go! It is not the rich Democrats are wanting to saddle this big tax burden with rather the middle class.
Pelosi needs to go! It is not the rich Democrats are wanting to saddle this big tax burden with rather the middle class.